"Wildcat" Chris Harris to WWE?

While I am a fan big Mark for Harris and am actually happy he is going to WWE I see nothing but toiling in the mid card for his future for the plain fact that Vince Mcmahon has no idea how to utilize talent anymore if you need proof just look at what he did with Monty Brown.
The reason he didnt get his big push in TNA is because, he only works well in a tag team. Storm was the charisma of AMW.

Chris harris's mic work is poor at best and his in ring has become stale and weak looking ever since he left AMW and got fat.

So Chubby Harris is not a big loss to TNA, but on the other hand WWE has just gained someone that is instantly better than most of there mid/lower card.

Killings is the bigger loss for TNA and the Bigger gain for WWE.
I think the WWE signing these talents is a great sign for WWE fans. Finally it appears that WWE is taking a little bit of notice of TNA, which means they will try to take some of the TNA talent. This means there will be better talent on WWE and make the shows more interesting, both are good adds and great signs of things to come.
Wildcat Chris Harris has done nothing in TNA since the America's Most Wanted split and TNA losing him is not even close to being a big loss. Unless you want to talk about big loss in terms of losing weight. So what if TNA decided to trim some fat?

If WWE/Vince McMahon did bring him in they did so because they believe that TNA losing him would hurt their company and not because they believe that Harris could help WWE.

Wildcat Chris Harris is overweight and overrated!

I know this isnt how the business works and this will not happen but consider this:
Vince steals two good talents from TNA in Harris and Killings; he then promotes them and immediately pushes them into big time feuds and semi-main or main-event level off the bat which makes other guys in TNA very interested in jumping ship because they too wanna make it big; that leaves TNA with a roster full of old WWE wrestlers while Vince steals away the future and causes the demise of TNA
I know this isnt how the business works and this will not happen but consider this:
Vince steals two good talents from TNA in Harris and Killings; he then promotes them and immediately pushes them into big time feuds and semi-main or main-event level off the bat which makes other guys in TNA very interested in jumping ship because they too wanna make it big; that leaves TNA with a roster full of old WWE wrestlers while Vince steals away the future and causes the demise of TNA

Yes i see the point by promoting harris. if they make him a star people will want to jump to wwe cos they want to make it big aswell. Even if Tna does recieve old wwe talent doesn't mean they will have them forever. and even if harris is a little overweight doesnt mean his shit he still has ring experience and knowledge to pass on to other superstars
I doubt they can make Chris Harris a star, all I've seen of him so far is a charisma black hole. The guy has no character and no gimmic at all and then he whines he's not pushed... pleease

I bet Harris will get teased in the locker room from being a TNA reject.

Still all power to Chris, if he's gonna be a nobody, better do it in WWE and get more money
I think he will come in completly repackaged bit like Monty Brown did, get a push for a bit earn some rep and maybe that be about it. It could go either that way like Monty Brown did, or he will be pushed and pushed and pushed until hes over just so WWE can say in your face to TNA just like they did with Jericho and Benoit from WCW. Peronsally im not the best fan of Chris Harris and this story isnt interesting me much but I shall definatly want to watch and see what happens with him in WWE. Senshi and Killings I dont see signing, okies well maybe Killings because I think he has, but definatly not Senshi they dont have anything for him to do, I see ROH snatching Senshi.
I see a fate in ECW for Chris Harris, he'll squash some guys and maybe get a short title feud with the champ and then be put into a pointless tag team once they realize he isn't much on his own. Hopefully, this tag team becomes successful because he is an excellent tag wrestler.
nope US title contender for Harris well he will be inthe mid card in WWE no doubt about it, at least WWE has a mid card title unlike TNA i mean come on top title and then low card x division whats the point yes it makes the World Title seem more important but it leaves the filler and mid card with shit all i mean there are some guys in tna that will not get a title run anytime soon and what have they got to show for being in TNA nothing a few random tag reigns and possiblyan x division run if you are a high flyer.

Harris will be used properly in WWE they will find a character and gimmick that suits him no doubt he will get a nice push in WWE at the begining but its after the push that determins his whole wwe career will he go to main event mid card jobber ect

i think hes US title status tbh because in TNA lets face it he had skill but was a mid card guy WWE can build up on his mid card status and move him on to world heavyweight title there are a lot of guys that are WHC material in my opinion

That title just suits some guys you know that can be world champion but cant be the top of the top WWE title is reserved for the mega feuds
If Harris does sign with the WWE I could see him in ECW at the mid -card as a second or third face to CM Punk. He could eventually move onto SD where he could compete for the US Title or he could stay on ECW to compete for the ECW Championship. However, the best way to use him would be to bring in Storm, get them a female manager, although it is not really needed, so that they could rejuvenate the WWE tag team division.
I obviously don't know what WWE is planning for him, but if I were in control, I'd put Harris on Smackdown and team him up with Chuck Palumbo. A few reasons...

1. Harris isn't big enough to deserve a push right off the bat. We aren't dealing with WWE signing someone like Sting or how they're bringing Big Show back who was previously in the main event scene.

2. Palumbo is clearly acting like dead weight on Smackdown. His feud with Jamie Noble is being held up just by Noble (and at times Michelle, which is pathetic), and he isn't receiving enough heat one way or another (face or heel) to really go for a midcard push. If you give him a tag team partner, however, then you help the tag team division, which is really lacking in the WWE right now.

3. Raw is going to be fixed in due time because of the draft. If Harris were to go over to Raw, he'd be in the midcard, but I just have a really good feeling that Elijah Burke is going to be drafted to chase the IC title instead.

4. ECW is a possibility, but are they really going to try to push him towards the main event scene on their C-show while they're trying to build up Shelton as well? Doubt it.
Am happy for Chris that he was able to sign a contract with WWE. But the fact of the matter is Chris HArris with all the talent that he got, will make it big in the WWE. Am a big fan of is work and he could have been a major star in TNA if he wasn't so boring on the mic. So my guess is unless they are able to find somebody like James Storm to team with him, the guy will probably be jobbing to everybody within 2 month of his debut. Also if i was Vince Mcmahon, i would put Chris on the ECW roster simply because it'S the only place that Chris woudn't look like a total loser.

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