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Why Blame The Rock?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Ok so lately I've heard more and more people give The Rock shit because his rivalry with John Cena is on Twitter and not in front of WWE cameras. Somehow people seem to think that this is The Rock's fault and that hes doing the WWE Universe dirty. A lot of people who are following this rivalry point out that John Cena promotes the rivalry on RAW or at house shows in person while The Rock appears via satellite. Now for my 2 cents...

1) Like The Rock pointed out in one of his latest videos, Cena HAS TO appear for all of the WWE's events. Hes contractually obligated to do these appearances or he risks being disciplined. The Rock isnt under WWE contract. Vince McMahon said it himself that so far he only has a handshake agreement with The Rock for his appaearances.

2) A guy with The Rock's celebrity most likely has a busy schedule. The Rock is doing a movie right now (GI Joe) and hes know for pumping out multiple movies during one year. The plan for The Rock and the WWE was originally for The Rock to have his own TV show for them. He could host some sort of event. Vince took it a step further and booked him for two Manias in a row. Now I'm not saying The Rock is booked every single Monday until WM 28 but when you think about it hes most likely traveling while filming these movies so hes at a hotel or on the road. I'm pretty sure travel from where he is to whereever RAW is would be manageable, but its a lost cause if hes going to make appearances scattered between every Monday that he has off.

3)Twitter. The Rock has set up a Twitter account to keep the rivalry going online. So many people complain about this not realizing that he could've just as easy said screw it and waited for March or April to do anything WWE related. I dont think The Rock is a bad guy for wanting to keep this rivalry going, even if its on something as minimal as Twitter. It looks like he'll be done or at least free from the movies around Survivor Series since hes being rumored to appear on the ppv.

My question is with all this that I have presented to you why do people continue to give The Rock such a hard time? Discuss.
Basically I see it like this:

The main reason some people give the Rock hell, in my eyes? Is because some fans may feel lied to. The Rock said on national television that he was back, and he wasn't going anywhere. The Rock has been MIA since WrestleMania.

Another reason could be that The early 2000's called and they want the Rock's material back. Call Cena as stale as you want (Which he is) but the Rock's act is a bit played out itself. He came back and acted like he never left, and then he left again. Not everybody follows Twitter. I'm sure most of the PG Little Jimmy Cena fans aren't there keeping tabs on the Tweet war, licking their lips for this so-called EPIC match coming up for WrestleMania 28.

The Rock sold out WWE to do movies. Can I blame him for making a better living for himself? Absolutely not. But that doesn't mean I have to cheer him like the day is long when he comes back via satellite to call John Cena a bowl of Fruity Pebbles some more.

Fast forward to exactly 9 minutes. THAT is why we blame the Rock for ruining this potentially amazing storyline. Had he never made said promise, we wouldn't be as upset. He called us amazing, made a promise, then broke it. Simple logic really.
Well, I'm a Rocky fan and.. I love this thing that he doing right now on twitter; taking shots at Cena or Punk. He's on movie schedule but he takes time to appear on RAW and stuff like that.

I guess the heat generally stem from the fact that people want Rock to be back on TV. Just like he says, he is back for good. But the next minute, he turns and left for a movie shoot. This sucks, for the fans. And for me, i just hate that fact that Dwayne goes around telling the WWE universe how much he loves them but doesn't show it through his actions. If you love us, be with us. That's all. That's the heat. It's a good heat. People want him back.

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OK how many guys are still gonna be stupid enough to think that by The Rock saying he's "never going away" he meant, "I'll be at damn near every Raw, house show and PPV for the rest of my life" He OBVIOUSLY meant that he would never again leave for an extended period of time without making an appearance. I guarantee you that he will live up to his promise and make 2-3 appearances per year and blow the roof off the joint when he does. Just like he said in the recent video he posted, he doesn't have to do any of this, he damn sure doesn't need the money, he's doing it because he felt the fans would appreciate it. To anyone who feels lied to, how about not jumping to stupid assumptions and realize what the man meant when he said that.
2-3 appearances per year is "never gonna leave"? Oh come on. While I all supportive all this inference skill on what he said, fact is, Rock shouldn't have said things he couldn't keep. Even Cena and Punk kept taking shots @ him for what he said.

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Leaving for months at a time IS an extended period of time though. Look at the Undertaker. He barely works anything but WrestleMania now. Would you not call that an extended leave?

Fact: The Rock said he was NEVER leaving again.

Fact: The Rock hasn't been around since WrestleMania. And if reports suggest anything, we won't see him again until November, for Survivor Series.

How many months are there between WrestleMania and Survivor Series? If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and sounds like a duck...It's a duck.
I agree with Holdingholder, I mean he has been on twitter every other day talking about WWE. A couple of yrs ago he did not even want to be called the rock now he is atleast adknowledging wrestling. Even if he is only doing it to get more action roles who cares! Ive enjoyed the internet feud even though its been very childish.
People have a big problem with the the Rock because h succeeded. People havea problem with a someone like him for some reason. I see a lot of people use the promo about him saying that he'll never leave as a point that he sold out. That's what maks him so great; some of you actually believed it. Use your common sense; he's a hollywood actor; he as a schedule of his own outside of the WWE. I knew it wasn't true as soon as he said it. Stop acting like little children. How many times have people mad promos which were total lies-millions. It's pro wrestling; it's a scripted show. I bet some of you think CM Punk was gonna take a lengthy break from the WWE. But anyway people, stop being jealous of the Rock, get off of your butts and try to achieve some of your dreams; you just might achieve them just like the Rock.
Months? You guys are complaining about him being gone for months? He was gone for 7 years! During that time he came back and made only a handful of appearances. He's already outdone this year what he's done in all years previous to taking time off combined.

He'll undoubtedly be back from time to time still this year. So far I've seen more from The Rock this year than I have either Undertaker or HHH.

kwicherbichen seriously.
The Rock idn't say he was "never leaving again" that would mean when they packed up the ring gear and equipment he just jumped in the truck and slept there and traveled with WWE everywhere they went. He said he was "never going away" which to me means that he's not gonna leave and never come back. I mean come on be serious, if any of you guys thought that he would be back with WWE on a regular basis you are delusional or on some serious mind altering shit (which if that's the case I want to get my hands on some of that shit). Did you think the man was gonna quit doing movies and become a full time wrestler again? did you think he was gonna be on Raw the next week laying the smackdown to Sheamus Dolph Ziggler or some other jabroni? I myself am quite happy knowing that every once in a while I can look forward to some electrifying moments.
To say the Rocks material is stale is a weird statement. It is like saying Hogans material is stale, Austins, anyone from the past. It is a character, they come back and act the way everyone remembers.

As far as the Rock not being around goes, I mean...come on, who expected him to be there every week? I mean, take it for what it is, at least he is around. I feel ever since he started movies years ago, people have been annoyed by him. I was there when Brock beat him at summerslam, and the crowd was happy to see Rock lose. But, no matter when he comes back, people cheer.

Should he have said what he said? Probably not, but it is what it is. When he said it I didnt expect to see him every week anyway.
People thought the Rock sold out a LONG time before this promo. At least I did. And I also called bullshit when he said he was staying. I honestly couldn't care less if the Rock stays or goes. The business moved on without him. He's not vital. I was always more of a Steve Austin guy, as opposed to the Rock :)

OP asked a question though, and we answered. Doesn't mean we're jealous of the Crock. Just means we want to discuss.
People getting mad at the rock first of he is 40 years old i dnt know about you but i wouldnt want to be called the rock at 40. second the WWE dnt pay him to show up for house shows so im guessing you would show up to all of that for free?? Third He has something called an obligation to uphold he has movies to do (good movies at that) that they PAID HIM MILLIONS FOR so it would be impossible for him to do a scene and fly to do a RAW taping second CM Punk aint even on The Rocks level to even talk about him like that.
The reason Rock gets so much heat is real simple....wrestling fans are extremely selfish. I always crack up when I hear fans saying who should retire, who should get pushed etc. Fans want to dictate every single thing wrestlers do. Truth is Rock owes us nothing! he spent 7 years of his life on the road away from his family, doing talk shows, public appearances and doing his part just to keep WWE afloat while WCW was destroying them in ratings. John Cena would be Vanilla Ice V2. if it weren't for guys like Rock. I personally think Rock should have stayed in his estate made a good living with movies...but he came back. So ultimately, Rock gets heat cause he was able to WALK away from pro wrestling instead of carried out in a body bag.
If you expected Rocky was going to show up full time or something you guys are insane. He still wants to act and do other things in his life and he meant just like Austin he would make the time to drop in once in a while.

He made it clear as day he wasn't rejoining the company full time. If immature fans want to get upset and say crap about Rocky on his Twitter go for it, but he never said anything wrong. Deal with it.
When did the Rock ever denounce his time in WWE? post me a link to the interview where he ever said anything bad about his time as a WWE superstar, in fact I recall an interview on Dave Letterman's show a couple of years ago (before this whole Wrestlemania run) where he said he'll ALWAYS be the Rock.
We blame Dwayne because he left us cold, went to do movies expecting us to pay our hard earned money to support him (then has the audacity to make CRAPPY MOVIES at that, i mean he could have at least picked good ones) and wen he FINALLY comes back he makes a bogus ass promise that he will never leave...and then hes gone until lord knows when. Basically we r tired of supporting him n getting Dwayne in return. I mean isnt this the guy who said that he no longer wants to be known as the Rock? Then he backtracks because duuuh hes being paid a helluva lot of money to be "The Rock" at WM28 and says that he'll go by just Dwayne AFTER WM28.He has proven time and time again he doesnt care about his wrestling fans (who by the way started his great movie career, we all flocked to see him in the scorpion king thats y he became a successful actor in the first place) nor does he care about the business that made him the house hold name he is today. Like Cena has said yea hes making movies too but he still manages to wrestle as well. Cena does this because he clearly loves it while Rock has made it clear its all about $$$$$$...That is y we blame n boo Rocky.
We blame Dwayne because he left us cold, went to do movies expecting us to pay our hard earned money to support him (then has the audacity to make CRAPPY MOVIES at that, i mean he could have at least picked good ones) and wen he FINALLY comes back he makes a bogus ass promise that he will never leave...and then hes gone until lord knows when. Basically we r tired of supporting him n getting Dwayne in return. I mean isnt this the guy who said that he no longer wants to be known as the Rock? Then he backtracks because duuuh hes being paid a helluva lot of money to be "The Rock" at WM28 and says that he'll go by just Dwayne AFTER WM28.He has proven time and time again he doesnt care about his wrestling fans (who by the way started his great movie career, we all flocked to see him in the scorpion king thats y he became a successful actor in the first place) nor does he care about the business that made him the house hold name he is today. Like Cena has said yea hes making movies too but he still manages to wrestle as well. Cena does this because he clearly loves it while Rock has made it clear its all about $$$$$$...That is y we blame n boo Rocky.
Hes not getting a single dime for his appaearance. Even if he was, do you honestly think The Rock, moviestar for 7 years, needs the money? Hes doing it for his fans, and its a shame they're treating him like this. How is he a bad guy for following his heart and doing movies? Did he not give you many years of his life during the Attitude Era? And now hes back basically being charity for the WWE and taking up more than he bargained for (he asked to host a show, he was given two main roles on WM consecutively) and the only thing the fans can do is bitch and moan. You know so many people in his condition leave and NEVER come back. Oh and dont even get me started on the fact that he has legal obligations to finish those movies so whether you like it or not its best that he puts his entire focus on those movies until they're done, or you'd risk getting more "crappy" movies. Hes coming back at Survivor Series, and I cant wait till everyone criticizing him gets shut up.
We blame Dwayne because he left us cold, went to do movies expecting us to pay our hard earned money to support him (then has the audacity to make CRAPPY MOVIES at that, i mean he could have at least picked good ones) and wen he FINALLY comes back he makes a bogus ass promise that he will never leave...and then hes gone until lord knows when. Basically we r tired of supporting him n getting Dwayne in return. I mean isnt this the guy who said that he no longer wants to be known as the Rock? Then he backtracks because duuuh hes being paid a helluva lot of money to be "The Rock" at WM28 and says that he'll go by just Dwayne AFTER WM28.He has proven time and time again he doesnt care about his wrestling fans (who by the way started his great movie career, we all flocked to see him in the scorpion king thats y he became a successful actor in the first place) nor does he care about the business that made him the house hold name he is today. Like Cena has said yea hes making movies too but he still manages to wrestle as well. Cena does this because he clearly loves it while Rock has made it clear its all about $$$$$$...That is y we blame n boo Rocky.

This is a post full of ASSUMPTIONS. You assume that hes doing it only for the money, which I'm sure he makes more off one movie than all his appearances combined will make. You assume that he wants to be known as just Dwayne only AFTER Mania 28 :confused:????? You assume that he doesn't care about wrestling fans. You assume that he once said he doesn't want to be known as the Rock (he said he doesn't want to be known ONLY as the Rock) You assume he expects people to go see his movies and that they are all crappy movies, I didn't love all his movies but most of them are pretty good, and you assume that he doesn't care about this business ( his proudly displayed case of all his WWE titles tells me something else) And you have the nerve to compare John Cena's REALLY CRAPPY movies to The Rock's. Cena's movies are crappy b affairs that are shot in 2 weeks to a month, all he has to do is have some "injury" (getting "stabbed" by carlito's thug) and miss a couple of weeks and he's back. Rock's movies are big budgets money making movies that take months to shoot. And finally you assume that he's only in it for the money. I personally think he satnds to lose more money than he gains due to the general stigma attached to wrestling.
OK how many guys are still gonna be stupid enough to think that by The Rock saying he's "never going away" he meant, "I'll be at damn near every Raw, house show and PPV for the rest of my life" He OBVIOUSLY meant that he would never again leave for an extended period of time without making an appearance. I guarantee you that he will live up to his promise and make 2-3 appearances per year and blow the roof off the joint when he does. Just like he said in the recent video he posted, he doesn't have to do any of this, he damn sure doesn't need the money, he's doing it because he felt the fans would appreciate it. To anyone who feels lied to, how about not jumping to stupid assumptions and realize what the man meant when he said that.

I haven't posted anything for awhile, but after reading some of these comments i had to say something.

But you pretty much nailed it right on the head man...
I see alot of people saying Rock doesnt care about wrestling fans.. I dont know how you can think that, like I bolded above.. HE DOESN'T HAVE TO DO ANY OF THIS. How selfish are you guys being, if he had never came back, we would all still be saying, 'man i wish the rock would come back.' So now he's back, and everyone is complaining about him. What do you really expect? I expect after mania for him to have a similar schedule to Stone Cold, and i'll will be fine with that. I guess I'm just baffled that people are angry at this guy, he has priorities... and hes upholding to those. Another thing, would everyone really want him on tv every week trying to carry on the fued w/ Cena for a whole year? That proably wouldn't work very well. when he came back he said He was "never going away" in my eyes, he hasn't went away yet. He's still out doing movies and interviews, and in about every single interview he's asked about going back to wrestling, in which he probably says somethin about his WM28 match, so what is he doing? he's promoting the wrestling business. He isn't going away. so he may not be at every event, but imo he hasnt went anywhere, he's still out promoting, fueding w/ cena via twitter and facebook and videos, and he'll be at Survivor Series, and i'm sure he'll be on weekly after the rumble or EC.
just my two cent guys, take it for what it's worth.
be happy he's back, enjoy it.
also, what material did you expect him to use? I would be upset if he wasnt using his old lines. plus he's adding new funny things... "yabba-dabba bitch"
ALSO, not all of his movies suck, FastFive did pretty well for itself. Walking Tall, Grid iron gang, the other guys, Faster, were all good movies i'm sure GI Joe wont be terrible either... sorry i'm rambling.
Hes not getting a single dime for his appaearance. Even if he was, do you honestly think The Rock, moviestar for 7 years, needs the money? Hes doing it for his fans, and its a shame they're treating him like this. How is he a bad guy for following his heart and doing movies? Did he not give you many years of his life during the Attitude Era? And now hes back basically being charity for the WWE and taking up more than he bargained for (he asked to host a show, he was given two main roles on WM consecutively) and the only thing the fans can do is bitch and moan. You know so many people in his condition leave and NEVER come back. Oh and dont even get me started on the fact that he has legal obligations to finish those movies so whether you like it or not its best that he puts his entire focus on those movies until they're done, or you'd risk getting more "crappy" movies. Hes coming back at Survivor Series, and I cant wait till everyone criticizing him gets shut up.

Have u ever seen an actual entertainment contract? EVER? The Rock gets paid wen they mention his NAME on WWE..its part of the seperation agreement of ANY superstar that OWNS their name like Shawn Michaels, Rock, Ric Flair even Hogan which is y they dont say their name. Thats also y CM Punk wanted control of his name in his new contract..its absurd for anyone to think Rock is doing this for free. I would literally have to see a signed contract with $0 to believe that. And u think he wont be paid mega bucks for WM28? of course hes getting paid big risk big reward. Lets not forget the Rock HIMSELF has stated that he left to "make a better life for his family" in other words MORE MONEY...dollar signs are all he sees but his fans see their wrestling hero..n thats wat bugs us
To answer the question of the topic......because people are never happy that is why The Rock is blamed. I mean did anyone HONESTLY think The Rock was gonna be around ALL THE TIME?!? I mean he has a huge movie career going right now....

He explained what he meant by "I am never leaving again" in his latest video that he posted as a rebutal to John Cena. He hit the nail on the head, and anyone that can't accept that is just being ridiculous!
This is a post full of ASSUMPTIONS. You assume that hes doing it only for the money, which I'm sure he makes more off one movie than all his appearances combined will make. You assume that he wants to be known as just Dwayne only AFTER Mania 28 :confused:????? You assume that he doesn't care about wrestling fans. You assume that he once said he doesn't want to be known as the Rock (he said he doesn't want to be known ONLY as the Rock) You assume he expects people to go see his movies and that they are all crappy movies, I didn't love all his movies but most of them are pretty good, and you assume that he doesn't care about this business ( his proudly displayed case of all his WWE titles tells me something else) And you have the nerve to compare John Cena's REALLY CRAPPY movies to The Rock's. Cena's movies are crappy b affairs that are shot in 2 weeks to a month, all he has to do is have some "injury" (getting "stabbed" by carlito's thug) and miss a couple of weeks and he's back. Rock's movies are big budgets money making movies that take months to shoot. And finally you assume that he's only in it for the money. I personally think he satnds to lose more money than he gains due to the general stigma attached to wrestling.

um.... first of all this whole thread is about assumptions cause u ASSUME he cares about his wrestling fans and u ASSUME hes not being paid..honestly NONE of us know exactly wat the deal is between Rock and Vince. Only they do. But no I cant see Rock doing ANYTHING for FREE because he has made it clear (at least to me) that he didnt want to come back until Vince was ready to put up the cash. Now having said that..dont get me wrong Im NOT a Cena fan but I do respect the fact that he loves the WWE n he shows it. U cant say that the ROCK has EVER shown such loyalty to the WWE universe because basically the first offer he got to get more money he quit on us. He walked out n didnt look back. Now maybe im jaded because I have been a HUGE WWE fan since i could remember but do I have more respect for the ppl who are lifers? HELL YEA. Thats why I love Shawn, EDGE, HHH n Taker sooo much. These men broke their bodies (except for maybe HHH he doesnt look 2 broken lol) for us and thats y wen Shawn n edge retired we showed them so much support n love because we know wat they put themselves throu for us. The Rock doesnt get that same respect. I know he absoulutly carried the WWE on his back wen he was there, but wen he left he did it so abruptly that a lot of fans were hurt. We spend a LOT of money on merchandise, tickets dvds etc all of which he gets a cut of. so its not like Rocky is getting $0 from WWE..they'll always be paying him for sumthing n anyone who thinks differnetly is again delusional.
Have u ever seen an actual entertainment contract? EVER? The Rock gets paid wen they mention his NAME on WWE..its part of the seperation agreement of ANY superstar that OWNS their name like Shawn Michaels, Rock, Ric Flair even Hogan which is y they dont say their name. Thats also y CM Punk wanted control of his name in his new contract..its absurd for anyone to think Rock is doing this for free. I would literally have to see a signed contract with $0 to believe that. And u think he wont be paid mega bucks for WM28? of course hes getting paid big risk big reward. Lets not forget the Rock HIMSELF has stated that he left to "make a better life for his family" in other words MORE MONEY...dollar signs are all he sees but his fans see their wrestling hero..n thats wat bugs us
Dwayne does not own the name The Rock. WWE does, and he had to get special permission to use it while promoting his movies. Like I said the guy is filthy rich, he could've easily done another movie and get payed WAY more than WWE would ever agree to pay him. Wrestling fans see their hero because regardless of whether he makes a buck at the end of the day hes back and we're happy to see him.

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