Will Melina Make An Impact On Diva Division?


The King Of Chaos
Well, Melina returned after her injury yesterday. She dropped Alicia Fox..... With Alicia going through all of the Divas, will Melina be a real threat to the Diva division? Or will she just be another diva to fall "witness" to Alicia Fox's Diva title run?
I sincerely hope so. I hate alicia fox and still havent figured out why they put the belt on her in the first place (i know its about as useful as the ecw title was, but still its a title nonetheless). Melina can certainly help the division and if they get natalya and tamina involved then i think we could be in for some good women's matches in a while.

P.S. Melina looked FREAKING hot returning as well just want to throw that in there lol
Melina is one of the few things WWE does right w/ it's Diva Division,
A Diva that can actually WRESTLE!,
The Raw Diva Division is certainly about to make a 180,
The 180 will be that much easier to make if WWE noticed that nice little pop Natalya got when she was tagged,
Melina vs Natalya would uber Awesome,
Though she re-debuted as a face,
I'm still hoping for a heel turn,
That would be even better to see,
I like A.Fox,
But I'm expecting a new Divas Champ by NOC
Melina will do it. She looked like she went through the Beth Phoenix type transformation, but looks awesome doing so. Alicia is nothing more than an overrated female Booker T. Too bad Alicia does not do the spinaroonie during a match.
Seriously...who is asking this question??

It's Melina, she is what has been missing from Raw for the last I don't know YEAR!!..the raw diva's have managed to keep their heads up all this time but now that she is here, it may just get more entertaining!!

Melina is a good womens wrestler and will add to the diva's tehy currently have...

ps. I just hope she breaks Alicia Fox's legs, (I hate the way she walks)..:banghead:
Who really cares? I'm sure she'll win the title, or something. Cool beans. Not going to really change anything as she isn't really different front anything else that's going on in the women's division at the moment. She's pretty hot, sloppy as hell in the ring, and everyone will forget about her in a couple of weeks. I much prefer Foxxy Love.
They will do the lazy thing of just putting the belt on her without doing anything outside of her moving down all the other chicks. They have a handful of girls that haven't gotten the chance to prove they can be something on Raw. I still think it is too early for her to come back. 6-7 months for a ACL seems like rush job.

But judging by her return.. Which was very flat imo, I doubt it.
Melina will eventually win the title, if not the first time she faces Fox then after a lengthy feud that tries to build up Fox's character. I couldn't really care less about the women's division right now, sure all of them women are hot and have great racks but for the most part they're severely lacking in the talent aspect. They need to have another giant feud between 2 amazing wrestlers for it to happen, something similar to the Trish/Lita chronicles that sucked people in every time. The only problem is that Melina doesn't really have anyone else to wrestle against atm that has skills comparable to hers that would make people get sucked into the division again. Who knows, maybe we'll get lucky and the Natalya/Tamina feud that has been building with the Dynasty vs Usos will be able to elevate them to that height but as for Melina I can see another lackluster championship reign that the majority of fans couldn't care less about. Hell I didn't even know she was the champ before she was injured and I didn't even know she was injured until I saw a thread about it a few weeks ago.
Define 'impact'. If you mean she'll win the title at Summerslam, and then drop the title because she gets injured. Then yes, she's going to make a BIG impact. If you mean she's going to have great matches, wonderful feuds and make the divas division respected, than there's more chance of John Morrison becoming a megastar. It's not going to happen.

Melina is better than most, if not all of the currently active divas, however as a champion she'll be used in the exact same way as any other diva. which means she'll be in throw away matches to allow the crowd to piss, wank, eat and catch its breath. She will do nothing more, because quite simply she can't do anything more.
I've always hated Melina as a face. Her wrestling skill has deteriorated over the last few years, and in all honesty, the less skin she shows the uglier she becomes.

She was great with MNM, but I've never really cared the last few years. She wont do much for the "division."
I've always hated Melina as a face. Her wrestling skill has deteriorated over the last few years, and in all honesty, the less skin she shows the uglier she becomes.

She was great with MNM, but I've never really cared the last few years. She wont do much for the "division."

The clothes she wore last night were HORRIBLE and this is coming from a guy with next to no fashion sense. She needs to go back to wearing those sexy skirts so we can all see what we want to see when she does her entrance. Give the girl a makeover and let her showoff both her inring and all around ASSets. She may not do much for the division but if she starts dressing like she used to she'll do a lot for me
She will probably beat Alicia Fox and become Diva's champion. Then what? There really isn't anyone else to feud with. Natayla and Tamina are the only divas that aren't a complete joke. The other divas haven't won any matches in months. The divas need more than Melina to make an Impact.
She will probably beat Alicia Fox and become Diva's champion. Then what? There really isn't anyone else to feud with. Natayla and Tamina are the only divas that aren't a complete joke. The other divas haven't won any matches in months. The divas need more than Melina to make an Impact.

Maybe some old school bikini challenges or bring back the stuff that made the divas popular in the post attitude era era. Y'all know what I'm talking about, we need lingerie matches, bra and panties, some mud wrestling, the same things that helped get Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson over. Hell bring back the diva specials like WWE Undressed, I only saw the show once and I vividly remember just about everything that went on in that was a good 7/8 years ago. The majority of these divas can't wrestle to save their lives so why continually try to make them fake it? If they do a special like that and make the divas look like they actually mean something and since they are infinitely hotter than they are able to wrestle it could ultimately help get them over with the crowd. Aside from a huge feud happening that draws in the audience it could be the only way to bring the division back somewhat to what it used to be.
I actually enjoyed the match last night.... and was pleasantly surprised by her return...

Props to Gail Kim for flying high and then eating a ring post.... lol

Anyway back to the question.

Clearly she is. She already has. And we will all benefit from it.

Alicia Fox annoys me beyond belief. I would rather listen to Jillian sing than watch Alicia try to hit a scissor kick.
Hey Yo!

Melina came back as a face. Which honestly i don't think will last long enough for people to care about, she will have a feud with Alicia Fox maybe win the title and then i'll miss it because i'll be on a piss break.
Unless Natalya and Beth Phoenix are wrestling full time (assuming when Beth recovers) i just maybe might watch the divas wrestle, just maybe.
I think the divas matches might get more of a reaction because she's there, but I doubt she's going to have much of noticeable impact.

If I'm being completely honest, I actually enjoyed the mix tag match before Melina came back. Natalya got in the ring and randomly showed off some awesome stuff, Fox is improving bunches in the ring, Gail seems be tightening up in areas where she's gotten sloppy, Jillian was on Raw for two weeks in a row, and Eve Torres got to come to the ring and look pretty without us having to actually watch her wrestle. It was more serviceable than anything I've seen the Raw Divas do that wasn't on Superstars in a while.

The return of Melina only signaled that Nattie wouldn't be getting anywhere near a ring soon, Alica Fox's days as champion are numbered, and that face turn for Jillian Hall that I was hoping for is less than likely. Do I think things are going to get better now that Melina's back? Not really. WWE don't seem to be interested in what I would define as better. I really don't see what's so difficult about hiring women with personalities and giving them worthwhile storylines every once in a while.

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