Why does Kevin Owens put me to sleep?

It took me some getting used to to be honest. I was expecting something different I suppose with all the stuff I read/heard. Over the past weeks and in NXT he has grown on me a lot though. I can't really say when, but I just started appreciating him over time in general. Maybe you just have to get used to him to, or you just don't like him :p
I know the title sounds like I'm going to go on a long tirade about how boring Owens is in the ring and yadda, yadda, but I'm not. My issue is with his promos. Don't get me wrong, I love the guys message. I love what he says, but I hate how he says it. I also hate his '2001 nu-metal douche' look, but that's not the issue here.

I don't know if it's the tone of his voice when he talks, or the pauses he takes between sentences, but something about the guy bores the shit out of me. Maybe it's because he's been paired with one of the strongest speakers on the roster in Cena, but the general opinion seems to be that he's held his own in every regard since his main roster debut.

I don't want to say he lacks the charisma of a main event WWE star, or that he's too 'real' for such a 'put on' show in WWE, but his promo work is awful compared to his in-ring ability IMO. What do you guys think? Anybody else think he's dull on the mic? Or do I just need more time to appreciate his promo style?

I, too, have issues with Owens on the microphone and I don't really know why. The content of his mic work is brilliant though. I've been waiting for a long time for someone to be given free reign to attack the very PG nature of Cena's character and, finally, they have given that right to someone. Shame it really doesn't land with me when Kevin Owens says it.

I think is his tone more than anything else. He sounds so dreary when he talks that I just can't get behind it. And to continually draw attention to the fact that he has been doing this for 15 years only makes it harder to like it. "This is how you sound after 15 years of doing it?" Christ.

That said, he's doing an awesome job in the ring so I'll forgive him for now...
What Pilman said is incredibly accurate. Kevin has, and always will be, a sarcastic asshole who thinks he's the best. He doesn't have to yell it at the top of his lungs to get your attention. Actually, he probably doesn't give a shit if you even listen to him. His in-ring performance speaks for him... His quiet voice suits him.

I'm a big indy fan, always have been. I wasn't a die hard Kevin Steen, but I did enjoy watching him.
wow i hope you all got as much neg rep as i did for simply having a different opinion. funny thing is i bet i got more than the OP!!

so let me take it all back. kevin owens is a fucking legend already. ive never seen in-ring skills like his anywhere, not japan, not mexico...he is literally the greatest athletic specimen humanity has ever produced. id put his promo with cena right up there with the "this is your life" rock segment and the dusty rhodes "hard times" promo. i hang on every word he says, hell the whole RAW should just be him talking. paul heyman needs to take notes.

now i can feel like i earned the neg rep. remember kids, always go with the crowd! be a lemming!
Lmao @ tonight when he said he doesn't need Cena to endorse him. I totally agree, John Cena needs to quit that shit, obviously Kevin Owens belongs there and doesn't need anyone giving him their approval.

And then the power bomb on that skinny white rapper. Lolllll Classic.
While I admittedly never knew of him before WWE, he apparently had a pretty big cult following going in. What I don't get is why they're starting him as a heel, when he could seemingly step in as a top face.

I get that Rusev's on the shelf, and Bray Wyatt's only slightly more active than Daniel Bryan these days, so they don't have a ton of main even heels beyond Rollins/The Authority, and maybe Sheamus, who they're again trying to make more of a thing than he ever will be. But here they are with this guy who could perhaps step into the kind of roll that Daniel Bryan had (a much larger Daniel Bryan,) and they could be missing an opportunity.
I think Vince Mcmahon's conditioned his audience to think "star power" as opposed to believability. It's come back to bite them. People forget they're not supposed to like him or pop for his promos. He's not supposed to be a "star" who captivates you with his promo ability. he's supposed to be a big bully that you want to see get punched in the face. He does that.

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