Why, WWE, Why???


Why do WWE insist on having people like IRS, or Roddy Piper, or Dusty Rhodes make appearances on Raw?

WWE is a PG product, trying to attract kids. They will have no idea who these people are. Their time was too long ago and these wrestlers do not have a big enough legacy to get children interested in wrestling history.

So do they do it for the older fans? I hope not, because they just aren't interesting!! :banghead:

Piper and Dusty might have been interesting twenty years ago, but not anymore. (IRS never was!)

If WWE are doing this for kids, then use more recent wrestlers, maybe people like Rikishi because of his relationship with the Uso's (though he doesn't have to actually be involved with them in any way)

If they do it for us older fans then why use wrestlers that we no longer care about?

Do you like the occassional use of former wrestlers in this way?
Why do you think WWE do it?
Who would you like to see making occassional appearances? (be realistic, we all know Austin and the Rock won't show up for a five minute segment on Raw, three times a year)
I openly welcome a legend appearing on WWE taping, or at a pay per view, I think due to the contribution they did to the business, WWE and themselves are in their full rights to make Doink The Clown appear if they felt like it.

I personally loved Roddy Piper and Dusty Rhodes appearing, Roddy mostly of all, because I think he's one of the greatest promo cutters of all time, and a great wrestler, one of my favorite old-school wrestlers.

And I think that WWE letting those return is both a treat to the elder fans, but also to the younger fans who will eventually get interested in learning about them, it makes WWE money in a period where they might release something where they were a part of it.

And I wouldn't really care who WWE uses for these kind of appearances, anybody who had a good career and was interesting at some point, or did something to contribute, or hell for that sake fits the situation (I.R.S was great for the situation with the stealing of the crown thing for example).
They do it to throw a bone to the adults. While the audience is mainly children, the adults watch with them. The guys that come out like IRS and Piper and Rhodes are there to give the parents something to be interested in. To us, they're still cool because they came from a time when wrestling was better and it makes us smile a bit. They're legends and seeing them with guys like the young Dibiase makes them seem more credible as well. It helps everyone.
They do it to throw a bone to the adults. While the audience is mainly children, the adults watch with them. The guys that come out like IRS and Piper and Rhodes are there to give the parents something to be interested in. To us, they're still cool because they came from a time when wrestling was better and it makes us smile a bit. They're legends and seeing them with guys like the young Dibiase makes them seem more credible as well. It helps everyone.


Even though the WWE wishes to appeal to the children in order to begin their building of a new generation of fans, they would be stupid to try and alienate their long-standing fans from over the years. Whether they like it or not, they have fans that have stuck around for anywhere between 15-30 years in watching their product. They need to keep as many fans as possible in order to keep the dollars flowing in.

In addition, the WWE is always about respect. If there's one thing that the WWE is big on, they respect their history and the men that paved the way for what they have now. By keeping these legends on television, it allows the newer audiences to always have respect for those that influenced the current and future superstars. The WWE knows that without them, the WWE wouldn't be anything like it is now.
I enjoy seeing the older guys make appearances, I feel nostalgic. It's not like they take up much time, and the are entertaining. The people who complain about older wrestlers probably never really watched very much wrestling, because the wwe and other wrestling federations have always brought out the old guys. Plus the old guys have a lot to teach the young guys.
It's been said, Dman and KB got it. Plus some of those guys work in the back so they're available and already on the clock.
When I was young I remember Freddie Blassie as a manager, never knew he was a wrestler until later on. That didn't take away from the show. Same with Harley Race and some other guys who popped up from time to time. I learned who they were. The kids today can learn as well.
Besides...Who on the roster can't learn a thing or two about promos from Roddy & Dusty?
You said maybe bring in a guy like Rikishi b/c of his relationship w/ the USO's (he's their father) but he doesn't have to be involved w/ them?

Dusty Rhodes... father of WWE stars Goldust and Cody Rhodes
IRS ... father of NXT's Husky Harris and FCW's Bo Rotunda

I mean, a developing angle or something you've been hearing a lot about lately is all the second and third generation stars in the WWE and FCW ... so why not include the fathers once in a while who work for the company anyway off screen (IRS is a road agent and Dusty is a promoter/booker)

I actually find IRS' gimmick pretty funny and also I think it helps give credibility too the young guys(Virgil and IRS w/ Dibiase Jr.)
One thing the new generation lacks is imagination.

As for Roddy Piper, apparently he can hold his own weight by cutting a great promo anyway and he's also one of the greatest of all time. Not to mention it's always good to see Roddy anyway b/c health wise he's not doing too good. And apparently he's got a contract w/ WWE too to make these sporadic appearances.

I'd say it's just like old timers day in baseball. Young kids never saw Yogi Berra or Whitey Ford play baseball, even their parents didn't, but most people still know of their contributions and legacy and who doesn't know about Mickey Mantle or Babe Ruth ... yet they played baseball 50-80 yrs ago?

Anyway, I don't mind them coming around once in a while.
For a show that's targeted mainly at kids, that pop for Rowdy Roddy Piper last Monday was pretty darn good. Most of the kids in the audience were little eggs in Mama's ovaries back when Piper was wrestling. They're too young to remember and yet we still hear a wicked cheer from the audience. Why? Because there's still a hell of a lot of adults in the audience that remember and loved Piper. It's just like KB said, Piper is there to throw a bone at the adults. Legends don't take up much time on screen and are usually put in the places where most people take their bathroom breaks. Now if Legends were in the middle of a main event feud (TNA take notice), then they'd have "a lot of essplaining to do!"
In Major League Baseball, the vast concentration is focused on today's players, as it should be. But occasionally, teams put on Old Timers games.....and it's a pleasure to see those guys trotted out for a brief appearance. The game has a rich tradition and MLB pays homage to it in short, far-between segments.

Same with pro wrestling. While many young people today assume that things that happened before they can remember have no importance, that's short-sighted and narrow-minded.

Today's wrestlers are able to do what they do because of what the old-timers did before them. They paved the way for the new generation and I think it's great to see some of them pop up in unannounced fashion. It's a brief, refreshing addition to the regular programming.

No, I wouldn't want to see Dusty Rhodes throwing bionic elbows on an every week basis. (After all, this isn't TNA.)

But for a once-in-a-while thing, I think it's great to be told I haven't paid my fair share of taxes.
I want to add in that some of these guys probably need the money, and Vince can probably keep them around for bottom dollar to add adult appeal, as others have noted. A perk for loyalty it would seem.

Also, Dusty is the booker for FCW if I'm not mistaken, and I've also heard that he is basically the company's promo coach. If he's already there anyway, why not work him in everyone once in a while? I can't remember seeing him since he did the guest host spot last summer, where he played an important part in the Legacy narrative.
Why do WWE insist on having people like IRS, or Roddy Piper, or Dusty Rhodes make appearances on Raw?

WWE is a PG product, trying to attract kids. They will have no idea who these people are. Their time was too long ago and these wrestlers do not have a big enough legacy to get children interested in wrestling history.

So do they do it for the older fans? I hope not, because they just aren't interesting!! :banghead:

Piper and Dusty might have been interesting twenty years ago, but not anymore. (IRS never was!)

If WWE are doing this for kids, then use more recent wrestlers, maybe people like Rikishi because of his relationship with the Uso's (though he doesn't have to actually be involved with them in any way)

If they do it for us older fans then why use wrestlers that we no longer care about?

Do you like the occassional use of former wrestlers in this way?
Why do you think WWE do it?
Who would you like to see making occassional appearances? (be realistic, we all know Austin and the Rock won't show up for a five minute segment on Raw, three times a year)

Ok great so WWE is trying to attract younger viewers but they shouldn't do so at the expense of "old" viewers. Why shouldn't we care about IRS or Piper just because they don't wrestle anymore? Piper, Hart, and the other legends can greatly contribute to wrestling even if they don't appear in the ring. I will say that WWE would be better served in the way they book the Legends. IRS, for example, makes sense as an advisor to Dibase but wouldn't make sense to pair with Cena. It makes perfect sense for Bret Hart to side with the Dynasty but not Cryme Time. In short, use the legends sparingly and only when it makes sense to do so.

I'd like to see Rikishi, Randy Savage, and Booker T all make appearances on Raw.
I've got no problem with legends of the industry making appearances if they're used properly. The use of the legends this past Monday on Raw, however, was not a proper example. Ridiculous skits like those we were forced to endure on Raw and having the legends be part of them was a waste of time. I don't know what happened really as the WWE has done an impressive job this year of eliminating wastes of air time like that.

At any rate, it's nice to see some of the legendary figures I watched as a kid and while growing up. It's always a good thing whenever a wrestling company does something to pay tribute to the heritage of the industry as a whole. It could always be worse, after all. Would you rather the WWE have 50-60 year olds wrestling in matches, headlining shows and carrying championships like they have in TNA?
The older fans need to be rewarded from time to time and seeing the ones who paved the way to help make what WWE is today is great to see, so I have no problem with IRS, Piper, and Dusty showing up. It shows great respect to them for what they did as well. Sure the younger kids won't understand too much, but the surprise and seeing someone different surely would help draw interest as they wouldn't know what surprised would be in store every week on Raw.

In addition, the WWE is always about respect. If there's one thing that the WWE is big on, they respect their history and the men that paved the way for what they have now. By keeping these legends on television, it allows the newer audiences to always have respect for those that influenced the current and future superstars. The WWE knows that without them, the WWE wouldn't be anything like it is now.

The WWE has nothing to do with respecting past performers, unless they can make money off of them. If a wrestler is not under a "Legend's Contract" they basically don't exist. You think the Ultimate Warrior DVD was respectful? And Bret Hart was going to get the same treatment if he didn't sign a deal with WWE. For a while, his DVD was titled "Screwed: The Bret Hart" story. Remember the "Nacho Man" and "Hawkster"? It's funny how in 1995, WWF portrayed Hogan as "over the hill" when he wasn't under contract, but then SEVEN years later, when they could make money off of him, he was their Undisputed Champion.

Not trying to cause an argument, but I laugh whenever I hear WWE and respect in the same sentence.
The WWE has nothing to do with respecting past performers, unless they can make money off of them.

Not necessarily, WWE isn't exactly making money off a guy like I.R.S appearing on RAW because he was never considered a big star someone would tune in to watch for example, a guy like Roddy Piper is a case of both, because while he's on RAW there's both a chance of the ratings going up because someone flips by and sees him, and there's chances that they won't go up.

WWE isn't all about money when it comes to their legends, the WWE Hall of Fame is a somewhat decent example of it, because if it was all about money, they would be doing bigger name inductees every year, and some of the elder people like this year's Gorgeous George wouldn't be inducted because there's a very small chance WWE is gonna make money off the guys that were around during that time.
The WWE has nothing to do with respecting past performers, unless they can make money off of them.

Well duh. I think it's a little from column A and a little from column B.

If a wrestler is not under a "Legend's Contract" they basically don't exist. You think the Ultimate Warrior DVD was respectful?

Do we really need to go there? You're defending the fucking Warrior? Be still my heart.

And Bret Hart was going to get the same treatment if he didn't sign a deal with WWE.

If he was, they would've done it to him. After all, wasn't it 12 years since the incident? That's plenty of time to bash the hell out of him. But they had too much respect for Hart's family, his legacy, and Owen's death. The Warrior was a nobody that came from nothing and wound up giving nothing back to a business that he used for nothing more than to make a quick buck. The Hart family is an institution. Please don't make me laugh by comparing the two.

For a while, his DVD was titled "Screwed: The Bret Hart" story.

Where's your proof? I don't remember that. But if you provide some facts behind it I'll gladly concede.

Remember the "Nacho Man" and "Hawkster"? It's funny how in 1995, WWF portrayed Hogan as "over the hill" when he wasn't under contract, but then SEVEN years later, when they could make money off of him, he was their Undisputed Champion.

I think I recall Eric Biscoff STARTING that war, right? Yep, I'm right. What was Vince supposed to do, sit back and lick his wounds?

Not trying to cause an argument, but I laugh whenever I hear WWE and respect in the same sentence.

Well you shouldn't, considering the fact that their entire product is based on it.
Not necessarily, WWE isn't exactly making money off a guy like I.R.S appearing on RAW because he was never considered a big star someone would tune in to watch for example, a guy like Roddy Piper is a case of both, because while he's on RAW there's both a chance of the ratings going up because someone flips by and sees him, and there's chances that they won't go up.

WWE isn't all about money when it comes to their legends, the WWE Hall of Fame is a somewhat decent example of it, because if it was all about money, they would be doing bigger name inductees every year, and some of the elder people like this year's Gorgeous George wouldn't be inducted because there's a very small chance WWE is gonna make money off the guys that were around during that time.

I am glad that you brought up the WWE "Hall of Fame". That is exactly my point. WWE does whatever they can do to bring attention to their product. If that means inducting outsiders into the Hall of Fame before their actual stars, then that's what they are going to do. That's why people like Pete Rose and Bob Uecker are in the Hall of Fame and past stars like Ultimate Warrior, Randy Savage, Bob Backlund and Bruno Samartino are not.

Another thing that I found interesting is that Joe Hennig and Windham Rotunda can't use their famous family names, but David Otunga can use his because he is engaged to Jennifer Hudson? So much for respecting the legacy of past stars.
I personally love seeing legends show up on TV every once in a while. Did I think the skit was completely ******ed? Of course I did, but it didn't ruin seeing Piper, Rotundo, and Rhodes in the ring for me.

My personal opinion would be to see Ted DiBiase Sr. come back for an appearance down the road to "ruin the parade" on his son's "money spending" and cut him off, making DiBiase look like a poor man wrestler. Also Rikishi coming back would be good to see, as well as Jimmy Snuka.

As for seeing legends wrestle, I would like to see Ricky Steamboat repeat what he did last year. He's still in great shape and is still awesome in the ring. His match with Jericho was one of my favorites of the last couple of years
I am glad that you brought up the WWE "Hall of Fame". That is exactly my point. WWE does whatever they can do to bring attention to their product. If that means inducting outsiders into the Hall of Fame before their actual stars, then that's what they are going to do. That's why people like Pete Rose and Bob Uecker are in the Hall of Fame and past stars like Ultimate Warrior, Randy Savage, Bob Backlund and Bruno Samartino are not.

Not this again, Pete Rose and Bob Uecker are celebrity inductees, there's nothing wrong with doing that as long as they made appearances at WWE and has accomplished something in some other way.

WWE didn't induct those people because of backstage issues, and I'm not gonna tell WWE if it's right or wrong, cause I'm not hired there, but just because they don't have them inducted doesn't mean that WWE doesn't respect them, and the actual fact that they're not inducted eliminates the whole money making aspect of it.

Another thing that I found interesting is that Joe Hennig and Windham Rotunda can't use their famous family names, but David Otunga can use his because he is engaged to Jennifer Hudson? So much for respecting the legacy of past stars.

I believe Joe Hennig said something himself about that he wanted to get over by his own and not by name, it's been a discussed subject before whether they were gonna get over by usage of their own self made in-ring names, or through their association with "greatness".

I wouldn't want to see that at least, I wouldn't care to love someone because "he's son of ... BY GAWD" as opposed to loving him because he's just that great, I wouldn't care whether Randy Orton was a 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation wrestler, because he's just that awesome.

That or the fact that WWE wants to trademark on them, and either way you twist or turn it it's nothing about lack of respect for the heritage, because the sheer fact that they are mentioned when talking about their backgrounds should be considered more than enough as a respectable thing.
(original) Do we really need to go there? You're defending the fucking Warrior? Be still my heart.

*Because you don't like the Warrior dismisses the part that it was disrespecting their history? They had no problem putting him all over their programming, making him the center of their company and making boatloads of money with his character when he was under contract. But when they can't make any money off of him anymore, they bash him? Respect?

(original) Where's your proof? I don't remember that. But if you provide some facts behind it I'll gladly concede.

*Here are a couple of links:

(original) I think I recall Eric Biscoff STARTING that war, right? Yep, I'm right. What was Vince supposed to do, sit back and lick his wounds?

*So, if Vince has a battle with a rival promoter, he completely bashes two of his legends just because they aren't making him money anymore? Why not go right at Bischoff instead? I thought you said Vince was all about respect for their history?
Well I do wish they left guys like IRS off, as no one liked him back then and people still don't. Its more like thinking "So WWE this is the best you can do" "IRS?".

I remember back in the 80s you didn't see all the old guys showing up, and if they did it was cause they had a job with the company, like say Bruno the only time he was on tv was in his announcing role, or manager type role with his son. But he never showed up from random feuds, nor did any the others, but you had legends then like Gorilla, Jesse, Patterson, and so on, but they all had jobs with the company, just like someone like the King does today.

So it would be nice if these older guys just had jobs with the company and showed up in that role, not like oh hey heres Piper again...Why? Why is Piper out here?

Want Piper on tv so much give him a job as an announcer, anyone remember the guy had a job in the 90s as a WWF announcer, and hell he was damn good. Same thing with Dibiase, he was an announcer in 1994. But now we just get him at random times for no reason.

Hell put Piper on Raw for announcing, that could fix a hell of alot of problems. Boy do times change on how stuff worked in the 80s and 90s compared to now.
Because you don't like the Warrior dismisses the part that it was disrespecting their history?

It's not about like or dislike. It's been well-documented that Warrior pissed on the business when he held Vince up for money in the past prior to Summerslam. Vince swallowed his pride and let the Warrior come back from this, only to get fucked again. So Vince put him on the payroll a THIRD time only to have him borderline-injure Triple H (prior to Trips have any influence).

They had no problem putting him all over their programming, making him the center of their company and making boatloads of money with his character when he was under contract. But when they can't make any money off of him anymore, they bash him? Respect?

Welcome to how a company does business. The Warrior never respected the business, so the business never respected him. They made their money off him and tossed him away because he DESERVED it.

So, if Vince has a battle with a rival promoter, he completely bashes two of his legends just because they aren't making him money anymore? Why not go right at Bischoff instead? I thought you said Vince was all about respect for their history?

He bashed his legends because they went on live television and, for the sake of making money for THEMSELVES, bashed the WWE to kingdom come. They talked shit about Vince on the programming at all times just to get WWE viewers to flip the channel to Nitro. So, Vince retaliated.

Your views are so one-sided. You're dismissing the other side of the spectrum just to make it look like you have a point. If you're going to debate with me, make sure your points include ALL information, otherwise trust me... you don't want any of this.

Even though the WWE wishes to appeal to the children in order to begin their building of a new generation of fans, they would be stupid to try and alienate their long-standing fans from over the years. Whether they like it or not, they have fans that have stuck around for anywhere between 15-30 years in watching their product. They need to keep as many fans as possible in order to keep the dollars flowing in.

In addition, the WWE is always about respect. If there's one thing that the WWE is big on, they respect their history and the men that paved the way for what they have now. By keeping these legends on television, it allows the newer audiences to always have respect for those that influenced the current and future superstars. The WWE knows that without them, the WWE wouldn't be anything like it is now.

Amen to that man. The WWE has a Rich History and they are proud to acknowledge it. Its not like Piper,IRS,Dusty,etc are taking up the Entire Show unlike some Companys cough TNA cough. Ive been a Fan for 20 years and I still enjoy seeing the Old Superstars who paved the way.
Well I do wish they left guys like IRS off, as no one liked him back then and people still don't. Its more like thinking "So WWE this is the best you can do" "IRS?".

I remember back in the 80s you didn't see all the old guys showing up, and if they did it was cause they had a job with the company, like say Bruno the only time he was on tv was in his announcing role, or manager type role with his son. But he never showed up from random feuds, nor did any the others, but you had legends then like Gorilla, Jesse, Patterson, and so on, but they all had jobs with the company, just like someone like the King does today.

So it would be nice if these older guys just had jobs with the company and showed up in that role, not like oh hey heres Piper again...Why? Why is Piper out here?

Want Piper on tv so much give him a job as an announcer, anyone remember the guy had a job in the 90s as a WWF announcer, and hell he was damn good. Same thing with Dibiase, he was an announcer in 1994. But now we just get him at random times for no reason.

Hell put Piper on Raw for announcing, that could fix a hell of alot of problems. Boy do times change on how stuff worked in the 80s and 90s compared to now.

That's almost exactly how I feel. I understand these people have backstage jobs, but keep them backstage. We know they are still there.

They bring nothing to TV. They don't help to advance or create storylines. If WWE wants them to be on tv, use them consistantly. Piper could do a job on commentary, Rhodes could be a manager.

Just throwing them randomly onto TV seems pointless, in fact, if it does anything it takes away from the programme. The segments with them and the A-Team cast was painful to watch. It was the worst thing I have seen on Raw in ages (which is quite an acievement!!)
I don't particularly see the problem with them having guys like IRS, Dusty Rhodes or Roddy Piper show up to participate in a segment every now and then, so long as they're not taking up considerable time. I agree with those who say that there's no need to forget these guys just because they peeked twenty years ago, in fact it's nice to see some old faces every now and then, if anything, just to remind me that they are in fact alive and well.

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