Why The WWE Shareholders Meeting Is Good For TNA


Occasional Pre-Show
You've all heard it and jumped around like a gang of excited schoolgirls...Vince Mcmahon didn't deny potentially buying TNA. But actually, this could be better for TNA. Why?

"Dixie Carter is killing the wrestling business"- Perhaps this might throw TNA a bit. If TNA somehow aren't aware that in the eyes of most fans, their product sucks, this might make them rethink it.
"Why is he saying that? What has Dixie done? What's wrong with TNA?" They'll think, and log on to their computers...they might read some of the things people are saying about them. The guys who run TNA will panic, ditch whatever they're doing (including Bischoff, Hogan, Carter, probably RVD) and start doing something else.
Wishful thinking? Probably. In all likelihood one of these BAD things will happen...

OR TNA will respond to it, they might put some kind of angle into it, "Bischoff wants to sell TNA but he can't do it unless Immortal holds all the championships". That'd suck, but it'd be a quick storyline that might gain them some more publicity. Actually, any way this goes will get TNA more publicity. I wouldn't be surprised if their motto is "Any publicity is good publicity" and it hangs on a plaque above the door of the owner of TNA.

Another thing TNA might do is ignore it completely, and carry on, with maybe sending out someone to do a passionate promo about how they love TNA and TNA is a great promotion and you can't buy what TNA has. Obviously, it would need to be someone with brilliant acting skills to pull this off.

Not making a big thing of whatever WWE do is a pretty good solution rather than blowing this out of proportion. Vince really isn't buying TNA, and I hope a lot of you guys do know that.
I think a good idea would be for TNA Creative to simply NOT watch anything to do with WWE, because then they can't react/copy/attempt to outdo it.

Also Dixie might get fired on the basis of this and the incident with Karen Angle. Personally, I don't feel Dixie is the problem, she's pretty poor and she thinks she's more important than she actually is but there are worse people in TNA right now.

Maybe, just maybe, someone in TNA will read online about a wrestler called Samoa Joe, they'll look at the assistant and ask "Who is Samoa Joe?", then they'll remember that there is a wrestler called Samoa Joe on their roster...and that, surprisingly, he can wrestle.

Unlike TNA, WWE don't need to react or respond to this kind of thing. TNA are, as many people have put it, attention-****es. If TNA can squeeze a storyline or angle out of this that includes Bischoff and Hogan, they most likely will.

Your thoughts on how TNA will react to this?
Well, going on sixteen months of history here, I'm going to say that they're going to respond with snarky commentary from Taz and an in-joke that only the most slavishly dedicated TNA fan would consider funny.
I am not a fan of all of TNA's current state. I don't like that 50 year old man is representing the company, I don't like their storyline angles, especially Kurt Angle and the Jarrett Family. TNA getting bought by WWE is not what I want and not what I think will happen.

TNA has a great cast of talent, For the millionth time, but they are pushing the wrong people, obviously. Sting as champion is terrible, because the man can barely keep a match entertaining anymore, and I can't believe TNA even has the thought of Hulk Hogan competing against him... in a PPV main event match.

If TNA was on any major networks, they'd go out of business like WCW. But Spike is not major, as their shows are all rowdy and cluttered, similar to TNA. TNA just needs new writers, BUT THAT WON'T HAPPEN UNLESS WWE ACTUALLY BUYS TNA.
I am not a fan of all of TNA's current state. I don't like that 50 year old man is representing the company, I don't like their storyline angles, especially Kurt Angle and the Jarrett Family. TNA getting bought by WWE is not what I want and not what I think will happen.

TNA has a great cast of talent, For the millionth time, but they are pushing the wrong people, obviously. Sting as champion is terrible, because the man can barely keep a match entertaining anymore, and I can't believe TNA even has the thought of Hulk Hogan competing against him... in a PPV main event match.

If TNA was on any major networks, they'd go out of business like WCW. But Spike is not major, as their shows are all rowdy and cluttered, similar to TNA. TNA just needs new writers, BUT THAT WON'T HAPPEN UNLESS WWE ACTUALLY BUYS TNA.

Spiketv isn't a major network? What? WTF? Are you serious? :banghead: That is the stupidest of stupidest comments I've ever heard. :banghead::banghead:

I think you're very naive and you're the best example that Bischoff used to describe wannabee smart fans like yourself that talk from their ass.

Why would TNA go out of business if they were on any network? Do you realize what the ratings are for an average tv show? WTF exactly are you comparing TNA's ratings to besides WWE to determine that TNA's ratings aren't good enough to stay on a "major network"?

To answer the thread, I think it's good because now Dixie and the Carter Family will realize that not only are most fans disgruntled with the direction of their product but so do shareholders that attend WWE meetings. TNA is a good company but they've got to get it together. I'll root for them until eternity.
I really don't think this meeting was the first time TNA has heard from wrestling fans that they didn't like the product. Dixie herself has answered questions about the quality of TNA during her Youshoot video. Also Eric Bischoff's and TNA's facebook page are filled with trolls who bitch about TNA. So one person stating the opinion of TNA is not something new. Plus that guy who brought up the question wasn't a TNA fan. It was nothing more then the hundreds of post they see on facebook pages, another WWE mega fan who doesn't like TNA. That is why he has stock in the company. I would be willing to bet most of the people who were asking questions at the meeting that were not really business related were nothing but WWE mega fans who have some stock in the company. Not really business men but more wanna buy something to make them feel like the are just a little bit closer to being in the wrestling business. Also what did you think Vince would say? No. What would be the point of saying No? Vince has in the past bought the video library of a company so I don't think it has ever been a question of if he would.

So basically nothing will happen. Nothing new was learned here. Nothing new here was said by the fans. If TNA just found out from this that some people don't like them they have really their heads in the sand.
Here's what I would like to see happen. It may be just a pipe dream, but it would definately be a great boost for TNA. McMahon could make an offer on TNA, but not Vince. Enter the return of Shane McMahon. He was daddy's little boy until Hunter came along. Now Stephanie & HHH are poised to take over the WWE when Vince finally steps down and Shane is on the outside looking in. Shane could purchase TNA (either himself or with investors) and use all the knowledge he gained working in WWE and turn TNA around. He could hire Paul Heyman (which should have been done in the first place), fire bishoff, hogan & russo (something else which should have already been done), make and offer to good ole JR and bring him in to scout talent or do play by play (since he's being jerked around by WWE), and finally stick it to dad.

I'd love to see this happen, but the odds of this playing out are slim to none, but imagine the possibliities if it did happen.
Spiketv isn't a major network? What? WTF? Are you serious? :banghead: That is the stupidest of stupidest comments I've ever heard. :banghead::banghead:

I think you're very naive and you're the best example that Bischoff used to describe wannabee smart fans like yourself that talk from their ass.

Why would TNA go out of business if they were on any network? Do you realize what the ratings are for an average tv show? WTF exactly are you comparing TNA's ratings to besides WWE to determine that TNA's ratings aren't good enough to stay on a "major network"?

To answer the thread, I think it's good because now Dixie and the Carter Family will realize that not only are most fans disgruntled with the direction of their product but so do shareholders that attend WWE meetings. TNA is a good company but they've got to get it together. .

Spike is definitely popular, but if you compare it to WCW's stint on TBS, Spike is a B-Rate network.

And to quote your words

"That is the stupidest of stupidest comments I've ever heard."


I'll root for them until eternity

That truly is a stupid comment, while I just state the obvious.

And the fact that your defending TNA heavily makes you more of a wannabe smart fan. TNA has more than a little problem, their whole show is cluttered and confusing, and they are not using their stars right. Face the facts.
Vince really needs to throw a bone to TNA like what he did to ECW in the 90's. Even Vinces knows 2 companies fighting for ratings is great for bussiness. Like WWF and WCW, Vince should allow maybe John Cena, Randy Orton, and maybe somebody else show up at an Impact taping and be sitting in the front row or have a bunch of Impact stars go to a WWE event or pay-per-view and sit there and maybe go into there ring and fuck up there main event. If Vince can help TNA get to that next level like what they did for ECW it would be good for both companies.
I watched video of that exchange in the meeting, and it was anything but serious. The shareholder who asked Vince that was obviously mildly ******ed. A dress shoe on one foot and a white sneaker on the other, he can't even dress himself. And when he talks, you can tell he's special. Vince was obviously embarrassed by the guy, so his answers were just to get out of the question and shut him up.
First of all there is nothing wrong with TNAs product, over 1 and a half million Americans will confirm that. And in my country (England) more people enjoy TNAs product than they do WWEs. Log onto pwinsider.com to see the English ratings. iMPACT! always has more viewers than Raw or Smackdown. Just because a certain person might not like their product, it doesn't mean millions of others around the World don't enjoy it.

And for someone to say they are using the wrong stars, that's just YOUR opinion. RVD and Anderson are two of my favourite wrestlers, so IMO they are using the right guys.

To summarise, just because you don't like TNA it doesn't mean they are doing anything wrong. I havent watched any WWE for nearly 2 years, it doesn't mean they are doing something wrong, it just means I dont enjoy it.
Spike is definitely popular, but if you compare it to WCW's stint on TBS, Spike is a B-Rate network.

And to quote your words

"That is the stupidest of stupidest comments I've ever heard."


I'll root for them until eternity

That truly is a stupid comment, while I just state the obvious.

And the fact that your defending TNA heavily makes you more of a wannabe smart fan. TNA has more than a little problem, their whole show is cluttered and confusing, and they are not using their stars right. Face the facts.

Ok then I would like to know your opinion on what TNA needs to do to improve their product. Just don't come out & say TNA has more then a little problem explain what TNA needs to do, why do you believe their show is "cluttered & confusing"? If any one is going to rip any promotion you gotta back up your words.
I believe TNA just needs to focus on what they are doing day in day out, don't worry what WWE does because thats one of the many downfalls to WCW.

TNA is a good company I've been to two of their house shows which both were far better then any WWE live event or ppv I've been to. I'm not ripping WWE I'm just saying TNA has their stuff together when it comes to live events its fan friendly with all the autographs & pictures you can get with the wrestlers.

I cant stress this enough for TNA just worry about TNA not any other wrestling promotion & I think TNA will be ok.
I'm sure I'll get some heat a bit for this but hear me out....or read me out LOL!

I'd prefer to see TNA become a territory and Vince and Dixie go into a mutal business agreement like ECW like another poster said above where TNA guys can appear on WWE and vice versa.
This way it opens so many storylines and interpromotional ideas also for TNA those guys get exposure in bigger Vince markets and Vince's guys get to work with different guys to help build the business and get "green" guys over or just to teach them to work or promo better. Plus it opens the library up for joint DVD releases. Yes, I know TNA makes out better in the deal but the business makes out better and Vince would cement his legacy even further cause the business has been in the shitter since WCW died competition wise.

The catch.... the writers and people in charge now stay the same Vince or Dixie don't have say over each others "territory" or storylines.
it's better than the draft and same stale crap. No WWE soap opera guys/McMahon/Levesque writing TNA and No Russo/Hogan/Carter WWE stories intermingling allowed.....its a dream but just ponder the storylines and dream matches.......
Ridiculous! Why would TNA sack Dixie because an ignorant mark asked Vince to buy TNA. The guy who made the comments to Vince seemed pretty uneducated and clearly was just repeating what he had read on the internet. He is the sort of dumb american who goes to the streets to celebrate Bin Ladens death without thinking of the repurcussions that this is going to have on your country. (Who do you think is going to get bombed first?) Hasn't Dixie turned TNA from a company that was only known locally into a global company, the second most known wrestling company in the world?

What Karen Jarrett incident? Do you really believe that fat elvis impersonator?

I agree with Rayne, it will only get mentioned at all in an off the cuff remark from the commentators, although it may actually be funny, in fact it probably would be funnier than anything Michael Cole has ever said.

Finally why do people want Dixie to go? Isn't she the daughter of the man who supplies the money that helps TNA buy the overpriced stars like Hogan. Without Dixie and Pandas money TNA will likely end up like ROH, a minor player with no chance of real success.
WWE sucks just as bad if not worse than TNA right now. TNA is the company with the most potential IMO. If vince bought it, it would kill the entire business and we`d end up with another WWE dressed ECW.

TNA was heading along the right track and building gradually before they brought in Hogan and Bischoff. If im honest i prefered the product back then. It was a breath of fresh air. TNA have put on some good stuff since but most of it has been poor. Pushing the wrong guys and shitty booking is just unforgivable.


After a year, maybe an interpromotional PPV of all PPV's.
I'm not going to say that WWE is amazing right now but I can't watch TNA without getting frustrated. Their program is cluttered with has beens and the people who deserve to be getting a push are left off the show or are overshadowed by the old men who still think their interesting.

TNA's big surprises usually involve the return of Hogan, Sting, or Flair
These guys were all great in their prime but they are all far past that, but guys like Samoa Joe, Pope and Christopher Daniels are running mid-card angels. Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett are doing a modified angle based on Angle's life which is horrible. It's distasteful for one, but even if Angle is ok with it then it's all good but the real question is why is Jarrett still in the Main Event? Besides the fact that he is a higher up in the company, he couldn't survive past the midcard in his prime so now that he is too old to be interesting in the main event.

I'm not saying that TNA isn't entertaining all I'm saying is they have so much potential and they are letting Hogan, Bischoff, and Russo piss it down the drain. This isn't WCW and they need to realize the guys who shone in that era aren't shining anymore. The young guys need to be utilized and right now they are not being utilized right. This guy Gunner is the tv champ? I understand that the NWO or Immortal, sorry I forgot what take over angle Hogan and Bischoff were doing this time, needs some sort of belt so that the old guys have some sort of power but there are many people who deserve more then they are getting.

In my eyes ROH will always be better then TNA, if they got a legitimate tv show they could overpower TNA because they have a fresh roster that mainstream fans have never seen on tv, with the likes of The Kings of Wrestling, Rod Strong, Colt Cabana to name a few not to mention they have Benjamin and Haas and now Jay Lethal is back they have some indie star power and those guys need love too.

Now before everyone gets mad at me I am a TNA fan I just feel it gets harder and harder to watch because none of the angle pull me in. In WWE's defense they have people like CM Punk and John Morrison who are extremely entertaining and if the rumors are true that Punk is leaving after his contract then I'd rather him not go to TNA because they obviously have no udea how to use their talent.
the whole litany of TNA comments at WWE stockholder's meeting were nothing short of a black eye on TNA management.

those who think Bob Carter would fire his daughter Dixie need their brains examined
TNA is jumping for joy, Vince almost acknowledged a reference that kind of relates them, that was talking badly about them.


TNA needs to quit Acknowledging WWE, because every time I hear them say "You held titles in that other company but not here!" or something along those lines, it makes TNA seem every more minor league than they are.
TNA needs to keep making a name for itself, not hitching a ride off WWE, because that will eventually kill them off.

and TNA isn't going to have a major shakeup because someone said Dixie is a moron, people have been saying it for years, and it's been true for years. I think she tweeted about a big surprise thats going to change the wrestling world for impact this week! Or was that last week?
Oh wow that would be great for Wrestling. We wouldn't have to watch anymore boring hardcore matches and we could see the X Division disappear. That would be fantastic for everyone. :rolleyes:
The young guys need to be utilized and right now they are not being utilized right. This guy Gunner is the tv champ?.

Did you seriously just moan about TNA not using the younger guys and then moan about Gunner being the TV Champion in the same paragraph? That is contradiction at its finest! Some people on here will just moan about anything, even if they are contradicting themselves. Why not just say TNA are not pushing the guys you want them to push?

I'm not saying that TNA isn't entertaining all I'm saying is they have so much potential and they are letting Hogan, Bischoff, and Russo piss it down the drain.

What are they pissing down the drain. I would say TNA is a lot more interesting now than it was prior to Hogan and Bischoffs arrival. Russo has been there for years. The main thing I hear people complain about is the way Samoa Joe and Daniels are used. Are they not in the right spots? Are they both not mid-carders? Would they be World Champions in any other major promotion? Are Rob Van Dam and Mr Anderson not genuine main eventers and better equipted for that role?

In my eyes ROH will always be better then TNA, if they got a legitimate tv show they could overpower TNA because they have a fresh roster that mainstream fans have never seen on tv, with the likes of The Kings of Wrestling, Rod Strong, Colt Cabana to name a few not to mention they have Benjamin and Haas and now Jay Lethal is back they have some indie star power and those guys need love too.

Ifs and buts pal. Didn't TNA and ROH start up around the same time? Aren't TNA the global wrestling company with the global TV deals? Haven't ROH had exactly the same amount of time to be at the level TNA is at? You can say TNA have had the backing of Panda Energy, but haven't ROH had the same amount of time to attract a large sponsor? Simple fact is ROH only appeals to a small amount of people, that is why they are not at TNAs level. A proper TV deal wouldn't make any difference because only thousands of people would watch it, not millions.

Now before everyone gets mad at me I am a TNA fan I just feel it gets harder and harder to watch because none of the angle pull me in. In WWE's defense they have people like CM Punk and John Morrison who are extremely entertaining and if the rumors are true that Punk is leaving after his contract then I'd rather him not go to TNA because they obviously have no udea how to use their talent.

It's all opinion at the end of the day. I find Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair more entertaining than John Morrison, CM Punk or any other guy on the WWEs roster. Somebody may be a huge Eric Young mark and believe he deserves to be TNA Champion. It's not right, it's not wrong, it's just that one guys opinion. You say they have no idea how to use their talent. Why don't they? Mr Anderson is currently my favourite wrestler. Why is he my favourite wrestler? Because of the way TNA have used him.
I saw the footage of the WWE Shareholdes meeting... geez, that was sad. The "fan turned stockholder" who made the comment had worse delivery than a 12-year old meeting Justin Bieber for the first time. He could barely get the thought out, was trying to be smart ("3 letter company in Nashville") but failed miserably, and even gave Stephanie one of the most backhanded compliments I've heard in my life ("even Stephanie could run the company better than Dixie"). Way to ruin your 15 seconds of fame there, champ!

Speaking of Steph, her response was absolutely appropriate. She just laughed the whole thing off, much like I'm sure Vince, Trips and others WWE execs did once the meeting concluded. In my opinion, that video ranks right up there with "it's still real to me dammit." It's meant for a good laugh, not to be taken seriously.

As an aside, Vinces "move along, move along, nothing more to discuss here" face during the "maybe" response was also priceless. I certainly don't agree with his politics regarding pro-wrestling, but I gotta give the man his due... his emotes and facial expressions tell the story of what he's feeling at that very moment. This time, it was equal parts hilarity and ridicule.

As far as this all being good for TNA? I can think of only one positive... that the company (albeit very indirectly) was mentioned as something potentially worth purchasing. It forced Vince to acknowledge publicly that there is another brand out there that should be regarded, even if they weren't specifically referenced by name.

As I said in another thread regarding the subject, the whole thing is ultimately a non-issue though. If TNA jump up and down and do cartwheels because Vince acknowledged them, that will only show how "B-league" the detractors claim that they are. Best thing to do will either be to forget it entirely, or have Taz do the aforementioned in-joke that only 3 people in the audience at home will even have a shot at getting.
To open, I wanna say I'm pretty certain Vince was joking when he said "maybe". I think TNA would suddenly somehow have to become a legitimate threat to McMahon and WWE for him to even consider investing in the purchase of Total Non-Stop Action Wrestling. If I can indulge myself and pretend I'm Vince McMahon for a second here, when I look at TNA, I see a company that is, relatively speaking at least, going nowhere. I certainly don't see true competition and frankly, it'd make for a piss-poor investment in its current form. There's no reason for Vince to feel the want or need to buy TNA.

Now as for what TNA will likely do. I expect them to either ignore it, or as mentioned here already have their announcers make comments akin to those we heard every other sentence during the short-lived and ill-conceived Monday Night War 2 attempt last January. Maybe the Monday night Massacre would better describe it, and I hope TNA have the sense to have learned from that. Unfortunately, though, I'd have to lean towards the latter here.

If they're ever to be taken seriously as a wrestling company, the first thing they need to do is refrain from getting into a tangle with a company that doesn't even brand itself as wrestling anymore. Vince didn't take the TNA -purchase question seriously, and neither should TNA.
I am not a fan of all of TNA's current state. I don't like that 50 year old man is representing the company, I don't like their storyline angles, especially Kurt Angle and the Jarrett Family. TNA getting bought by WWE is not what I want and not what I think will happen.

TNA has a great cast of talent, For the millionth time, but they are pushing the wrong people, obviously. Sting as champion is terrible, because the man can barely keep a match entertaining anymore, and I can't believe TNA even has the thought of Hulk Hogan competing against him... in a PPV main event match.

If TNA was on any major networks, they'd go out of business like WCW. But Spike is not major, as their shows are all rowdy and cluttered, similar to TNA. TNA just needs new writers, BUT THAT WON'T HAPPEN UNLESS WWE ACTUALLY BUYS TNA.

I don't think I understand this right here.
so Spike is not major, and if TNA was on a major network they would go out of business?
to start off, WCW went out of business because 2 companies merged and the new owners had no interest in wrestling. maybe the product at the time didn't help, but the product was not the reason the company finished.
I also do not consider Spike to be a major TV network the same as USA TV is for WWE. but if TNA were on a major network I don't think that would make them go out of business, I think the opposite and that if they were on a better major network then maybe more viewers would watch and ratings would be better. I don't think I watch any shows on Spike other than TNA. I've seen some shows listed on the guide while searching. one show I've seen listed multiple times is Pros vs Joes, but aren't those all repeats as that show used to be on a few years ago. to me the shows I see listed on Spike are not what I would want to watch to be entertained.

maybe the day to day operations in TNA can change so that more knowledgeable wrestling people are running the company.
2 of the things that TNA needs to do is have better writing and push different people. you can't just push the veterans all the time. too often there are non clean finishes. you can't have a surprise all the time or it's not a surprise.
I understand what TNA did when they created Immortal along the same type of story line as the nWo was back in WCW, hoping to have the same type of success. but it hasn't worked. you don't have the same type of star power in Immortal with the wrestling as you did in the nWo. even when Hardy was there, they were no Hogan(the wrestler)/Nash/Hall/Giant/ect. TNA needs to finish Immortal and that needs to happen ASAP. the company will start to be better just by doing that.

to the original topic. I think maybe Taz and Tenay mention something on air without directly connecting WWE and McMahon joking about buying TNA, but I doubt TNA uses this as any type of story line. although it wouldn't surprise me.

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