Why Razor Ramon and Not Scott Hall?


Occasional Pre-Show
Tonight on Raw they announced the newest inductee into this years HOF is Razor Ramon.

The video package was exclusively Razor with no mentions at all of Scott Hall in WCW, him being the catalyst for the biggest wrestling story ever, No outsiders footage and so forth.

The man is way more known as Scott Hall than he is as Razor Ramon and I think to ignore the biggest part of his career is really odd considering WWE has cashed in with merchandise and DVDs acknowledging Scott Hall and the NWO, not to mention you can see it all right on the network.

Can someone please explain the logic to me in inducting him as Razor Ramon and ignoring the Scott Hall portion of his career in the HOF tribute video?
Shouldn't be inducting either one. Razor/Scott Hall screwed the wwe and helped put WCW out of business from the inside. He did nothing that actually was for the betterment of the business, and has only one very good/great match which he worked wwith one of the best in ring performers in history.
I thought it was strange also. WWE intentionally ignored Scott Hall to put all the focus on Razor Ramon, and you could see it with the video package. My only guess that makes sense is WWE is saving Scott Hall for a future induction with Hogan and Nash as the NWO. The NWO devolved into a revolving door with a barrage of new members after a while, but Nash, Hall, and Hogan are the founders together. We know it's going to happen someday, and with Hogan and Nash back in WWE, and with Scott Hall sober and clean, there's a good chance WWE is waiting for a future induction with the NWO as headliners.
Shouldn't be inducting either one. Razor/Scott Hall screwed the wwe and helped put WCW out of business from the inside. He did nothing that actually was for the betterment of the business, and has only one very good/great match which he worked wwith one of the best in ring performers in history.

Seriously, what did I just read here? Wrestling isn't a sainthood, if we wanted to base this whole induction on morals, then the "halls" of this esteemed, and yet to be physical institution would be QUITE empty.

In fact, you have someone who may very well have blood on his hands being inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame, and that is one Carlos Colon. Not saying for sure that he had a hand in Bruiser Brody's death. But if you're going to rely on internet conjecture to justify your cause against Hall being inducted, then you better accept the fact that your stance will be challenged and that someone like Carlos Colon should also be a bold question mark in this equation, if you're going to give us that tough of standards as to why someone shouldn't be put into the hall of fame of WWE.

I'd say being a backstage shit stirrer and opportunist is a far cry from possibly having the hand in the death of a performer.

Think about that for a second.
Glad I wasn't the only one who found it a bit odd. I think the point about a future induction for the NWO makes sense. Hopefully that's the case and they aren't trying to short change Hall because they are bitter about what happened way back. Wouldn't make sense as they brought him back afterwards in 2002.

The Razor Ramon character itself is different from Scott Hall and maybe they are just giving credit to his work he put into it. It would make sense if they did that with Hulk Hogan-Hollywood Hogan or Diesel-Kevin Nash too.
It's not being bitter. It's just them recognizing Razor Ramon and his achievements in the WWE. Scott Hall will be inducted along with the original NWO and his achievements to the group will be noted there.

Besides, outside of the start of the NWO, it's not like Scott Hall had a stellar career in WCW or in his return to the WWE. His personal demons really hurt him towards the end of his career on the active roster. Razor Ramon is Scott Hall at the peak his of wrestling abilities.
The Razor character was one of my all time favs. I was very happy to see this chapter of his career in the spot light.

How funny would it be if Fake Razor was the one honored at the HOF?
Never did I say Carlos Colon should be inducted either. Or Warrior for that matter. I'd say Hogan shouldn't have been inducted either but it is kind of hard to get around the 80 ' s boom and his being the biggest reason for it, but Hogan also had some legendary moments to go with his popularity.

What legendary moment does Razor or Scott Hall have other than one match with possibly the greatest in ring performer in history?
This is where I have an issue with the HoF. WWE inducts characters into the HoF, not people. Razor Ramon is a character of Scott Hall.

I wish WWE would stop this HoF stuff like this though. It makes it look bad and fake at the same time. I'm not saying that about wrestling, I'm saying what WWE is does with it.

I personally don't care if Hall goes in as an NWO or as Scott Hall. The Razor Ramon is a character only.
I don't get it. Razor Ramon was a good performer in WWE, not a GREAT one. Razor Ramon was in WWE from 1992-1996, a very brief window, never won the WWE title, never headlined a WM, etc.

Scott Hall on the other hand, was one of the most popular performers in the world during it's peak period, as a part of the NWO.

The part I don't understand is even if WWE in the future chose to induct the NWO as a separate entity, than just induct him again as a member (ala Flair), but when WWE purchased WCW, in my mind that means they absorb all that companies history, and as such if any part of Scott's career was truly worth inducting him for it is his work in WCW. Because while I certainly wouldn't discredit his contributions in WWE, if you really look at his WWE body of work objectively, there are many far more deserving performers with far more credentials, that will never get a HoF opportunity. Morrison, Carlito, MVP, Shelton, etc. etc. All had very comparable careers to that of the Razor Ramon character, if we're to ignore Scott Hall's career as a whole.
Hold on. Curt Hennig went in as Mr. Perfect, Percy Pringle is going in as Paul Bearer and Scott Hall is going in as Razor Ramon. These are the characters that launched their respective careers. At the end of the day we all know who portrayed these characters and we all know why they're going in the HOF. I'm sure Hall will talk about his WCW/nWo run in his induction speech. Stop being tools.
Hold on. Curt Hennig went in as Mr. Perfect, Percy Pringle is going in as Paul Bearer and Scott Hall is going in as Razor Ramon. These are the characters that launched their respective careers. At the end of the day we all know who portrayed these characters and we all know why they're going in the HOF. I'm sure Hall will talk about his WCW/nWo run in his induction speech. Stop being tools.

Yeah but it's not usually done this way. Ultimate Warrior isn't going in as Dingo Warrior. Edge didn't go in as Sexton Hardcastle. Mick Foley didn't go in as any of his incarnations. They were all inducted using their most prominent names and for Scott Hall, his was his own name. I'd have to agree with the thought that Razor alone isn't really HoF worthy, but Scott Hall's career as a whole certainly is.
Yeah but it's not usually done this way. Ultimate Warrior isn't going in as Dingo Warrior. Edge didn't go in as Sexton Hardcastle. Mick Foley didn't go in as any of his incarnations. They were all inducted using their most prominent names and for Scott Hall, his was his own name. I'd have to agree with the thought that Razor alone isn't really HoF worthy, but Scott Hall's career as a whole certainly is.

To be fair nobody knew who Dingo Warrior and Sexton Hardcastle were before Ultimate Warrior and Edge became famous enough to highlight their pasts. Just like if it wasn't for Razor and Diesel getting over so much in WWF no one would care about Hall and Nash "taking over" WCW. Then it would just be the Diamond Studd and Oz. That would be a disaster. Mick Foley and his 3 faces is an EXTREMELY rare case, which he went out of his way to showcase different personalities for each character. In my mind Razor and Hall are the same person with the same moves just different ring attires and music. We all know who the great performer Razor/Hall is. Can't we all be happy?
Seriously, IWC. I'm glad he's going in as Razor because this was the best years of his career as a singles performer. IN the NWO and as Scott Hall he was mostly a tagteam performer. Was he a key member of the faction? Absofreakin'lutely, but Razor was a key cog in the WWE's NEW GENERATION company mantra. The highlight of that being the ladder match w/HBK at WM 10. Underrated is his match with Stone Cold at WM 18. They put on a clinic. Congrats to Mr. Hall and glad to see The Original Bad Guy being celebrated & honored.
It's not a big deal guys. Scott Hall the wrestler will be inducted when the NWO faction gets recognized. Same thing will happen with Kevin Nash. He will go in as Diesel and when the NWO gets inducted he will be Kevin Nash. Don't know what the fuss is all about.
Hold on. Curt Hennig went in as Mr. Perfect, Percy Pringle is going in as Paul Bearer and Scott Hall is going in as Razor Ramon. These are the characters that launched their respective careers. At the end of the day we all know who portrayed these characters and we all know why they're going in the HOF. I'm sure Hall will talk about his WCW/nWo run in his induction speech. Stop being tools.

Not only was Hennig inducted as Mr. Perfect, but if you go back and watch his announcement video, there was no mention of his time in WCW as Curt Hennig. That's the precedent WWE has set.

As for Razor Ramon not being worthy of induction on his own, that's certainly not true when you look at who else is in the WWE. Jake Roberts, Jim Duggan, Koko B. Ware, Ted DiBiase, Ricky Steamboat, Mr. Perfect...I only went back to 2007, when Perfect was inducted, and found six people who had comparable careers to Razor Ramon who would definitely not be worthy of induction if Razor Ramon isn't. That's not even including guys like Peter Maivia and Rocky Johnson who wrestled in previous eras and/or other companies, nor does it include the first 14 years of the HOF. Don't let what Scott Hall did in WCW overshadow what Razor Ramon did in WWE. The idea that he only had one good moment with the greatest performer of all time is asinine, and he is clearly a Hall Of Famer, even without his time in WCW.
Just a thought, but I was thinking maybe it has something to do with an attempt to increase the profile of the intercontinental title? That title was featured VERY heavily in the package, and it probably does help it's image that there's two high profile IC champions who never won the world title in the hall of fame. It's like saying this too is a title that can make a wrestler a legend.

I'm not disputing any of the other reasons in this thread, but I think this might be part of it.
Big ups to the WWE for inducting Scott Hall as Razor Ramon into the WWE hall of fame! I love old school Razor Ramon! Tony Montana brought to life in a wrestling ring! A former and first time 4X IC champion. That video package almost brought tears to my eyes just watching masterpiece time in wrestlings history. But yeah I think that Kevin Nash (or Diesel) should induct the bad guy into the WWE hall of fame personally. Nash is Hall's right hand man! Nuff respect on all parts here.

But congrats again to the bad guy Razor Ramon, chico!
Yeah, they should have inducted him as Scott Hall

Razor Ramon was just a character played by Scott Hall

The most important part of his career was as 'Scott Hall' in the NWO. Razor Ramon was a mid-card character in the WWF.
Even his last run in WWE in 2002 was as 'Scott Hall'.

Maybe they are planning to inducting the entire nWo in the future.
You do realize you are contradicting yourself their. If you say he put WCW out of business from the inside then he was working for Vince (and was not screwing him over) and if he legit jumped and screwed Vince then why would he destroy WCW from the inside

No the real destorying came from endless money, creative control and uncreative behind the scenes (If anyone destroyed it from the indie it was Judy Bagwell)
Shouldn't be inducting either one. Razor/Scott Hall screwed the wwe and helped put WCW out of business from the inside. He did nothing that actually was for the betterment of the business, and has only one very good/great match which he worked wwith one of the best in ring performers in history.
They inducted him as Razor for a simple reason, that is a character WWF created and was never in WCW. They still don't like to acknowledge the success of WCW
I thought it was really weird they're inducting him as Razor Ramon and not Scott Hall regardless if they're going to have him go in as Scott Hall with an nWo induction. Mick Foley went in as Mick Foley because that's how he came to be identified. Not Mankind. Not Cactus Jack. Not Dude Love. I feel like you would only refer to Scott Hall as "Razor Ramon" if you haven't watched wrestling in 15 years.
Its because he was Razor Ramon when he was Intercontinental champion and all that and wrestled for the WWF title.
He identifies more with the WWE as Razor Ramon.

I suspect the WWE would like to celebrate the careers of wrestlers as they were known in WWE over another company even if they own it now.

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