Why cun't WWE get the fans to cheer for Cena?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I always think its stuped when people say that Cena is doing his job by getting a reaction when half the arena boos and some of them cheer. He's suppose to be this big time babyface, yet he can't get over with a lot of the crowd. Why is this? Just look at Zack Ryder for example, there is nothing special about Ryder, yet he gets these huge applauses.

I think WWE has tried they're harest to get Cena over, but the truth is that he is just an ordinary micdcarder put in an extroridanary position which is why he can't get over like all the other legends who never heard one boo bird while they were the face of the company.

I think WWE put they're eggs in the wrong basket and they need to reelize this now. Cena will always have his haters no matter what, it's time for WWE to do something new. Btw, Randy Orton is not the answer. His theme music gets him a nice pop, but the ratings show he's no big deal. Cena and Orton's time is up, WWE has to now find out whose time is now. I think Cena desperately needs to turn heel and Orton doesn't matter whatever his ailgnment is in midcard(the guy was outdrawn by Mark Henry for buddha's sake.) I'm a huge believer in WWE, but not even they could make Cena as well as guys like Orton seem appealing.

They are righting themself but they need to more, giving the spotlight to Punk, Ziggler, Rhodes, etc etc. For Cena to defeat The Rock and stay face after WM is the worst thing they could do. Cena should lose, go away for awhile, and if he comes back and doesn't retire, he should turn heel. WWE needs a youth movement in the worst way and guys like Edge, Jericho, Rey etc have been carrying Cena/Orton for awhile and getting little of the credit.
Because he's boring. He's boring in the ring. He's boring on the mic. He does everything without the slightest hint of realism. I cant take his look seriously. Never have. His accent annoys me. He lies. He is a hypocrite. He's awkward. He makes lame jokes. His act has worn old and caters to children.

This is why people boo him. Don't say this is a bad post, because it just isn't.
I haven't watched wrestling properly in a year. It flat out sucks not. This saddens me. I don't want it to be like this because it has soooooo much potential. Bring back chair shots and blood i say. I enjoyed that regardless of wrestler welfare.

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