Why Did WWE Start Lazy Booking


Pre-Show Stalwart
For last few years the most common complaint from wrestling fans is always same guys main eventing PPVs. WWE really had some hard push attempts like Dolph Ziggler,Mr Kennedy,Umaga,Vladimir Kozlov,MVP etc. The common problem was WWE couldn't keep the momentum all those wrestlers gained. WWE is still having good pushes with people like The Miz,Daniel Bryan and Drew McIntyre but they've also started the most lazy way to build new stars. They just gave the belt people like Sheamus and Swagger who are not still ready for main event picture. It's nothing but laziness.

If WWE really wants to push new stars they have to understand that first they need to slowly build them. Do anyone of you really expect something memorable from Swagger's reign. He'll probably keep the title for about a month without main eventing a PPV then lose it to Jericho or Edge. Being remembered with a failed or at least average title reign. Instead of giving the belts to Swagger this early why didn't he first win IC title then feud with Morrison or Mysterio over the title after all if he can get built up well giving him the WHC belt. It's also same for Sheamus instead of having a forgettable title reign why didn't he first feud with Triple H and then trying to capture the WWE title.

I respect WWE's effort to create new stars but instead of doing trying to do in a skyrocket push way they should do it slower and when they become ready they should be given the chance. It's just laziness. Yes maybe some people might not have passion for this business but by doing it you gain nothing. Jack Swagger will still be in midcard matches on PPVs just with a world title on his waist. Just remember Punk's WH reign 2 years ago even some Punk fans turn their backs on Punk because he was not ready but in his 2nd title reign people even thought that Punk became the top heel of the company. I don't want to see meaningless and forgettable title reigns yes I support people like Swagger and Sheamus getting push not this early. Just like how McIntyre and Daniel Bryan are getting their pushes.

So what do you think about this new skyrocket pushes. Even JBL and Lesnar had more build up than Swagger and Sheamus. Do you think it's the lazy booking by WWE or do you think it's better and easier way to pushing new stars.
Well im glad Swagger won but he had little to absolutely no build up...he was even jobbing to Santino a few months ago...still Shamus reign was forgetable mainly because no one cared...Shamus got the title because he was buddy buddy with HHH...Swagger on the other hand was a complete shock mainly because there were rumurs management lost faith in him...oh and another thing off topic but im 99% sure Swagger took what should have been Christian winning the case...just have a gut feeling it was suppose to be Christian who should have won
I am SO in agreement with this!!! Normally SD seems like THE show to watch. But let's back up with the booking. WM26, Swagger as MITB winner? Sure his gimmick is kinda cool, but yet, where was he the last few months, that's right jobbing to Santino, and other than that, no one had seen him on TV other than that. Then you have him cash it in on SD last night against an injured champ (copied off Punk, whom copied off the original MITB superstar EDGE.) Its like no one wants to try to come up with anything original. :banghead: Even my huband had to comment last night, "This seems like its going to be a transitional phase for SD for a while with this champ." I mean, the point of creative is just that, to come up with creative." But this almost feeels like the point of TOO MUCH too soon with Swagger, he's going to get shoved in the cameras with this angle, and I have a feeling its going to blow up, and not in a good way. Then, sadly, he will be the only one who is punished for the lazy booking of the creative and powers that be. Which is sad because he is truly a gifted athlete, but lazy booking can truly damn his future in the end. :suspic:
I completely agree that this is a fairly lazy way to build superstars, and it don't even work all the time. Look at The Great Khali. He's literally the biggest guy in the company, they gave him the WHC out of nowheres a few years ago, he had a few PPV wins, then dropped the title. Less then 6 months later, Khali was a jobber/kiss cam host. Proof that a World Title win DON'T make a superstar.

Sheamus might not have the title anymore, but at least they are still pushing him, and with HHH of all people. While they're on the right track so far, they can't just have Sheamus keep attacking HHH to stay in the spotlight, he needs that all important pinfall over the Game, and even then still needs a mountain of work before he'll be considered a main eventer.

Swagger, IMO, has the best chance of all three to become a superstar. He's got the look, the ring skills, and even the mic skills, and his lisp only adds to the heal heat he's got going. The things he did on Smackdown like constantly hogging the camera in backstage segment, to even kissing Vickie Guerrero, the WWE is already on a headstart to building a very cocky, confident heal. And of course, no one can deney that the whole shock value that Swaggers career went through in the last wweek won't do wonders for you. It's a testament that "ANYTHING can happen in the WWE", and although it is lazy, 1 out of three cases might actually work.
It is an easier, but very much lazier, way to push new stars out of nowhere with MITB or something like Sheamus. I guess they think "Well, you want new stars? Here, take this guy" and they push some random lower midcard guy to the mainevent.

I think the issue is that there is a difference between pushing a midcard guy to the mainevent when they are over and pushing a guy there out of nowhere. THIS is why viewers get so frustrated. They refuse to strike when the iron is hot for certain wrestlers, but for other wrestlers they get a main event push when the crowd couldn't care less about them? It's stupid.

I actually have no problem with a wrestler getting a random huge push, I just have a problem when that push only starts when he gets the title. Why can't WWE wait till the guy has some heat before giving him the title? All I knew about Sheamus before he had the WWE title was that he had a feud on ECW with Gold Dust. Oh yeah, then he beat up Jamie Noble. Nobody cared about him. I still don't care about him.

WWE really had some hard push attempts like Dolph Ziggler,Mr Kennedy,Umaga,Vladimir Kozlov,MVP etc. The common problem was WWE couldn't keep the momentum all those wrestlers gained.
I haven't watched smackdown since '08 so I really don't know anything about Ziggler, but I will say that every other wrestler you mentioned would have made more sense to hold the title than somebody with no momentum like Sheamus. The common thread between Umaga/Kozlov/Kennedy/MVP's pushes was that they all got the push before holding a title. You know, so the crowd would care about them first. I don't understand why they can't do this any more. To me what they are doing now is devaluing their world titles.
No, I don't agree. I am delighted WWE has decided to put some conviction behind what they're doing. For years all I heard from the internet 'experts' was that wwe was going stale, that they were sick of it being the same old champions. So wwe see's the same problem and shakes it up with people like Sheamus and Swagger, and to a lesser extent, McIntyre and Ziggler.

The WWE are in a serious stage of transition right now, they are losing top guys like Michaels, Taker is reportedly talking about having less than a year left and Triple H isn't too far behind them. This is the time to build new stars. This is the time to build for the future and WWE will be reaping the benefits in 3-4 years when the talent you are bitching about now is carrying the biggest wrestling company out there. People said Punk wasn't ready, the gave him his chance and look at him now, one of the top workers in the company.

Swagger has paid his dues, was undefeated in NCAA, served time in OVW and FCW, came up and now he has been given the ball and it's up to him to run with it. His promos have been decent, his in ring work is above average and now is his time and I for one am encouraged to see things being shaken up a bit.

Reports suggested a few weeks ago that HBK had a confrontation with Sheamus backstage saying that now that he was leaving, it was the new generations turn to take the reins, and thats whats happening. Sit back, enjoy it and watch as these guys inject some life back into a ever staling product.

MVP was given the chance to build himself but he went stale because he doesn't have the charisma. Christian proved himself to be untrustworthy by jumping to TNA and to be honest, I don't care that he didn't get his shot. Hardy hasn't shown ANY improvement in over a decade on the mic and has let his appearance deteriorate. Kofi's turn is yet to come. But then, when he DIDN'T get the big push people bad mouthed creative for not pushing him to the stars.

Not lazy booking at all in my opinion, and it is the first time in over 4 years that that can be said of wwe.
So, what you are saying is they should do the same thing for every wrestler, every time? And THAT would equal non-lazy booking? I don't understand that, it doesn't make sense.

Instead, it makes MORE sense to have the random title reign every once in a while. Is Swagger ready for it, in the fan's eyes? No, but then again, neither was Matt Serra with his win over GSP. But the unpredictability of it is what makes it shocking, makes it believable.

The goal of professional wrestling is to achieve believability, and with things like Money in the Bank and the Royal Rumble, it's believable to think that someone, on any night, has a chance to win the World title.

To have every wrestler follow the same basic storyline would be ludicrous.
So, what you are saying is they should do the same thing for every wrestler, every time? And THAT would equal non-lazy booking? I don't understand that, it doesn't make sense.

Instead, it makes MORE sense to have the random title reign every once in a while. Is Swagger ready for it, in the fan's eyes? No, but then again, neither was Matt Serra with his win over GSP. But the unpredictability of it is what makes it shocking, makes it believable.
What you're missing is in professional wrestling wrestlers are built up like that. It can be never be considered as laziness because instead of giving him the title very soon you need to put him into feuds,try to keep his credibility even though he loses to build him up and you need passion for that. But when you give the belt someone like Sheamus who is too green and we don't even know about his character I'd call that move laziness. So in no way building someone slowly is lazier than giving someone the title ramdomly.

The goal of professional wrestling is to achieve believability, and with things like Money in the Bank and the Royal Rumble, it's believable to think that someone, on any night, has a chance to win the World title.

To have every wrestler follow the same basic storyline would be ludicrous
I have to disagree with you. In professional wrestling without any credibility no one would give you a shit. I mean do you think that if Santino Marella or Hornswoggle wins MITB and cash in against Cena for WWE title would you believe or take it seriously. It's same for Jack Swagger someone who was jobbing to Santino 2 months ago ramdomly wins the title. Isn't this laziness ? Instead of trying to build Swagger more to put him more credibility.

So I still can't understand how can building someone slowly is lazier than giving the title someone ramdomly.
But when you give the belt someone like Sheamus who is too green and we don't even know about his character I'd call that move laziness. So in no way building someone slowly is lazier than giving someone the title ramdomly.

The problem with this part is that Jack Swagger has been on this character for about what's nearing 2 years since he debuted in ECW in late 2008, that's quite a while longer than Sheamus has been around, Jack knows his character, plays it well, and could easily become credible as a champion, if you ask me, he was a credible champion in ECW already, he's well build muscle wise, he's a big guy, and with proper booking he could go on to dominate the living hell out of both rosters. Jack has potential if you ask me.

I have to disagree with you. In professional wrestling without any credibility no one would give you a shit. I mean do you think that if Santino Marella or Hornswoggle wins MITB and cash in against Cena for WWE title would you believe or take it seriously. It's same for Jack Swagger someone who was jobbing to Santino 2 months ago ramdomly wins the title. Isn't this laziness ? Instead of trying to build Swagger more to put him more credibility.

Santino and Hornswoggle is an incredibly bad comparison, certainly Jack was jobbing to Santino a while back, but Jack Swagger has been somewhat dominant before in ECW, and don't start with the whole "oh but it's a 3rd rank developmental brand" cause I already know that, but it's still a feat to have been champion no matter the opponents you face.
And I think Jack Swagger could easily become credible, even after winning the belt, I bet you can quite successfully build a person's dominance and credibility after winning the title, just give him proper title defenses, give him a few of the mid-carders or so to beat the hell out of, and viola, you got a legitimate champion.
What you're missing is in professional wrestling wrestlers are built up like that.
Why? Why can't it be done in a variety of ways? Why is there only one way to build up a wrestler, where he starts low, gets on a major roll, is mega over and then gets the title?

There's no law that dictates it has to be like that, and with the WWE having so many titles, and so many wrestlers who draw without needing to be champion, what's the harm in using the title to build a wrestler?

It can be never be considered as laziness because instead of giving him the title very soon you need to put him into feuds,try to keep his credibility even though he loses to build him up and you need passion for that.
You're wanting the old school way of booking things. The problem with old school booking is that it doesn't work, because NOTHING is booked old school anymore, including the concept of jobbers vs. stars. Because we see stars wrestle each other every week, you can't always get a wrestler over with feuds, unless you have him win every feud...which then downgrades the other wrestlers in the feud.

But when you give the belt someone like Sheamus who is too green and we don't even know about his character I'd call that move laziness. So in no way building someone slowly is lazier than giving someone the title ramdomly.
I wouldn't...again, why can't we give the title to Sheamus, and let the WWE dictate his character while in a major running storyline?

I have to disagree with you. In professional wrestling without any credibility no one would give you a shit. I mean do you think that if Santino Marella or Hornswoggle wins MITB and cash in against Cena for WWE title would you believe or take it seriously. It's same for Jack Swagger someone who was jobbing to Santino 2 months ago ramdomly wins the title. Isn't this laziness ? Instead of trying to build Swagger more to put him more credibility.

So I still can't understand how can building someone slowly is lazier than giving the title someone ramdomly.
This is an idealist view of pro wrestling.

In pro wrestling, a wrestler is as good as the booking says he is. In this case, the WWE says Jack Swagger is good, and so he is. And, in time, with a few wins here and there (one would assume), people will recognize him as being good. It's no different than when Punk won the title...and it would be the same for Santino. If the WWE books his character to be credible and to be good, then it is.

Use Randy Orton as an example. Back in 2006, he lost a match, got suspended, came back and was made Kurt Angle's bitch, lost to a 50+ year old man...and was World Champion 1 year later. In terms of credibility, you're as good as your booked.

And if you have the potential to draw money, you can be assured you'll be booked to be good.
I have read over a couple of the posts. Here is my take on it:

First, they need to slow down. You can see this with not only building of a character, but title changes and everything else. I have even spoke with some people who are 'casual' wrestling fans that tune in every now and then and even they say they cant even keep up with who has the title. You have to find a happy medium when it comes to building characters and title changes. I dont want to see another Hulk Hogan 4-year reign as champ, but also I think it is ridiculous that Edge has held the belt like 9-times since '06/'07. (sorry about the dates, I lose track in my old age.) Storylines are sped up way to fast to even build anyone up.

As far as the MITB winners go, why cant we have a MITB winner lose when they challenge. I think this can also be added to this argument of this post. It has gotten to where we all know that the winner of the MITB will automatically be champ within a year. I like for wrestling to be a little predictable, but that is a little TOO predictable.

Third, I think Swagger should have went over Cena instead of Jericho. That would have been somewhat of a pleasant surprise. Just sayin.

I think the writing has gotten a little lazy over time. The key is just slowing things down. Everything needs to be slowed down. Even the buildup to Michaels/Taker II, just seemed a little rushed to me.
I have read over a couple of the posts. Here is my take on it:

As far as the MITB winners go, why cant we have a MITB winner lose when they challenge. I think this can also be added to this argument of this post. It has gotten to where we all know that the winner of the MITB will automatically be champ within a year. I like for wrestling to be a little predictable, but that is a little TOO predictable.

Third, I think Swagger should have went over Cena instead of Jericho. That would have been somewhat of a pleasant surprise. Just sayin.

I think the writing has gotten a little lazy over time. The key is just slowing things down. Everything needs to be slowed down. Even the buildup to Michaels/Taker II, just seemed a little rushed to me.

I am in agreeance with maybe freshen up how the MITB cashes in. We all know HOW the MITB will do it....Taking advantage of a fallen champ. That seems lazy. How about having someone LOSE at their chance to cash in? Spice things up? And I'm not doubting that Swagger isn't talented, I do like some of his stuff, but I'm afraid of Creative shoving some of the new talent like Sheamus, Swagger, McIntyre into the BIG roles TOO soon and if something backfires, creative will be the ones to save their own skins and those wrestlers will the sacrificial lambs and possibly end up being a footnotes in WWE "Where are they now?" along with like Shockmaster or Gobbledygooker possibly. It would not be the way I'd want those guys to have their careers go...
finneycom1,the build up for Michaels-Taker 2 was more that the build for Edge-Jericho or even Batista-Cena,they freakin started the build up at Slammy awards(Michaels speech for match of the year)

To the subject now.To me booking is not lazy.You could call it boring(same guys wins almost every time(HHH(he is not even alowed to be pinned),Cena)but they are maineventers and they need to look good when they go for the major title.

You cant call it lazy because its just the way it is nowadays.Up and coming stars are not maineventers just because they are up and coming stars.They need to prove themselfs even if it does means to be squashed by somebody.Look at the Miz.

When he just came to RAW he started calling Cena and he didnt even have one match in that time.Then he had a match and was squashed and even ejected from RAW.Then he comed back and chased and won US Championship but in that time he proved to be trustworthy in the mic and improved slightly his in-ring skills.

My point is that you cant just push somebody to stars and expect him to shine(it takes time for that).Even if he doesnt have any major storyline he has to be there and prove himself(offcourse having a decent backstage politics does help also) and when his time comes he has to grab it.Swagger was suprise to me because he jobed even to Evan Bourne and Santino and was nowhere before he qualifyed for MiTB but if he proves them that he can wrestle on mainevent level and pull decent crowd reaction he will be maineventing shortly

As for your examples,Kozlov is just a big guy filling the blank spot at that time he was pushed and I seriously doubt that they attended to push him anywhere later,MVP had his time to prove himself but my opinion is that his time has passed last year after he lost title to Kofi and as for Ziggler his time is comming pretty soon and he will be at least intercontinental champ in near future

To conclude,booking isnt lazy its just question of the right time for somebody to be pushed or to just be blank filler(or as some of us caled it "be stuck in midcars hell)
im with slyfox here, if they did it the old school way with everyone it would be boring and repetitive. personally i agree that sheamus and swagger were a little green but so wasnt almost every first time champ (except for guys who took years to get there) a few months ago the feel around here was we were all sick of the cena/orton/hhh main event scene, we wanted new stars and we got that and now were mad about that. if they dont do this then we will have to watch hhh/cena/orton a hundred more times i like the new "breed" and all though there not perfect its gotta start somewhere. im glad for no more stale main events evan if it means watching guys that are rushed in a few years im sure we will complain about how were sick of seeing swagger/shamus/mccntyre
so your damned if you do damned if you dont. lets be glad the stale hhh/orton/cena thing is over and move on
I'm glad Swagger one when no one expected it. This is a shocker and I think this is what the WWE wanted. Usually we can all see when a guy is about to get the title. Some people wrote Swagger off and thought he would be the first MITB winner to lose.

I guess WWE can never make people happy. Fans are mad when they do things the same way and mad when they do things differently. They just can't win. I like shockers and I like that Swagger won, I do wish it were from Cena though.
The problem with this part is that Jack Swagger has been on this character for about what's nearing 2 years since he debuted in ECW in late 2008, that's quite a while longer than Sheamus has been around, Jack knows his character, plays it well, and could easily become credible as a champion, if you ask me, he was a credible champion in ECW already, he's well build muscle wise, he's a big guy, and with proper booking he could go on to dominate the living hell out of both rosters. Jack has potential if you ask me.
Yes but my example was not only for Sheamus. My problem with Swagger is not getting the MITB briefcase my problem is cashing it this early. It's the whole point of my thread. Jack Swagger lost all of his credibility after drafted to RAW and what did WWE do ? Instead of slowly building him they instantly gave him the title. It's just laziness. They could've given him the title at least 4 or 5 months later. If they had done that I would have no problem with Swagger winning the title.

Santino and Hornswoggle is an incredibly bad comparison, certainly Jack was jobbing to Santino a while back, but Jack Swagger has been somewhat dominant before in ECW, and don't start with the whole "oh but it's a 3rd rank developmental brand" cause I already know that, but it's still a feat to have been champion no matter the opponents you face.
I don't ignore it but after that what has he done ? Job to Kofi Kingston,Evan Bourne and even fucking Santino Marella. So he lost all of his credibility. If you asked someone could Swagger be a WH champion one day they would have actually said it's near to impossible but all of a sudden he became WH champion.

And I think Jack Swagger could easily become credible, even after winning the belt, I bet you can quite successfully build a person's dominance and credibility after winning the title, just give him proper title defenses, give him a few of the mid-carders or so to beat the hell out of, and viola, you got a legitimate champion.
You know it won't happen if they won't swerve us with a JBL type of reign which I don't think will happen. He'll defend his title probably in a triple threat match in Extreme Rules which won't main event the PPV. I think he'll win that match and at the next PPV he'll probably lose the title to Jericho or Edge.
Ok I'm glad that swagger won. I'm a huge jack swagger fan. But he might have been pushed a ittle too fast. Like the WWE creative team make things where it doesn't make since at times. Because why would some one job to santino and then win the world heavyweight champion :banghead:. I don't have a problem with him winning the world heavyweight champion but this fast though. I mean he could've had the brief case for a while and get big wins over top guys then tht would be better. When Edge had money in the bank even though I wasn't watching WWE then I bet no one had a problem with it because he was getting big wins even before he won money in the bank. If they knew Swagger was going to win they should've one that with him.

Now Sheamus was WWE champion but my problem is he never pin any of the top guys in a one-on-one match. He never pinned Orton he never pinned Cena and he never pinned Triple H. Remember I said in a one-on one match. If they were trying to push him he should've pinned one of them. But the creative team did make it realistic by doing that because sheamus was just getting there and he wasn't really ready to get a pin off of them. But I do think the creative team is getting lazy and I don't know why.
Yes but my example was not only for Sheamus. My problem with Swagger is not getting the MITB briefcase my problem is cashing it this early. It's the whole point of my thread. Jack Swagger lost all of his credibility after drafted to RAW and what did WWE do ? Instead of slowly building him they instantly gave him the title. It's just laziness. They could've given him the title at least 4 or 5 months later. If they had done that I would have no problem with Swagger winning the title.

They didn't build CM Punk last year neither, he got 1 feud where he was squashed for the most of the time against Umaga, only to defeat him, he didn't crush through a roster and I wouldn't say that was any unrealistic or anything bad to it, so why should Jack Swagger have to dominate the roster to "earn" the right to cash in his already earned title shot? sounds dumb to me if you want my honest opinion.

And you say "instantly gave him the title" last time I checked he was on RAW for quite a while, a little over half a year, after having battled for the ECW title for a fair while, only to be drafted the day after The Bash, I wouldn't call what's actually nearing a year, to be "instantly"

I don't ignore it but after that what has he done ? Job to Kofi Kingston,Evan Bourne and even fucking Santino Marella. So he lost all of his credibility. If you asked someone could Swagger be a WH champion one day they would have actually said it's near to impossible but all of a sudden he became WH champion.

No matter how much Jack Swagger jobbed out to either one of them, I would've still been up there debating that Jack Swagger would definitely have the potential to be up there some day, he's good in the ring when WWE allows him to show it off properly, and while he lacks something on the microphone, that's either something WWE has to try and handle by perhaps handing the guy a manager, which could prove to be a good thing for Jack.
But the main reason why I'd say Jack Swagger would've have the potential to be a world champion any day, is because he's done something in the past, he's held a championship with the promotion that's now making him their world champion, that to me shows an important bit of potential, unlike Evan Bourne for example.

You know it won't happen if they won't swerve us with a JBL type of reign which I don't think will happen. He'll defend his title probably in a triple threat match in Extreme Rules which won't main event the PPV. I think he'll win that match and at the next PPV he'll probably lose the title to Jericho or Edge.

Sheamus didn't main event, Sheamus didn't have a JBL title reign, his reign lasted for 70 days, that's a fair length if you ask me, and he's now feuding with Triple H, yes certainly he has the back-up in form of Vince and Triple H, but in the end, I don't think Sheamus wouldn't be there if he couldn't be made credible, and neither would I believe Jack Swagger wouldn't be in the position he is now, if WWE don't believe in this him, certainly he probably won't be main eventing the first pay per view coming up, and he probably won't the second (if he holds the title, or is in the title hunt) but he will eventually get there, if WWE decides to do something about him, which they are slowly doing now, cause.. ehm.. if I remember correctly, Jack Swagger laid out the two top guys of the current Smackdown roster just yesterday.
On a more wishing spin on this, we could've hoped for Kane, who really came out the loser on this, since he had one of the shortest reigns, a one day reign as WWE champion. I think if anyone, he would've benefited the most from the MITB win. Just saying (pardon the helms reference.)
Why? Why can't it be done in a variety of ways? Why is there only one way to build up a wrestler, where he starts low, gets on a major roll, is mega over and then gets the title?
You can do it. A monster heel can dominate the roster before getting the title,An underdog who always gets title shots finally win the big one or a heel with a authority figure's support can make it top. But the common thing with all of them is before they get the title they had credibility before winning the title but in Swagger and Sheamus' case after months of doing nothing they won the title. That's the problem which I call laziness.

There's no law that dictates it has to be like that, and with the WWE having so many titles, and so many wrestlers who draw without needing to be champion, what's the harm in using the title to build a wrestler?

It'll sound a bit cliche but I think in that way. Because it makes world titles less valuable. World titles should be the most important thing in wrestling and whoever holds it should prove themselves they can be in ME league. It also does not even put young wrestlers to main event scene. Just tell me did you see Punk and Sheamus as main eventers after they won their first WH titles. If you want to use a belt to make a wrestler credible IC,US and tag team championships are there for not world championships. World championships should be given the people who've proven they are ready for ME.

You're wanting the old school way of booking things. The problem with old school booking is that it doesn't work, because NOTHING is booked old school anymore, including the concept of jobbers vs. stars. Because we see stars wrestle each other every week, you can't always get a wrestler over with feuds, unless you have him win every feud...which then downgrades the other wrestlers in the feud.

Yes you can. The most recent example of this is Daniel Bryan. He's been losing since coming to WWE but he's still one of the most over superstars in NXT. You don't have to win a feud to keep your overness. The important thing is if you came up strong or not in that feud. To provide that a couple of wins against his opponent is enough. If you want an example for that just look at the Kofi vs Orton feud.

I wouldn't...again, why can't we give the title to Sheamus, and let the WWE dictate his character while in a major running storyline?
Because like I said above it's not what world titles are for. If you start to use world titles to put over people like Sheamus who are far away from being ready for the ME the world titles will eventually lose all of it's prestige. If you want to give Sheamus a title. Instead of giving him title after he drafted to RAW. Let him dominate RAW midcard scene more and US title will also help. Then put him into a feud with a megastar like Triple H and then give him the world title if he could be over.

This is an idealist view of pro wrestling.

In pro wrestling, a wrestler is as good as the booking says he is. In this case, the WWE says Jack Swagger is good, and so he is. And, in time, with a few wins here and there (one would assume), people will recognize him as being good. It's no different than when Punk won the title...and it would be the same for Santino. If the WWE books his character to be credible and to be good, then it is.

Use Randy Orton as an example. Back in 2006, he lost a match, got suspended, came back and was made Kurt Angle's bitch, lost to a 50+ year old man...and was World Champion 1 year later. In terms of credibility, you're as good as your booked.

And if you have the potential to draw money, you can be assured you'll be booked to be good.
That's the reason why I wanted WWE to build Swagger more. Because he was booked like a joke. If you even lose to Santino Marella it means something. He should've gotten his credibility and beliavibility back before winning the title. MITB win helped him a bit but at least he should put with a midcarder in a program. Because after this title reign I can guarantee you that he'll go back to midcard scene just like Sheamus and Punk. Just with a little more credibility but like I said it's not the purpose of world titles.

By the way it's a great post.
I wouldn't go so far and say WWE is booking lazily. In fact I don't remember a time in WWE (cept maybe the Golden Years) when they actually had at least 95% of their roster looking like credible stars. I wouldn't've been surprised if anyone else but Swagger won the Money In The Bank. Of course I was surprised they gave him the belt just a few days after Wrestlemania, but that's the point, isn't it-To keep things surprising for the fans?

Yes, it is true that especially now in the PG Era of Wrestling the storylines are a little water-downed (not saying lacking, but lessened) and the hardcore attitude of WWE is dead or waiting on another time, but they are still building up younger stars, retiring old, and the midcard is becoming just as exciting as the Main Event Superstars. Sometimes the booking may not be to our liking, but that doesn't take away its believabillity. CM Punk, Sheamus, Swagger, etc havent been in the WWE that long, and are now holding or have held the most prestigious title in the company. Triple H, Edge, Shawn Michaels...these guys had to wait around five years or longer to become World Champions in the company. Goes to show how WWE has made rising stars like Punk go over Edge and it's believable.
the very best pushes of wwe was shawn michaels .. he's manager was cherry then his budy gaurd kevin nash .. then he go for ic title .. then he won the rumble .. then he go to wrestlemania .. then "lost" to kevin nash ... then get injuri .. then he returned .. the he won rumble for two years in a row .. and finaly at last the boyhood dream comes true ..
and shawn michael became main eventer ..

wwe has to do something like that to the younger talent ... i dunno ... shemus come to raw for 3 weeks hit the diffrent guys and became wwe champ ? what the crap ... power bombing jimmy nobel is way to became champion .. ????
i can't say anything about the way that wwe are going this years ..
They didn't build CM Punk last year neither, he got 1 feud where he was squashed for the most of the time against Umaga, only to defeat him, he didn't crush through a roster and I wouldn't say that was any unrealistic or anything bad to it, so why should Jack Swagger have to dominate the roster to "earn" the right to cash in his already earned title shot? sounds dumb to me if you want my honest opinion.

The difference between Punk and Swagger is when Punk cashed in for the second time he had already been an IC champion,WH champion and tag team champion. He has never jobbed to Umaga unlike Swagger. So Punk did not need much of a build up because he was already ready. But it's not true for Swagger tell me what he was doing before winning the title ? Hmm jobbing to Santino Marella.

And you say "instantly gave him the title" last time I checked he was on RAW for quite a while, a little over half a year, after having battled for the ECW title for a fair while, only to be drafted the day after The Bash, I wouldn't call what's actually nearing a year, to be "instantly"

What I mean was the time after he won MITB. Because thanks to RAW writers he lost all the momentum he gained in ECW.

No matter how much Jack Swagger jobbed out to either one of them, I would've still been up there debating that Jack Swagger would definitely have the potential to be up there some day, he's good in the ring when WWE allows him to show it off properly, and while he lacks something on the microphone, that's either something WWE has to try and handle by perhaps handing the guy a manager, which could prove to be a good thing for Jack.
But the main reason why I'd say Jack Swagger would've have the potential to be a world champion any day, is because he's done something in the past, he's held a championship with the promotion that's now making him their world champion, that to me shows an important bit of potential, unlike Evan Bourne for example.
I'm not arguing Swagger's in ring skills or his potential to become a huge star. This thread is not even about Swagger he is just an example. My whole point is WWE's laziness for creating new stars. I'm glad that Swagger is getting a push but it's too early for him and I think it's because of WWE's laziness.

Sheamus didn't main event, Sheamus didn't have a JBL title reign, his reign lasted for 70 days, that's a fair length if you ask me, and he's now feuding with Triple H, yes certainly he has the back-up in form of Vince and Triple H, but in the end, I don't think Sheamus wouldn't be there if he couldn't be made credible, and neither would I believe Jack Swagger wouldn't be in the position he is now, if WWE don't believe in this him, certainly he probably won't be main eventing the first pay per view coming up, and he probably won't the second (if he holds the title, or is in the title hunt) but he will eventually get there, if WWE decides to do something about him, which they are slowly doing now, cause.. ehm.. if I remember correctly, Jack Swagger laid out the two top guys of the current Smackdown roster just yesterday.

It's not about WWE's confidence about him. I don't know if we can buy Swagger winning main eventers right now because like I said the whole time he didn't get build up enough. So the title will eventually go back to Jericho or Edge. I don't see him holding the title more than a month and half.
Seriously people SHUT UP!!! All I hear is oh Im tired of cena and hhh hogging the spotlight I want to see some young guys get a title run! they have sheamus beat cena and you bitch! So now guess who has the wwe championship again? People always complain that the wwe is to predictable so they do something shocking by having swagger win the money in the bank and then the whc and what happens people bitch! Seriously just shut up just enjoy it. Id rather see swagger vs jericho or maybe after the draft swagger vs sheamus then see cena/hhh or orton/hhh or orton/cena for the 100th time. And this whole its to early for swagger or sheamus to get a push thing is ridiculous if vince thinks a guy is ready for the main event then why shouldnt he be pushed? And one last thing your callin the wwe lazy because they gave a couple of young guys pushes w/o a huge a build up? Sure the wwe isnt perfect and its not the quality it used to be but at the end of the day vince has been doing this for years I think he knows the business alot better then you do so instead of calling him lazy why dont you just sit back and enjoy the fact that theyr trying to give some young blood a chance to shine
The difference between Punk and Swagger is when Punk cashed in for the second time he had already been an IC champion,WH champion and tag team champion. He has never jobbed to Umaga unlike Swagger. So Punk did not need much of a build up because he was already ready. But it's not true for Swagger tell me what he was doing before winning the title ? Hmm jobbing to Santino Marella.

Remind me again what CM Punk was doing before his first MITB title win? oh yes that's right, he was on the ECW roster and won the ECW championship.. I forgot.. who held that too?.. couldn't possibly be Jack Swagger now could it? yes it was.. now I know CM Punk didn't exactly job out to anybody in the period between his loss of the ECW title and his MITB win, but he was still somewhat in the position Swagger was in, but CM Punk wasn't any further title and accomplishment wise than Swagger is now, CM Punk just had a longer background in the WWE before getting there.

What I mean was the time after he won MITB. Because thanks to RAW writers he lost all the momentum he gained in ECW.

Now that's probably one of the first things I agree with you on in this whole thread.

I'm not arguing Swagger's in ring skills or his potential to become a huge star. This thread is not even about Swagger he is just an example. My whole point is WWE's laziness for creating new stars. I'm glad that Swagger is getting a push but it's too early for him and I think it's because of WWE's laziness.

It's definitely not too early for him, while I think Jack Swagger could easily be ready for the job of holding the world title, and I definitely think it'll be a worthy first time reign, at least I'm hoping it will be, I think Jack could work a quite nice feud with Jericho or Edge or both for that matter.

It's not about WWE's confidence about him. I don't know if we can buy Swagger winning main eventers right now because like I said the whole time he didn't get build up enough. So the title will eventually go back to Jericho or Edge. I don't see him holding the title more than a month and half.

I think WWE should easily be able to make Jack Swagger somewhat legit in winning main events right now, if they just play it right, the problem with Sheamus winning constantly by DQ and everything was probably handled because they were trying to preserve John Cena's character as being almighty, but I have my doubts that WWE will be doing the same thing with Jack Swagger when he'll be feuding Jericho or Edge, or both as stated earlier.
And while I don't really see him holding it much longer neither, I still think WWE can do enough to make him seem fitting in the title hunt throughout the month and a half.

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