Why isnt MVP a main-eventer yet?

Chris Benoit make MVP look like gold when they were feuding and ever since then I wouldn't say he has regressed but he has been stagnant. His U.S. Title run was unimpressive considering he didn't have much midcard competition on Smackdown. I thought he was going places when was he a heel but I just don't see him being that successful as a face. MVP may get an occasional title shot here and there but I just see him being a career midcarder.
MVP probably will never be a main event talent he is 36 years old and seems doomed to mid card obscurity. He should be a heel IMO Raw only has one Main Event heel (Randy Orton) and he can't even challenge for the title now.

If MVP wants to be a main eventer creative should book him as a heel with some new finisher. A new finisher always seems to catapult talent Orton's punt for example made him into the Viper and a six time world champion.
MVP really works well as a hell and all, but Mark Henry just became face not too long ago and hopefully they will get a title run at some point down the road. If and when it does happen, MVP seems like a better heel for SmackDown. His gimmick doesn't work too well as a face, but if he's going to stay face, keep him in a team at least. Really can't pick a reason why MVP is a main eventer yet.
MVP I think had his time to shine already, just creative never used him in the proper sense. Obviously he's better as a heel we all know this, but if he's going to be face he needs to stay with Mark Henry and grab some TagTeam Gold.
He isn't a main eventer yet because he is 36 years old and has done nothing to suggest that he is a long term option in the main event division. Kofi is in his 20s, and has a long future ahead of him, not to mention that he is far more over. MVP can cut a decent heel promo and a passable face promo, but his in ring work is average. MVP has basically got 7 out of 10s accross the board, which isn't a decent enough starting point to go forwards.

I don't think he should turn heel, as he has pretty much gone as far as he can as a heel in this gimmick, and I think that the gimmick still has life in it yet. In short, MVP is about as good as a solid midcarder, which is why he has always been in that position. His role with Henry gives them both an added dynamic, not to mention the fact that it adds another credible tag team to the picture.
I've been saying since 2007 that MVP doesn't have it. He rolled around on the mat with Benoit a few times, and people who are easily worked into thinking that's impressive built him up as a great talent with a future. I was seemingly the only one who saw through it, saw how MVP was overhyped, saw how he didn't live up to people's expectations when he wasn't working with Benoit, saw how sloppy and boring his ringwork could be. He's exactly where he deserves to be right now, IMO. He's not a main-eventer because he isn't talented enough, even by the standards of today's WWE.

It sure does please me to know I was right all along.
I've been saying since 2007 that MVP doesn't have it. He rolled around on the mat with Benoit a few times, and people who are easily worked into thinking that's impressive built him up as a great talent with a future. I was seemingly the only one who saw through it, saw how MVP was overhyped, saw how he didn't live up to people's expectations when he wasn't working with Benoit, saw how sloppy and boring his ringwork could be. He's exactly where he deserves to be right now, IMO. He's not a main-eventer because he isn't talented enough, even by the standards of today's WWE.

It sure does please me to know I was right all along.

What I can't help but question though, is IF WWE suddenly decided to push the guy to the Main Event scene, would he then "have it"?

I can't help but ask whether or not WWE's decision, or lack thereof, is really what is influencing a lot of you guys and your opinions about wrestlers "having it" or not.

If MVP was pushed to the Main Event tomorrow, my guess is that you would see a lot of posters come on here and say "I knew MVP had it! He's on fire at the moment, and now he's Main Event material". Then, all of the talk of him not having "it" would virtually disappear.

More example of Spoon-Feeding? You decide.

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