Will CM Punk ever go back to the voice of the voiceless?

Not until Vince wants him to go back. Vince has stopped that train a long time ago. Punk promos are not nearly as good as when he was a rebel and "shooting" on people. The only thing that makes it interesting now of days is to see AJ come out and be a psycho.
Interestingly I think the past Raw showed that they may yet go back to this idea.

They've planted the seed with Eve mocking Punk for being champ for nearly year and yet never really being the main event. Punk has taken to Twitter to even talk about this idea that he's still second fiddle to John Cena and now Cena has the Money in the Bank contract to add some spice to the storyline.

They could easily have Punk cut a worked shoot promo again about him not being given the ball yet again. They could say that he has out-wrestled everybody, drawn ratings with Daniel Bryan and AJ and been the best in the world for an entire year, and yet Vince and creative don't have confidence in him and Cena refuses to share the spotlight.

Do that and we reset back to last year with Punk as a heel that smarks cheers and Cena as the babyface contender

The promo and the "voice of the voiceless" thing lasted what? four weeks? It lasted until around the time Punk won the title at Summerslam then got cashed in on by ADR.

What happened next? Kevin "Quadricep" Nash got involved and it looked like a feud between Punk and the Kliq was on the cards - ultimately it was decided to have HHH v Nash as it was percieved as a bigger draw. Given the writing in the build up to the match it probably was the right call - they could've built a match between HHH/Nash/Stephanie and Punk but ultimately creative went a different way with it. Fast forward a few months and the same thing happens again only this time instead of HHH it's John Laurinitis. This time they decided to keep the title out of the feud because they wanted Laurinitis to wrestle and, quite rightly, probably decided having him feud over the title made it a bit too cut and dry.

Raw 1000 Cena will cash in on Punk - Cena will win.
Summerslam Cena v Punk - Cena wins but controversially

Punk steps away from the title a bit - Raw has a new authority figure and "company man" John Cena is their favourite. Punk has proven he can be a good champion, now he needs to prove he can chase the title without breaking Kayfabe and still get cheered on.
I don't think so. After how they have been booking him lately, people won't buy into it. It's a shame because that "voice of the voiceless" character made wwe tv more interesting. I think they also killed it by having him come back a week later! They should have had him defend the title at indy shows and maybe even ROH, but I digress. I don't see it happening. That ship has sailed

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