Will Dixie Carter Ever Learn Before it's Too Late?


Pre-Show Stalwart

I believe DIXIE'S only real issue with running TNA is that she is to trust worthy of people. She believes that the creative team is the best creative team going in wrestling because that's what they tell her, and she simply believe's them.

I regardless am a die hard wrestling fan, and I love TNA for the wrestling not the storylines. I sometimes wonder if wrestling would be better off going to a strictly all wrestling show and dropping the soap opera, and let the wrestling companies see who have the better wrestling matches in the ring.

Obviously Dixie Carter is not a idiot, she is a college graduate, and run's a multi-million dollar company, and has done this for 9 year's, she deserves some credit.

I just think she believes everything everyone tell's her, and I think she needs to put her foot down ,and make some drastic changes. I don't think she need's to do away with the creative team all together, but I think she need's to add some fresh faces from outside TNA, that can hash out the storylines, and all can agree on it before they run them, not just leave it on the shoulders of 1 or 2 people.

Dixie IMO get's too close and personal to the employee's and want's it to be a big happy family that loves her company, and she loses sight of why she is in the wrestling business in the first place. She is a follower, and not a leader, and she needs to step up and take charge of the company and seperate business from personal, and stop worrying about how people feel about her at the end of the day.

I hope she or her employee's actually read her twitter's ,and listen to all the potentially lost fan's bashing her for no fresh creativity, and copying WWE program's. it's not always easy to come up with new and fresh idea's when your running a show every week 52 week's a year, but I think that's where several people on a creative team could really work for TNA.


If TNA is going to prosper they either need to get a new and larger creative team, or go about the wrestling business in a whole different direction. maybe TNA should be the a all wrestling show, and skip all the story lines, just put great matches on for a solid 2 hour wrestling show.. I don't know the exact answer to their problem's this is just my belief of what they should do.. what do you guy's think. Agree or disagree with what I said?
she needs to fire russo, bischoff, hogan and if she can get rid of jarrett somehow do it. i dont think he still has any ownership in the company does he? I remember his father left and worked with WWE for awhile and Panda energy or some other place owns TNA.
IMO. I have to agree with you. She needs to change the people that work back stage. Shes letting the vets control everything that goes down in the company. I just think she legit believes that what they say is right for the business. If she would have gotten paul heyman to work for TNA , she would be doing alot better now. If i was her, id say save the money you spend on people like angelina from the jersey shore, and make a HUGE offer to him. Bring him in and give him complete control and TNA will make huge improvements in ratings within a year.
How does this company expect to prosper or do be innovative when its actual talent has been overshadowed by the ghosts of WCWs past? The current roster is very similar to the roster of the last days of WCW. This is like Royal Carribean creating a line Titanic ships.

I'm a business student and one thing I've learned and would think to be common sense is that you mimick the strategy of a business that has been successful instead of the other way around.
she needs to fire russo, bischoff, hogan and if she can get rid of jarrett somehow do it. i dont think he still has any ownership in the company does he? I remember his father left and worked with WWE for awhile and Panda energy or some other place owns TNA.

I can agree on firing Hogan, but to fire Russo and Bischoff i can't. If it wasn't for Russo we would have never had an Attitude era in the WWE during the 90s and all i see here on wrestlezone is «We want the Attitude era back». As for Bischoff, well he created the biggest and most infamous faction in wrestling history i.e The original NWO, a faction than the WWE tried to emulate its success with The Nexus. Everybody says the 90s were good times in wrestling well guess who you have to credit for those good times Bischoff and Russo. As for Jarrett the only thing she could do to get rid of him his buying him out of his shares because he is still minority owner of TNA and it would cost her more to do this than to let him stay.
As a business owner of a marketing firm, I can tell you that TNA has some core problems that relate to who they are as a company. That is why you see them copying WWE, rehashing old storylines from WCW and the initial aquiring of OLD over the hill wrestlers.

TNA's problem is that they do not know how they are. They don't know who their fans are. They don't know how to market, promote or handle public relations.

TNA is like a desperate business owner listening to everyone just hoping something will work that will make them bring in a larger return.

If they focused on what the fans want then they would be a hell of a lot more successful. No business owner ignores the desires of the customers. TNA needs to realize they are an indy promotion with a TV Deal. Nothing more. And adjust the show and content to highlight what they are good at. IN RING WORK.

The house shows are great for them and they need to use footage from the shows to feature on television in order to get more people to attend instead of trying to chase ratings. Ratings aren't the best way to structure your business.

But I REALLY WANT TNA TO SUCCEED. But TNA is making more mistakes. Dixie Carter is not the business genius people make her out to be. She just has money and anyone can use money to keep a company afloat.

Look at it this way. IF TNA HAD THE BUDGET OF PAUL HEYMAN / ECW, would they be successful ? Would we be talking about them ? Would they be as well known as ROH ? Now you wouldn't have Hogan, EB, Hardy , Sting or the other Old Timers.

I think what is keeping them afloat are house shows and private money being thrown at the ship. I'd say FIRE DIXIE and have someone else handle the financials and public relations while you get some new people to make up creative.

There are at least 30 people I know that could book TNA better than the team they have now. And before anyone says the " if you can do it , then why don't you work for them " bull crap. TNA isn't hiring in creative and if you did send them your ideas, I can guarantee you that it wouldn't get the time of day.
I can agree on firing Hogan, but to fire Russo and Bischoff i can't. If it wasn't for Russo we would have never had an Attitude era in the WWE during the 90s and all i see here on wrestlezone is «We want the Attitude era back». As for Bischoff, well he created the biggest and most infamous faction in wrestling history i.e The original NWO, a faction than the WWE tried to emulate its success with The Nexus. Everybody says the 90s were good times in wrestling well guess who you have to credit for those good times Bischoff and Russo. As for Jarrett the only thing she could do to get rid of him his buying him out of his shares because he is still minority owner of TNA and it would cost her more to do this than to let him stay.

true russo was the strt of the attitude era (only the strt, he didnt carry it on till 2001) but this achievement has been more than shadowed by the fact tht he destroyed wcw. eric bischoff created the nwo, thts all good and great but by the time it ended the nwo became so outdated and boring tht nobody liked it anymore. id love to see jarrett gone frm tna. ok he founded it but he aint really doing anythng to keep it afloat.

fire russo and hogan and never look back. and rehire jim cornette . tht will probably save this titanic of urs
First off, Apostrophe much for you bud? Just because a word ends in "s" DOESN'T mean it needs an apostrophe.

As for the question, Tna needs to focus on its really good young talent, and stop building storylines that people don't care about. Make a title belt be the main focus, and have it defended at every pay per view. No more #1 contender matches and throw a curveball with the title getting defended as a last minute match. People won't pay for a show if they "think" there MAY be a title match. Advertise it properly.

I wouldn't even recommend bringing in paul Heyman, because he probably won't do it for any amount of money anyways. She needs to stop spending like crazy on names from 15 years ago whose relevance isn't all that important. Use that money to take Impact on the road. Maybe twice a month or something like that. I would think that you could fill some venues when you take a show there for one night, as opposed to have the rejects that file into the impact zone 3 days in a row, just to get on TV.

Those are my thoughts, you're welcome
You posters are the sorriest group of muthafuckas i've ever stumbled upon..
You posters can debate masterfully all day long about what TNA needs to do differently till your blue in the face. 'Dixie Carter has no backbone' 'will Dixie Carter ever learn or will it be too late', 'Bischoff, Hogan and Russo' are killing TNA' ..c'mon guys let's get a bit original..
it's the same old recycled garbage regurgitating from one smarks mouth to another
in a regurgitation wildfire of shadow guessing and speculation. Dixie Carter plays a role on TV, she tweets while staying in character as an idiot, and TNA hasn't taken over the almighty WWE yet so TNA is therefore close to bankrupting her and she's so stupid.

These arguments children are so juvenile. I mean what makes you people think you know shit about shit. You saw her on TV, you read columns from a bunch of nerdy hacks on WZ, you subscribe to her tweets, you watched the Rise and Fall of WCW, you know Hogan, Bischoff and Russo like the back of your hand cause you go way back, and you know how a company succeeds because you're all business majors with years of experience in the wrestling business. You people kill me, you know absolutely nothing, you just like to hear the same things you've said get repeated over and over so you can bond with someone other than your right hand for the afternoon. Who can save TNA will it be Paul Heyman who'd do so much better than even Vince? You people crack me up, you know shit about Heyman, he ran ECW into the ground much faster than Bischoff and company supposedly ran WCW down.

Really, c'mon guys, you think a woman like Dixie Carter with all the money and resources, a woman with business experience from a successful family is not shrewed in reality to be in the position she's in with TNA if it didn't benefit her?? As if Hogan and Bischoff tricked her in reality just as they did on the actual show..you fans do realize wrestling's not real, you do realize how easy it is to wind you up and get you to hate and like whatever shit they want you to hate and like or believe in??

I think for fun all you posters should come on here and argue the exact opposite just for the hell of it, to change things up. Pretend everything is the opposite and just come on here and write the opposite of what you think and just imagine how refreshing that will
be for all of you.
Hmm... I wasn't going to post until ilapierre posted and made some interesting if misguided points...

Armchair booking is easy and doesn't require we suffer the consequences of our decisions. TNA is still going after nearly a decade and while neither Dixie or Russo are responsible for all of this, the company is still operating. Now, does that mean we shouldn't have opinions and just accept things as they are? No, but it also means should be wary of going too far in either extreme of praise or vitriol and realize business is business in the wrestling world whether we like it or not.

I can say Heyman would do a better job booking and from what I gather he's been offered but he didn't take it. Cornette was there, but left awhile back, and doesn't seem interested in returning. Russo is there, and Bischoff and crew who clearly didn't say no are there. She did try to get other people.

Now will the current booking be any kind of long term solution? No one can say, but obviously everyone will be talking about it so clearly somebody's doing something right. I don't care for it, but the fact that I've responded to so many threads like this speaks volumes of how effective attention can be, even if it appears to be quite bad.

One thing I am getting annoyed with are the people that think they can correlate the success of ECW and WCW on the same merits. but that's a discussion for another thread, and these things get off topic way too easily...
You posters are the sorriest group of muthafuckas i've ever stumbled upon..
You posters can debate masterfully all day long about what TNA needs to do differently till your blue in the face. 'Dixie Carter has no backbone' 'will Dixie Carter ever learn or will it be too late', 'Bischoff, Hogan and Russo' are killing TNA' ..c'mon guys let's get a bit original..
it's the same old recycled garbage regurgitating from one smarks mouth to another
in a regurgitation wildfire of shadow guessing and speculation. Dixie Carter plays a role on TV, she tweets while staying in character as an idiot, and TNA hasn't taken over the almighty WWE yet so TNA is therefore close to bankrupting her and she's so stupid.

These arguments children are so juvenile. I mean what makes you people think you know shit about shit. You saw her on TV, you read columns from a bunch of nerdy hacks on WZ, you subscribe to her tweets, you watched the Rise and Fall of WCW, you know Hogan, Bischoff and Russo like the back of your hand cause you go way back, and you know how a company succeeds because you're all business majors with years of experience in the wrestling business. You people kill me, you know absolutely nothing, you just like to hear the same things you've said get repeated over and over so you can bond with someone other than your right hand for the afternoon. Who can save TNA will it be Paul Heyman who'd do so much better than even Vince? You people crack me up, you know shit about Heyman, he ran ECW into the ground much faster than Bischoff and company supposedly ran WCW down.

Really, c'mon guys, you think a woman like Dixie Carter with all the money and resources, a woman with business experience from a successful family is not shrewed in reality to be in the position she's in with TNA if it didn't benefit her?? As if Hogan and Bischoff tricked her in reality just as they did on the actual show..you fans do realize wrestling's not real, you do realize how easy it is to wind you up and get you to hate and like whatever shit they want you to hate and like or believe in??

I think for fun all you posters should come on here and argue the exact opposite just for the hell of it, to change things up. Pretend everything is the opposite and just come on here and write the opposite of what you think and just imagine how refreshing that will
be for all of you.

dude calm ur oestrogen level. this is a civil argument being done by civil ppl. u want to voice ur opinion do it in a way ppl wont say ur a douchebag.

as for ur argument. tna is falling to the ground. thts a well known fact. and y do we blame dixie? because its her company. the same way we blame vince when they do a dumbass thng on wwe. they made ziggler champion for five minutes. tht was the creative teams call but we all blame vince. the same way we blame dixie because HER company is failing. dixie has more input in the creative team in tna than vince does in wwe. maybe ur just a tna fan taking out his anger but if ur too blind to see tht week after week tna doesnt fail to disappoint then we shudnt even have this argument. so in short TNA'S MISTAKE, DIXIE'S COMPANY THEREFORE DIXIE'S MISTAKE.

one more thng. this business runs to keep us entertained. the audience not themselves. so u may have an MBA from harvard and be the president of a company but if ur target isnt happy then ur MBA doesnt really count for jackshit

and FYI the word is posers not posters
Learn what before it's too late? Learn to listen to the people that are anti-TNA or learn to listen to the moronic TNA supermarks? Neither option is worth shit.

Look...Carter has the money. But throwing money at TNA isn't going to work forever. TNA has been around a fraction of the time the WWE has been around. The thing is TNA has exposure on basic cable television. In order for them to stay on they need to pull whatever rating Spike TV says they need to pull. Personally, I dislike a lot of what TNA is doing, but people like Bischoff and Hogan know how to pull in ratings.

Jarrett started the company and for the fans it was an amazing product. It was everything a lot of fans wanted to see but were not seeing watching the WWE. But even as good as many of us remember it to be, he fell into financial trouble and Carter and Panda Energy saved the day and the company.

A lot of this bait and switch and false promising lead to the ratings that TNA needs on a weekly basis. The 3 Stooges of Carter, Hogan, and Bischoff are masters of this type of storytelling. This (for a time) will keep TNA on air. Hopefully sooner rather than later a lot of the problems that TNA have or make for themselves will iron out and the company can actually grow and in time contend with the WWE to make both products even greater.

Until then...they have to keep screwing with the fans and the storylines in order to keep or garner ratings. Us wrestling fans whether we lick up everything TNA does like the supermarks do or piss and moan over and over like the anti-TNA marks do keep TNA alive. It keeps their company name continuously on our tongues.

If these tactics that the 3 Stooges keep using keep TNA around for another 10 years or so TNA might actually become serious competition. The worst thing that can happen to TNA is that we all start falling in the middle and just stop giving a shit about TNA and stop watching it all together.
You posters are the sorriest group of muthafuckas i've ever stumbled upon..
You posters can debate masterfully all day long about what TNA needs to do differently till your blue in the face. 'Dixie Carter has no backbone' 'will Dixie Carter ever learn or will it be too late', 'Bischoff, Hogan and Russo' are killing TNA' ..c'mon guys let's get a bit original..
it's the same old recycled garbage regurgitating from one smarks mouth to another
in a regurgitation wildfire of shadow guessing and speculation. Dixie Carter plays a role on TV, she tweets while staying in character as an idiot, and TNA hasn't taken over the almighty WWE yet so TNA is therefore close to bankrupting her and she's so stupid.

These arguments children are so juvenile. I mean what makes you people think you know shit about shit. You saw her on TV, you read columns from a bunch of nerdy hacks on WZ, you subscribe to her tweets, you watched the Rise and Fall of WCW, you know Hogan, Bischoff and Russo like the back of your hand cause you go way back, and you know how a company succeeds because you're all business majors with years of experience in the wrestling business. You people kill me, you know absolutely nothing, you just like to hear the same things you've said get repeated over and over so you can bond with someone other than your right hand for the afternoon. Who can save TNA will it be Paul Heyman who'd do so much better than even Vince? You people crack me up, you know shit about Heyman, he ran ECW into the ground much faster than Bischoff and company supposedly ran WCW down.

Really, c'mon guys, you think a woman like Dixie Carter with all the money and resources, a woman with business experience from a successful family is not shrewed in reality to be in the position she's in with TNA if it didn't benefit her?? As if Hogan and Bischoff tricked her in reality just as they did on the actual show..you fans do realize wrestling's not real, you do realize how easy it is to wind you up and get you to hate and like whatever shit they want you to hate and like or believe in??

I think for fun all you posters should come on here and argue the exact opposite just for the hell of it, to change things up. Pretend everything is the opposite and just come on here and write the opposite of what you think and just imagine how refreshing that will
be for all of you.

Absolutely spot on word for word. Also who's saying TNA isn't making a decent profit already, if that is true why would you change a business that is profitable please any business grad' will know that's too much of a risk. If it is not profitable I'm sure Dixie is a smart enough business woman to know that something's going wrong and she will act upon that when the day comes.

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