

Dark Match Winner
So I noticed this week on Smackdown they made the qualifying matches for the World Heavyweight championship Elimination Chamber match-up.

One of the matches was Rey Mysterio vs. Jack Swagger and Mysterio came out on top therefore qualifying for the match-up.

Now my question is why is the WWE burying Jack Swagger? I think he would of benefited more then Mysterio and what about Cody Rhodes? Didn't Mysterio "severly" injure him causing him to not participate in the Royal Rumble match?
How can Cody even get involved in costing Rey the match even? He won't do an HBK. So why?
i agree i thought cody would come out with a mask to cost rey they contender match. swaggers getting buryed when he is more talented then more then half there top guys.

the smackdown chamber match as it stands looks pretty weak but edge will retain to face delrio
I agree with to an extent, but the point of having Rey go over is to add some star power to the EC. Rey's a draw. Rhodes and Swagger are not. And the Chamber's gotta have the Corre. Likely just Jackson and Barrett, so you've already got two big heels. Then there's Kane and Mcintyre. You can't put Edge in there without another face, so who's left?

It had to be done. Rey was going to have to go over Rhodes or Swagger coming into this, though I don't know why he went over both. Probably to give him screen time. It doesn't really matter though. They're mid-card heels, and Rey's upper midcard/main event. It's pretty typical. WWE is burying Swagger because they've got nothing else for him right now. It's not even really a burial. So he's losing to Kofi and Mysterio? Big Deal. When he starts losing to Trent Barretta THEN you can start whining about burial.
Because Rey is actually over, and the WWE doesn't make their money by pandering to the IWC?

Honestly, I hate Rey Mysterio, and there was absolutely zero chance I planned on ordering No Way Out in the first place, but come the fuck on.

Why was Jerry Lawler in the RAW Rumble, but not Ted DeBiase? Waaaah! Cry me a river!

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