Why Did WWE Start Lazy Booking

I don't really think the booking is that lazy either because even though it may have seemed someone got a push too fast or whatever you kind of need to look at why they got the 'push' and how it was handled after they got the title. I keep hearing examples of Sheamus, the win against Cena in that table match almost looked like an accident. So now Sheamus is champion and all his wins are more of a fluke. He doesn't pin anyone one-on-one, then he is finally "cornered" in the EC where he can't escape and gets pinned. Although I have to put my sunglasses on when I see him, he has that build the VKM likes for his champions. He got some exposure, and that's great. Onto Swagger, I more than welcome a changing of the guard so-to speak. I am a huge Christian fan, but in all honesty when you looked at the MITB participants he stuck out like a sore thumb, almost too obvious that he should win. So a curveball is thrown and we get Swagger winning after trying to get the case down for like 10 minutes. :) Maybe as a lot of people thought, he was supposed to be the first one to lose, maybe he was supposed to call it off a few times like he did on RAW. But this jury duty of Jericho's kind of came up last minute, after WM. After Edge already lost and Swagger won. And if he really does have this jury duty and is going to be out upwards of 6 weeks, he has to drop the belt to someone. So it kind of makes sense that we get stuck with the MITB winner taking advantage of a champ who just got beat up again. And even though all this with Swagger seems like it came out of nowhere, I don't think it is fair to judge it yet. We have to see how it is handle now. It doesn't bother me that he jobbed to Santino over the Royal Rumble thing. It was entertaining plus we knew he wouldn't win the Rumble with Edge coming back.
And IMO the Miz deserves everything he has right now. I don't love or hate Cena, I take him for what he is. This generations version of Hulk Hogan, someone for the children to look up to and sell a shit-ton of merchandise. I don't care how many moves he has or whatever, He is what it is. But anyway, Miz comes to RAW calls Cena out and just gets squashed. I thought that was funny. But he has improved leaps and bounds since then. He has mainstreamed his look, yet has gotten bigger, better on the mic and in the ring.
So no I don't think the booking has been lazy because they are trying to find that perfect balance of giving us what we want, with not having the same feuds over and over, but yet not changing everything at once. It's not as good as it once was but so much has changed in the past 2 decades. They will never make everyone happy.
Remind me again what CM Punk was doing before his first MITB title win? oh yes that's right, he was on the ECW roster and won the ECW championship.. I forgot.. who held that too?.. couldn't possibly be Jack Swagger now could it? yes it was.. now I know CM Punk didn't exactly job out to anybody in the period between his loss of the ECW title and his MITB win, but he was still somewhat in the position Swagger was in, but CM Punk wasn't any further title and accomplishment wise than Swagger is now, CM Punk just had a longer background in the WWE before getting there.

It means that you didn't watch RAW from 2008 and early 2009. He won a MITB,WH title,IC and tag team titles which made him one of the fastest triple crown champions ever. He was the top midcarder of RAW and he had already won the world title once. He was one big win away from becoming a world champion. It's not the same in Swagger's case. After he drafted to RAW unlike Punk he was lost in shuffle and then even started to jobbing. He was on a sharp road and two months ago if he was released no one would've shocked. I also love Swagger but he was booked very poorly.

It's definitely not too early for him, while I think Jack Swagger could easily be ready for the job of holding the world title, and I definitely think it'll be a worthy first time reign, at least I'm hoping it will be, I think Jack could work a quite nice feud with Jericho or Edge or both for that matter.

What you can't understand is this thread is not about Jack Swagger. I think they gave him the title very early because of the reasons I mentioned in my early posts. It's just fucking absurd to give a person who was jobbing to Santino Marella 2 months ago a world championship. This thread IS NOT ABOUT Jack Swagger it's about the lazy booking. If they really want Swagger to become huge star why not did they build him more and try to make him credible once again before giving the title. Jack Swagger might even be the god of wrestling but it's not my point. My point is WWE's laziness for creating new stars. Jack Swagger is the latest example of it.

I think WWE should easily be able to make Jack Swagger somewhat legit in winning main events right now, if they just play it right, the problem with Sheamus winning constantly by DQ and everything was probably handled because they were trying to preserve John Cena's character as being almighty, but I have my doubts that WWE will be doing the same thing with Jack Swagger when he'll be feuding Jericho or Edge, or both as stated earlier.
And while I don't really see him holding it much longer neither, I still think WWE can do enough to make him seem fitting in the title hunt throughout the month and a half.

I don't think so his title reign will probably like Sheamus'. Holding the title for a month, not main eventing a PPV probably getting some victories against main eventers like Edge and Jericho via DQ or cheating. Then lose it to either Jericho,Edge. Then will hang in midcard for a some more time.
It means that you didn't watch RAW from 2008 and early 2009. He won a MITB,WH title,IC and tag team titles which made him one of the fastest triple crown champions ever. He was the top midcarder of RAW and he had already won the world title once. He was one big win away from becoming a world champion. It's not the same in Swagger's case. After he drafted to RAW unlike Punk he was lost in shuffle and then even started to jobbing. He was on a sharp road and two months ago if he was released no one would've shocked. I also love Swagger but he was booked very poorly.

You're right, I didn't, but I do know google, and CM Punk didn't do shit of the things you mention between being drafted from ECW to RAW and then go on to win the MITB, he didn't win any of the titles until after he won the MITB.
Hell CM Punk was still on ECW when he won MITB, briefly before that he lost the title though to the biggest jobber on the whole roster, Chavo Guerrero, am I supposed to be crying now about CM Punk being poorly booked? after all Santino beat Umaga on his debut night, and I know it's a long time ago where as Santino has moved on to being a comedy act, but that doesn't mean Santino doesn't get a win every now and then.
But yes Jack Swagger was booked poorly, doesn't mean it was lazy booking though.

What you can't understand is this thread is not about Jack Swagger.

I'm sorry, must be because you keep bringing up his name...

I think they gave him the title very early because of the reasons I mentioned in my early posts. It's just fucking absurd to give a person who was jobbing to Santino Marella 2 months ago a world championship. This thread IS NOT ABOUT Jack Swagger it's about the lazy booking. If they really want Swagger to become huge star why not did they build him more and try to make him credible once again before giving the title. Jack Swagger might even be the god of wrestling but it's not my point. My point is WWE's laziness for creating new stars. Jack Swagger is the latest example of it.

I still wouldn't consider Jack Swagger's current booking to be lazy in a way of building him, I believe Sly said it perfectly, why should everybody be pushed the same way? it doesn't make sense, and not everybody has been pushed the same way, as I mentioned earlier Santino debuted with a win over Umaga and won the Intercontinental title the same night, Carlito beat John Cena on his first night for the United States championship, Ultimate Warrior was build as being undefeated until he eventually held two championships, MVP was on a loosing streak for months until he eventually beat The Big Show (with aid yes, but still) and eventually went on to win the United States Championship, none of these builds were lazy, they were differently handled although, it creates an exciting program, I bet even you would get bored if everybody was pushed the same way, creates predictability in a world where we already have spoilers, we don't need more predictability.

I don't think so his title reign will probably like Sheamus'. Holding the title for a month, not main eventing a PPV probably getting some victories against main eventers like Edge and Jericho via DQ or cheating. Then lose it to either Jericho,Edge. Then will hang in midcard for a some more time.

Sheamus held the title for nearly 3 months.. (70 days.. a little over 2 months, but still) and while yes he retained via DQ's etc. it was against the biggest dog in the yard so to say, it would probably hurt John Cena's credibility more than it would build Sheamus' credibility having Sheamus beat John Cena every time to retain, as opposed to Jack Swagger it wouldn't hurt a guy like Chris Jericho to be beat by him, because Jack has had credible moments with the ECW championship, and Chris Jericho is a person who's credibility is hard to hurt cause he's so versatile in the ring and being able to work around pretty much any given title.

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