Wikipedia can still be accessed

Oh, so the socialist/communist/fascist/Marxist may stand up for individual freedom? But... but... how do we complain about that!?!?!?


"He's hurting job creators. This puts a terrible strain on the economy and the American people will not stand for it. Look at this list of organizations that disagrees with him. Clearly this man does not listen and is only pushing his extreme agenda."
Obama made the only move he could. Frankly, I am amazed that any politician has actually supported SOPA, regardless of how much cash they received in donations. Do you really want to have to defend what will be perceived as killing the internet in your next reelection campaign? Regardless of whether SOPA would do anything even remotely similar to killing the internet, if it is perceived as doing so, it will be a deadly weapon to use against that politician in their next reelection campaign.

In politics perception is far more important than reality. SOPA is potentially a very toxic issue for anyone who supports it if it ever actually passes. All of the Republicans and Democrats who favor this piece of shit legislation seriously need to get their heads examined.
In politics perception is far more important than reality. SOPA is potentially a very toxic issue for anyone who supports it if it ever actually passes. All of the Republicans and Democrats who favor this piece of shit legislation seriously need to get their heads examined.

Especially those who constantly whine and cry about individual freedoms (minus homosexuals and anyone else who isn't 6'-1" and white).
Since there are several Wikipedia links in here and they are considered 'offensive' will this thread be taken down, say?
Since there are several Wikipedia links in here and they are considered 'offensive' will this thread be taken down, say?

No, Wrestlezone would be taken down. See how stupid that is? Somebody puts up Pulp Fiction on Youtube in 10 different parts, violating the terms of use and general Copyright laws. The user should be banned, but as we all know from using the internet, this usually isn't the case. This would basically give them to ability to just take down YouTube because a user posted something "illegal". I'm over-generalizing, but you get the point.

I know I'm being totally selfish here, but it also means no streams or pirating. I do pay for my wrestling (mostly) but when I want to see an event from four years ago (that I already likely paid for once) it's nice to be able to download it. Or when I have to review a PPV for Wrestlezone, and I need to be able to watch something a few times, or go back over a certain section. Or, you TB of pirated movies. Same thing, right? :shrug:
Long story short, SOPA and/or PIPA will give the US government the right to make it impossible to access a certain URL when you type it in your web browser. Furthermore, the only thing they will use to decide whether a web site should be effectively blacklisted from the Internet is if a copyright claim is made. Finally, it also includes not just offending sites, but any site that links to the offending site. And the worst part is the website in question gets no prior notice before they are basically kicked off the Internet.

So, to give an example, let's say you have an educational research website you've been running for five years. You use a 30 second clip of a Hollywood movie to make a point in a research paper, which is legal under the fair use policies according to US law. However, the MPAA claims your 30 second clip violates copyright. You get no notice of this claim, you do not get to argue your clip is not in violation of law, and you are afforded no due process. The government takes the claim from the MPAA and removes your website address from domain name servers, which means when I type in "", I will no longer be able to access your website. Furthermore, legally, Google could also be removed from the domain name servers, because their search result linked to your completely legal website, which the MPAA falsely accused you of violating copyright.

This is a completely awful law, which is a gigantic leap to censor the Internet, prohibit free speech, and exists only to cater to people like the RIAA and MPAA, because they've been bribing politicians for years.
Thanks for explaining it. It's a little hard to follow when nobody over here is mentioning it at all. but it makes sense now.
Does this mean you support SOPA or are still against it? Fox News seems to like it...Not that I trust them.

I'm against it 100%. And of course that article supports it, it was written by the person who created SOPA, Lamar Smith. And that article is completely dishonest, and I think even he knows it, since he won't address the actual concerns which have been brought forth by Wikipedia, Google and others. I mean, how stupid is it of Lamar Smith to say Wikipedia opposes the bill because they are generating enormous profits off illegal sites? Wikipedia is a NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION! They ask for donations every year at the end of the year, just to pay the bills.

I know nothing about Lamar Smith except he is the sponsor of the bill and I now know he's a corrupt and lying politician. He doesn't give a rat's rear end about stopping piracy. Do you want to know what he REALLY cares about?

Check that link and see who is top campaign contributors are. Corrupt politicians.
Does this mean you support SOPA or are still against it? Fox News seems to like it...Not that I trust them.

They have had countering opinion pieces as well, even considering that their parent corporation, NewsCorp, does favor SOPA. But, given that Comcast/NBC Universal, which owns NBC, CNBC and MSNBC is also in favor of SOPA, I don't know how much you can infer from the fact that FOXNews posted an opinion piece by the original sponsor. Most of the news organizations, whether they lean left or right, whether their parent company favors SOPA or is against it, have tried to cover both sides somewhat. Like I said before, SOPA is very intriguing, because it's not a left/right issue. There are big names on both sides of the aisle agreeing with each other to fight other big names on both sides of the aisle. Hell, just yesterday, retired Senator Christopher Dodd, now the CEO of the MPAA, essentially threatened Obama and other democrats who oppose SOPA with cutting off Hollywood campaign donations...
Fuck Mr. Lamar, fuck the MPAA, fuck the RIAA, fuck Hollywood, fuck Dodd, fuck every senator who supports SOPA or PIPA, and most of all fuck the people that actually wrote this bill. Good day.
You could also have just clicked the Google cache version of the Wikipedia page you wanted to see.

Oh and effyouseekay Lamar Smith. Bandwagon!

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