Why do they keep 2 sets of tag belts?


Getting Noticed By Management
So I'm not complaining or insulting WWE in anyway, but I don't understand this at all. Since the tag team titles became unified they kept both the WWE and World tag team titles. Shouldn't they get rid of one of the tag belts? Or should they have just created a whole new belt design like when the WHC and the WWE title was unified they created the WWE Undisputed title?

So my question is this: Why do they still have 2 different tag team belts?

Your thoughts please?
I think they might be planing on spliting them up. I have no clue to when this will happen (it seems Rhodes and Dibase might win them at The Bash) but I don't think it'll be to long from now. Maybe they could have Tyson Kidd and DH Smith win the WWE tag team belts at a ppv down the line. It sure would give the Hart Dynasty some credibilty.
It really doesn't make any sense at all i think they should just have one set of tag team championship belts i also think that since there are a lack of tag teams division on RAW i think thats the reason but i still don't understand why they have 2 tag team champioinship belts.
Because it looks more impressive to have two title belts on your shoulder than just one?, they did the same thing when the unified the WWE and World title, Jericho walked around with both title belts then when he lost them they debuted to Undisputed title, and from then on we had one title belt, I expect the same thing to happen here, as soon as the Colons drop the titles the new champs will get new belts
due to the poor overall condition of the tag division they should of never had two different sets of belts. They should of had one set of tag champs when they started the brand split back in the day. One set of champs to defend the titles on every show. It would of made more sense seeing as they only have ughh three real tag teams at this time? I agree they should make one set of belts, instead of two. Maybe Trump will introduce them in the coming weeks
It's not that big of a deal. The double belt thing looks kind of cool to me. Maybe they're doing this so they can ununify them later on or something like that. I hope not but it's a possibilty. Having both belts isn't a bad thing or anything like that. Think of the J-Crown. Having that many belts made Dragon look like a god. Same idea with the Colons. "Hey, they're so good they won two tag titles." Simple, yet good concept.
I dunno but something interesting "if" they plan to split the titles again would be to have a Y2j/Angle/Benoit like 2 falls match, with first fall being for one title, 2nd fall for the others, and have it be a 3 way or something.

But IMO really, WWE is stupid just not making one title, tag scene sucks right now, there isn't enough teams in all of WWE to have 2 tag titles.
It's inevitable that somewhere down the line they would want two tag titles again, I think that's why. I would agree that the tag division certainly doesn't merit two titles, then again neither does the women's.
Back in 2001/02 WWE kept the Undisputed title as two belts, as much as I think the whole belt line WWE have could do with a make over, I generally think keeping the Unified tag titles as two belts is a good thing for the future, even once the Colons drop them, have the next two teams to hold the two belts once they look strong bring the new tag title belt in.
What is the Tag Team Division in the WWE? There are the Colon's, Priceless, The Hart Dynasty, Worlds Greatest Tag Team, who else? If all four teams were on one Brand and WGTT weren't being used as tag jobbers at the moment then I could see the reason for a Tag Title but right now I don't see the reason for them even having a champion let alone two sets of belts.

Overall I have no clue why they have two sets of belts.
What is the Tag Team Division in the WWE? There are the Colon's, Priceless, The Hart Dynasty, Worlds Greatest Tag Team, who else? If all four teams were on one Brand and WGTT weren't being used as tag jobbers at the moment then I could see the reason for a Tag Title but right now I don't see the reason for them even having a champion let alone two sets of belts.

Overall I have no clue why they have two sets of belts.
you forgot about cryme tyme.so there is 5 tag teams not 4 . i think they have 2 belts just to make it look like the colons look good. i also think it has to do with the dudleys also having 2 belts in tna.
I think that the two title looks a lot cooler. Most likely Legacy will win the belts and then get a new design. Wait, what if legacy won, then Randy retains could we see a couple new belts? be awesome and about time.
Two titles is cool, but the The Colons look like they need to take a damn shower.

They are keeping the two titles warm while they try to make a tag division. This is the first time they are being defended since the night after Mania. I say give a set to the WGTT and have them build up a decent tag division over there. You got a lot of people who aren't doing anything, and you can create a division there.

Have the Hart Dynasty be the only floaters, just don't have any other tag teams on ECW, like Miz & Morrison when they were champs.
you forgot about cryme tyme.so there is 5 tag teams not 4 . i think they have 2 belts just to make it look like the colons look good. i also think it has to do with the dudleys also having 2 belts in tna.

Ah how can I forget Cryme Tyme. They are about the only entertaining team of the group. My bad.

The Dudley's work part time for New Japan. The Colon's work full time for Vince. If Vince is trying to recreate the Dudley's he isnt doing it with the right team.
I personally wish they'd go back to the original draft days, and have all the champions compete on all shows instead of being brand-exclusive champions. Unify the heavyweight titles, the IC/US titles, women's/diva's titles and both tag titles into one title for it's respective division, and make the ECW title into something like "the extreme championship" similar to the hardcore title. I know that won't happen anytime soon, if at all, but I can dream. lol
Even tho it does look kind of silly to have two pairs of titles, I'm sure that it's just a matter of time before WWE introduces the new titles.

I personally wish they'd go back to the original draft days, and have all the champions compete on all shows instead of being brand-exclusive champions.

I'm pretty sure I remember hearing Michael Cole say on Raw that The Colons could defend their titles on all 3 brands anytime they wanted to. Why creative hasn't tried to write anything in the stories for other tag teams going for the gold on the other brands is beyond me...but it's like some people have said in the thread, there aren't that many tag teams that could actually go for the titles...Legacy, Hart Dynasty, Cryme Tyme...and should I even DARE count Goldust and Hornswoggle?:scratchchin:

Like I said tho, I'm sure it's just a matter of time before the new titles are introduced.
Like everyone else said, it looks cool to wear two belts. Also I said this from day one thast the belts would split. At first I thought Miz/morrison would win the gold with each being moved to another brand taking a title with them.

Now I see it going this way, with at Night of Champions, a triple threat tag team match with Colons vS Priceless vS Hart Dynasty with a double pin in the ring and the belts being split as with the belts together we got the opposite of what everyone thought was going to happen, a push in the tag team division when in reality, it was better when the belts were split.

Hell Miz & Morrison wer the gods of tag team wrestling for a year & a half.

I hope the belts get split again as maybe Cryme Tyme will get a run with a belt and maybe WGTT will get one more run.
I really don't see the point of having two tag team belts anymore. The Colons, the Hart Dynasty, Rhodes & DiBiase, and Cryme Tyme are the only legit tag teams in WWE. However, I really doubt Cryme Tyme probably won't be in contention for the tag titles anytime soon. I agree after the Colons lose the titles, they should make only one set of titles, instead of having two, or spilt the belts again instead of having them unified.

I don't really care whatever option they choose because I feel TNA has a better tag team division than WWE. At least they have only one real set of tag titles, not two.
I almost forgot they had a tagteam division sinc the titles never get defended, they haven't wrote anything good for the division and the tag teams lack pretty much.

I do however like the look of the 2 belts because it makes the team look powerful.

The titles should be defended more often on each show.
They need real legit tag teams. That’s the main problem they’ve had, and keep having. Currently they have

Rhode and DiBiase: they held the tag titles for a long time and lost them, and haven’t got them again because they’ve been too busy jobbing to Triple H, Batista, and Shane
Crime Time: are they only used for comedy skits and diva storylines? When will they step it up and get some gold that’s not in their mouths?
The Colon: neither could survive alone as solo stars, so there’s no need to break them up or feud them with each other. Their good as a tag team, so keep them that way
Kidd and Hart: they can only get better with time, but let them work as a tag team, and keep them away from solo matches where they lose to people in the ECW main even picture
WGTT: they shouldn’t be a team any more, let Shelton go his solo way and keep pushing him as the gold standard, Hass needs a partner, but give him someone else to work with
That’s it, the WWE has alot of people they could use in tag teams, but unless their built up as legit tag teams (sorry Golddust and Hornswoggle do not count) then they’re not legit and are not credible. They need real teams, with real gimmicks, not two random dudes thrown together on a weekly basis. Look at "the Brian Kendrick" they sent him to the Raw, now outside of Hornswoggle he’s the smallest guy on the brand, and now he’s a jobber again, great way to ruin someone so talented, he was much better when he was in a tag team with Paul London, and they had a gimmick. How long until he’s in another squash match with Triple H/Cena/Big Show on the other side of the ring from him? 2 weeks? 2 months?
As far as having two sets of belts, they need to combine them into one title, or have the Colons lose a set of them ASAP. If they combine them into one set the tag champs should work on all brands, due to the lack of real teams in the WWE.
Miz and Morrison did it when they had the tag titles, why can’t anyone else?
I don’t and won’t ever understand why they break up established tag teams, when they don’t have anything lined up for them. Jessie and Festus should still be teaming together, rather than using Festus randomly on Raw in BS comedy skits involving Golddust and Hornswoggle. Has Jessie had a match since the draft? What good does it do to have Festus the blundering “mentally challenged” wrestler on Raw without his look out? It just doesn’t make sense at all.
Now on the other hand I do understand why they break certain tag teams apart, so they can push to two talents further as solo stars (the Miz and Morrison) but some of these people don’t have a solo future, they need their tag partner to get over, and keep them interesting. How long were the Hardy’s, Edge and Christian, WGTT, the Dudley’s together before being broken up for solo action. It took years to establish them as solo stars, years. I don’t see why Vince and the “creative” team insist on forcing teams apart when they have nothing line up for them. Remember when they split the Dudley’s up in the draft? Devon became Rev Devon….snore fest, and Buhba Ray got beat by a sleeper hold in the middle of the ring during a 3 week feud with Triple H. It didn’t work for the Dudley’s because neither of them could get over alone to save their life.
It was working well for Shelton he was becoming a great heel, and a good US Title Run, and did some great work during this year’s WM MITB match, until they put Hass back on Smackdown. Don’t get me wrong Hass is great in the ring, but he brings Shelton, who was finally pushing into the upper card, back down. They should have left Hass and Knocks together rather than rehashing WGTT again.
While we’re on the subject of Tag Wrestling, why do they even bother to have women’s tag matches? Their rarely worth watching, and they don’t help to build anything. The only way they every use them is to turn one of the chicks heel to feud with her partner, booooring.

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