I will probably stop watching WWE, because of Cena.

DirtyJosé;2896174 said:
Pretty much. It's entertainment. Some of these things are picked from real life, but by the time it hits our screens it's been mapped out and sanitized.

No one else is gonna change your mind about watching or not, but I'm just saying you need to take a break from this. There is such a thing as over-analyzing.

Yeah, I'm a huge over analyzer. Can't help it.

See I was trying to discuss two topics at once.

The first topic was John Cena and The Rock. I saw this comment by KB(well it's actually a quote basically by Cena) in another section and wanted to respond to it.

As Cena said on Monday (paraphrased): Rock says he loves the fans but we haven't seen him in seven years. Cena is there every week to show his love of them.

We have seen The Rock in seven years though, at least, the fans who have been watching his movies. We've even seen him at the HOF induction as well via satellite for the 10 year anniversary of Smackdown.

I just don't see how people can give that comment by Cena any merit.
It was scripted, but it was being discussed on the forum, so it's kind of a weird situation. Sounds like I'm taking the comments by Cena about The Rock personally, but it's really in reaction to how others took the comments made by Cena (if that makes sense.)

That's why I posted what Cena said in 2008 to the UK newspaper, just before The Rock showed up for the HOF inductions that year.

Now on top of that topic, I decided to discuss why I probably won't be watching WWE after Mania.

Cena is a big reason why, because as long as he's around, we will not see another top face on Raw. So somewhere along the lines I merged the two subjects.

I resent that we are stuck with Cena. It's not even because of the five moves or his wrestling ability. I just find him to be a huge phoney and as long as he is where he is, I don't see things getting any better, until he switches things up and becomes a heel and gives others a shot. Tonight, we might hear Cena on the mic twice - when was the last time you heard John Morrison on the mic?

I can't blame Cena for this, it's the WWE that's doing it. But nonetheless, I want the WWE to stop focusing so much on Cena and giving us something new to watch. I just don't think it's realistic to believe it's going to happen.
Everyone, besides Orton/Cena, who makes it to the main event, is a transitional main eventer.

I'm holding out hope though, that I'm wrong.
Then go away for a year or so and come back. Really. I stopped watching for 8 years or so. Did wonders to reinvigorate me to the industry as a whole, past and present.
Well, I wouldn't stop watching wrestling.

I still have hope in TNA and I still enjoy TNA. As stupid as something might be, TNA trys it. For better or worse, they are unpredictable. They don't have to follow a certain formula the way the WWE does.

It's weird because in WWE, I'm a bigger fan of the new generation. In TNA, I'm a bigger fan of the past generation or more established(WCW/WWE) guys.
Dave Meltzer said that back in 2007 when Cena's talk negative about the Rock it was because Vince McMahon told him to and Cena was being a "Yes Man" to Vince McMahon. A year or two ago, Cena and The Rock made amends and they buried the hatchet.

Dave Meltzer also said that during this past week was the very 1st time where Cena spoke up against the writers. In the past, Cena would keep his mouth shut and be a "Yes Man" no matter how dumb or stupid it makes him look.
yeah i stopped watching wrestling for a few years b/c i was tired of seeing mick foley fall through shit and then get rewarded the title...that and i watch wrestling for the matches not for the bullshit interviews or promo's (although i was clapping and laughing like an idiot the first time the Rock came back to Raw before Mania).

i hate john cena too but them a-holes at WWE try like hell to make people tolerate of him even after all these years of super-cena. i even wished for t.n.a to be decent enough to watch but that is just way too fucking difficult to do. thank goodness the rock came back so atleast a little bit of the cena portion of raw is enjoyable atleast 4 times a year till next jan.
How the fuck would Cena make more money if he became a full time actor? He doesn't have the same mainstream name as The Rock or even Steve Austin and his films so far haven't made shit.
So I've pretty much stopped watching full episodes of RAW and Smackdown. I read the spoilers for Smackdown, so I was watching last night just to see the segment with Cody and Ted Dibiase. I like that Ted's on tv again, but him looking like Cody's bitch doesn't seem right. This inevitably is going to lead to Ted's turning face and a match with Cody, which would of been much better during last years draft.

Smackdown kind of reminds me of the national league in baseball. A pitcher whose mediocre in the american league can go to the national league and dominate, due to the weaker lineups and no DH. I expect Ted to get back on track, so I look forward to that, but other then that, there is nothing on Smackdown that I must see.

I knew Sin Cara would eventually end up facing Chavo(whose been where the past few months?) and the more I see of Sin Cara, the less impressed I am. I thought he was going to be a bigger version of Rey Mysterio, but right now I don't think he could even lace up Rey's boots. His style just doesn't seem to be the right fit for WWE, if he's looking to be a MEGA Star. On the other hand, I enjoyed the three way match between Miz, Del Rio and Rey 2 weeks ago, but it's not enough to keep me interested in RAW since everyone is a midcarder unless your facing Cena.

Does anybody like the idea of Big Show and Kane being on both shows?
It sucks that CM Punk is probably one of the best thing about the show and isn't being used right.

I wonder if anti-TNA fans ever wonder what Punk or a Del Rio would be like on TNA, where they'd have a lot more freedom.

For example, I'm a fan of Cody and Ted, but aside from Ted's mexican accent, there was nothing exciting or cool about their promo. To me, it's the same as the SES stuff Punk was doing a year ago. I think these young wrestler's should be less monotone and Undertaker(Ministry-ish) and more brash and DX/NWO-ish.

I know that's impossible with the rating, but that's what I'm looking for. It'd be nice to see guys like Dibiase, Rhodes, Del Rio, Punk, Riley and heck, may be even The Miz, Swagger, Sheamus, McIntyre etc with the same creative freedom that guys like Bully Ray, Flair, and Scott Steiner display on Impact Wrestling.

The thing is, WWE knows(or knew) how to do it and even better. I just think that filter everyone talks about (Vince being able to filter out the bad ideas) is kind of screwed because you might have guys like Triple H and even Cena/Orton filtering out the good ideas as well.

Also, I hate this Cole/King feud and it makes me fucking sick when they show that shit on Cole's foot.
How the fuck would Cena make more money if he became a full time actor? He doesn't have the same mainstream name as The Rock or even Steve Austin and his films so far haven't made shit.

Every one of John Cena's films has made a profit actually Chester. Well, aside from Legendary, but that's only because there's no financial information available for the budget of the film and how much money it's made on DVD so far. I imagine it will end up profitable as well once DVD sales come into the equation.

Cena could pretty easily make more money in Hollywood than he does in the WWE. He could probably make his entire yearly salary in the WWE with 3-4 films per year.
Every one of John Cena's films has made a profit actually Chester. Well, aside from Legendary, but that's only because there's no financial information available for the budget of the film and how much money it's made on DVD so far. I imagine it will end up profitable as well once DVD sales come into the equation.

Cena could pretty easily make more money in Hollywood than he does in the WWE. He could probably make his entire yearly salary in the WWE with 3-4 films per year.

I find that hard to believe, I mean Cena probably gets a flat salary and then gets even more money for merchandise, and other shit.
John Cena is nothing but a money maker for the WWE. He is terrible at what he does.
He ruins everything he touches. My example is with The Rock. why the hell does he act like an idiot. Saying stupid things like "I heard that he was saying some nasty things". He takes nothing serious. What about the night after Mania. He had just been screwed out of the WWE title yet he comes out smiling, acting like a little kid on christmas, screaming down the mic about the Cenation. He spoils it. Don't even get me started on his selling. Need I remind you of SS 2010 when he went into full cena mode bursting with energy after taking a beating for th last fewminutes and a DDT on the floor. Sh1t like that ruins the whole match.

His character has no depth. I honestly think he looks at the WWE as one big joke.No matter what has happened he will come out running and laughing. then if he actually does act serious he takes it well to far. He has veins bursting out his neck while he cries "I love this business and I'll fight to the death and win the wwe championship".

Think about it.How can you compare this man to any of the greats. Austin, Rock, HHH, Taker, Bret Hart, HBK, Foley, Angle, Edge, Jericho in fact EVERYONE blows him out the water.

While I agree he is probably in the top 10 best ever due to his drawing ability and money made for the business but if you base it on ability to entertain, character, in ring ability, mic skills and the rest he is not even a top 50. No chance.

Cena vs Rock? Don't make me laugh this match has absolutely NOTHING on Rock vs Hogan. Sh1t this match has nothing on a mid card Rey vs Cm Punk match. Why you ask? Cena will spoilit. He'll act like a clown and make everything terrible.

The WWE have put them selves in a position where they rely on one man. The real problem of this is though that this one man is utterly terrible. The WWE will not take the risk to turn him heel or bring a new face to his level as long as he is raking in the cash. They are making it worse for themselves by having Cena squash up and coming stars. If the WWE don't get new stars then they'll be in trouble because I don't really see myself paying to see Cena vs Orton for the 23rd time on PPV.#

Oh and don't even get me started on how crap Randy Orton is.

If the WWE pushed it's good talent as much as it does Cena it would be much better. Cena would've been on Heat back in the Attitude Era (No I am not some Attitude lover I just feel this was the best time ever in the business and that is why I compare Cena to then)

Disagree if you must but if you do then you're just denying the facts.
John Cena is nothing but a money maker for the WWE. He is terrible at what he does.
He ruins everything he touches. My example is with The Rock. why the hell does he act like an idiot. Saying stupid things like "I heard that he was saying some nasty things". He takes nothing serious. What about the night after Mania. He had just been screwed out of the WWE title yet he comes out smiling, acting like a little kid on christmas, screaming down the mic about the Cenation. He spoils it. Don't even get me started on his selling. Need I remind you of SS 2010 when he went into full cena mode bursting with energy after taking a beating for th last fewminutes and a DDT on the floor. Sh1t like that ruins the whole match.

His character has no depth. I honestly think he looks at the WWE as one big joke.No matter what has happened he will come out running and laughing. then if he actually does act serious he takes it well to far. He has veins bursting out his neck while he cries "I love this business and I'll fight to the death and win the wwe championship".

Think about it.How can you compare this man to any of the greats. Austin, Rock, HHH, Taker, Bret Hart, HBK, Foley, Angle, Edge, Jericho in fact EVERYONE blows him out the water.

While I agree he is probably in the top 10 best ever due to his drawing ability and money made for the business but if you base it on ability to entertain, character, in ring ability, mic skills and the rest he is not even a top 50. No chance.

Cena vs Rock? Don't make me laugh this match has absolutely NOTHING on Rock vs Hogan. Sh1t this match has nothing on a mid card Rey vs Cm Punk match. Why you ask? Cena will spoilit. He'll act like a clown and make everything terrible.

The WWE have put them selves in a position where they rely on one man. The real problem of this is though that this one man is utterly terrible. The WWE will not take the risk to turn him heel or bring a new face to his level as long as he is raking in the cash. They are making it worse for themselves by having Cena squash up and coming stars. If the WWE don't get new stars then they'll be in trouble because I don't really see myself paying to see Cena vs Orton for the 23rd time on PPV.#

Oh and don't even get me started on how crap Randy Orton is.

If the WWE pushed it's good talent as much as it does Cena it would be much better. Cena would've been on Heat back in the Attitude Era (No I am not some Attitude lover I just feel this was the best time ever in the business and that is why I compare Cena to then)

Disagree if you must but if you do then you're just denying the facts.

man If you could say this kinda material to a large audience you could make a good stand-up comedian
man If you could say this kinda material to a large audience you could make a good stand-up comedian

Are you saying you think Cena is good? He's terrible. baloney, fudge and mustard. says it all really. he sells merchandise to little kids. Otherwise he's the worst face of the WWE ever.
John Cena is nothing but a money maker for the WWE. He is terrible at what he does.
He ruins everything he touches. My example is with The Rock. why the hell does he act like an idiot. Saying stupid things like "I heard that he was saying some nasty things". He takes nothing serious. What about the night after Mania. He had just been screwed out of the WWE title yet he comes out smiling, acting like a little kid on christmas, screaming down the mic about the Cenation. He spoils it. Don't even get me started on his selling. Need I remind you of SS 2010 when he went into full cena mode bursting with energy after taking a beating for th last fewminutes and a DDT on the floor. Sh1t like that ruins the whole match.

His character has no depth. I honestly think he looks at the WWE as one big joke.No matter what has happened he will come out running and laughing. then if he actually does act serious he takes it well to far. He has veins bursting out his neck while he cries "I love this business and I'll fight to the death and win the wwe championship".

Think about it.How can you compare this man to any of the greats. Austin, Rock, HHH, Taker, Bret Hart, HBK, Foley, Angle, Edge, Jericho in fact EVERYONE blows him out the water.

While I agree he is probably in the top 10 best ever due to his drawing ability and money made for the business but if you base it on ability to entertain, character, in ring ability, mic skills and the rest he is not even a top 50. No chance.

Cena vs Rock? Don't make me laugh this match has absolutely NOTHING on Rock vs Hogan. Sh1t this match has nothing on a mid card Rey vs Cm Punk match. Why you ask? Cena will spoilit. He'll act like a clown and make everything terrible.

The WWE have put them selves in a position where they rely on one man. The real problem of this is though that this one man is utterly terrible. The WWE will not take the risk to turn him heel or bring a new face to his level as long as he is raking in the cash. They are making it worse for themselves by having Cena squash up and coming stars. If the WWE don't get new stars then they'll be in trouble because I don't really see myself paying to see Cena vs Orton for the 23rd time on PPV.#

Oh and don't even get me started on how crap Randy Orton is.

If the WWE pushed it's good talent as much as it does Cena it would be much better. Cena would've been on Heat back in the Attitude Era (No I am not some Attitude lover I just feel this was the best time ever in the business and that is why I compare Cena to then)

Disagree if you must but if you do then you're just denying the facts.

So, you're not stupid? Not saying I agree with everything you've said here, but... wow. I thought you were borderline ******ed, to be completely honest.
What parts do you disagree with?

He ruins everything he touches.

I honestly think he looks at the WWE as one big joke.

Think about it.How can you compare this man to any of the greats. Austin, Rock, HHH, Taker, Bret Hart, HBK, Foley, Angle, Edge, Jericho

Cena vs Rock? Don't make me laugh this match has absolutely NOTHING on Rock vs Hogan. Sh1t this match has nothing on a mid card Rey vs Cm Punk match. Why you ask? Cena will spoilit. He'll act like a clown and make everything terrible.

They are making it worse for themselves by having Cena squash up and coming stars. If the WWE don't get new stars then they'll be in trouble because I don't really see myself paying to see Cena vs Orton for the 23rd time on PPV.#

Oh and don't even get me started on how crap Randy Orton is.

Cena would've been on Heat back in the Attitude Era

So you want to see the same main eventers every PPV and have good talent held down before Cena?

Foley, Edge and Jericho destroy Cena. Remember I'm basing it on mic skills, in ring ability, entertaining ability, character etc. Jericho's character, in ring skills and mic skills own Cena as does Edge. Foley is one of the best on the mic ever and his characters are some of the most interesting ever which makes him far more entertaining than Cena. Foley has had much more matches I'd rather watch.

Of course Cena wouldn't be on heat. I was just exaggerating for effect. Cena would not be in the main event though. He'd be IC champ.

Orton is the most boring main eventer in the WWE. He's sh1t.

Cena doesn't take the WWE very serious if you judge it on the way he wrestles and acts.
I grew up watching the WWF since I was young. The days of the monday night wars is what I remember from my youth. A few years ago, when Cena first began his rise to the top of the WWE, I made a bet with my cousin, and I said if he beat (i think it was triple h) for the gold that I would stop watching the WWE. He won, so I stopped. I recently began watching it again around EC and I must say that I still fill similar to how I felt back then, that John Cena wins too much. That's my only problem with him, and it's not even him really but the E. His moves and everything else doesn't bother me, only "super cena" bothers me, but now, I understand the business more, and no matter how you feel about Cena, he is a huge part of what drives the E today. Also, from what I've seen, he seems to be a genuine fan of the business more than anything. When he talks, he still seems like the fan who just stumbled across the chance to do what he grew up idolizing. I can't hate the man for that, and the money he makes for the WWE with women and children is important, because no matter what any internet fan thinks, money makes the world go round, and most of the people on the internet don't pay for WWE stuff so honestly, you not watching or hating Cena doesn't move the WWE needle one bit. You just have to either accept it, or eat it and stop watching.
So you want to see the same main eventers every PPV and have good talent held down before Cena?

No, and I never said that. No clue where you got that from...

Foley, Edge and Jericho destroy Cena. Remember I'm basing it on mic skills, in ring ability, entertaining ability, character etc. Jericho's character, in ring skills and mic skills own Cena as does Edge. Foley is one of the best on the mic ever and his characters are some of the most interesting ever which makes him far more entertaining than Cena. Foley has had much more matches I'd rather watch.

I also prefer Foley and Jericho, actually. Edge? No. Maybe the most overrated wrestler of the past ten years.

Of course Cena wouldn't be on heat. I was just exaggerating for effect. Cena would not be in the main event though. He'd be IC champ.

You asked what I disagreed with, and I pointed out something stupid.

Orton is the most boring main eventer in the WWE. He's sh1t.

99.96% of the audience disagrees.

Cena doesn't take the WWE very serious if you judge it on the way he wrestles and acts.

So, he doesn't take serious the business that has made him millions of dollars? Just stop, you're embarrassing yourself.
No, and I never said that. No clue where you got that from...

I also prefer Foley and Jericho, actually. Edge? No. Maybe the most overrated wrestler of the past ten years.

You asked what I disagreed with, and I pointed out something stupid.

99.96% of the audience disagrees.

So, he doesn't take serious the business that has made him millions of dollars? Just stop, you're embarrassing yourself.

There's no chance in hell John Cena is better than Edge.

Yes and I explained why I done so. Also Cena would only make IC Champ back then with his rapper gimmick.

Maybe so but that's because most are kids, women or new fans that don't know what they're missing.He's shoved down their throats so they're forced to like him. There's loads of wrestlers in the WWE that would do a better job in his position.

He personally might take it serious but he doesn't show it. Becoming loaded with energy after taking a beating and saying Miz eats poo poo isn't taking the business very seriously.
oh and also I said that cause you disagreed with the part where I said I don't want to see the same main eventers again.
There's no chance in hell John Cena is better than Edge.
All evidence speaks to the contrary.

Yes and I explained why I done so. Also Cena would only make IC Champ back then with his rapper gimmick.

Maybe so but that's because most are kids, women or new fans that don't know what they're missing.He's shoved down their throats so they're forced to like him. There's loads of wrestlers in the WWE that would do a better job in his position.

You're pretty dumb, you know that? Assuming the age in your profile is correct, I've been watching wrestling longer than you've been alive. I think Randy Orton is just fine. And I think Cena is the best worker to come along since Austin and Rock left.

He personally might take it serious but he doesn't show it. Becoming loaded with energy after taking a beating and saying Miz eats poo poo isn't taking the business very seriously.
You're right...Cena is the first and only WWE face to ever make an energetic comeback. Good point. :suspic:
All evidence speaks to the contrary.



You're pretty dumb, you know that? Assuming the age in your profile is correct, I've been watching wrestling longer than you've been alive. I think Randy Orton is just fine. And I think Cena is the best worker to come along since Austin and Rock left.

You're right...Cena is the first and only WWE face to ever make an energetic comeback. Good point. :suspic:

Cool story I don't care if you've been watching longer I can hate Cena if I want and to be honest he deserves it.

Of course other wrestlers have done bad selling but cena takes it too far every match.

In what way is Cena the best worker?

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