Why Khali Rocks By Y 2 Jake

Hey Y 2 Jake you better listen to me motherfucker. What the fuck is the point of watching wrestling if your not going to see an entertaining match. And no Y2Jake, Khali matches are not entertaining in the least. In fact, they are predictable and boring. And yes, you do think the moles on his chest are sexy. By the way, how is a 7 foot tall indian man in bed, I just wanted to ask because I know that you know from experience.

Well I watch wrestling because I'm a fan of it. Sometimes you get good match's, sometimes you get bad. That's just the way it is.

When I had sex with Khali I really struggled to bend him over. He's practically immobile. And he wasn't impressed with my post fuck cigarette.

And what happened on raw this week was terrible. who the hell wants to see a big crappy wrestler as champ? wow were not in the 80's. Were in the time of athleticism, which is something that the great khali doesnt have. I guess im gunna have to see that on ROH videos, cause i only see it on 2 matches a week on the WWE.

Is Batista not similar to wrestlers from the 80's? What about Cena? Chris Masters? Big men are the new athletic men in wrestling. Get with it. It's the new revolution man. And if you've watched two athletic match's on Raw then you are watching a different show to me.

And yes motherfucker I did read the whole thread. It clearly states that Y2Jake would rather see a truly awful match than a bad match. WHAT THE FUCK. And no Y2Jake you are not joking, your just a little bitch that doesnt have a life and yes you do live with your mom. And your mom doesnt count as seeing a naked woman. And how can you rip on someone for being a batista fan when you like the great khali.(i p.s. i hate batista).

I know I would rather see a truly awfull match to just a bad match. There both bad so why not have a complete fuck up of a match. People still talk about Trish/Bradshaw vs. Nowinski/Jackie 5 years on. I don't think I'm the only one who find's absolute fuck ups entertaining. And I'm still doubtfull about you reading the thread. Or are you another person who didn't get my sarcastic comment about Batista. From now on sarcasm will have this around them > [sarcasm] [/sarcasm].

My mothers dead but I imagine I have seen her naked. In fact I believe I may have suckled on her nipple. Many moon's ago though.

So go ahead and ban me for flaming, but i dont fuckin care. Echelon yo can suck my fuckin dick(the person that banned me). And Y2Jake you can suck mine to after youre done with Khalis. Yippie kai yay motherfucker.

and if your not down with that, exetremerage81 and I have just got two words for ya......SUCK IT!!!!!

How do I suck your dick over the internet? Baby where do you live? PM me.

I'm sure there's even more Khali haters now. So bring it on. I'll defend my homie Dalip to the bitter end.
A shameless bump, but much needed. Khali is the fucking man and will be the greatest World Heavyweight Champion of all time.

It just shows how much the WWE has no faith in Matt Hardy or Kane, and I love it. The Big man gets his much deserved world title run, and I for one am thinking he should beat John Cena and John Morrison to become the Undisputed Champion.
What a great thread.

I say there is a 50% chance Jake is just a Khali mark and a 50% chance he is taking the world's biggest devil's advocate standpoint. Either way, I love controversy.

I CANNOT get behind a champion who is incapable of cutting his own promo and has no decent manager to help. That is why I do not get behind Lashley or Umaga. Think about it - Yokozuna had Mr. Fuji AND Jim Cornette, and became the greatest heel of all time. Simply stated, Khali, Jake's "home-Dalip," needs a mouthpeice to have ANY credibility.

Vader had Harley Race. Even the Great Ric Flair had Mr. Perfect AND Bobby Heenan.
Just though I'd toss in my 2 Cents. I haven't been watching wrestling my whole life, I started about 4 years ago, right before WMXX, and I am now a die hard fan. These "Great matches" some of you speak of, I don't know of them. To me, a great match is when someone does a "Holy shit" type move that people talk about for weeks. I'm a Wrestling Mark, and I'm not ashamed of it.

with that said, I'll have to admit, there are certian wrestlers that I do like, and ones I don't. I don't know anyones wrestling skills out of the WWE, so I see some actual good wrestlers as bad.(Regal, Hass, Finlay, etc) I do however watch wrestling for entertainment, people that make me talk for a while (Lashley feuding Vince, title changes, no matter who, etc) And just to state my opinion, I do NOT like Cena ANYMORE, he got boring, but I also don't mind Lashley or Batista.

But now back on Topic, my opinion on Kahli. I think he has the potential to be the "next big thing", all pun intended. He could be the next... I don't wanna say Hogan, no one will be that big, but the next talentless big guy to be the face of the company. He's the guy that people talk about when they hear about wrestling, just as Hogan was, only quite a bit less. He's the WWE's next big Monster, he's not only around for a year before he gets bored (Nathen Jones... berely knew the guy when he left)

However, as far as I think Kahli has all the potential mentioned above, I do find is matches a little bit of a waste of time. We know he can beat Carlito and Val Venis in any encounter, so why send him out there in the first place? As soon as we hear his music, we know he will win and leave. Give him an actual storyline! Put him against someone that has the potential to beat him! Someone like HHH, Batista, or even taker again! If he keeps coming out and beating has beens, he'll be a has not.

And with all of THAT said, I can now talk about his new World Heavyweight Championship. Do I want to see Kahli as Champ? Yes, but not like this. And for the record, I'm glad it's on Smackdown. RAW can't have someone that "talentless" as the main guy (Cena's got skills, you can't honestly deny that), and ECW is the new OVW/Main roster mix deal. But as far as Kahli goes, I just wish he could have won the title in a scheduled match, not just handed to him due to injury. Injury replacements should be former champs. No one should have their first title without "earning it first" (And I mean that on screen). Kahli could have had a rivalry with someone, and beaten them the way JBL did to Eddie Guerrero. Lose the first match, and then shock everyone by doing the unthinkable and actually becoming champ in the rematch after we know he's mortal and defetable.

Finally, I don't think anyone here has the right to diss anyone. Y2Jake has his opinion, you have yours. State your opinions on Kahli here, not on others. And BTW, what kind of person makes a huge rant about anything, swears more than the South Park movie, and then ends it with a corny Wrestling Quote, thinking that people with think he's funny? I, for one, though it was Lame. Good Job Y2Jake, you put the "Criminal" where "Criminals" belong. No pun intended.

Of course there was pun intended. Ha!
i think khali is an awful wrestler with no mic skills. but he is the biggest heel smackdown has got at this time, him winning the championship seems right, but i dont think he will hold onto it for long. i think khali will lose it to boretista cos lets face it they were just about to feud anyway why not have the feud about the title.
Khali Is terrible he cant wrestle he cant talk possibly they worst wwe champ ever

the admin in here are jokes they spam you for airing your opinion and you dont agree with them they give you a warning they are a joke if they weren too busy scooping out of each others asses and being anal invaders the better these forums would be

Forum Admin = Knob Jockeys

Edit from Prax: Staff, please leave this up for jake to see :lol2:
Yes, because your post was just so intelligent. So tell me again, how that isn't spam. It added nothing to the conversation, it had no relevant points. You spammed, you got lit up for spamming, deal with it, or post elsewhere.

oh all hail the wise and wonderful you THE SHOCKMASTER because what you just posted added to the conversation ----oh wait a second it didnt now did it???????????????

am very concerned that Khali winning the World Heavyweight Championship diminishes its importance. Let's take a look at all of the wrestlers to hold this title since it's creation in 2002: Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Goldberg, Chris Benoit, Randy Orton, Batista, Kurt Angle, Rey Mysterio, Booker T, The Undertaker, Edge. Does Khali compare to any of these guys?

There are many other wrestlers on the Smackdown roster that are more deserving of the title. Even MARK HENRY is more deserving. Kane would have been the most logical choice to me: he's fun to watch, he's experienced, he's interesting, he's always over with the crowd, and he could have had a great title run. It's debatable whether or not Matt Hardy is ready for the title, but I think it'd be much better to see him as champ than The Great Khali.
Just watched Smackdown, couldn't believe Khali won the title. What was Vince thinking on this one to make Khali the franchise player on Smackdown. So far he has shown nothing in terms of charisma, talent etc..He is just good at being what he is, a big giant. And I'm not saying giants can't be champion. Big Show, Andre etc. were much better in all around performance. I thought they should have given the title to maybe Kane, make him the franchise again, he is pretty recgonizable and deserves a proper title run maybe. Or even give it to a shocker, someone like Matt Hardy. He has put on so many great matches recently with different opponents, I think he would be ready. Wrestling is getting so boring now in my opinion, especially WWE and the whole Benoit tragedy put a sour taste on it, and with Khali as champion it won't get any better. I use to watch every WWE show for the last 15 years or so if I could. But i haven't watch Raw or Smackdown on a regular basis since like last year. I have pulled out a whole bunch of old 1998-2001 WWE and WCW things I have recorded and watch them instead :)
everytime i see Khali in the ring visions of El Giante come to mind which isn't a good thing. on the brightside him having the belt has increased my alcohol intake. so i guess all hail the " great" Khali
You know,the more I think about it, the more I see that Khali as champ could work somewhat. I was totally against it in the first place but it could be kinda cool. I think Khali will suprise us. He could turn it around and actually have a decent match if he retains at GAB. If Khali vs. Kane vs. Boretista completely rots the place out, I may have to change my mind.

Everytime I see a picture with Khali holding the title over his head, I think,"Wow that looks so wrong yet so right". His matches in the past have not been good but you want to hate him as champ. That could give him some serious heat. If you are outraged he is champ, that just makes you hate him even more.
A shameless bump, but much needed. Khali is the fucking man and will be the greatest World Heavyweight Champion of all time.


I for one am thinking he should beat John Cena and John Morrison to become the Undisputed Champion.

I'm right there with ya buddy.

Khali Is terrible he cant wrestle he cant talk possibly they worst wwe champ ever

Is he really worse than Yokozuna? At least Khali can cut a decent promo.

What a great thread.

I say there is a 50% chance Jake is just a Khali mark and a 50% chance he is taking the world's biggest devil's advocate standpoint.

Mark. 100%. He rocks like my nan on skates.

I CANNOT get behind a champion who is incapable of cutting his own promo and has no decent manager to help.

What are you on about? That dude who comes to the ring with him (Daivari Mk. 2?) is the best manager since Bobby Heenan.

Just though I'd toss in my 2 Cents. I haven't been watching wrestling my whole life, I started about 4 years ago,

Then your opinion is unimportant to me. I bid you farewell.

To me, a great match is when someone does a "Holy shit" type move that people talk about for weeks.

Khali's dropkick. Nuff said.

I do NOT like Cena ANYMORE, he got boring, but I also don't mind Lashley or Batista.

Cena's better than both of them, I'll give you that one for free.

But now back on Topic, my opinion on Kahli. I think he has the potential to be the "next big thing", all pun intended.

Err no. I think that would probably be Punk or Nitro. Or more likley 50 year old Finlay. Certainly not Khali.

He could be the next... I don't wanna say Hogan, no one will be that big, but the next talentless big guy to be the face of the company.

Talentless? Fuck you. He's tall, thats a talent in itself. Can you be tall? Nope. So there.

However, as far as I think Kahli has all the potential mentioned above, I do find is matches a little bit of a waste of time.

All wrestling matches are pointless when you think about it. You support a spot that doesn't have legit outcomes. Then again most things in like are ultimatly pointless.

We know he can beat Carlito and Val Venis in any encounter, so why send him out there in the first place?

That's called booking. Make him look dominant by letting him destroy an undercard wrestler.

As soon as we hear his music, we know he will win and leave.

Not at J.D. or One Night Stand.

Give him an actual storyline!

World Heavyweight Champion?

Put him against someone that has the potential to beat him!

Word Life. It's just basic thuganomics.

Good Job Y2Jake,

I thank you.

you put the "Criminal" where "Criminals" belong. No pun intended.

I hate puns.

Of course there was pun intended. Ha!

You got me there man. High five.
the admin in here are jokes they spam you for airing your opinion and you dont agree with them they give you a warning they are a joke if they weren too busy scooping out of each others asses and being anal invaders the better these forums would be

Forum Admin = Knob Jockeys

Spammer. I fucked you mum. ;-

am very concerned that Khali winning the World Heavyweight Championship diminishes its importance. Let's take a look at all of the wrestlers to hold this title since it's creation in 2002: Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Goldberg, Chris Benoit, Randy Orton, Batista, Kurt Angle, Rey Mysterio, Booker T, The Undertaker, Edge. Does Khali compare to any of these guys?

Triple H has had the title so many times it's irrelevant when he wins it. HBK was a transitional champ. Goldberg had a terrible run in WWE. Chris Benoit wasn't terribly over during his run. Why dont you think he never held the World Title again when there was a shortage of challengers? Randy Orton was a transitional champ. Batista stunk up main events. Kurt Angle was in the right place at the right time. Rey Mysterio recieved a very strange push for somebody who was the figurehead of Smackdown. Has a world champ ever been jobbed out so much? Booker filled a gap because there were no other heels to fill that spot. Taker is past his prime. Putting a title on a wrestler as heavily gimmicked as him is pointless. If he cant get over with justy the gimmick then it's time to leave. Edghe got injured. He would have been a great champ but than's not the way it turned out. Khali as cham doesnt diminish the credibility of a title that is only 5 years old. Because the title has very little credability.

There are many other wrestlers on the Smackdown roster that are more deserving of the title. Even MARK HENRY is more deserving.

How? Because he's fatter?

Kane would have been the most logical choice to me: he's fun to watch, he's experienced, he's interesting, he's always over with the crowd, and he could have had a great title run.

You mean 40 year old Kane? Who cant work?

It's debatable whether or not Matt Hardy is ready for the title, but I think it'd be much better to see him as champ than The Great Khali.

If it would have worked then he would be World Champ. Imagine what it would do for Matt Hardy if he was the one to defeat Khali for the World Title. Think about it.
Khali doesn't diminish the credibility of the WHC, how does he do that in the slightest? Sure he can't actually wrestle worth his life, but we're talking about a sport where the outcomes are determined. We're talking about matches that are booked based on how well the wrestlers in question are over with the fans, how much their FAKE characters are over.

And guess what? Khali is probably one of the most over heels since Triple H back in 2003-2004. Everyone HATES him, and that's fine. They hate him because he's so dominant. But it's ok that he's so dominant, because he's the biggest wrestler ever, his chops knock people out, and that's fine, because he's a monster and he's booked that way.

Khali adds credibility to the World Championship. In fact, he would diminish its credibility if he DIDN'T win a championship, because it would make no sense for a wrestler as dominating as him not to be booked in a title match and it would make no sense for him not to win a match such as a battle royal for the championship. It's common sense.
I'm sorry for not being a big khali fan at this time. his performance in the rumble was one of the worst big man wins ever. he does have great potential in the fact that he looks like he's in better shape than any other big guy before him, except for his speech impediment. We'll see how good he does in the GAB match.

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