Why WWE is screaming out loud that Cena is going heel ??

This is my first reply here so don't bash me to hard for what i'm about to say. I know this is coming completely outta left field . I think the raw team will implode like expected , but Cena will not turn heel. Instead Nexus will come back out in the WWE championship match , and cause Shamus to win just like the last two ppv's. Nexus then comes in the ring congratulating Shamus leading us to think he is the leader after all. Then The Miz's music hits and after a prolonged wait for him to come out he steps out with the breifcase and wearing a Nexus shirt. Nexus then destroys Shamus Miz comes in gets the win ,and Miz is the new WWE champ and real leader of Nexus . I know its a long shot but i had to say it since nobody else was.
P.S. Jim Ross will be the secret GM lol
I personally believe what is going to happen has been mention Bret Hart will reveal later on he is the general manager of the company and only was showing favor to Cena, because he wanted to destroy him. Bret did make mention he was into something, but wouldn't disclose what he was into, so how is he gonna make it good for nexus, well he will reveal he is the general manager and can get them what they want and no one can stop it. Say what you will thinking its Cena, but it won 't be that obvivous. They wanna surprise you with it, but Bret will be the leader. I mean he won't be able to wrestle, so therefore being a leader and the general manager sounds likely. Vince probably made him the secret general manager, because he didn't think he would screw him over. Well, only a matter of time. We shall see. Bret will tell Cena he can't wrestle this week, and he needs to pick a replacement or face these guys themselves, and then at SS he will again either get laid out early on before the big match and he will run down and Cena will be the only survivor on team raw and just as he is about to defeat Wade Barrett, Bret will act like he is going to help defeat him and Wade wins the match.
Am I the only one thinking there will be no "swerve" or turning by anyone on Team Raw? Yes I know Bret can't wrestle, but hello Nexus can take him out this Monday to resolve that issue. Edge and Jericho will either return to the team or be left off of SummerSlam which as we all know would never happen. I just don't see Cena turning Heel because I honestly believe the final match in this Cena vs. Nexus feud will be Cena and Barrett for the title probably at Night of Champions.
are you serious??! of course NOT. I'm sorry man, I'm a John "five moves of doom" hater, and I would love him to be heel but that ain't going to happened anytime soon. the way I see it is that John "superman" Cena is going basically to SS to a handicap match...as he is superCena he will try but fail to endend the caos of Nexus. you people seriously need to stop thinking that (insert wrestler name here) is going to have a face/heel turn!
Awesome idea Tylerdurden1996, that sounds like something WWE would do. I dont think Cena will turn, too many little kids would cry. I would love to see it though. Buggared it I know what will happen, but please dont let Bret get in that ring, I cringe thinking about it.
As I said when it was first announced Brett was part of the team he will probably turn on the WWE wrestlers as his revenge for vince.

what I think will happen
He is in a match this coming monday where they can "hurt him" so he can not wrestle at SS and will be replaced. During the SS match he will come to the ring looking like he is there to save team Cena and then turn on them saying he screwed vince and becoming the manager of Nexus. It would ruin them if someone who could wrestle joined Nexus as it would put the spotlight on him and take if off them. This way they can have Brett as their manager and it still be all about the young guys.

I keep hearing people say Rock this and Rock that. The Rock IS NOT going to come back to wrestling unless it's for one night as a host. He has at least 4 movies in the works and has no time for the wrestling business.
actually rock has some time off right now, as all filming has wrapped up till the end of august mid September. now that i got that out of the way, why is everyone saying it would ruin sales? you think a kid would just go "oh he's bad now, i dont want his stuff" no. sorry. not happening. i remember buying Rock stuff as a kid when he was Heel, we buy it cuz it looked cool, maybe a heel cena could change those god awful orange shirts. you think they'd just stop going to the events, or watching it on TV cuz he's heel? no. and Rock was not the "face of the company" when Austin turned his back on Team WWF. actually i think he was gone at the time, and they had Kurt Angle step up to take him on, but kurt was not the Face of the company, and by that i mean he wasnt the #1 marketed man, Austin still was. hell, if they released a new Austin shirt now, i bet it would still sell just as much as the Cena ones (look at DX as an example) with the return of HHH, it would be EASY to make Cena a Heel, and HHH the big hero, lots of kids look up to HHH as well, i know i have kids. and all my friends kids also love HHH, because he's big and tough looking. yes they love Cena as well, but even when HHH was a Heel they still wanted the HHH toy, and new HHH shirts, why? cuz it's appealing to kids. Making Bret heel i dont like... #1 bret didnt make a great Heel in the 90's really. and since Vince is one of the biggest Heel's in the company, why make Bret heel to stick it to him? he was doin that already. #2 if this is the last we are ever going to see Bret Hart, why make him go out as a Heel? have all those fans who are seeing him for the first time remember him as some big asshole? Cena turning his back makes sense, hell even JR being the leader of nexus makes more sense then Bret if you think about it.
Turning Cena heel is probably not going to happen. WWE is not far enough into the family era to turn around and quite possibly destroy it. However, if they turned Austin heel in 01, they could virtually turn anyone heel. However, I personally thought Austin sucked as a heel in 01, and lost most of his steam as an effect of it, and unless Cena brought back his rap gimmick, which is unlikely, a heel turn would be just as bland. I really doubt Bret Hart will turn heel, as he just needs to win at Summerslam and go home. What will most likely happen is the team will settle their internal issues and come out on top. The whole talk about Rock is laughable. However, in reference to the comment about Wrestlemania only wrapping up storylines, and lacking face/heel turns, that's completely false. Take a look at WM 2000, 17, 18, 13, a and 14. These all had significant heel/face turns while creating new feuds as well. Summerslam is definitely big enough for a significant turn. It's sad, because back in the day, a simple broadcast of RAW was big enough for a good heel turn. Then again I may be completely wrong with my claims, as I don't even watch wrestling anymore. I have been reading results off the internet for the past 4 years because crap like this isn't even mildly entertaining.
I dont see Cena turning heel he is too popular with the younger kid audience that the wwe is targeting.
It's called "foreshadowing".

This is a technique writers use when they want to build up tension towards a climactic event. You don't know that whatever climactic event is foreshadowed is surely coming; sometimes you foreshadow a false resolution just to keep people guessing. But the idea's in your head. Does it come true? Stay tuned to find out!

I've been waiting for a couple years for Cena to turn heel, and it's time. He still has momentum; if he didn't, there'd be no point in turning him heel, because no one would care. But he's got a lot less momentum then he did even a couple years ago. It wasn't too many pay-per-views ago where a little kid yelled at him from the seats, clearly audible on camera, "No one likes you anymore!" It's not literally true, but it's true enough. He's got enough momentum right now that people will go apeshit when he turns heel- I'm thinking Hogan at Bash at the Beach.

For what it's worth, Hogan as a heel in WCW sold a lot more merchandise then he did as a face. Cena isn't the same case, but don't assume that just because a good face goes heel that he won't still push the product.
When Bret turned heel spring 97' Shawn Michaels was the face of WWE and that was months from Austin taking that spot which is why Bret was turned heel

actually you're off by quite a bit. Bret turned Heel and HBK formed DX, also Heel, would insult the crowd, and help out the Nation of Domination. fans were split on who to cheer for, and really confused, they'd try to cheer for Bret, but then he'd go and say that USA sucked, austin was only just coming back from injury, but was still long off of being the Face of the Company.
actually you're off by quite a bit. Bret turned Heel and HBK formed DX, also Heel, would insult the crowd, and help out the Nation of Domination. fans were split on who to cheer for, and really confused, they'd try to cheer for Bret, but then he'd go and say that USA sucked, austin was only just coming back from injury, but was still long off of being the Face of the Company.
I don't totally disagree but you can't say Bret Hart was the face of WWE when he turned heel.The guy was gonn from WM12 all the way till Survivor Series 96' when HBK was clearly the face of the "new generation" as they called it I meen common Michaels even won a slammy for leader of the new generation but being damn near 30 I guess Id remember shit like that.But this thread is about Cena and the way I see it a heel turn would be a shock,even the iwc can't seem to agree on what's going to happen.Only the Cenation catering to the kids thing got me 2nd guessing the enevitable heel turn.Someone posted it would only really work if Cena goes back to the rap gimmick and I agree but I also remember reading somthing were Cena himself said that he's passed that stage of his career.That's what Id like to see if he's gonna turn heel.Cena is way to white bread and Captain America to be a good heel without the Dr. Of Thuganomics coming back.I just don't see it happening but they used to say "anything can happen in the World Wrestling Federation"..man I miss those days lol

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