Why does Kevin Owens put me to sleep?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I know the title sounds like I'm going to go on a long tirade about how boring Owens is in the ring and yadda, yadda, but I'm not. My issue is with his promos. Don't get me wrong, I love the guys message. I love what he says, but I hate how he says it. I also hate his '2001 nu-metal douche' look, but that's not the issue here.

I don't know if it's the tone of his voice when he talks, or the pauses he takes between sentences, but something about the guy bores the shit out of me. Maybe it's because he's been paired with one of the strongest speakers on the roster in Cena, but the general opinion seems to be that he's held his own in every regard since his main roster debut.

I don't want to say he lacks the charisma of a main event WWE star, or that he's too 'real' for such a 'put on' show in WWE, but his promo work is awful compared to his in-ring ability IMO. What do you guys think? Anybody else think he's dull on the mic? Or do I just need more time to appreciate his promo style?
Kevin Owens was never a great mic worker, even on the indy's.. I think it worked a bit more on the Indy scene since he was so out of his mind so it didn't matter how he sounded, he was just crazy. Now since he's more toned down people realize he's not as great as they thought he was year's ago.. His in-ring ability is top notch though and has been for the last decade.
I think his mic work is acceptable. His soft vocal tone and French accent does his tough guy gimmick no favours, but it's not like he's Ahmed Johnston or anything. His spiel on Cena a couple of weeks back was pretty damn good.

But yeah, it's a Bret Hart situation. The in-ring work far outshines his mic ability, and that's what will make him a player.
personally i like his mic work and verbal skills and think they're fine. i far prefer the way he talks and makes threats with just a kind of quiet tone and manner rather than boring super cena who likes to scream and shout in almost all of his promos just so he can try to get a reaction from the crowd. for me kevin owens does most of his "talking" inside the ring where actions speak louder than words. just because he doesn't shout or talk loudly doesn't make him boring or dull in my opinion.
Owens is the same character he was as a heel on the indies.

Owens = Bitter, Sarcastic, Condescending Asshole with a Superiority Complex, a Psychotic Streak, and chip on his shoulder

The way he talks, as in tone and cadence as well as the message that he speaks, are very calculated and reflect the character perfectly.
because he puts zero energy into his speaking. hes lifeless. and it doesnt help that we've seen his KO name gimmick on someone else and his "my kid likes you" storyline with sami zayn. im not saying i think hes horrible, hes just mediocre.
Because you obviously don't like wrestling then is why. Why does Owens have to yell and scream and go on a tirade to gain your interest? Pillman nailed it. Everything about the way he talks is perfect for his character. His character is basically the following and in a very soft spoken way... "I'm better than you and I know it and here's why..." He doesn't need to light your ass on fire like Rocky or Austin or heel Hogan etc... His style is absolutely perfect for his character.
Owens has a unique style in that it is not the standard louder, fired up tone that most wrestlers use.

I would say it's more he is talking rather than cutting a promo. I could go on a long explanation of his character to me, but everything about him is different. The closest promo we have seen in WWE to me is Jericho when he would just talk softly so everyone shut up and listened.
I'm cool with his mic skills because there is something weirdly unsettling about his soft way of speaking, especially as he has been presented as a vicious monster. Whereas with Lesnar, his voice just sounds so disproportionate with his body type, Owens just sounds like he's playing a character.

I love his faux politeness, like when he thanks Cena for introducing him. It's sarcastic, but not overtly so. He also knows how to get heat, like when NXT fans were chanting "Cena sucks!" and he turns it around so that the audience are booing him instead. NXT crowds tend to annoy me because they cheer for everything, so that is pretty impressive (even if it can never stick).

I do understand why some would find him boring because his promos tend to be more subtle than over-the-top and I hope as time goes along, he shows a bit more intensity, but I personally like him.
From the few promos I have heard, I think he is okay but can be a little lifeless. I agree, you don't want people screaming needlessly. Wyatt is a perfect example - his promos don't draw me in, they make me roll my eyes as his yelling is a "hey, look at me" thing. Owens goes for a more subtle style that is the opposite of what everyone else does so it comes across lifeless at times. But it is perfect for the character - he feels he is the best and doesn't need to scream and shout to get attention, he lets his work talk for him. I think we will see more energy in later promos when it is appropriate.
It took Daniel Bryan a few years to get really comfortable with the WWE promo style, and he has always spoken as himself. Owens is coming across the way Bryan did when he won his first world heavyweight title. It's ok, a little flat and basically the man's normal voice. I like Owens doing sarcastic, bullying remarks to Cena, he's good at that. Overall Owens is legit, fresh and does a hell of a power bomb.
While I agree Owens needs a little polish on his mic skills, I think he's had solid promos since coming to the main roster. He reminds me a lot of Jake the Snake Roberts and Harley Race. The soft spoken, passive aggressive demeanor works, and they didn't need to yell to get their point across. This style of cutting promos is mostly a lost art now, and we're just starting to see Owens potential on the stick.

I agree with most people in this thread; he's an above average wrestler. He adds to his talking psychology by always bailing to the floor when the bell rings at the start of his match. Great heel move, and a good way for the fans to dislike you. KO has really good agility for a big guy- similar to Bam Bam Bigelow and Vader. All could come off the top rope with moonsaults, and Owens throws in a corner cannonball, and a top rope swanton. Both look pretty mean upon impact. I'm indifferent about the pop-up powerbomb as his finisher- not completely sold on it yet, but it's not a bad finisher for a guy his size.

At this moment, I think the only downside to Owens is the typical "doesn't have the WWE look" criticism. However, many before him have succeeded- see Mick Foley. I'm excited for the potential feuds Owens may see in the next couple years: Lesnar, any Shield member, Orton, Ryback, even Bray. Cena is criticized a ton, but you can't ask for a much stronger main roster start for KO.
I don't agree with that. I'll give you an illustration for it. Earlier I read his message to Dusty Rhodes via Twitter. I just don't know how much this guy has impressed me in the past, but when I was reading the message I just read it in his voice in my head.

His voice and the way he speaks is apt for his character. You were talking about the pauses he gives when he talks, and you people are the one who enjoyed The Rocks lengthy boring promo at Wrestlemania 31.

I've seen quite a few of his interviews in the Indies as well. He hasn't changed a lot but the truth is he doesn't need to. Because he just brought that gimmick with him on his way to WWE.

Owens is the same character he was as a heel on the indies.

Owens = Bitter, Sarcastic, Condescending Asshole with a Superiority Complex, a Psychotic Streak, and chip on his shoulder

The way he talks, as in tone and cadence as well as the message that he speaks, are very calculated and reflect the character perfectly.

I agree. Owens also comes off as this sort of quiet, soft spoken, cold, calculating sociopath. He's a planner and schemer, but he's not a schemer in the same sense of Seth Rollins or The Authority, he doesn't use the same sort of condescendingly smug, passive aggressive method as they do, nor does he try to justify what he does. From a kayfabe sense, he doesn't care if people "like" him or what he's doing and he doesn't try to somehow justify his stance in the way we see The Authority. He's also not this screaming, chest beating "I'm the baddest motherfucker that ever got squirted out and I'll eat your eyes out before I fuck your skull if you try to mess with me!!!" sort of macho, meathead badass heel. He's basically the type of heel that goes "Yeah, I'll beat your ass but I'll do it when I'm good and ready. I don't jump when you say to and I don't fight just because you and these people want me to. I'll beat your ass, but it'll be on my terms when I decide to do it."

I like that he's not jumping all over the place growling or ranting about how tough he is; rather, I like the fact that he doesn't have to constantly harp on himself. I dig that he says what he has to say, doesn't say it week after week and goes out into the ring and backs up what he says without half a dozen other wrestlers coming to help him. It's a different style and it helps him stand out in a positive way in my opinion. Personally, I don't need to hear a heel tell me how good he is in promo after promo, nor do I need him telling me how much of a badass he is. I don't need to see him frothing at the mouth while jumping all over the place like a coked up squirrel, nor do I need to hear him say how great he is or tough he is while spouting one catchphrase after another.
It's mostly been said. I was pretty harsh on his physique , and I still contend that he needs to lose weight, but the dude is the absolute furthest from boring in the ring as you can get. His promos are a perfect balance of work and shoot, he's basically sucking the IWC's dick in regards to his promos on Cena, his in-ring work is literally the most individualized style in all of WWE, and Cena's the perfect guy to take the smart bumps.

There's literally no appealing to everyone, but if you're watching WWE, and you watched Kevin Owens cut some promos and fight Cena, and you're bored, then I actually don't have any way to explain it to you.
To answer your question: "Why does Kevin Owens put me to sleep?". Maybe, you had sleeping pills before watching him.

I would agree that he isn't a much polished talker but still he is not awful with a mic. I do enjoy him on the mic. How easily he outspoke Cena ! Very few have the ability to do that. It was really a piece of art. Where did you find him awful? Owens is a badass, selfish, frank and outspoken guy. And, he does characterize his well on the mic.
Are you *********ing while you watch him? That release can be a powerful sleeping pill.

Owens may be forced to play the role this way since he is the epitome of a smark audience members wet dream but he still needs maintain creddlibilty as a heel. Cutting slow, effortless promos helps him maintain appearance as an expected heel. If he starts to become too entertaining it can throw off everything they are trying to accomplish with him and Cena.

Or maybe he is just boring to you. Or maybe you need to stop playing with yourself so much. Is it possible you have Kevin Owens induced narcolepsy? That's a thing, right?
i just wanted to add some balance to my dislike of owens and nxt wrestlers in general....its not ALL their fault. their hands are tied by scripts and unfunny writers whose goal is always to make cena shine. ceasaro, sandow, zayn, owens, all of nexus.....
i just wanted to add some balance to my dislike of owens and nxt wrestlers in general....its not ALL their fault. their hands are tied by scripts and unfunny writers whose goal is always to make cena shine. ceasaro, sandow, zayn, owens, all of nexus.....

I don't know how much you know about NXT, but HHH makes the guys work by bullet points. It all seemed to start when The Shield and Wyatt Family were formed in NXT. Bray has stated in interviews that he writes the majority of his promos, they may be repetitive now, but like you say it's not their fault. Granted all guys won't be good at improvising, but you can tell guys like Ambrose, Rollins, Wyatt and Owens are. Dusty Rhodes gets a lot of credit for sharpening their skills, RIP.
The arrogant douche act will only take him so far.
His in-ring ability and "alt" look give him a great opportunity. He has to define the character though. So far it's been all about his physicality and "doing what he says" which is all good and fine but what happens when he loses???

The WWE only knows how to push wrestlers (especially heels) by debuting them as an unbeatable monster. Once they lose once or twice they fade. Rusev being the perfect example. Will Owen's get Rusev'D?
I had no opinion on Owens before he came to WWE so I'm not going to stand up for him w/ the fervor that a die-hard "Kevin Steen" fan would.

But I totally disagree with you on this. If that's how he affects you, thats how he affects you, but in this day and age of HORRIBLE mic workers, he is perfectly fine to me.

The main thing is that is that he comes off as believable when he is speaking. Too many guys sound like they are just regurgitating lines that they memorized. And when you sound like you are script reading, nobody will buy into your personality as being "real". Kevin Owens sounds "real".
Why does he put you to sleep? Because preferences right? Not everybody is going to love Kevin Owens and maybe you're one of those people who just doesn't get him as a character. Austin, Rock, Hogan, Micheals.... they all have their detractors or people who didn't believe the hype... maybe Owens just isn't your guy.

Personally, the guy does anything but put me to sleep. I pretty much turn up my volume when he's speaking because everything he says has an impact and a meaning, and the soft spoken way he says it is perfect for his character. He's guy who doesn't care who you are, he thinks he's the best. Whether you're Sami Zayn or John Cena, it doesn't matter to Kevin Owens. He's not going to scream and yell because you can't get to his arrogant ass. The fact that he backs it up in the ring is what will make him a real player going forward.
Not sure why people that deliver more toned down promos get a lot of backlash. As others have stated, you don't need to always be yelling to make a good promo. Not sure of the exact expression, but I am sure we have all heard the term "Beware the fury of a silent/quiet man". Those are the people that scare you. Screaming nutjobs are often easily dismissed. It's the guy in the corner that hasn't said anything you need to worry about.

As an, admittedly odd, example look at Silence of the Lambs. Buffalo Bill is pretty calm throughout the entire movie until the girl in the well doesn't put the lotion in the basket. He gets more and more annoyed until he explodes "Put the F'ing lotion in the basket!". Always gives me the creeps. When someone that is always in control loses control it can be very scary.
Owens is your typical strong, silent type. Doesn't make a lot of fuss and bother says what he means, and backs it up in the ring. I would rather have that any day of the week, than someone who yells, screams, rants and raves.

People that do that usually fall into the category their bark is worse than their bite. Owens is in the other category, his bite is worse than his bark.

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