Will Mark Henry Bo-Lieve?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
So where are they going with this part-time Bo Dallas/Mark Henry feud? I personally have a theory. I think Mark is going to betray Big Show at HiaC, costing him the win. My reasoning is

- Big Show might loses most of his feuds, but he rarely loses matches cleanly as a face.
- Mark is part of the Show/Rusev program and interrupted Show's second match with Rusev. He even acknowledged jealousy as being a motivator later on.
- Mark is being booked as a loser. They're really emphasizing his losing streak at the hand of Bo Dallas.
-A heel turn seemed to be teased when Henry attacked Bo from behind.

I often forget that Bo and Henry are even feuding because Bo isn't on TV very often anymore. They aren't having a match on PPV, but it's possible it will be finished on RAW (like Bo Vs Swagger). Yet because their appearances together are so sporadic, would anyone really care? Based on traditional booking rules, if they did have a final battle, Henry would likely win. Usually the loser of the majority of the confrontations ends up winning the big one (see Henry's Rusev feud). But unless Bo is going to be a jobber, a Henry victory would mean nothing. Furthermore, a Bo victory wouldn't matter very much either as he keeps beating him.

The only reason this feud would be relevant is if it lead to Henry joining Bo. Then there'd be another heel tag team, one with two very different competitors and both men will have a new dynamic to play with. So do you think this is a possibility? Even if Henry doesn't turn on show at HiaC, this could still happen over the next few weeks.
I think they're ultimately just gonna have Henry turn heel, plain and simple, for a few reasons. He's been beaten several times by Bo Dallas, clean wins at that, and he'll chalk that up to him trying to be something he's not, namely a "nice guy" and he'll decide it's time to reopen the Hall of Pain. He'll also reason that's why he's been unable to get the best of Rusev with the impetus being that he takes offense to the notion of Big Show all but coming out and saying that he doesn't have what it takes to take out Rusev. In one of Show's promos a few weeks ago, he was talking about Henry and said "with all due respect" that the weight of the country should rest on the shoulders of a giant or something to that degree.

I don't see Henry teaming with Bo Dallas as, allegedly, Vince just doesn't really see big things for Dallas. I'd say that Dallas will stay as a mid-carder for a while before ultimately being turned into a jobber and possibly being fired a few years down the road or be sent to work as a foil for other wrestlers in NXT.
On Bo Dallas, if Vince doesn't see big things for him, why is he feeding Mark Henry to him...unless the plan is for Henry to be put over Bo. Henry and Show have been put over the Wyatts and Henry was at least presented as a threat to Rusev. Wouldn't it be more meaningful to feed one of the top stars...or at least former top stars...to someone Vince does believe in?

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