What type of indy do you like?

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
When it comes to independent wrestling, there are two different types... Global Indy (Such as PWG, ROH, Chikara, and Dragon Gate) and Local Indy (Such as this promotion near me named Action Packed Wrestling). And with both types offering the best wrestling, the question I have is... which kind do you like more?

Personally, I prefer the local indy shows as opposed to ones like ROH and PWG. Don't get me wrong, I love ROH and the like. I believe that they offer way better matches than TNA and WWE combined... However, I believe that the local feds are the ones that give back more to the fans than any other promotion. These promotions are here to give places like Leesville, Louisiana (a little shack town) some up close and personal action. And the wrestlers at this stage are here because they love the business, not because they want the pay checks.
i likw hardcore wrestling and one of the best wrestling indy promos today is czw its based in the same arena as ROH and both carry on the legacy the ecw left behind witch they have managed to preserve over the short year history of ROH and 11 and still going strong czw
Out of the two types you mentioned, IMO Global Indy is better. Local indy is full of guys who yes, love the business, but also aren't necessarily the "best" in the ring. Most of the time, they are either just breaking into the business and are still learning, or are has-beens, or are never-will-bes. Global Indy are the guys who have proven they know what they're doing in the ring, and are trying to get noticed throughout the world of wrestling.
I love me some Chikara. They provide matches that I love, and their storylines are fantastic as well.

Ring of Honor is also one of my favorites, they provide a variety of wrestling and hard hitting action that I love.

And this is why Global Indy is much better. They are well known and are able to bring in the money to get giant Indy stars continually like Aries or Hero. You continually see great matches and are easy to depend on.

With local indys you either have to sit through awful wrestlers who are crazy green, or you get a huge local star for one match. It's not easy to rely on them. Like in my area our local star is called "The Brick". A really fat guy who can take bumps. It's not fun to watch and I can watch that over and over like Ring of Honor.
Well local for me is NWA On Fire which has terrible graphics for their tv show. The roster isnt too bad but still its just bad. Closest to that is Chaotic which is actually pretty good. But I'll always favor Global Indy. You see people from all over the world in ROH like Marifuji and Go Shiozaki. Way better presentation. Just a better watch.

Basically Local indy isnt better than watching Global sports entertainment. Global indy is.
Like in my area our local star is called "The Brick". A really fat guy who can take bumps. It's not fun to watch and I can watch that over and over like Ring of Honor.


the brick lmmfao. there is always some hometown clown at indies like that. i feel like indy feds with a global reach look more professional and the wrestlers don't look pitiful. My local wrestling is Pro Wrestling Alliance Association or something and ts held in my flea market and i was embarrassed to be seen at it. ROH has quality ctrl from what i hear and the performers aren't making fools of themselves to the point of being characitures of themselves. Who wants to see a man in a ring in his underwears that cant keep his lights on?
Well I am amused by my local wrestling company named Bruiser Wrestling. I will watch it if it is on TV and I know about it, but it is mainly because of how bad it is. I would much rather watch ROH, which is a company I actually enjoy to watch whenever I get the chance. So, to answer the question, I suppose I am more of a Global Indie kind of person. However, I rarely watch any kind of wrestling now a days, I just don't have the time, so I have no idea what is going on if and when I get a chance to watch.
I would have to say global Indy simply because there really is no Indy fed around where I live. I believe I have on only seen one poster for an Indy and it came while I had to work (The Pope is Pimpin! made and appearence to :( ).

Also, from what I have seen from youtube vids of different promotions, I feel that RoH and Chikara are simply better talent wise and put on better matches. However, when it comes to the heart its hard to compare the two.
I have to say that while both are awesome as fuck, Local Wrestling shows don't have the great quality of wrestling that most Indy Promotions do have. Right now, I'm following a local promotion called "POWW". Now it's not the best wrestling, it's not the flashing lights and audience of internet smarks, but it is very fun. Fun to watch and fun to be able to interact with.

When it comes right down to it though, I love Indy Wrestling. I'm counting the days down until the DGUSA event in Chicago because I've got front row seats. That's the kind of wrestling that mixes pure Athleticism with Entertainment. Right now, my favorite Indy Promotion is either DGUSA or CHIKARA. My top three indy favorites are Kota Ibushi, Arik Cannon, and Chuck Taylor.
When it comes to independent wrestling, there are two different types... Global Indy (Such as PWG, ROH, Chikara, and Dragon Gate) and Local Indy (Such as this promotion near me named Action Packed Wrestling). And with both types offering the best wrestling, the question I have is... which kind do you like more?

Global indy, since the only local indy is an Israeli one, and I can't exactly go cross the border to watch or follow it. ROH is something I've recently been introduced to through e-fed booking and Youtube, while I can never find TNA on any channel on the OSN.
Global indy without a doubt its just plain better on everything in case it isnt obvious enough ROH is my favorite i really enjoy just flat out wrestling and while local indy has that it just isnt that good as global indy because global indy has better trained wrestlers who actually know what they are doing in the ring

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