Why CM Punk may or may not return at Payback


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Sources lately have been pointing that CM Punk has no intention of going back to the WWE, and he's retired. However, we all know CM Punk, Triple H, and Vince McMahon are very clever with their storylines and how they do things when they want to. So I'm going to list out why or why not he may return and I'd like to see what the IWC think.

Reasons Why He'll Come back:
1) It's in Chicago, and it's been a few months, so he's had time to recover.
2) Triple H and Vince and Punk are very clever and they go all-in for storylines
3) There was rumors pointing towards a second "Summer Of Punk" so this would fit perfectly.
4) He could be saying he's not going back and he's retired just to throw us off.
5) They could offer him a Wrestlemania 31 Main Event.
6) He might want to be closer to his wife/fiance, Aj Lee.

Reasons Why He'll Stay Away:
1) His contract expires in like a month anyways
2) He didn't even come back for the Chicago RAW.
3) CM Punk is just overall pissed about the state of the WWE and the executive's decisions.
4) CM Punk could still be worn out and hurting from the recovery of his injuries.
5) He might just want to lay back and watch his babe wrestle, and hang with her outside of the WWE.

So with the points I layed out, do you find a Payback return possible, or is it just a dream of Punk's return? Or are you just hating Punk all together, I'd like to see/hear the voice of the IWC.
However, we all know CM Punk, Triple H, and Vince McMahon are very clever with their storylines and how they do things when they want to.

Since when were Triple H and Vince very clever with their storylines? At least in recent years? Firstly, nothing would make want to watch wwe again like CM Punk returning. I haven't watched much since the rumble tbh and what I have seen/read about hasn't been very good. The product is stale, it has been for a long time and CM Punk know this and that's partly why he doesn't want to be a part of it. I cant blame him. Every time wwe goes to Chicago there will be threads like this and chants for a wrestler that wont appear.

I hope your right though.

Or maybe he'll come back with el toritos tail?:lmao:
I hope he comes back, although I doubt he will. I think he's happy with his life as it is now, without the wear and tear on his body. He will be back eventually in my opinion but it won't be for a long time. I could see him returning as the leader of the "disgruntled wrestlers" faction if there is eventually going to be a faction. Just a thought.
Chicago or not, Payback isn't a particularly noteworthy PPV considering it was only conceived last year, which is why IF he comes back, I don't think it will be this weekend.

I'm not sure exactly what's there for him right now either if he did return here. Virtually every main eventer, or even future main eventers are tied up in other storylines for the foreseeable future. WWE will have to dangle the biggest, most juicy carrot in front of his face to entice him back, I feel.

I hope he does come back eventually, and not just because I enjoy his work, but so we won't have anymore "Is CM Punk coming back?" threads. :D Not having a go this one, just speaking generally.
If it happens then I have no doubt that it will be great. There is so much material that he can use onscreen, Vince loosing millions, WWE stock plummeting, Constant CM Punk chants, etc. If he came back at Payback, then the only segment that he could really be a part of is the Daniel Bryan title segment.
Most important reason why he is not coming back as a surprise at Payback:

His return will be an event. No reason to give it away to folks that bought the event already with zero proven reason to assume he would be there. When he returns it is most likely going to be something that is promoted or at least something that is more heavily rumored than what we've gotten over the few weeks.

If he is going to come back and I am WWE, I ask him to wait until the first PPV after the first wave of six month network subscriptions is set to end and I promote the heck out of his return.
This is a bit of a dream segment, but Daniel Bryan, having a massive ego, saying he will only relinquish his title to the best, the crowd chanting "CM Punk" and before Daniel Bryan leaves the ring, CM Punk's music hits and hit comes out with a huge pop, and when he gets to the ring, Daniel Bryan shakes his hand, gives him the titles, and leaves the ring, making Punk stay a face for a while until he turns heel when he faces Daniel Bryan at Summerslam.
Jesus. H. Christ. Are we still talking about this chump coming back/not coming back? Still? Who cares at this point? I'd rather debate why eating dirt is more delicious than eating ice cream.

HE. WALKED. OUT. CM Punk. He left. He went away. He quit. He took his blanket and went home. I can't even handle his name any more at this point. He's not coming back. Period. Enough of this garbage already. Will he be back AT SOME POINT? Probably. But not this year. MAYBE next year but I wouldn't count on it then either. Just enough... stop beating the dead horse of him coming back or even debating it. Holy shit. Where's the Tylenol?
Personally, I'm sort of at the point where I've just sort of moved on as far as Punk goes.
It'd be great to see him come back, but it's looking more and more like he's genuinely moved on.

A story came out yesterday mentioning that CM Punk is one of the celebrities involved with a public art project in which said celebrities paint ball park chairs as part of the celebration of Wrigley Field's 100th anniversary. Punk was interviewed and mentioned his part of the procject will commemorate Kerry Woods' 20 strikeout games back in 1998. He was asked in the interview what it felt like to be retired at age 35 and Punk replied "It feels good." There weren't very many questions regarding Punk's career in wrestling and every story I've read on Punk indicates that he's just enjoying himself and having fun. Punk was quoted in saying;
"I get to do fun stuff like bowl and paint chairs and play whiffle ball with Bull Murray. "It was super fun and for a great cause. You've got athletes and actresses and musicians and all kinds of people painting chairs. I'm super happy to be a part of it."

Now, to me, that's definitely the closest Punk has come to just coming right out and confirming he's retired. He didn't correct the question of the reporter that fielded the question to indicate that he wasn't retired. IF any of the various reports I've read over the course of the past several months are correct, then there are no big plans from WWE regarding CM Punk and they're operating as if Punk simply isn't coming back.

While it's not impossible, I find it very, very, very difficult to believe that WWE would be able to keep Punk's return, or rumors of his return for that matter, secret for all this time. They were able to keep the secret of Taker's match ending a secret because, if reports are correct, there were only an incredibly small number of people that knew about it and they were told about it only a few days before the event itself. There's a world of difference between keeping something like that a secret for a few days and keeping it secret for 6 months; there are any number of leaks all over WWE and if there was even the slightest degree of talk of Punk returning anytime soon, I have a feeling it'd be all over the dirtsheets.

Again, a lot depends upon just how accurate the reports that've been put out are. But if they're true, or even half true, then Punk has pissed off a lot of the higher ups in WWE by just flat out walking out of WWE right when the home stretch of WrestleMania season was getting underway. If it's true that Punk also thought of a WM match against Triple H being poor use of him, then I'd say that Trips felt pretty insulted, justifiably so. With Triple H being the guy who looks like he'll ultimately take over from Vince, giving the impression that you consider a feud with him as being beneath you probably wasn't the road to go down if you intended to return.
Well, even if Punk is retired as of now, there's no such thing as true retirement in the WWE, especially if you were either a popular superstar or a top-level guy. The only ones who never come back period are those who nobody wants to see anyway. Even if said superstar doesn't actually wrestle anymore, they at least come back every so often. (See: Shawn Michaels. Although it's only been a few years, you still never know.)
Well im going to keep this short and sweet.. Punk is retired,said so on an interview with Chicago Radio! He is happy,enjoying life,and is content!
He isn't going back to wwe people, accept it. If anything, I can see him making an appearance at the ROH ppv in Chicago but he is not going to be at Payback, Raw, Smackdown or anything else wwe related for the foreseeable future.
Reasons Why He'll Come back:
6) He might want to be closer to his wife/fiance, Aj Lee.

Reasons Why He'll Stay Away:
5) He might just want to lay back and watch his babe wrestle, and hang with her outside of the WWE.


I dont know if your watching wrestling recently but AJ aint been wrestling for a while. If AJ was to come back I think that would make a Punk return more likely as I can't see the point in being married if shes going to be on the road away from him for 3/4 of the year. However just as much as an AJ return makes a punk return more likely, Punk not returning could also mean that AJ is not returning either, which could rob the divas division of its best chance to become relevant since trish and lita, as (again) I can't see the point in being married if shes going to be on the road away from him for 3/4 of the year.
how good is cm punk that people still believe what he said in promos and he says a couple of lines on random interviews and people write books about "how he feels" and "what he thinks" ... i love wrestling.
Punk is a huge Blackhawks fan and with them playing in game 7, in Chicago, there's a 99.9% chance that he's at the game instead of worrying about WWE. He walked out on WWE and what's more he walked out on HIS fans, even the ones that hold out hope that he will return. It's amazing that some of the big Punk fans think WWE has the control on whether or not he will return. CM Punk is the one who walked out, and he's the only one that can decide if he wants to walk back in. The ball is in his court and I'll be surprised to see him return at all.

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