Why Khali Rocks By Y 2 Jake

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
I believe it was Shadowmancer who noted that there's not much debating going on. So here's a thread that will get people talking.

Before anyone say's that Khali is a shit wrestler. I'm aware of it. He could be one of the worst of all time. He make's Batista look like Brian Danielson. But he still rock's. For one Smackdown's current main event scene is dominated by Batista. Which mean's the majority of main events will be poor and unmemorable. So why not have Khali in the Batista spot. Neither of them can work very well. So why not have a really shit wrestler in his space. The main events will instantly become more memorable. For the wrong reasons, but at least they will be must see match's.

Last year Batista's main event match match's were very meh.

vs. Kennedy (The Great American Bash) Ok
vs. King Booker (Summer Slam) Poor
vs. Finlay vs. Batista vs. Bobby Lashley (No Mercy) Entertaining but not exactly memorable.
vs. King Booker (Survivor Series) Poo
w/ Cena vs. Finlay & King Booker (Armageddon) Meh

But just imagine if Khali had been in his place. Those match's would have been incredibly bad. You would watch them just to see how truly awfull they would be.

There's nothing more satisfying in wrestling than a really bad match. Hogan/Warrior Halloween Havoc 1998 anyone? It's a classic don't deny it.

I was really dissapointed a few week's ago when Khali didn't defeat Jeff Hardy for the I.C. Title. The title mean's fuck all. It hasn't for year's. Umaga did nothing with it. Did he even defend it? I know he would suck as a champion. But imagine what it would do for the person who defeats him. He's still never been pinned to my knowledge. I believe his only proper defeat was to Taker in a Last Man Standing match. Imagine what it would do for somebody like C.M. Punk or Paul Birchill to defeat this man in his first pinfall loss. He's a huge guy so anytime he get's pinned it weill be impressive. So long as it doesn't happen regularly.

Also Khali promo's are awesome. Batista and Undertaker are hardly setting there fued alight with incredible promos. Khali's are more entertaining than Batista could ever wish for. And Undertaker doesn't need to speak.

Khali's the right side of ugly that he'll always make a killer heel. Ugly wrestlers always make the best heels. Because you can believe that they are actually evil. He also look's unbeatable.

I say push him to the top of Smackdown.

So who want's to tell me how wrong I am?
Well, if you like matches so bad they are almost comical there is no better choice than him. He can't move, talk or do anything right. But yeah, you are wrong. I for one am sick of bad matches and promos and would rather see a person who can actually wrestle win the title and be pushed. Mr. Kennedy is awesome, he can wrestle, make killer promos and is a great cocky heel. I would rather see him be pushed than Khali.

But I have a good idea for him...Batista vs Khali in a loser gets fired match....That way we all win no matter who wins the match! Either way we get a piece of crap flushed forever and never have to be bored by them again. Lets hope Vince books the match!
I believe it was Shadowmancer who noted that there's not much debating going on. So here's a thread that will get people talking.

Last year Batista's main event match match's were very meh.

vs. Kennedy (The Great American Bash) Ok
vs. King Booker (Summer Slam) Poor
vs. Finlay vs. Batista vs. Bobby Lashley (No Mercy) Entertaining but not exactly memorable.
vs. King Booker (Survivor Series) Poo
w/ Cena vs. Finlay & King Booker (Armageddon) Meh

But just imagine if Khali had been in his place. Those match's would have been incredibly bad. You would watch them just to see how truly awfull they would be.

Also Khali promo's are awesome. Batista and Undertaker are hardly setting there fued alight with incredible promos. Khali's are more entertaining than Batista could ever wish for. And Undertaker doesn't need to speak.

Khali's the right side of ugly that he'll always make a killer heel. Ugly wrestlers always make the best heels. Because you can believe that they are actually evil. He also look's unbeatable.

Thanks for the acknowledgement Jake. Batista had Entertaining level matches last year, that is an intresting statement. But true We would remember them, it would have been even better to have the Punjabi Prison match with Khali in it, we would Actually remember it as even worse than the infamous Kennel from Hell, which they should have again.

Ill give an example of Khali's Promo "Raaaaaaaaaaaghhhhh, Raaaaaaaaaaghhhh" Thats about the extent of the promo skills, but then again watch The Longest Yard to see him trying to act by attempting to speak English.

You are right on that "Killer" Heel zone, he was involved in the death of a Wrestler. It was an accident but he did help in the Killing of a guy he was working with.

But Jake you are missing the main reason that Khali should be the #1 guy he is a generous and caring ex-cop. He set up schools in India to get people off of the streets and learning. You have the admiration factor in there.
But his role that works the Best is still as the Bodyguard of some Wrestler like Daivari.
There going to keep promoting no talent big men. I don't think that's going to change. So why have boring Batista match's when you could have comically awful Khali match's?

I would prefer a Chris Benoit/C.M. Punk main event but that aint going to happen.
Thanks for the acknowledgement Jake. Batista had Entertaining level matches last year, that is an intresting statement. But true We would remember them, it would have been even better to have the Punjabi Prison match with Khali in it, we would Actually remember it as even worse than the infamous Kennel from Hell, which they should have again.

Ill give an example of Khali's Promo "Raaaaaaaaaaaghhhhh, Raaaaaaaaaaghhhh" Thats about the extent of the promo skills, but then again watch The Longest Yard to see him trying to act by attempting to speak English.

You are right on that "Killer" Heel zone, he was involved in the death of a Wrestler. It was an accident but he did help in the Killing of a guy he was working with.

But Jake you are missing the main reason that Khali should be the #1 guy he is a generous and caring ex-cop. He set up schools in India to get people off of the streets and learning. You have the admiration factor in there.
But his role that works the Best is still as the Bodyguard of some Wrestler like Daivari.

Khali should watch some Delerious promos. And base his character of him. You can't understand either. If Khali was slightly more animated they would almost be like brothers. I'd have Daivari as his mothpiece. Theyw ill never used Daivari properly. But as a manager he could cut some really intense promo's on Khali's behalf.

As for being a cop. Well there life's heel's enough said. £80 for having a piss in a bush. Ridiculous.
^ Watch Daizee Haze as well, she's pretty much the female counterpart of Delirious. Fucking Hilarious. Proving once and for all that smoking weed does do damage to your brain.

I'm guessing Khali is a little better than they give him credit for. I've watched some of his indy stuff and I can say that he still has some untapped potenial buried inside of him, not much, but its there. Well at least he's not as bad as Gaint Gonzales.
^ Watch Daizee Haze as well, she's pretty much the female counterpart of Delirious. Fucking Hilarious. Proving once and for all that smoking weed does do damage to your brain.

I'm guessing Khali is a little better than they give him credit for. I've watched some of his indy stuff and I can say that he still has some untapped potenial buried inside of him, not much, but its there. Well at least he's not as bad as Gaint Gonzales.

Oh no son. He's shit. Truly awfull. But Batista & Lashley aren't that great. And neither can cut intresting promos. And like I said. Neither can Khali. But he's so bad he's good. And Khali vs. Gonzales would be a dream match worthy of Wrestle Mania. Giant Gonzales where is he now? I can't wait for him to be on WWE.com. I bet he's a teacher.
It depends on what you like here. You could say that watching someone as pathetic as him move like a tortoise around the ring, looking the exact opposite of what diehards expect of a wrestler, and find it humourous or enjoyable, but most others like myself think it is well and truly degrading to the business, and the Great Khali is very high on the "What's wrong with wrestling today?" list. You could say that he is a good excuse for a bathroom break during a show, but 99% of WWE product will have the same effect as well. Khali is far from enjoyable and if you want to like him for being ridiculous, go ahead but in reality, it is far from laughable.

Khali's indy work is decent? I actually find that aspect of the man laughable. If you thought Khali couldn't get worse than on the WWE product, I suggest you watch his indy work because he has perhaps the most limited moveset I've ever seen. Also, teaming him up with that other 7 foot pile of crap in the indies was pathetic as well, because two Khali's will haunt diehards nightmares at any time. I guess when expectations have completely dropped though, I might enjoy a Khali match on it's awfulness, but at least Batista moves a little faster than Khali. That's all I'll give to him.
Khali is there to fill the role of the giant unstoppable big man. It started with Andre, went to Taker, then to Big Show, and now Khali. Khali is shit, but he is that guy. The unstoppable monster. before it is all said and done, Khali will be a world champion. His promos are more entertaining then Batista, that is for sure.

MIchael Cole: So Batista you're in a world title match.
Batista: ..............
MC: Um, you can back from injury, and now you have a title shot, how do you feel.
MC: Do you have anything to say?
Batista: World Ti-tle.................
Camera fades to black.
yeah I guess you guys are right. I don't know what I was thinking, other than the fact that it is a littie intriguing watching Khali's dominatance. But surely his gimmick won't last that much longer, he's got to lose sometime in the future, then what?
Well you have to limit Khali's in ring appearances. I'm all aobut the big man body guard. IF he became Vince's Personel bodyguard that followed him around, that would give the man ultimate heat. Khali is horrible, but he fits that role perfectly. The man put the Undertaker down with a boot to the head, so it wouldn't be inconceivable that he doesn't go Andre the Giant and not get pinned in a WWE ring for 17 years. Remember I said WWE ring with Andre.
Khali doesn't need to be pinned for a long time... and don't forget, it's not like he wins all of his matches either. They can push him as the monster who just loses control and beats the shit out of everyone (or gets himself disqualified or doesn't understand the rules, etc.). In fact they're already doing that... and that's cool. I don't think it's damaged anyone's career to this point.

Taker got squashed and then went on to win the championship. I don't think it hurt Kane's career either.

So whatever man, push him, it's ok. Even give him some sort of title... WWE isn't about merit, as odd as that sounds... it's a business and it's a form of entertainment. If they can entertain us with Khali, then I'm all for him being pushed, and I think he can entertain us.
I wouldn't mind seeing a Khali push, even though he is a horriable wreslter, possibly the worst in the biusness today, but he is unbeaten with the exception to Taker, and it's pretty obvious that Vince has no plans of letting him go, so I say promote him as the biggest heel on Raw, I can't wait to see a Cena/Khali feud over the WWE title, and you all know it's bound to happen eventully, Vince enjoys makeing horrible decision like that, another way to push him would be to stick him in a tag team with Umaga, you would have the two biggest monsters in WWE joining forces and dominating everyone, have them work as Vinces personal bodyguards, and they would have Estrada as their mouthpeice too, could you imagine how dominate a Umaga/Khali team would be, give them the titles and nobody would be able to take them for a long long long time, then when they finally lose the tag belts it would make the team that beat them look better than ever, so I say give him the push, what the hell, it's not like things could be any worse at this point, and for all those people that say they want to see quality wretling , well this is WWE where quality isn't likely to happen so you should probeably just go out and pick up some ROH dvds or somthing
Honestly I dont care either way about this forum right here. Khali sucks in my opinion and I love waiting for that music to come one for him to dominate somebody. I really just want to know how good did that Blowjob from "Oncewalkerr" feel Y 2 Jake??? AHHHHHHH a mouths a mouth I guess right???? ahhh hahaha... Umm khali sucks please dont hit me for spamming. Whup there I go trying to get in your pants. HAHAHAHA
Honestly I dont care either way about this forum right here. Khali sucks in my opinion and I love waiting for that music to come one for him to dominate somebody. I really just want to know how good did that Blowjob from "Oncewalkerr" feel Y 2 Jake??? AHHHHHHH a mouths a mouth I guess right???? ahhh hahaha... Umm khali sucks please dont hit me for spamming. Whup there I go trying to get in your pants. HAHAHAHA

I was good. He's got really good. He didn't catch me with his teeth or anything. I don't think it was his first sausage.

If all you have to say is Khali suck's. Then get the fuck out. I know he suck's. Read the rest of the thread dick. I aint going to warn you. I'm just going to put you in the prison.
For those who say Khali's moveset is limited, how many moves can you do in a 30-second match?

Khali's kind of slow, but honestly he hardly does anything, so it makes him hard to judge. I honestly thought his match with Kane at WM was half-way decent, although not the most interesting match.

Aside from that, I find him kind of entertaining and I think he could possibly make a decent champion, even if not for his wrestling ability. He'd be a monster champion and for me it can be fun to watch him raise hell, which is why I like Undertaker as champion (not that I'm comparing the two, Taker is better than Khali in every way imaginable).

One last thing I must say...I'd much rather see Khali as champion than Cena. Not only is Cena not such a great wrestler, but he's a poseur, and I find him just plain annoying as he is shoved down our throats every week. Not to make this a Cena-bashing post, all I'm saying is I'd rather see Khali dominate than Cena.
Right on Jake, tell it brother! Can anyone say dream match of all time: The Great Khali normally wrestling vs. Owen Hart doing his worst imaginable? That would be the shit! Maybe throw Foley in there to get some hardcore plastic cup-lid shots in!

Hell, honestly, I would rather see Khali in Cena or Batista's spot.
Khali would at least be believable as a champion based upon his sheer size alone. The inevitable Cena/Khali feud is coming though. If this was the old days, Khali would have the strap already,b ut it's going to be hard to push him to the main event whne he can't go more then 5 minutes. Khali is here to stay though since Show is gone.
There are plenty of big guys on SD, so Khali will stay on RAW.

Khali is a good heel because he is a "superheel", not a guy that can really be a "tweener" like Orton, or Edge, Cena, or HBK.

And yes, Khali's matches are bad, but that is because he is not a wrestler in the normal sense of the word. He's a mauler. He just beats the crap out of folks.

I can see Khali going after the IC Title before getting up to World Title status. Perhaps Santino was a middleman to get the belt off Umaga and on Khali.

Also, Umaga has been letting the McMahon's down. Maybe Khali will be their next "stooge".

I like Khali for the sheer fact that he's an entertaining character. He's easy to laugh at and his roars are funny, to me anyway. To kids I bet he is scary, like Andre or the Undertaker were back then.

Khali can also stalk females!

Plus, think about all the untapped feuds:
Cena vs. Khali
Edge vs. Khali
Orton vs. Khali (Khali is a legend, never been pinned, right?)
HBK vs. Khali
Bobby Lashley vs. Khali:

How insane would UMAGA vs. KHALI be? I wouldn't know who to root for!
I can see Khali going after the IC Title before getting up to World Title status. Perhaps Santino was a middleman to get the belt off Umaga and on Khali.

I don't see them giving the IC title to Khali before the WWE title, WWE tends to just skip that step when it comes to big guys that they want to be champion, just a couple of example for ya, Brock Lesnar, and Batista, neither were IC or US champ before getting the top spot with the WHC/WWE title, if Khali was still on ECW he might already be in a title feud, but then again with Lashley spending more time on Raw than on ECW right now who really knows
All I have to say about him is that he can't speak English and watching him beat Carlito each week is really boring. Not to mention he has no in ring talent what so ever. Picking people up and throwing them is not what I consider entertainment.
I enjoy his matches, I mean he straight sucks, but that double handed choke-drop/slam is pretty fuckin' harsh. and god he's MASSIVE
I believe it was Shadowmancer who noted that there's not much debating going on. So here's a thread that will get people talking.

Before anyone say's that Khali is a shit wrestler. I'm aware of it. He could be one of the worst of all time. He make's Batista look like Brian Danielson. But he still rock's. For one Smackdown's current main event scene is dominated by Batista. Which mean's the majority of main events will be poor and unmemorable. So why not have Khali in the Batista spot. Neither of them can work very well. So why not have a really shit wrestler in his space. The main events will instantly become more memorable. For the wrong reasons, but at least they will be must see match's.

Last year Batista's main event match match's were very meh.

vs. Kennedy (The Great American Bash) Ok
vs. King Booker (Summer Slam) Poor
vs. Finlay vs. Batista vs. Bobby Lashley (No Mercy) Entertaining but not exactly memorable.
vs. King Booker (Survivor Series) Poo
w/ Cena vs. Finlay & King Booker (Armageddon) Meh

But just imagine if Khali had been in his place. Those match's would have been incredibly bad. You would watch them just to see how truly awfull they would be.

There's nothing more satisfying in wrestling than a really bad match. Hogan/Warrior Halloween Havoc 1998 anyone? It's a classic don't deny it.

I was really dissapointed a few week's ago when Khali didn't defeat Jeff Hardy for the I.C. Title. The title mean's fuck all. It hasn't for year's. Umaga did nothing with it. Did he even defend it? I know he would suck as a champion. But imagine what it would do for the person who defeats him. He's still never been pinned to my knowledge. I believe his only proper defeat was to Taker in a Last Man Standing match. Imagine what it would do for somebody like C.M. Punk or Paul Birchill to defeat this man in his first pinfall loss. He's a huge guy so anytime he get's pinned it weill be impressive. So long as it doesn't happen regularly.

Also Khali promo's are awesome. Batista and Undertaker are hardly setting there fued alight with incredible promos. Khali's are more entertaining than Batista could ever wish for. And Undertaker doesn't need to speak.

Khali's the right side of ugly that he'll always make a killer heel. Ugly wrestlers always make the best heels. Because you can believe that they are actually evil. He also look's unbeatable.

I say push him to the top of Smackdown.

So who want's to tell me how wrong I am?

I hope this is a joke, Khali is awful at least Big Show could put on a half decent match and promo, Khali cannot even talk properly.
I hope this is a joke, Khali is awful at least Big Show could put on a half decent match and promo, Khali cannot even talk properly.

Fuck me I'm glad your banned. There's no need to point out how awful Khali is. I stated it, I'm aware of it. That's like saying Hulk Hogan is a bit tan, it's there for everyone to see. And to say Big Show can put on a half decent match. Pfft. He's been in good match's but non of them have had anything to do with him. Especially not in WWE. He's been carried by Taker, Angle & Benoit. And occasionally he might have a good match. But he's not this uber worker. I know he's better than Khali before some idiot points it out again. And I'm sure Khali can talk properly. Maybe you don't understand him because he speaks a different language. Eh? A slightly racist opinion don't you think?

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