Why do people consider Orlando Jordan one of the bad TNA additions?

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OJ... There is just nothing special about him at all... He sucks on the mic and is barely half decent in the ring... He has nothing to offer TNA, except for this lame bi sexual gimmick that he apparently lives...

What was the point of the segment? Just to introduce him as bi? He really needed to drop from the ceiling looking like a black version of Golddust and crawl down the ramp? It can only be described as a chanel changing moment...

I'll give it a chance and see where they are going with this, but it just seemed weird that he didn't even have anything to say or any purpose to even be on the show...
This is a good question. But regarding that, his new thing w/ all the caution tape is either really dumb, or really edgy, but he's not a bad wrestler I just dont think he's got that "IT" that people want to see, but maybe I'm wrong.
Orlando Jordan has never been a big deal, and I don't think he ever will be. Even with his current gimmick (which is something unique) I still don't think this will help him break through or give TNA a boost in any way. Orlando's gimmick is unique, but it really doesn't matter because nobody cares about him. In WWE he was JBL's right hand man, while he was WWE champion. He didn't even look right as JBL's #2.

I think Jordan is still riding off of the "WWE rub", and I don't think it's going to take him that far.
i am liking where TNA are going with Jordan, he is different, yes, he is very Lady Gaga-like, with the way he dressed on Impact. His moveset is fine, I don't mind Orlando, because he can, and does wrestle well.

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