The Disaster that was the Great American Bash


Pre-Show Stalwart

it might have been back in july but remember how bad everything went around that time for smackdown? first mark henry got hurt at saturday night's main event. and then it just went downhill as lashley, the great khali and super crazy all had elevated enzymes and had to miss the show. at first I was lookin at the GAB card and it actually looked pretty good considering raw always has better quality ppvs anyway. but after those 4 superstars were removed from the show I knew for sure I wasnt watching it. here let me show you. you have the before and after.

what was suppose to happen...

wwe tag team title match:
brain kendrick and paul london vs pitbulls

triple threat united states title match:
finlay vs lashley vs william regal

cruiserweight title match:
gregory helms vs super crazy

punjabi prison match:
undertaker vs great khali

four way bra and panties match:
ashley vs michelle mccool vs jillian vs kristal

#1 contenders match:
batista vs mark henry

world heavyweight title match:
rey mysterio vs king booker

and what did happen...

wwe tag team title match:
brian kendrick and paul london vs pitbulls

united states title match:
finlay vs william regal

gregory helms vs matt hardy in a non-title match

punjabi prison match:
undertaker vs big show

four way bra and panties match:
ashley vs michelle mccool vs jillian vs kristal

batista vs mr. kennedy

world heavyweight title match:
rey mysterio vs king booker

hmmmmm which one would you pick
The original card, had that card happened im sure it would be a decent ppv! I mean good feuds that were built were ending so people would of cared more about them
how do u no it was bad if u didnt watch it, i thought considering it wasnt too bad. Big Show would pull off a better match than Khali anyday. it was a shame bout the other 3 tho'
It was'nt the best but I thought it was o.k.

Batista vs. Kennedy would have been worse if Henry had been involved. Henry is a clumsy oaf anyway so him not being in the match saved Batista another injury.

Finlay vs. Regal was'nt going to work without the star of the match taking part.

Undertaker vs. Big Show would have been worse if Khali had been involved.

Helms vs. Hardy got more of a reaction than a Cruiserweight title match would have.
Cactus Jack Bauer said:
I was there live it was probabally alot better to me just because I was there but I was so pissed when Khali didnt wrestle.

Why would you be mad that Khali didnt wrestle.. He has no talent what so ever.. Show can put on a 10x better match then Khali... As for the original card... It didnt look bad.. But two matches IMO turned out for the better are Kennedy vs Batista and Show vs Undertaker...
I thought THey took Khali off cause he was so bad they did nto want to put him on Live tv
he does sux bad... and I thought the ending of the show taker match here sucked... one of them should have climb over the top not go though doors.... but SD is sucking and the need to wrk on better fueds...

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