Favorite Genre Other Than....?


Getting Noticed By Management
Rock and Rap. What is your favorite genre of music other than rock and rap. I come to these threads alot especially the music threads. But most everytime I come I usually see threads started about Rock Groups and Rap. So now I want to see what other genres people are at least somewhat interested and listen to.

I'm a huge fan of Country. My favorite artist from the Country Genre would be Toby Keith. I didn't always enjoy country. My parents listened to it when I was growing up. Never got into it. Then High School came around and I was introduced to Toby Keith. I had one of his greatest hits albums. And I instantly changed my mind. Now I listen to more Country artist such as Brooks and Dunn, Alan Jackson, Tim McGraw, and Garth Brooks but Toby Keith remains my favorite. Here are some of my favorite songs.

How Do You Like Me Now?

Quite possibly my favorite song of his. Easy to relate to. When you have that relationship that doesn't really work out. Then you become successful and want to rub it in that person's face. Great song.

Whiskey Girl

Great song. Catchy tune. Proud of the fact that his girlfriend is his whiskey girl.

I Wanna Talk About Me

Ever been in a relationship were the significant other only talks about themselves. This song is for you. You don't even need to date anybody. I find this song talks about a couple people I know.

Okay these are mine. What I'm asking.

What Genre do you like other than Rock or Rap?

What's your favorite artist in that genre?

What are your favorite songs from that artist?

Even if you don't have a favorite artist or other genre other than Rock or Rap is there anybody you listen to from another genre or you just generally don't listen to that would shock people? And who and what are they?

Okay those are the questions. Let me go onto what's banned.

This includes everything in rock or related to rock even a little bit. The list includes Rock, Hard Rock, Heavy Rock, Classic Rock, Punk Rock, Punk, Metal, Heavy Metal, Oldies, Alternative Rock, and anything else involving Rock.

Rap/Hip-Hop:Same as Rock. Anything that relates to this is banned.

Now on to your posts and replies to my questions.

I like 90s Indie from the late 1980s to the mid 1990s, I am from Manchester in England and we have a rich musical history which dominated the indie scene in the 80s-90s.

From bands such as New Order and Happy Mondays who created a whole new genre of electronic/indie music that could be danced to, and were influential in the whole "Madchester" scene to acts like The Smiths and The Stone Roses, who had some of the greatest lyricists in music history in Ian Brown and Morrissey, both of whom have had great solo careers too.

In the 1990s, these bands remained hugely popular, but then came Oasis. The band of the 1990s. Liam and Noel Gallagher's bad boy image burst on to the scene and took all the shitty cheesy pop music that was dominating the charts in 1994 and punched it in the face before sticking two fingers up at it. They brought guitar based indie back to the forefront of English culture and became a musical phenomenon. They remain my favourite band to this day.

Other great indie acts of the 80s/90s (although not all from Manchester) include The Verve, Charlatans, Inspiral Carpets, The Real People, James, The La's, Primal Scream and Northside
When I'm not making my ears bleed listening to my Metal, i listen to

1. Classical (Bach, Mozart, etc) always relaxing, feel good music.
2. Broadway (mainly Phantom of the Opera w/ Michael Crawford)
3. Movie soundtracks (fave is Braveheart, but i have many others too)
4. Comedy (Denis Leary, Eddie Murphy, Robin Williams, etc)
I really like the music from musicals. Like, "Singing in the Rain", "The Sound of Music", "Chicago", "The Newsies" (Christian Bale singing, lol) and many more. I even have a couple of those on vinyl. I guess it probably falls into a "big band" type of sound with lots of brass and whatnot. The times I listen to most of these are few and far between but every once in a while I'll get on a kick and listen to them for a few days.
Gotta love me some country. Cash, Hank, AJ, are classics, but I also enjoy newer artists such as Kenny and Paisley. I've grew up around country and it's something I can relate to as the lyrics relate to everyday stuff, something like a guy like me can relate to. It can also get deep/emotional at times and alot of the faster songs are just catchy and fun to kick back and relax or have a good time while listening to. It also helps I live in a rural area.

I couldn't really say I have a favorite genre really. Country and Rock are equal for me. Rap's a little lower, as I only like some rap.
I love all kinds of music but my favorite would have to be Country. I love Tim McGraw, Toby Keith, Garth Brooks, and Tracy Adkins just to name a few. My ipod has everything on it.

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