Why Do You Like That Wrestling Company???


King Of The Wasteland
So with KB's rant about TNA (haven't watched it yet) I thought this would be an interesting topic.

Why do you prefer WWE/TNA/ROH/etc, over the others. There has to be a logical reason for it (because its WWE or because its not WWE are shit reasons)

I prefer TNA because of the actual wrestling. Sure the stories are usually left to be desired but the actual wrestling makes up for it. After watching quite a lot of TNA matches and trying to watch WWE again afterwards I got bored. Yes WWE's storylines are far better done, but the wrestling is rather bland and turns me off. Thats why I take TNA with their great matches and crappy stories.
I like all forms of wrestling to be honest. Yes I follow WWE more so than other companies but that's because I grew up with the "E". Watching The Hulkster with my dad and brother when I was little and have been following it ever since. I like watching TNA as well, they have some amazing talent on their roster and the same goes for ROH. Pretty much my mindset of wrestling is if there is wrestling on I will watch it. To answer your question though, I watch WWE the most because I have grown up with it.

Sort of like asking me why do I like Nirvana more so than The Foo Fighters, well I love both bands, but I grew up with Nirvana and were the first band I got into. Pretty much the pioneers of my music listening days. So the same can be said about WWE. I would not be into professional wrestling today without them. I still love all forms of pro wrestling
I prefer WWE over TNA or any other organization for a number of reasons. I think the calibre of wrestling on WWE is far superior to that seen on TNA. I think there may have been a time when it could have been argued (maybe) that TNA featured a style of wrestling not seen in WWE, that TNA focused more on the in-ring product and less on storylines, but having watched TNA reasonably regularly in 2010, this is no longer the case and in fact is a IWC, TNA-mark-generated fallacy.

The storylines in WWE are much more consistent, more plausible, and whether you like them or not, they tend to be more logical. TNA storylines are all over the place, with face and heel turns happening for no apparent reason other than for shock and unpredictablilty sake. If anyone ever doubted that, go back and look at BFG and the months of unsubstantiated hype leading up to it.

The production value in WWE is so much superior to TNA and while some people feel this does not matter, I feel that it does. WWE occurs in large arenas which are jammed with people. The pyro, the music, the entire spectacle of it makes for a much more polished and enjoyable show. In very stark contrast, TNA looks like I recorded it with my own camcorder. The venues are small, the crowds are sparse, and it just looks second rate because of how it's displayed on television. And the last thing they need is looking second rate, when the product is legitimately second rate in the first place.

TNA depends too much on shock TV for my tastes, and ends up not being that shocking after all. Senseless blood, unnecessary language, etc., all of the things that were typical of the Attitude Era, but to me, those days are gone. It ends up reeking of desperation when they have to depend upon re-capturing the Attitude Era, rather than focusing on putting a quality product on the air in 2010.

Don't get me wrong. I don't hate TNA, I really don't. It's just that it is such an astronomically inferior product to the WWE in just about every capacity that is hard for me to believe that people feel otherwise. Why watch Triple A baseball when you can watch MLB? Why follow Arena Football or the CFL when you can watch the NFL?
Unfortunatley I don't get alot of chances to watch ROH anymore, so they are going to have to stay out of my post. Alex-A I agree with your pionts about TNA, also I feel as if TNA have more interesting characters, like The Pope D'Angelo Dinero, The Antichrist of Pro Wrestling Jeff Hardy, Mr Anderson(although WWE created that gimmick) and Abyss. Also the tag teams are awesome, Beer Money, Gen Me, Ink Inc and The Machine Guns are all great teams. But to be fair to WWE I haven't watched one of their shows since shortly after 'Mania so I might be wrong if they have improved in recent times.
Unfortunately I do not watch ROH so they are not going in my post. I will start my post by saying I like TNA and WWE about the same and I do enjoy both companies but I am going to chose TNA. I think TNA is better than WWE because the storylines are always trying to make you guess what will happen next where as WWE you can tell what will happen in the storyline for example wrestler A attacks wrestler B and by the end off the line wrestler B wins against wrestler A. Some people prefer that but I prefer TNA booking for the unpredictably like the Hardy heel turn.
I like WWE because it was the first company that I watched back as a kid in 1996. For a considerable amount of time WWF was wrestling for me. It has given me superstars of the likes of Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin who were both insanically charismatic. And even to this day it does a good job in my eyes as far as effort is concerned. It constantly tries to churn out new and entertaining storylines.

I like TNA because I feel that they really get more shit than they deserve. When I look at the roster I see superstars with tremendous potential. Guys like Pope and Anderson could be huge superstars, at least on Cena's level, if marketed correctly. AJ Styles might not be the most charismatic guy around but he is a great wrestler and someone whom you could build a company around. Really I feel there are lots of guys in these forums, as well as elsewhere, who will call you a TNA mark the moment you try to defnd TNA without realizing that they are blind WWE marks themselves. Sure TNA does deserve criticism at times like Pope's illogical heel turn recently. But some people just bash TNA right and left when they say that Jeff Hardy's heel turn sucked because it is the same old storyline of a face turning heel in order to win the title. At other points the IWC has blamed the ongoing concussion storyline as well stating that it did not make sense as the concussion was a comedic storyline in case of Eric Young but a serious one in the case of Anderson. I believe that such criticism is rather uncalled for and merely nitpicking. Maybe some people do so to appear "cool" on the internet as bashing TNA is the cool thing right now.

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