Best WWE Tag Team Champs of the since 2005?

MNM hands down. As a huge fan of tag team wrestling I think they may have been the last real tag team WWE had they had the look, the charisma and the in ring skills to back it up. I'm also partial to Benjamin and Haas they never got the push they deserved in WWE hopefully they do big things in ROH
My pick is Miz and Morrison. Yeah they were a throw together, but they stayed together so long, that they became a long term tag team. And THEY KICKED ASS. Not only did they have the second most badass entrance for a tag team ever, but they had the charisma, promo work, wrestling ability, and look. The Saints of L.A. made the division watchable. Hell, they made ECW watchable. Not to mention a reason to visit every week to tune in to The Dirt Sheet. As great as the Miz is doing for himself, and as selfish as it may sound, I wish they were still together to this damn day. I miss that team.
I think the people that are hyping DX are confusing the terms 'tag-team' and 'stable'. I truly believe that incarnation of DX that consisted of just HBK and HHH was not a tag-team but a stable, albeit a rather small one compared to the days of the New Age Outlaws and X-pac. And even if they were classed as a tag-team, they have done nothing to help the division. Fair play, they won the tag titles but lost them a month later and made no effort to regain them. In fact, the fallout of that match was that HBK didn't have his head in the game and this ultimately led to his match with Taker at WM XXVI.

As for the Hardy's, again i think people have misread the question. From '05 onwards, The Hardy Boyz (or Hardyz) were not a consistent tag team. Both went off into the big, bad world of the midcard and both held singles gold. Hardyz from '99-'01? Solid. Entertaining. But since about WM X8, i wouldn't even say the tagged that often to be classed as the best tag team of the last 5 years.

Yeah dude... I couldn't have said it better myself...Anyone who has grown up with wrestling when tag teams were a big deal, knows that the WWE has not even really tried with their tag team division in the last ten years... It is not important to them... And these kids on here who have only grown up during this current era, don't seem to understand that... Like people even thinking that DX was an "actual" "tag team"... Not to even mention that one kid who said they were "the greatest tag team ever"... It is laughable...
Yeah man, because Degeneration X were like the greatest tag team ever... Tag Teams like the Steiner Brother, Road Warriors, Midnight Express, the Rockers, Harlem Heat, the Dudleyz, Hart Foundation, the Hardyz, Edge & Christian, Ole & Arn Anderson, the Fabulous Freebirds, New Age Outlaws, Demolition, the Von Erichs, the Outsiders, the British Bulldogs, the Funks, Dream Team, APA, do I really need to go on??? These are just the ones I could think of off the top of my head... DX is not even in like the top 50 of the greatest tag teams ever... They were more of a stable than anything else... Good Lord!!! You see a lot of DUMB comments on here, but this one has to be right at the top of the list...:banghead:

Funny that you talk about Jericho and Big show as "We don't know what to do with these guys so we'll throw them together" and shit talk them.. Yet look at the 2 teams on your list I bolded. Hmm.. OH YEAH! They were the same thing! dumbass. Just so happened that those ones lasted longer, doesn't mean they were any different. Maybe you should think before you type next time.

AS for the topic at hand, yes, I will agree on Miz/Morrison (too bad californiachef84, there's another one of those teams I was talking about) as they were a great team together, and it launched them both into being household names. They beat some of the best teams the WWE had to offer, and won a Slammy as well (maybe 2?).
For me, it's about a tie between London & Kendrick and Miz & Morrison and here's why:

London & Kendrick: These guys held the WWE Tag Titles for about 11 months. And they didn't just carry them around and do nothing like most champions now. They defended those belts quite often during a time which, to me, was the closest thing to a tag team renaissance we could hope for.

After beating MNM for like the millionth time to win the belts, the went on to feud with The Pitbulls, KC James & Idol Stevens (remember them?), William Regal & Dave Taylor, winning them all before finally losing the belts to Deuce & Domino. They even retained in that great and sadly underrated 4-way ladder match with the Hardyz, MNM, and Regal & Taylor. These guys were fun, exciting, and really carried the tag division in 06-early 07.

Miz & Morrison: Probably the most all-around entertaining tag team in recent history. They had a great run as WWE Tag champs, won the World Tag Team belts, Slammy award winners for best tag team and internet show. Speaking of which, the Dirt Sheet was hilarious and one of the most entertaining things in WWE at the time.

These guys had great chemistry in and out of the ring, put on some quality matches, and became one of the most memorable teams of this era.
Funny that you talk about Jericho and Big show as "We don't know what to do with these guys so we'll throw them together" and shit talk them.. Yet look at the 2 teams on your list I bolded. Hmm.. OH YEAH! They were the same thing! dumbass. Just so happened that those ones lasted longer, doesn't mean they were any different. Maybe you should think before you type next time.

What the hell are you talking about??? I NEVER shit talked Jericho & the Big Show... I like both of them!!! All I said was that they were not a legitimate tag team... You can disagree if you like, but I am only giving you my opinion on the matter... Isn't that what ALL of these threads are for?? Notice how YOU were the ONLY one that had a problem with what I said... As for APA and the New Age Outlaws... None of the wrestlers in either of those tag teams had been successful singles wrestlers before they were put together... IMO that makes a HUGE difference... WWE only seemed to be putting ESTABLISHED stars into tag teams within the past couple of years... (e.g. Jerishow, Team Rated RKO, & DX)... This is why I really didn't feel like Jerishow was a real team...

Just my opinon buddy...
Miz and Morrison: their promo work and chemistry in the ring were
(pun intended) AWESOME they had the dirt sheet on where they would mock their opponents and they were wwe tag team and world tag team and won best tag team of the year (cant remember which year it was) but anyway when they broke up it signalled the end of what was an entertaining tag team but they had enough potential to be single stars
(Miz anyway) so thats my opinion.

I agree one hundred percent. I mean we saw some good tag teams like London and Kendrick, etc. But when Miz and Morrison came it got me re-interested in WWE. And look at them now Morrison is a good singles wrestler and Miz is a future world champion. They were awesome!
I would have to say the Heart Throbs or the Dicks. Kidding.

I really liked the team of Eddie and Rey. Natural chemistry and familiarity with each other. MNM was also a favorite. And I actually liked the Basham Brothers too, in JBL's Cabinet. Smackdown's tag division circa 2005 was pretty great.
There are a lot of choices here and for numerous reasons...

DX finally winning the tag titles together and rekindling the DX name.

Many other singles wrestlers thrown together for a group or team... Teams like JeriShow, Rated RKO etc...

But for me, I think the BEST team over the last 5 years, in ring, out of the ring... Sharing the same gimmick and truly defining the tag division in their existence...

The Miz & Morrison

I like their work together in the ring. Their promo work was great (Thanks to The Miz basically)... The Dirt Sheet...

Hands down the best team, IMO, in the last 5 years!
John Cena and John Cena. . . just kidding.

Do the Hardyz count? They were bad when they came back in '06 and that would be the only time since 2005 but before then they were great and I'd take them over the others.. so yeah.

Otherwise, Miz/Morrison, Jericho/Big Show, Big Show/Kane, RatedRKO were great ones. I really wish Batista and Rey lasted longer because they were fun to watch. I always liked watching when you knew Rey needed a tag and when he finally got it Batista would go INSANE. It happens in every tag match, but with Batista it was just scary for the other team lol.

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