Why is your favourite genre your favourite?


Fucking Hostile
So, if you listen to music on a regular basis you will have a favourite genre, it is a given. What I want to know is why is that genre your favourite, what about it makes you like it? Does it have something to do with the subject matter of the lyrics, do you connect to them? Is it something to do with the instruments? It it also your parents/friends favourite genre? Does it just sound really fucking cool? Whatever the reason tell me, why you listen to the kind of music that you do?

For me my favourite genre is Thrash Metal. Now why is that the case, well there are a few different reasons.

Firstly, it takes a bit of fucking skill to be able to play it, any guitarist could join a pop punk band and palm mute four power chords and call it an album, or any singer could join some emo band and write about how they hate their life. but there is no real skill involved in that. That isn't the case with Thrash though, it is a bit more complex, if you are gonna play an instrument for a Thrash band you have to actually be good at, you gotta be able to play fast but then also have the skill to be able to play a slower song (yes thrash bands do write slower songs, take Metallica Fade To Black for example).

Same goes for the lyrics, you aren't going to get away with writing a song like I want to fuck everything that moves or Oh, my life is so fucking horrible, I'll go kill my self. Again the lyrics are a bit more complex, dealing with subjects like Death, Politics, War, Suicide, Abusive Parents, Abortion, Holocaust etc. At times you actually have to think to get what they are talking about. Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying this is the most intelligent genre ever and you have to be a genius to figure it out, as that is far from the truth, but there is a bit more to it than some genres. That is not a knock at other genres either, a lot of the time it is great to just have a song with a catchy chorus that you don't have to think about.

But why I really love thrash, the energy behind it. It is fast and fucking loud just the way that I love it. You get cool drum fills, chugging bass, awesome fast riffs, amazing solos and cool lyrical subjects. To me it doesn't get much better than that.

Anyway that is enough of my ramblings, I leave you with one question. Why do you listen to the kind of music that you do? What is so great about it to you?
I switch around. Underground rap, Blues, Trash metal, Electro, etc. I agree with your "It takes skills" and "Lyrics." The pop bands like Bieber, Gaga, Ke$ha can write lyrics with a beat. Me personally I like songs with beat and lyrics that have meaning to it. Overall I agree what you're saying. My interest now is Elena Siegman and Arch Enemy. What else you listen to on a regular basis?
I'm probably the only one that will ever say this,but Pop music will always be my favorite genre. Lot of energy, upbeat rhythms and catchy choruses always keep me going. Girls like, Katy, Ke$ha, and Rihanna are a mainstay on my iPod for this very reason.

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