Why must there be a Jannetty?


We shy worth hair
Anytime a team breaks up in wrestling the IWC instantly judges one as the 'Shawn Michaels' of the group and the other member as the 'Jannetty'.Why must every team be judged in this fashion? The IWC often exaggerates what a 'Jannetty' of a team is. Marty Jannetty is a former tag team and intercontinental champion. There are many people around these days that would be honoured with just that.

Many people judge teams in this fashion because when the rockers initially broke up, Marty Jannetty faded into obscurity while Shawn Michaels became one of the most memorable wrestlers of all time. Not every team can be ranked in this fashion; there are some teams that neither member does anything at all memorable once they have split while there are other teams where both members have succeeded greatly. Here are an example of both:

No success for either man:

Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder - These two were split up in the 2009 Supplemental Draft and while Zack was sent to ECW and repackaged under his Long Island Loudmouth gimmick while Curt wasn't seen for nearly a year but wasn't released due to backing by people such as Jim Ross. What has either man done since this split? We are nearly two years down the line and Zack Ryder is a comedy jobber and Curt Hawkins is Superstars exclusive. Zack is often regarded as the better of the group due to having a personality.
Bottom line: Was there a Michaels or Jannetty in this group? No. Neither man is showing anything watchable at the moment apart from Curt having decent matches with Trent Barretta on Superstars.

Success in both members of a team

Miz and Morrison - People saying this is a rockers tag team could not be farther off. Someone please tell me which of these members faded into obscurity? Morrison is in the midst of being elevated and Miz is the WWE champion. Just because Miz was a world champion first the IWC instantaneously believe that JoMo is the Jannetty of the group. Morrison is a former ECW, 3 time intercontinental, 5 time tag team and has even had title oppurtunities in matches and has even main evented pay per views. Miz has already shown us that he was the faster elevated of the two but thats not to say Morrison will never be a main event superstar. Both men are rising fast and are arguably the next generation of WWE.
Bottom Line: Did this group have a Michaels or Jannetty? No, both men are having highly successful in WWE right now and may one day feud again for a world title.

Now with the split of the Hart Dynasty we may be looking at yet another team split that will amount to nothing for either man of that team because possibly that team should have never split up and will flonder and be future endeavoured in weeks to come.
My Question to you is: Why must there be a Jannetty in every tag team?
I think it is just lazy to describe a member of a tag team as the HBK or the Jannetty EVERY time a team breaks up.

All they are trying to get across is whether they believe one member has more potential in singles competition than the other, and in some cases YES one member clearly does have STAR written across them more visably than their team mate, and the term HBK or Jannetty is more suitable, but in the majority of cases there is very little to distinguish the potential of the partners and the terms "HBK" or "Jannetty" of the team are thrown out too easily.

To be honest, I think its a little disrespectful to Marty as he was a former IC and Tag Team Champion and had a few runs in the biggest wrestling company on the planet. Its not like he was a Kizarny or a Skinner is it. But the example will continue to be used as Jannetty only managed moderate success and his tag team partner went on to be one of the all-time greats in the business.

However, if we are using this comparison, why dont they say the Bret Hart or Jim Neidhart of the team??? After leaving the Hart Foundation, Bret went on to become a legend and Jim floundered, returning for short runs but basically achieving nothing of note. He didnt even become IC champion, unlike Jannetty. And I think most people class Bret Hart on a similar legendary pedastal as Shawn Michaels???

Just a thought
Sometimes i just think it's hard for creative to think of something for both guys after the obvious "break-up" angle. And some guys fit in differently than others in different spots outside of the tag-team division. This could even be based on who is heel and who is face and the size of the team. I would expect DH Smith to be more successful than Tyson Kidd because of his size and look.
Because there's always gonna be one of the two tag team guys that WILL be the better man. Edge vs Christian had Edge being the better overall talent. Shawn was the better talent, Bret Hart was the better talent, Jeff Hardy.. Was the better talent..

All of the guys that got "crowned" as the Marty Jannetty of their tag team is all due to the fact that they were in fact the less talented guy. You'll have to look LONG and HARD to find a tag team where both as equally talented in a positive way. There's always gonna be one guy who is better on the microphone, better in the ring, has a better look, is younger or older, more established etc.

All of these things is a factor to what crowns the "newest" addition to the Jannetty family. And it's inevitable to not add another guy to the Jannetty family, it just is.
Well I think this is the case because this has happened a lot of time. A tag team gains popularity, there is a disagreement between the two members which leads to the team falling apart and the members getting involved in a feud with each other which has led to one guy, usually the winner of that feud, getting elevated and the other getting demoted.

The two cases that the OP has posted are an interesting study. If you look at it, the common fact between the two is that they were broken up by drafts rather than by feuds. That is what has saved/ prevented either team from going the Michaels/Jannetty way. Teams are usually broken up via a feud between the individual members. When the feud ends, a perception arises that the winner of the feud is the stronger of the two while the loser is the weaker one.

While this might be true for any feud, it is extremely beneficial for the winner and extremely detrimental for the loser if it is the case of a feud which is the result of the splitting of a tag team. Generally it is this feud that gives these tag team wrestlers the first opportunity to prove themselves in a singles competition. But if you lose your first feud as a singles competitor you are bound to be seen as a weak singles wrestler who can only succeed within the realms of a tag team involving his superior partner.

I think that all of us love to see a team break up with the individual members feuding against each other rather than a draft but I guess it is the draft that stops the team from going the Michaels/ Jannetty way. Which again is a two edged sword because either both members might end up succeeding or bot might end up as failures.
It's just like when you need a tissue and you ask for a "Kleenex." The most popular and most well-known entity is always going to be the litmus paper and benchmark when referring to that subject. The breakup of the Rockers was the first and most widely known tag-team breakup in history. It was also the very first comparison we were able to make between the career split-offs of former tag team members. Obviously HBK became the success while Jannetty faded away more rapidly (sorry, IC25).

If we were to make this reference more accurately (as it pertains to someone "being the Jannetty of the tag team"), we would be more accurate if we said they were the "Jim Neidhart". Now THAT'S a perfect example of success vs. failure in a former tag team. However, the Hart Foundation never had a "breakup" so this moniker wouldn't fit.

Naturally, we all believe the same thing.
There doesn't have to always be a Jannetty. I feel sorry for Jannetty honestly. Always made fun of both onscreen and by fans for being the one who faded into obscurity. Brother Ray summed up best how Jannetty is viewed, in his promo on Impact recently. "I will bethe Shawn Michaels and Devon will be the Marty Jannetty. Who the hell is Marty Jannetty? Exactly!" People are always going to compare the split of every single tag team to that of the Rockers. There is no escaping that. However, that does not mean both guys will fade away. Miz and Morrison are both being pushed. Unfortunately, someone almost always gets pushed harder than the other. This comes from tag teams being used to find future singles stars rather than dominating the tag team division. Everyone always says "that guy's gonna be the Michaels of the team!" instead of "these guys will be great tag team champions". The tag teams are being split up too fast in order to push someone harder than his partner, and that is why it seems like there has to be a Jannetty. It should be like Miz and Morrison more often, where both guys are kept around for a push because if both guys are good then there is no need for one to fade into obscurity like Jannetty.
Marty Jannetty is a former tag team and intercontinental champion. There are many people around these days that would be honoured with just that.

But that's the whole point, isn't it? The man had achieved success and fame and threw it all away. No one asked him to get in trouble with the law and no one forced him into the substance abuse that took him down. If a person has nothing and never did, you wish them well in the hopes that they're doing the best they can. But when you have attained success and lose it because you can't control your actions, there will always be people willing to look down on you. To me, that's the real reason folks see a "Michaels" and a "Jannetty" in the situations you're describing.

It's sad, but appropriate.
I'm the Shawn Michaels and your the Marty Jannetty of the team

I've seen and heard this statement many times. the latest is on TNA this past Thursday when Bubba said it to Devon and then again on afew forum posts on WZ.com. I do have to ask if people really know what this means or is it just thrown around alot to mention the Rockers.

If you recall the I'm the Shawn Michaels and your the Marty Jannetty of the team ment to Shawn that he could reach great hights without Marty and he did. He became WWE Champion. Alot of former teams use that phrase and yet none of them except one has shown that they are infact the Shawn Michaels of their team.

Miz and Morrison, Former Tag Team Champions. Lost to Carlito and Primo, Still can't understand why WWE let those losers beat the AWESOMENESS of the Miz and the Shamen of Sexy John Morrison.

The Miz won MitB and cashed it in doing what all others have done. Here is a list.

Wrestlemania 21 - Edge to later become WWE Champion off of John Cena AFTER Cena had been in a Elimination Chamber match surviving and winning to retain.

Wrestlemania 22 - Rob Van Dam to later become WWE Champion off of John Cena

Wrestlemania 23 - Mr. Kennedy to later lose the briefcase to Edge due to injury, Edge became World Heavyweight Champion off of The Undertaker

Wrestlemania 24 - CM Punk to later become World Heavyweight Champion off of Edge after Batista beat the hell out of Edge.

Wrestlemania 25 - CM Punk to later become World Heavyweight Champion off of Jeff Hardy just have a long Ladder match

Wrestlemania 26 - Jack Swagger to later become World Heavyweight Champion off of Chris Jericho

Money In the Bank 2010 PPV - Kane won the Smackdown MITB match to later become World Heavyweight Champion off of Rey Mysterio

Money In the Bank 2010 PPV - The Miz won the Raw MITB match and as of August 1st 2010, he has yet to cash it in.

On RAW King stood up and told Miz that it was a fluke, I like King but he forgets the reason behind the case, Miz did just that and became the next Shawn Michaels by leaving tagteam and getting the championship.
Bubba cannot say he is the Shawn Michaels and Devon is the Marty Jannetty of the team. Bubba Ray & Devon suck when they are split-up together(TNA doesn't realize that). For him to say that makes no sense to me. If you ask me, They are like Road Dogg and Billy Gun. Great when they are together but suck when they are alone.

As far as The Miz/Lawler debate goes, the reason why Jerry Lawler jumped on The Miz is because The Miz acted like he beat Randy Orton 100% which he didn't. Then he started to disrespect legends that didn't hold the WWE Championship like Jerry Lawler. IMO, that was a good little storyline between The Miz and Lawler. Made alot of sense.
I think people need to get more original. The line is overused. It doesn't mean anything anymore. It has no bite, it has no sting. So don't give me some ramblings about Money in the Bank making The Miz the equivalent of Shawn Michaels. John Morrison should be destined for a main event slot at some point. At least interchangeable with other guys like Kofi Kingston.

As for Bubba/Devon that was entirely the worst part of the entire promo. The best part involved Tazz. Nice feud that is shaping up to me. Yeah, right. However, I do think they could have a decent brawl against each other. Just don't let Devon have 10 minutes of straight mic time again unless he is preaching the word of the great Vince McMahon. There is really no Shawn Michaels anywhere near this feud.
Honestly being labelled as a Marty Jannetty isn't bad either, I was a fan of his work, and he was great in the ring. But Bubba is not the HBK of the group, both Dudley's suck as singles competitors and as a tag team now a days. Also, Morrison is destined to be in the main event scene and win a world title somewhere down the road.
I'm not to deep into Wrestling like I was a kid-teenager, I don't allow much of wrestling to bug me but that term, I'm the Shawn Michaels and your the Marty Jannetty really pisses me off.
It's hurled like an insult and Marty was a good wrestling and was even said if he could of kept himself clean back in the early 90s it's a toss up who would of been bigger, Shawn or Marty, watch some of Marty singles matches and they were pretty good, nowadays people don't look at matches they look on an overall career and if you flopped they'll jump on you as a talentless wrestler who was carried.

I can name A LOT more wrestlers who flopped from Tag team wrestling worse then Marty did, at least Marty it was a personal life that failed while his career was still able to go on and do some good and put people over, he was given the job to put Goldust over on PPV (IYH 4) not many other guys could go and put brand new character over that pushed limits.

Back to the saying tho I'm the Shawn and your the marty, when I heard Miz use it on Morrison I thought that was fine as it seemed to fit the whole team/break up and John being labeled the NEW HBK and Miz was known as the 2nd guy of the team, but if Bubba or any other team use that line it's cheap.

Dudleys over all SUCK!!!! they only ever looked good and gelled with Edge/Christian & Hardy boys, I challenge ANYONE to show me another team the Dudleys put on classic matches with, no one can't, and as someone pointed out the Dudleys are like the New Age Outlaws, as a team they accomplished A LOT but as singles guys their careers were shambles (Road dogg looked perfect in the Hardcore division but that was short lived) and Billy his biggest push was KOTR 99 that lead to a co-main event @ summerslam with Rock, no big deal afterwards. A lot of wrestlers are good as tag teams but as singles are flops, but Shawn & Marty I don't believe fall into that line.
I think the line is just used to prove a point. One goes on to have unparralled success, while the other doesn't pan out. Alot of times, its largely in regard to the personality and the ability to get over of one or the other members of the team.

I really dont see the comparison between Miz and Morrison. Morrison may be stuck in the midcard, while Miz is main eventing, but its not like Morrison has accomplished nothing. He had success before miz, and he's had and will have success after Miz. He was a three time tag champion with Joey Mercury, and a 3 time IC Champion after they split, once after he and Miz split. I dont think people realize that WWE protected Morrison during the KOTR tournament. He had to go through 3 men with an injured arm, while Sheamus was well rested. That's giving someone an out.

I disagree with you here man. Morrison is by far the Jannety of the team. He has yet to reach the levels of stardom that Miz has, both on the mic and in main event status, but he's not going to be a guy who returns on special editions of Raw at 45 just to put others over. With some tweaks to Morrison, why can't BOTH be the Shawn Michaels of the team?
Jeez, if I see another Miz nut-hugging thread, I may just renounce my wrestling fandom....Anyway, I have to agree with the fact that Bubba Ray is no Shawn Michaels by any means. The fact that it was even said is so asinine that it made me hate TNA even more, which I thought couldn't be possible. While I'm sure others may argue, I have to disagree wholeheartedly about The Miz being the Shawn Michaels to JoMo's Jannetty. John Morrison's place atop the WWE as a future world champion is pretty much inevitable at this point, and I still believe he will end up the bigger star between the two. Aside from The Miz winning the WWE title, their credentials are pretty similar, with JoMo slightly more impressive; The Miz: 3 time tag champ, 2 time US champ. Morrison: 5 time tag champ, 3 time Intercontinental champ, ECW champ. Even if, let's say (hypothetically), that were the case; that The Miz was the HBK of his former team, he wouldn't be the only person to accomplish that feat like the OP stated. Eddie/Chavo, Jeff/Matt, Hart/Neidhart. These three teams (and I'm sure there are more) are examples of former tag teams in which one member has had significantly more success than the other after a split; much more so than Miz/Morrison. In short, IMO I don't believe The Miz is, in any sense, the HBK to JoMo's Jannetty. I just believe The Miz simply got there (won the title) first.

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