Why Khali Rocks By Y 2 Jake

Fuck me I'm glad your banned. There's no need to point out how awful Khali is. I stated it, I'm aware of it. That's like saying Hulk Hogan is a bit tan, it's there for everyone to see. And to say Big Show can put on a half decent match. Pfft. He's been in good match's but non of them have had anything to do with him. Especially not in WWE. He's been carried by Taker, Angle & Benoit. And occasionally he might have a good match. But he's not this uber worker. I know he's better than Khali before some idiot points it out again. And I'm sure Khali can talk properly. Maybe you don't understand him because he speaks a different language. Eh? A slightly racist opinion don't you think?

We all know Khali sucks in everyway possible, but maybe he sucks so much it might make him good. I know that sounds weird, the whole it's so bad it's good thing. Maybe his matches and promos suck so much that you can't help laughing your ass at him..That is entertaining. Sometimes I like hearing him talk, because he amuses me. I am not sure if he is speaking another language or what...Sounds more raaaarrrr....grrrrrrrrrr. And I like other languages, and I have heard hindi before and it sounded prettier than that. But still funny, I say give him the mic some more, I like comic relief in wrestling.

If that doesn't work, the bodyguard thing works fine, have him as a hired hitman for wrestlers, just a big clod people hire to protect them from others. Am I the only amused by the idea of a Eugene/Khali tag team?
Fuck me I'm glad your banned. There's no need to point out how awful Khali is. I stated it, I'm aware of it. That's like saying Hulk Hogan is a bit tan, it's there for everyone to see. And to say Big Show can put on a half decent match. Pfft. He's been in good match's but non of them have had anything to do with him. Especially not in WWE. He's been carried by Taker, Angle & Benoit. And occasionally he might have a good match. But he's not this uber worker. I know he's better than Khali before some idiot points it out again. And I'm sure Khali can talk properly. Maybe you don't understand him because he speaks a different language. Eh? A slightly racist opinion don't you think?

Ok, I have looked at this thread and I will be honest, I am not a fan of Khali, he is just your stereo typical giant.

Y 2 Jake, I know you started this thread, but surely there is no need for the above just because someone has posted their views and opinion's on this matter, but anyway......

What I will ask is this, Does anybody think that Khali could eventually become World/WWE/ECW champion, as we know Vince likes the big guys?

Also, I wonder how a Khali/Umaga showdown would go?? I think I would be cheering for Umaga there (can't believe I said that).

Somebody also said that Khali was involved in the death of a wrestler, how did this happen?
It was in a training accident, a guy was to recieve a back body drop, I think, but he held onto Khali's Shirt thereby him fucking up on the receiving end of it. The guy had just been ruled that he was allowed limited Ring work after a concussion. Khali was involved because it was a back body drop and it requires two people working together for it to work well Khali is fricking huge and they were showing some people how to receive a back body drop, well it ended up with the guy dying.
Ok, I have looked at this thread and I will be honest, I am not a fan of Khali, he is just your stereo typical giant.

Y 2 Jake, I know you started this thread, but surely there is no need for the above just because someone has posted their views and opinion's on this matter, but anyway......

What he posted was what I've been saying throughout the thread. That Khali is shit. There was no need to point it out. And the bit about Big Show deserved a response. Check out his other posts and you'll see why I'm glad he's banned. And the whole purpose of the forum is discussion, and that is what I'm trying to create.
What he posted was what I've been saying throughout the thread. That Khali is shit. There was no need to point it out. And the bit about Big Show deserved a response. Check out his other posts and you'll see why I'm glad he's banned. And the whole purpose of the forum is discussion, and that is what I'm trying to create.

Fair enough.....

Anyway I did a little research on the Great Khali, and came across this site, http://www.khali.info/

It's actually pretty good, accroding to this Khali can actually wrestle but the WWE just pushes him as a giant who destorys everyone.

Feel a bit bad for him over the Brian Ong incident too.
when the hell do you start watching wrestling to see bad matches. that is th gayest thing i have ever heard. you dont deserve to be a wrestling fan. Y 2 Jake you are a disgrace. Ther is no point in watching a comicaly awful ach. Just beacause you think te moles on his chest are sexy doesnt mean you have to talk him up.
when the hell do you start watching wrestling to see bad matches. that is th gayest thing i have ever heard. you dont deserve to be a wrestling fan. Y 2 Jake you are a disgrace. Ther is no point in watching a comicaly awful ach. Just beacause you think te moles on his chest are sexy doesnt mean you have to talk him up.

Dude, you are my hero. Y 2 Jake, you are a disgrace and give wrestling fans a bad name. To watch wrestling for what you know is going to be bad? You either need a new hobby or a drinking problem. You praise Khali as being good and you praise December to Dismember as a good ppv. You are in a serious state of denial. So call me crazy if you want to, but I would rather watch wrestling for entertainment and not do be disgusted. If I know something is gonna be bad, I'm not watching it. And you're not a fan of wrestling if you dub matches with Khali and the December to Dismember PPV as actual wrestling.
Khali would at least be believable as a champion based upon his sheer size alone. The inevitable Cena/Khali feud is coming though. If this was the old days, Khali would have the strap already,b ut it's going to be hard to push him to the main event whne he can't go more then 5 minutes. Khali is here to stay though since Show is gone.

Shockmaster, I just saw a commercial on the last raw for promoting Raw coming to Wilkes-Barre, PA on June 11, and well i think you are right as of now anyways. The advertised main event is a match for the WWE Title and it pits John Cena vs. Great Khali.
Dude, you are my hero. Y 2 Jake, you are a disgrace and give wrestling fans a bad name. To watch wrestling for what you know is going to be bad? You either need a new hobby or a drinking problem. You praise Khali as being good and you praise December to Dismember as a good ppv. You are in a serious state of denial. So call me crazy if you want to, but I would rather watch wrestling for entertainment and not do be disgusted. If I know something is gonna be bad, I'm not watching it. And you're not a fan of wrestling if you dub matches with Khali and the December to Dismember PPV as actual wrestling.

That is Jake's opinion on the Great Khali, there is no need to flame him, I understand what he is saying. For example, many people watch the American Idol(I hate that show) only to see the nutjobs that do tryouts for the show at the first of the season, after the tryouts are finished, many people stop watching it b/c all they wanted to see was people making asses of themselves instead of watching real talented singers. Khali is a terrible wrestler and I do not think he would pull off any horribly comedic matches due to the fact that they are too short(1-2minutes long). I agree with most people about Khali having a bodyguard type of role, that is the only proper way to use him IMO.
I'm kinda getting sick of people blasting, other posters for what they find entertaining, dude Khalis matches last like 30 seconds, if you don't like him then use that time to go and take a piss or something, just cause some people enoy matches that are so bad that you can't help but laugh at 'em, doesn't mean they are a disgrace, and to be honest, a guy Khalis size really doesn't have to do much, to cause a lot of danmage to his oppaents, can you imagine how much it would fuck you up if you were lifted 8-10 feet in the air and were thorwn to the ground as hard as Khali throws them down, you most likely wouldn't be getting up anytime soon, god I can't beleive I just defended Khali, I think I've just sucken to a knew low
Just beacause you think te moles on his chest are sexy doesnt mean you have to talk him up.

The moles make him more aerodynamic. And you obviously haven't read the thread if you think I'm talking him up.

Dude, you are my hero. Y 2 Jake, you are a disgrace and give wrestling fans a bad name.

Why because I'm one of the only one's who doesn't live with my parents? Because I've seen an actual woman naked, and don't have to jerk off over WWE Divas in New York?

To watch wrestling for what you know is going to be bad?

Again you obviously didn't read the thread. I didn't say I want to watch bad wrestling. I said If I'm watching bad wrestling it may as well be truly awful wrestling.

You praise Khali as being good and you praise December to Dismember as a good ppv.

Quote me. I have never said that. You make yourself look like a ****** if you respond without actually reading.

You are in a serious state of denial. So call me crazy if you want to, but I would rather watch wrestling for entertainment and not do be disgusted.

In denial about what exactly? I watch wrestling for entertainment. And just because a match is bad doesn't mean it can't be entertaining.

If I know something is gonna be bad, I'm not watching it.

Your decision. Not every match is going to be a classic. When you watch Raw or Smackdown you must only watch about a quarter of it.

And you're not a fan of wrestling if you dub matches with Khali and the December to Dismember PPV as actual wrestling.

Wrestling is wrestling weather the match's are good or bad.

Your a Batista fan aren't you?
The moles make him more aerodynamic. And you obviously haven't read the thread if you think I'm talking him up.

Why because I'm one of the only one's who doesn't live with my parents? Because I've seen an actual woman naked, and don't have to jerk off over WWE Divas in New York?

Again you obviously didn't read the thread. I didn't say I want to watch bad wrestling. I said If I'm watching bad wrestling it may as well be truly awful wrestling.

Quote me. I have never said that. You make yourself look like a ****** if you respond without actually reading.

In denial about what exactly? I watch wrestling for entertainment. And just because a match is bad doesn't mean it can't be entertaining.

Your decision. Not every match is going to be a classic. When you watch Raw or Smackdown you must only watch about a quarter of it.

Wrestling is wrestling weather the match's are good or bad.

Your a Batista fan aren't you?

For your information, Y 2 Jake.

1) I'm not a Batista fan. He only had 3 good matches and they were against Triple H.

2) Your right. My decision. And I don't watch a quarter of either brand. I don't watch them at all.

3) Don't compare your living space and your love life and assume it's my own.

And if you're gonna bash me, come up with something actually original that might actually burn a little. Otherwise, it's more repetitive than Edge vs Cena.
i have to say khali is rather entertaining, and pushing him as an unstopable monster is great. I would like to see him with one of the top titles, hed be amuseing champion, although hed need a manager to speak for him as a champion needs 2 be able to be able to (or have sum 1 do it for him) cut a promo that involves more than screaming "argh over and over". Personally i dont care if the quality of the wrestling is crap as long as it is entertain also.
However it would piss me of to see him make wrestlers such as HBK or beniot look weak as khali is only there for entertainment not to be a great "wrestler" wich is what they are, im saying khali as champion after beating cena or batista.
OK...hows about we READ the whole thread before we go popping off at someone and look stupid...Jake did NOT say that ecember to dismember was a good PPV, just that it wasnt the worst....and did NOT say the great khali was "good" merely entertaining...and I totally agree id rather watch and absolute car wreck of a match than something that supposed to be good and just sucks....hence why warrior vs hogan 2 is way more satisfying than lesnar vs goldberg......and I sorta agree, I would like to Khali pushed just for entertainment purposes, he can be the huge monster heel that no one can beat, give a real mistique to him...as long as they keep him squashing people, that can give him time to develop skills before he is actually put into a situation were he has to put on a decent, longer than 30 second match...now this will probably sound blasphemous, and i will prolly get flamed for it but...look at andre the giant towards the end of his career...and try to look me in the face and tell me he was a LOT better than khali...NO he was NOT, but everyone still sites those matches from back in the day OK..watch the hogan andre match and tell me he is very much better...and you would be a liar....I think khali would be an entertaining Heel monster, maybe even a champ, and whomever was going against him would prolly be instanly turned face (besides batista and cena lol)....I think if edge or orton went after him, they would get a huge face pop...I dont know could jus generate good heat i guess...
when the hell do you start watching wrestling to see bad matches. that is th gayest thing i have ever heard. you dont deserve to be a wrestling fan. Y 2 Jake you are a disgrace. Ther is no point in watching a comicaly awful ach. Just beacause you think te moles on his chest are sexy doesnt mean you have to talk him up.

Jeez guys Jake cant help the fact that his opinions are worthless but we dont have to tell him that. come on now. Back to the topic Khali is the biggest exscuse for a bathroom break ever. The day that I actually stop mid piss because my brother screams he did something ridiculous is the day that I will actually pay attention to him. Thats my opinion and now Jake will moderate and hit me up for some points...
For your information, Y 2 Jake.

1) I'm not a Batista fan. He only had 3 good matches and they were against Triple H.

2) Your right. My decision. And I don't watch a quarter of either brand. I don't watch them at all.

3) Don't compare your living space and your love life and assume it's my own.

And if you're gonna bash me, come up with something actually original that might actually burn a little. Otherwise, it's more repetitive than Edge vs Cena.

The Batista comment was sarcasm.

If you don't watch either brand how can you comment?

And you still haven't read the thread. I'm not bashing you I'm just pointing out that your a dick.
what do you guys think of what happened on raw? i recon this could be awesome, just hope they some how manage 2 keep hbk and edge onvolved. i will be stoked if khali takes the title of cena
I might be in the minority but I will more than likely mark out if Khali wins the strap. He could definately be one of the most dominating heels in a long time if booked right.
Hey Y 2 Jake you better listen to me motherfucker. What the fuck is the point of watching wrestling if your not going to see an entertaining match. And no Y2Jake, Khali matches are not entertaining in the least. In fact, they are predictable and boring. And yes, you do think the moles on his chest are sexy. By the way, how is a 7 foot tall indian man in bed, I just wanted to ask because I know that you know from experience.

Exetremerage81 at least somebody besides me knows what they are talking about on these forums.

And what happened on raw this week was terrible. who the hell wants to see a big crappy wrestler as champ? wow were not in the 80's. Were in the time of athleticism, which is something that the great khali doesnt have. I guess im gunna have to see that on ROH videos, cause i only see it on 2 matches a week on the WWE.

And yes motherfucker I did read the whole thread. It clearly states that Y2Jake would rather see a truly awful match than a bad match. WHAT THE FUCK. And no Y2Jake you are not joking, your just a little bitch that doesnt have a life and yes you do live with your mom. And your mom doesnt count as seeing a naked woman. And how can you rip on someone for being a batista fan when you like the great khali.(i p.s. i hate batista).

So go ahead and ban me for flaming, but i dont fuckin care. Echelon yo can suck my fuckin dick(the person that banned me). And Y2Jake you can suck mine to after youre done with Khalis. Yippie kai yay motherfucker.

and if your not down with that, exetremerage81 and I have just got two words for ya......SUCK IT!!!!!
Hey Y 2 Jake you better listen to me motherfucker. What the fuck is the point of watching wrestling if your not going to see an entertaining match. And no Y2Jake, Khali matches are not entertaining in the least. In fact, they are predictable and boring. And yes, you do think the moles on his chest are sexy. By the way, how is a 7 foot tall indian man in bed, I just wanted to ask because I know that you know from experience.

Exetremerage81 at least somebody besides me knows what they are talking about on these forums.

And what happened on raw this week was terrible. who the hell wants to see a big crappy wrestler as champ? wow were not in the 80's. Were in the time of athleticism, which is something that the great khali doesnt have. I guess im gunna have to see that on ROH videos, cause i only see it on 2 matches a week on the WWE.

And yes motherfucker I did read the whole thread. It clearly states that Y2Jake would rather see a truly awful match than a bad match. WHAT THE FUCK. And no Y2Jake you are not joking, your just a little bitch that doesnt have a life and yes you do live with your mom. And your mom doesnt count as seeing a naked woman. And how can you rip on someone for being a batista fan when you like the great khali.(i p.s. i hate batista).

So go ahead and ban me for flaming, but i dont fuckin care. Echelon yo can suck my fuckin dick(the person that banned me). And Y2Jake you can suck mine to after youre done with Khalis. Yippie kai yay motherfucker.

and if your not down with that, exetremerage81 and I have just got two words for ya......SUCK IT!!!!!

WOW, appeaently someone needs to get laid....Big Time, dude you are a sad son of a bitch, if you don't like what your seeing a Raw then why are you still watching it, just turn it off stupid, and by the waywhy do you want to know what a 7 foot tall indian man is like in bed?, are you hoping to one expreiance it for yourself, just a little advice, when the happy day fianally comes, don't go ass to mouth, because as we all know you are what you eat and your already showing that you're a giant ass now, and anotherr thing how the fuck can a two minute match be boring?, it doesn't have enough time to reach the bordom stage, oh and now I hope Khali wins the title and holds for a year, just to piss you off to the point of never watching wrestling or comeing in here and bitching bout it ever again
jesus christ!!! I'm just looking on wrestlezone and wanting to comment a thread and...BAMM!!! I look here and everybody is pissed off

1) Y 2 Jake has HIS opinion on the Great Khali just like everybody has theirs. Just because you guys don't agree with it, doesn't mean you have to try and make him, while making fun of each other with dumb stuff

2)Wrestling is MY entertainment.MY chill time.Nothing better than eating popcorn with a soda in front of the TV on a Monday night. I can't stand it when I actually have a place to talk about the sport none of my friends watch, and try to talk about it, while other people are being idiots fighting with random people on the internet about their opinions.Opinions aren't FACTS. Nobody ever said that Y 2 Jake has been competely right about HIS opinion and i'm fine with that, but I'm not gonna strt shit with someone I don't even know.

3)Wrestling is for fun. The fact is wrestling is a male soap opera whether we accept that or not. But as fans, we eat it up and make guesses on pay per views, buy merchandise, and talk about our era of wrestling.Who seriously wants to fight somebody over how bad a wrestler is that it makes one person laugh, one pissed off, and one crying? I love this sport and watch every wrestling show on TV(ROH soon) because i am a fan and that is what i believe.Nothing more, nothing less.Unless you guys are gonna stop The Great Khali from walking into a wrestling ring and demolish superstars, than keep your nasty opinions to yourselfs.

And while being in this thread, I WILL make my opinion and it will also be nice and clean. The Great Khali was dumb in the beginning as who could ever believe that good of a win over a legend as the Undertaker(my favorite wrestler may i add.)Then it got annoying because he doesn't sell at all, but i forgave him after Taker got revenge.Then, he got funny because he was just there, in the middle of the last place you would expect to find him(ECW) and try to make a believable feud with Dreamer, but it just got boring with too much TV time. After, it got funny as hell because they tried to fill him in for HHH and he kicked the crap outta Cena on his first night.In less than a year, he had been on all 3 brands. Thats gotta be some kind of record.Its hilarious to make fun of him because he's just so freakin stupid!Karate Chop!! oh shit i missed and the crowd doesn't like me =(...lmao. But now with him going after a championship again, its gonna make Cena just look stronger again unless he gets the shit beat out of him and we have the most ******ed champo ever. Imagine him trying to say "The Champ is here" and carry around the XXXXXL Championship gold that he loses and therefore loses his title. classic wwe shit in the making.
Hey Y 2 Jake you better listen to me motherfucker. What the fuck is the point of watching wrestling if your not going to see an entertaining match. And no Y2Jake, Khali matches are not entertaining in the least. In fact, they are predictable and boring. And yes, you do think the moles on his chest are sexy. By the way, how is a 7 foot tall indian man in bed, I just wanted to ask because I know that you know from experience.

Exetremerage81 at least somebody besides me knows what they are talking about on these forums.

And what happened on raw this week was terrible. who the hell wants to see a big crappy wrestler as champ? wow were not in the 80's. Were in the time of athleticism, which is something that the great khali doesnt have. I guess im gunna have to see that on ROH videos, cause i only see it on 2 matches a week on the WWE.

And yes motherfucker I did read the whole thread. It clearly states that Y2Jake would rather see a truly awful match than a bad match. WHAT THE FUCK. And no Y2Jake you are not joking, your just a little bitch that doesnt have a life and yes you do live with your mom. And your mom doesnt count as seeing a naked woman. And how can you rip on someone for being a batista fan when you like the great khali.(i p.s. i hate batista).

So go ahead and ban me for flaming, but i dont fuckin care. Echelon yo can suck my fuckin dick(the person that banned me). And Y2Jake you can suck mine to after youre done with Khalis. Yippie kai yay motherfucker.

and if your not down with that, exetremerage81 and I have just got two words for ya......SUCK IT!!!!!

Just want to say that that post is awesome. I'll respond later after I've put my homeboy The Criminal in the prison.
I would genuinely like to see Khali dominate the title picture. I think he is very skilled for his size and would sure as hell beat the crap outta many posters on this forum. People that say he can't talk properly....rascists. Just because he isnt that great at english doesn't me he ca't speak. Good on ya Y 2 Jake for standing up for the little guy....or big guy.....
Hey Y 2 Jake you better listen to me motherfucker. What the fuck is the point of watching wrestling if your not going to see an entertaining match. And no Y2Jake, Khali matches are not entertaining in the least. In fact, they are predictable and boring. And yes, you do think the moles on his chest are sexy. By the way, how is a 7 foot tall indian man in bed, I just wanted to ask because I know that you know from experience.

Exetremerage81 at least somebody besides me knows what they are talking about on these forums.

And what happened on raw this week was terrible. who the hell wants to see a big crappy wrestler as champ? wow were not in the 80's. Were in the time of athleticism, which is something that the great khali doesnt have. I guess im gunna have to see that on ROH videos, cause i only see it on 2 matches a week on the WWE.

And yes motherfucker I did read the whole thread. It clearly states that Y2Jake would rather see a truly awful match than a bad match. WHAT THE FUCK. And no Y2Jake you are not joking, your just a little bitch that doesnt have a life and yes you do live with your mom. And your mom doesnt count as seeing a naked woman. And how can you rip on someone for being a batista fan when you like the great khali.(i p.s. i hate batista).

So go ahead and ban me for flaming, but i dont fuckin care. Echelon yo can suck my fuckin dick(the person that banned me). And Y2Jake you can suck mine to after youre done with Khalis. Yippie kai yay motherfucker.

and if your not down with that, exetremerage81 and I have just got two words for ya......SUCK IT!!!!!

Lol, calm down DAMIEN! Why does he use Mo'fo so much? Just because he doesnt find a match entertaining, that means none of us do? ******.
I agree with Y2Jake actually. I rather see Khali than Batista and I rather have Khali have the title than John Cena. At least it would be something new. I posted this in the smackdown forum but Batista and Cena have had the titles for over 2 years minus and injury and a lose here and there. Having Khali beat Cena would at least give us something new.

How many times do we have to watch Batista and Cena beat credible stars over and over again.? By next week their list will consist of 1) HBK 2) HHH 3) Umaga 4) Undertaker 5) Chris Jericho 6) Booker T 7) Edge 8) Orton 9) JBL 10) Finley 11) Angle 12) Flair (yes he is 100 but still gets a louder pop then either of them)13) Kane 14) RVD. Its enough already and something new would be great right now even if it is an over 7 foot giant who can't wrestle

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