Why WWE is screaming out loud that Cena is going heel ??


Pre-Show Stalwart
The way things happened last night on raw I can clearly see John Cena going heel and turn on team wwe at summerslam. Mark my words Cena will trun heel and turn on team wwe by either hitting hitman with FU or stfu. He will become leader of the Nexus. Its clear Edge and Jericho already left the team with the likes of Khali on kinda Nexus side. Bret Hart cant wrestle and that leaves only R-truth and JoMo to fight but they are in kinda their own feud. So Cena is standing alone against Nexus again. That gives him an explanation to turn on fans by saying that he tried to take nexus out but everybody thought for himself and now he is going to think the same. I am ok with it that Cena is going heel. My only problem is WHY THE HELL WWE IS GIVING US HINTS. Cena's heel turn is only thing that fans are waiting to happen in wwe from long time. This is one of those few wrestlemania moments that should have happened at the big PPV. Summerslam is sure big but nothing as compared to wrestlemania. WWE dont have much big time wrestlemania matches left with the older guys (who are most likely to main event wrestlemania) so they should wait for things like these to happen only at biggest PPV. Secondly his heel turn should come out of nowhere. That should be a shocking moment where nobody knows what is going to happen. This should be out of nowhere. Kinda like when HBK hit HHH with Sweet chin music at SS last year. Nobody saw that coming. No one even IWC should not have any idea that it has happned. If that happned at summerslam I would be so disappointed with poor wwe booking to one of the biggest moments in recent years.
What do you mean, "the way things happened last night". What did he do last night that implies a heel turn? the only hint WWE gave was cena taking the armband and giving that promo the night he formed team WWE. I just think all of you desperately want cena to turn heel so that you would look for the slightest "hint".
What do you mean, "the way things happened last night". What did he do last night that implies a heel turn? the only hint WWE gave was cena taking the armband and giving that promo the night he formed team WWE. I just think all of you desperately want cena to turn heel so that you would look for the slightest "hint".

Last nghtJericho and dge left the team and Cena looked disappointed when Jericho walked out. Later Nexus helped Khali to win the match and Khali looked kinda impressed and looks like he will turn on team wwe too. That leaves Cena to fight Nexus with Bret hart, R-truth and JoMo. I can see from Cena's expresion that he was frustrate and eventually will turn on team wwe for not cooperating him.
I dont agree that theyve been hinting at a heel turn, it seems hes the only one who is trying to keep it all together, and if they did, its called psychology and its how most storylines work in wrestling, turns out of nowhere every time would make no sense, the best writing for storylines and turns tho, have hints and give clues, but you dont realize them til the turn happens
First off Hellod245, your spelling is terrible. But i agree Cena will turn on Team RAW at SummerSlam but there was no hints last night that showed he was going too. I personally dont want him to turn heel, even though it would be easy to do since 50% of the fans dont like him anyway. But i think it will come down to Wade Barrett vs Bret Hart and Cena. Cena will then turn on Bret and cost them the match.
Why would they want to something as big at this at WrestleMania? WM is where the fueds are ended, there are NO promos! WrestleMania.

Anyway, the only people who know (or are very sure) that Cena will turn heel is the IWC. The main fanbase are just kids, they don't search up for spoilers. I think you should just stop trying to take something and turn it in to a foreshadowing of SummerSlam.
I think cena is goin to realize wwe is against him , not the fans but the superstars , so I believe he will join nexus to take out those who formed against him like Jericho , edge , and potientially team raw .
It's entirely possible Cena will go heel... but I think they are going for The Rock to be the difference maker... Makes most sense to temper a turn as big as Cena with something to take the Edge off for the kiddies... Rock v a heel Cena for Mania makes sense, is achievable, after all if Bret can come back Rock CAN come back for one match...
Sorry everyone but I still say Cena sells too much merchandise and with a movie coming out, he cannot go heel. I also do not think any hints have been dropped of a heel turn.

Granted, when you hear his entrance music hit, the boos are evident............but so are the cheers. I think it would be storyline suicide to turn Cena heel because leaving him a face gives the "yeah'ers" something to cheer for and feel sorry for him when he gets his ass beat and the "nay'ers" enough to fuel thier hatred for his charictar.

I hope I made sense. Please don't spam me if I didn't.
Last nghtJericho and dge left the team and Cena looked disappointed when Jericho walked out. Later Nexus helped Khali to win the match and Khali looked kinda impressed and looks like he will turn on team wwe too. That leaves Cena to fight Nexus with Bret hart, R-truth and JoMo. I can see from Cena's expresion that he was frustrate and eventually will turn on team wwe for not cooperating him.

The way I see it is that Team WWE is turning on Cena. Not the other way around. Edge and Jericho left Cena high and dry. Khali seems like he could. Truth and Morrison are having their little hissy fit. How can Cena turn on the people that have already turned on him? The only way Cena can turn on his team is if he gets Edge and Jericho back on the team and he somehow gets them on the same page. Otherwise, Cena will have to recruit others to be a part of his team. Who really cares if Cena turns on the B-team that could have Bourne and Henry replace Edge and Jericho. Nexus has already proven they can take out the B-team of the WWE.
THERE HAS BEEN NO HINT!!!!!!!!!.With that out the way I think there are plans for cena to turn Heel. However Wwe will change them at the last moment.Would I like to see a heel Cena?Yes Would I lik to see him join Nexus? HELL NO IT WOULD MAKE NO SENSE!!!!!!
What!? Turning the face of compay heel...not going to happen. These hints seem to sound more like wishful thinking. Also I really hope the nexus breaks up after SummerSlam.
I really don't know why anyone would have the impression that Cena is turning heel. I just don't see it at all. And I certainly don't see why he'd side with Nexus. If anything, like others are saying, I think the rest of the team would turn on him first. Like maybe Cena starts to get bossy or something and the others all walk out on him. And that could lead to a heel turn in the near future I guess. But it certainly won't be happening at Summerslam.
The only "hint" of Cena turning heel has been random internet reports by WZ.

Other than that Cena is still too over with the kids which is who WWE aims for now. It would really be a bad business move on the E to change him over now and not at the height of his hate from a year or two ago. Right now, SOME males are actually cheering for him now.
I think WWE has succeeded in doing what they alway intended. They've done just enough (By having Team WWE implode) to make most of the IWC THINK that Cena could turn heel. The motives are there. Cena can't beat Nexus by himself or with the other member of the locker room so he has no choice but to join Nexus. But the IWC are the ones dreaming up these plans. Maybe creavtive counted on that, and by throwing us alittle misdirection, have succeeded.

Has anyone stopped to ask what Nexus would want with Cena at this point? Some of us still think that Nexus already has a Secret Leader, and they've announced they have BIGGER plans. How would Cena fit into those plans? I image Wade want to be the next WWE Champ, and that would be hard with Cena as a member of the group. The Nexus want to grow, takeover, and make THEIR MARK. I just don't see how incorporating Cena with the group helps their cause.

I still believe Bret hart is the secret Leader of Nexus. That he is the one who will turn on Team WWE. Everyone but Cena and Hart are bickering with each other and Cena has done everything he can to keep the group togehter. Hart has done nothing. At Summerslam Cena will FINALLY gets the troops to rally behind him only to be screwd by Bret.
if cena goes heel , kids will find new superstars to be their hero , making the business more profitable .. kids will buy Randy orton mechandise as well as John morrisons , Evan bournes , and even Bret harts merchandise , not just cena so I think wwe can pull this off , and a heel cena can attract more adult fans so when he do turn back face there won't be anymore boos .
Personally Id like to see Cena take out team WWE and Nexus.If he gonna be a heel I just wanna see him go rougue and fight for Hustle.Loyalty,and Respect and go after everyone.He'd be more edgy appealing to older fans but not a straight up heel cause his principles haven't changed so kids still love him.So Im hoping at Summer Slam Cena destroys everybody...Word Life
I simply don't see the hints. They teased it when he approached Nexus about a truce, but, when he was refused, he came back around to being himself, and now he's just frustrated that the rest of the team he put together is more worried about ego and personal gain than what's best for the WWE Universe as they put it.

So no, Cena will remain face for a while now. If they turn him heel, I doubt they'd waste that storyline on Nexus. Nexus has enough heat as it is, and they're starting to get noticed by the fans. Frankly, there's only 2 members I personally give a damn for, but then, that's for another thread.
Maybe not screaming out, but I do feel that it's a possibility that Cena can turn heel at SummerSlam. First of all to anybody who thinks "Oh, Cena is the face of the company. Who's gonna fill it out for him." Well then there is Orton. He gets a big pop, and kids will surely buy his merchandise.

Then again, I'm going to prove my theory wrong. Cena isn't going to turn heel, not yet at least. Maybe in a couple of years, when one of the younger stars will be able to take Cena's place. You know how I said that Orton can be the face? Well, actually, he can't. His gimmick, it's not right. It's not "face of the company material". He's "The Viper". You kinda need a guy who is a super hero. Like Cena.

So, what I'm trying to say is. There are many possibilities. But, WWE is definitely not screaming out that Cena is gonna turn heel.
He'll probably turn "heel" for one night to weed out the "heel" raw stars and then go back to being mister nice guy as he explains his actions. Nothing more.
Sorry everyone but I still say Cena sells too much merchandise and with a movie coming out, he cannot go heel. I also do not think any hints have been dropped of a heel turn.
What!? Turning the face of compay heel...not going to happen. These hints seem to sound more like wishful thinking. Also I really hope the nexus breaks up after SummerSlam.
I simply don't see the hints

how long have you people been watching WWE? the Face of the company has turned heel on 3 different occasions... back in the 90's Bret Hart was the face of the company, filling the void left by Hulk Hogan. was adored by the fans, sold tons of his shit, and what did they do? turned him Heel for a few years.
Stone Cold Steve Austin. One of the biggest face of the company's ever. sold MILLIONS of dollars in merch. loved by Kids AND adults. Turned on his team in an elimation style match, betraying team WWF. as a heel did his sales drop? no way. couple Times now actually Austin turned his back on his fans and went Heel, did it ever effect anything? no. people still bought Austin shit, but they were also out buying the good guys stuff too. The Rock, Y2J, Edge, ect..
And finally, Brock Lesnar. yes he wasnt as over with the fans.. but he was still the Face of the Company, at a time when really smackdown was a better show then RAW even. and what happened? Turned him Heel and had him beat up a kid with one leg.. a few times, and go up against Kurt Angle. so YES turning the face of the company CAN work and DOES make sence. will it happen to Cena at Summerslam? i really do hope so.

As for "there have been no hints" well i saw the taking the Arm band thing too, but that doesnt mean as much.. remember when he lost the title in the Tables match? he took a piece of the table, as a reminder. but what was interesting for me was the promo Jericho cut saying Cena is a bigger threat to the WWE then Nexus is. THAT my friends is foreshadowing i believe, wont know untill it does (if it does) happen.
how long have you people been watching WWE? the Face of the company has turned heel on 3 different occasions... back in the 90's Bret Hart was the face of the company, filling the void left by Hulk Hogan. was adored by the fans, sold tons of his shit, and what did they do? turned him Heel for a few years.
Stone Cold Steve Austin. One of the biggest face of the company's ever. sold MILLIONS of dollars in merch. loved by Kids AND adults. Turned on his team in an elimation style match, betraying team WWF. as a heel did his sales drop? no way. couple Times now actually Austin turned his back on his fans and went Heel, did it ever effect anything? no. people still bought Austin shit, but they were also out buying the good guys stuff too. The Rock, Y2J, Edge, ect..
And finally, Brock Lesnar. yes he wasnt as over with the fans.. but he was still the Face of the Company, at a time when really smackdown was a better show then RAW even. and what happened? Turned him Heel and had him beat up a kid with one leg.. a few times, and go up against Kurt Angle. so YES turning the face of the company CAN work and DOES make sence. will it happen to Cena at Summerslam? i really do hope so.

As for "there have been no hints" well i saw the taking the Arm band thing too, but that doesnt mean as much.. remember when he lost the title in the Tables match? he took a piece of the table, as a reminder. but what was interesting for me was the promo Jericho cut saying Cena is a bigger threat to the WWE then Nexus is. THAT my friends is foreshadowing i believe, wont know untill it does (if it does) happen.
When Bret turned heel spring 97' Shawn Michaels was the face of WWE and that was months from Austin taking that spot which is why Bret was turned heelspring 2001 Austin turns heel at WM17 and The Rock is the face of WWE at that time which is why Austin is turned heel.Cena is a different story turning Cena heel now would've been like Hogan going heel in 1989 its a bad buisness move.Cena may due somthing out of character but a straight up heel turn isn't likely.I may be wrong but if that happens Vince better hope that Orton and the Miz can sell a lot of fn t-shirts and action figures.
I don't think there were any hints last night. Maybe Khali stays and Edge comes back. They could replace Y2J with a returning Ezekiel Jackson. Maybe the guy behind Nexus is The Rock. He did say he would come back for something big. Anyway next week they could have Edge vs Khali. Have the Nexus come in, fake like Khali's going to turn. Then have him and Edge fight off the Nexus. Then on the last Raw before the PPV have Jackson show up. At the end of the show have Cean's team stand strong in the ring. At the PPV the last three should be Cena & Hart vs Barrett. Cena turns on Hart and walks out with a blank look. Leaving Barrett to get the win. The next night on Raw they start the show with Cena coming out to explain why.
there so many things that could happen the night of summerslam. like with what someone said bret screwing vince and joining nexus. cena turning on bret. (would be the most common thing plus would be my fav.) then its the rock. somehow the only characters that remind people of the attitude is orton. edge. jericho. and possibly the nexus which is why the rock could be the leader. going around kicking everyones ass with the likes as using chairs. all that good shit under the ring. and still be able to talk the most shit without using the contreversal words. THE ROCK. with the best mic skills ever. miz is close. this is the storyline to bring the rock back go against the kids instead of having him pg. like d-bad cena. like jericho does. the rock could pull this off.
sorry, but i think turning Cena heel would eventually be a bad move for WWE. All the kiddies LOVE Cena. If their hero goes bad then i think they lose that fanbase and also WWE loses good sells and of course loses money for the movie. As for the Team WWE vs. Nexus match. For some reason, i see team WWE winning and in TWO month have it revealed that Triple H is the leader. As for Triple H, i see him coming back to SummerSlam and screwing Sheamus, beating him a month later then feud with Nexus and team with Cena only to turn on him, but that's only if he's healthy. I think WWE needs to turn Cena heel, BUT in order to do that, they also need to turn a top heel face. the only top faces in WWE are Cena and Orton. If Cena is turned that leaves only Orton.

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