Get The Rock Out! - Latest Update


Dark Match Winner
Ok, so...I just read the latest update on "Wrestlezone" that showed the WWE "Hoping" to get The Rock back on more WWE segments.

First of all, how in the world can you have The Rock headline a Wrestlemania with a possible WWE Title opportunity?

Personally, I really don't care how popular The Rock is, while I am not taking anything away from him - whether you like Cena or not - you are going to have Cena work every Raw and Dark Match - carry the weight of performing and helping to build the Main Event of Wrestlemania while The Rock is doing Movies, etc. as The Rock does not have time to be at Raw? (See link below)

You have wrestlers that deserve that shot and I know drawing a HUGE DRAW for Wrestlemania is important, but I have to say - you don't need The Rock to do that. Again, not taking anything away from The Rock - I just think that is really messed up that WWE is handling this situation like they are. The Rock doesn't have time to be on Raw but gets to "Headline" Wrestlemania for a Title Shot? Please - go sell that story elsewhere b/c I'm not buying it. Sorry. Great Competitors and Wrestlers and Entertainers, etc. however you want to call them - the over-all picture though is still Slanted and wrongfully done In My Opinion.

"The Wrestling Observer is reporting that WWE hopes to secure Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson for more regular appearances for the company given the reaction he's received since returning to the company.

Based on his appearance on Raw last Monday night and the early buy rate bump that WrestleMania 27 saw due to The Rock hosting the event, WWE hopes to get The Rock on board for more appearances including an appearance at this year's SummerSlam PPV. No word yet on whether or not The Rock will agree to work more WWE dates, as his schedule might not allow it."
Sorry but next to John Cena, The Rock is a HUGE draw, yes he doesnt turn up as much due to a hectic schedule, but whilst away he is promoting the WWE big time via Facebook with his Team Bring IT.

Ok so he is getting a title shot? Whats the problem he isnt exactly going to win, the match is a cash cow end of. WM28 will sell out quickly because people want to see Cena vs Rock! and because its WrestleMania.

So get over whining about it.
I partially agree. I would love to see Cena vs Rock, but I think it's ridiculous that it would be over the WWE title. It ruins the believability that the Rock will win, and if he actually does, then suddenly we have someone who isn't a full-time wrestler as an all-round un-deserving champion. 7 years ago, yes, we all loved the Rock and he was an awesome performer. 7 years later, yes, we still love the Rock but he's his own person now. He's Dwayne Johnson portraying The Rock, not just The Rock.

Really, I saw keep the match, but have Cena lose the belt before Mania at some point, and then use it as a boost for the storyline. Have The Rock say something about how Cena obviously didn't care enough to keep the belt to Mania, and if he can't hold onto the belt then it's obvious he'll never go toe-to-toe with The Rock. It writes itself.
all im saying is that cena better win at mania! if he doesnt thats messed up bc cena works his butt of and rock is just cashing a check and doing nothing
all im saying is that cena better win at mania! if he doesnt thats messed up bc cena works his butt of and rock is just cashing a check and doing nothing

You missed a key point in your argument

The Rock = money

The Rock who be promoting his movies is getting the WWE across in every single interview and so forth. Once more he is virtually promoting Wrestlemania and putting more money back into the pockets of Vince and WWE.
I'll give it a 20% chance that the match will be over the title but if it is, it's a guarantee that Cena will win. Wrestlemania is nine months so they have to keep Rock somewhat fresh so the feud won't be forgotten if say he doesn't appear again until The Royal Rumble. I'm sure he would appear once or twice a month to still hype the feud while Cena fights some of the young heels on the roster.
I fully agree. The Rocks return while electrifying has become a bit of a thud since then. When he returned, he should have taken on some kind of schedule that includes matches. I.e. work his way up the chain to EARN his title shot. The longer it takes to get Rock into some kind of regular match schedule, the more Cena looks good. Why? Because Rock, "We can't see you"!!! The longer it takes Rock to get in a regular ring schedule, the more "Team Bring It" looks silly. Bring It? What? A badly executed Raw Birthday Party? Bad skits? Cliche tag lines that are getting old? Any time Rock mentions laying the smack down you have to wonder.............when??

I would like to see first the annonymous Raw GM be replaced with Stone Cold Steve Austin. Then after the announcement Rock comes out to congratulate him and Austin stuns Rock telling him "Austin 3:16 says Don't Trust Anyone and if The Rock wants a shot at the WWE Title he has to start Bringing It".
Why are you complaining about the rock not being there? So yeah how many people will buy mania without the rock. I'm not trying to be cocky but the wwe needs rock more than he needs wwe because Cena can't simple handedly sell out mania. You guys always talk about business and the wwe is about money but can't see rock equals ratings and cash typical hypocrites only defending their guys.
Here fb481777 shut the fuck up!!!!. Have you seen the lack of Main Event talent that is in that WWE ring today. Apart from Randy Orton, Cm Punk, John Morrison Alberto Del Rio as main event star's who else is a HUGE!!! Draw no one else that's who. U got Mark Henry who they are supposing to push as a heel now and fight for the WHC,who in god's name wants to see John Cena vs Mark Henry at next years WM28, Rey Mysterio is too old now and too injury proned same goes for Taker & HHH. I don't care how many text's about this but The Miz is crap he's good on the mic that's it he's not a Main Eventer sorry he doesn't strike me has a Top dog wrestler in WWE at most he's a mid card wrestler.

As for The Rock he is the last of the great entertainer's in the WWE!!! why not have The Rock vs John Cena for the WWE Title it makes it more exciting lord know's the WWE hasn't been exciting an edgy for like 10 years now. So what if he's not a full time wrestler he still bring's in louds of rating's even if he's a part time wrestler. So im sorry The rock deserves this WWE title shot even if he win's it or not, he's the last of the WWE great's who can still wrestle and up on a show.
At first I didn't like the fact that this match would be for the title..and I still dont however..who's to say that Rock wins the match..wins the title shows up to make a speech on raw Cena demands his rematch blah blah and at the end of the match the winner of the money in the bank comes out cashes it in wins the title and everyone goes home happy..rock wins the title in his home..cena goes over with the toddlers...and the person who wins the money in the bank match cashes in and always. So lets not go shooting down a match thats still many many many months away.
I love how everyone assumes that if it is for the title then Rock will surely lose. Who is to say between now and then(if it hasn't happened already) that The Rock hasn't signed some deal similar to that of Triple H or Taker? Could he beat Cena and run a program with him for 5-6 months? Sure he could.He's only 39. He has two scheduled movies in the works as of now and could very well take a break from filming movies for a short run in the WWE. Would it hurt Cena to lose to Rock? I dont think so if it is done to continue their feud.

You all seem to think "OMG Rock has been out 7 years and is old and broken down!" Hes not Hunter on two bad legs.Hes not Taker who only works a few months out of the year.Hes actually in as good a shape as most of the guys carrying the WWE right now(Punk,Miz,Orton etc) To think him beating someone would "bury" them or "ruin" them is crazy.
I don't care how many text's about this but The Miz is crap he's good on the mic that's it he's not a Main Eventer sorry he doesn't strike me has a Top dog wrestler in WWE at most he's a mid card wrestler.

That's your opinion, and that's fine. But here in reality, The Miz is WWE's top heel, and one of their hardest workers. He held the WWE title for almost 6 months, longer than anyone in three years. Seems to me that the people who matter don't think The Miz is "midcard at best". Also, you named four wrestlers in the main event, and you also forgot John Cena, a soon-to-be-returning Chris Jericho, and hell even people like Big Show and Kane can easily step it up to the title scene if need be. The main event picture looks fine now.

You're just missing the point that The Rock brings in two things that Vince absolutely loves: money, and mainstream attention for WWE. Same reason he loves The Miz. You can be the best wrestler on earth, but since the Rock and the Miz have connections to Hollywood, they're forever in Vince's good graces.
As said before, there's a lot of time before WM28 and a lot of things can happen. I can see Cena not being the champion by the time the match rolls around because it just doesn't seem believable that Rock is going to win the title. I don't see what kind of short-term deal he can sign with WWE that would allow him to maintain a champion's schedule. On the other hand, if Cena is the champ, it would add an interesting angle to the spectacle.

The great thing about it all is that I don't think Rock has Hogan-itis; a disease that would make him refuse to job to Cena. I think Rock could lose cleanly, then embrace Cena, patching everything up. That would be my preferred result.

But the build-up to next April's event is what's really going to be fun. During the Winter months, I think there will be so much heat between these two that the buy rate for WM28 will be enormous......whether Cena is champion at the time or not.
(The Hardcore Kid)The reason why I didn't meantion John Cena is becuase I was talking about next year's WM and who could face him. Fair enough Y2J would be up there !!! but let's face it Y2J (40) is properly only going to have another 2 or 3 years left in him, who's going to step it up in 2 or 3 years time properly Wade Barrett or Mason Ryan where the only people I could see stepping it up. AN d for Big Show and Kane now there shit in the ring now Big Show can't wrestle anymore same goes for Kane. Im not sticking up for TNA here im not a fan of TNA at all but people say TNA have louds of old timer's which they do but there not covered with them. WWE is nearly covered with old timers look at Big Show (40) Kane (43) Christian( 37) Y2J (40) Taker (46) HHH (41) Mark Henry (40) Rey Mysterio (36) Great Khail (40) etc.

And for The Miz yeah fair enough he work's hard but his moves he does are too bland and apart from his mic skills, his in ring ability's just shit. That's why I feel he's a mid card wrestler.
Ok, so...I just read the latest update on "Wrestlezone" that showed the WWE "Hoping" to get The Rock back on more WWE segments.

First of all, how in the world can you have The Rock headline a Wrestlemania with a possible WWE Title opportunity?

Personally, I really don't care how popular The Rock is, while I am not taking anything away from him - whether you like Cena or not - you are going to have Cena work every Raw and Dark Match - carry the weight of performing and helping to build the Main Event of Wrestlemania while The Rock is doing Movies, etc. as The Rock does not have time to be at Raw? (See link below)

You have wrestlers that deserve that shot and I know drawing a HUGE DRAW for Wrestlemania is important, but I have to say - you don't need The Rock to do that. Again, not taking anything away from The Rock - I just think that is really messed up that WWE is handling this situation like they are. The Rock doesn't have time to be on Raw but gets to "Headline" Wrestlemania for a Title Shot? Please - go sell that story elsewhere b/c I'm not buying it. Sorry. Great Competitors and Wrestlers and Entertainers, etc. however you want to call them - the over-all picture though is still Slanted and wrongfully done In My Opinion.

Man calm down before you have a stroke or something; the key words are possibly, maybe, and might. No one from the "E" said it will be for the title. It's just an ideal. They throw ideals around all day everyday. You admit yourself there's probably no bigger star than the Rock. The Rock = asses in the seats. Of course they're going to throw bones out there so people will come running, and if it is for the title it's not like th Rock hasn't paid his dues. He's one of the iconic figures that is the reason why the WWE is where it is today. However, pretty sure the match with Cena is not going to be for the title; they're trying to keep the feud on everyones minds until Wrestlemania.
Listen, I'm not hating on the Rock nor am I saying he will not contribute to a draw.

What I am saying is that having the Rock be on this 6 - 8 month Hiatus without appearing on a consistant basis to wrestle, etc. on Raw and then all of a sudden have a HEADLINE event at Wrestlemania for the WWE Title - I mean seriously, isn't that somewhat of a slap in the face to the other wrestlers? Maybe I'm wrong - dont' think I am though...

Cena is pushing his high-end off day in and day out and he is now considered a veteran - yet the Rock is not anywhere to be found but in the movies. Plus, the Rocks' catch phrase "Laying the Smackdown" is only applied to his Pillow as he is not laying anything down on anyone in the WWE! LMBO! :lmao:

So; there, I've said my peace. I like the Rock - I just don't like the manner in which he is no-where to be found in the WWE while other wrestlers are still putting their sweat, blood, and tears into play - that's all I'm trying to say.

This statement and my first statement in this thread is all in my opinion of course.

Heck if anything - to look at this glass Half-Full instead of Half-Empty - maybe this is a WAKE-UP call to the other wrestlers to step-it-up.

And concerning THE MIZ - in all honesty...The Miz just needs 1 SOLID CAGE MATCH AGAINST A TOUGH WRESTLER WHERE HIGH UNEXPECTED FLYING MANEUVERS (such as Diving off the Cage, etc.) is done in a 60 minute man Iron Match to OFFICIALLY solitify his career to where people will know - THE MIZ has some serious talent, heart, and Perserverence!!! In my opinion ON TOP of what he has right now :)
Your missing the big picture on why the Rock is even back. I am completely floored that i havent seen it mentioned yet. The fact of the matter is the "E" is in the midst of a transition. Think back to when he first came back......He dropped one key word from one of his biggest lines. He went from "The most electrifying man in sports entertainment" to..."The most electrifying man in entertainment" I know its going to be hard for some of you to comprehend the fact that Vince asked him to change it not just for the Rock's sake but for the "E" itself, as they are transitioning from wrestling to entertainment.

Most of you probably think that this is a mistake, but if you think about it, What made the attitude era so great? The answer is the entertainment value was high. No one was talking about botched matches or in ring skills at that time. The only thing that was talked about was what is going to happen next?

If you still don't believe me, look at the Miz. Straight entertainment factor, that has gotten attention where no other wrestler in history has gotten attention from main stream entertainment outlets due to his reality tv backround. I enjoy the Miz and while he is not the best in the ring wrestling wise, he is still improving (just look at the cage match at ER), and his in ring phsycology is outstanding. I see an interesting year ahead of us In the Universe and im willing to bet it will be good.
Listen, I'm not hating on the Rock nor am I saying he will not contribute to a draw.

What I am saying is that having the Rock be on this 6 - 8 month Hiatus without appearing on a consistant basis to wrestle, etc. on Raw and then all of a sudden have a HEADLINE event at Wrestlemania for the WWE Title - I mean seriously, isn't that somewhat of a slap in the face to the other wrestlers? Maybe I'm wrong - dont' think I am though...

Cena is pushing his high-end off day in and day out and he is now considered a veteran - yet the Rock is not anywhere to be found but in the movies. Plus, the Rocks' catch phrase "Laying the Smackdown" is only applied to his Pillow as he is not laying anything down on anyone in the WWE! LMBO! :lmao:

So; there, I've said my peace. I like the Rock - I just don't like the manner in which he is no-where to be found in the WWE while other wrestlers are still putting their sweat, blood, and tears into play - that's all I'm trying to say.

This statement and my first statement in this thread is all in my opinion of course.

Heck if anything - to look at this glass Half-Full instead of Half-Empty - maybe this is a WAKE-UP call to the other wrestlers to step-it-up.

And concerning THE MIZ - in all honesty...The Miz just needs 1 SOLID CAGE MATCH AGAINST A TOUGH WRESTLER WHERE HIGH UNEXPECTED FLYING MANEUVERS (such as Diving off the Cage, etc.) is done in a 60 minute man Iron Match to OFFICIALLY solitify his career to where people will know - THE MIZ has some serious talent, heart, and Perserverence!!! In my opinion ON TOP of what he has right now :)

I agree to a point. I love the Rock as much as the next guy, but having him come along once every 1-2 months to talk about "laying the smackdown" when he hasn't really done anything of the sort in years is in some ways insulting. but on the other side of the coin, its all entertainment. i will no-question buy WM next year if only to see Rock vs Cena, so i guess its already done its job.

Also, MinistryofDeath, valid points on Show and Kane being old, just saying in the meantime, they have a decently stacked main event scene for the next 2-3 years. and in that time people like Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Morrison, and others will truly be ready for the main event scene.
If it wasn't for The Rock & Stone Cold Steve Austin there would be know WWE 2day there would be know John Cena or Randy Orton or Cm Punk or Wade Barrett and know more Vince Mc Mahon. So I don't think it's a slap in the face at all to honest. I think it's a way saying thank's for saving are ass and still having a job.
Also, MinistryofDeath, valid points on Show and Kane being old, just saying in the meantime, they have a decently stacked main event scene for the next 2-3 years. and in that time people like Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Morrison, and others will truly be ready for the main event scene.
I don't disagree with you there ( Hardcore Kid) with Sheamus, Wade Barrett which im a big fan of and morrison. I just feel WWE isn't doing anything with the future Main Eventer's at the moment , they should be giving Morrison a title run this year and same goes for Wade Barrett it's time for him to become a singler's wrestler now and step way from that useless Corre and Nexus.
The Rock = Younger Hogan
come back for big paychecks, use old catchphrases. The only pathetic part is the wwe writers cant come up with an original storyline to save their lives so people mark out out of nestalgia when people from the attitude era come back. we arent cheering the person now. we are cheering our memories of when wwe used to be a good product. im not sure if anyone agrees but once the brand extension happened. the product started a decline. now its crab grass only to be fertilized by TNA. the age of wrestling is over. we now have 1 hr and 20 minutes of talk show. 20 minutes of wrestling and the rest is commercials.
You know what really bugs me? It's that some of you don't respect the legacy the The Rock has built up for himself. You only talk how Cena is hard worker, putting himself all out there, bla-bla-bla. Cena had the support from the very beginnig of his career, unlike The Rock. He also was a hard worker and busted his ass, and did that with Triple H and HBK heavilly trying to undermine him. So please all of you who think that The Rock doesn't deserve the shot for the title shut your pie holes once and for all! He earned it!
Your missing the point here. This isent about who deserves a title shot, its about who's gonna make the WWE more money. Granted he barely shows up, there is no bigger draw in WWE than The Rock. The only reason Wrestlemania was worth half it was hyped to be was because of The Rock. People didnt care about Wrestlemania they cared about The Rock. Nowun gave a damn about Miz vs Cena, Edge vs Del Rio or any other match. (Taker and HHH were the exception) The Rock was the person that drew the crowd in.

Wrestlemania is the biggest show of the year for WWE and they need something thats gonna draw people in and what better way to do that. And based on the treatment they've been giving The Rock i wouldnt be surprised id he was inducted in the Hall Of Fame on Saturday, wun the title Sunday, only to retire Monday night or shortly after. I really cant see Cena holding the title for an entire year and not dropping it to Rock, that just me
As someone else has stated, if it weren't for the one's who ushered in the attitude era (Austin, Rock, DX) WWE would have probably folded to wcw. More then probably actually as WWE were getting their asses handed to them.

People forget that for the 7 or so years the Rock was there, he was the hardest worker there and Vince has admitted this. If it weren't for the Rock, WWE wouldn't even dream of going into the movie industry. The IWC are so fuckin' fickle it's riDICKulous. I bet everyone saying get the Rock out MArked hardcore on his return. He hasn't even been there much and people are still bitchin'. Had he actually stayed, Id gather the response would be:

"Oh GOd the rock again? what about the younger stars? This is time that could be used for the Miz or Morrison".

I realized that in wrestling, you cant make everyone happy, but it's the fickleness I can't stomach. Ok, So the Rock may have a potential title shot at WM28. Are you telling me you NOT going to be interested to see how this unfolds? and who's to say whats going to happen between now and all the way then, unless you have a time machine that runs on weed.

As you can tell, I'm happy the Rock is appearing as such, becuz if he had been back on a full time basis, that would be it for the youth movement.....and then people would grow tired of the Rock. This opportunity given to the Rock is Probably VKM ultimate way of saying thank you. The BDAY bash thing totally caught the Rock by surprise.

Think of it like this: a college is going to show their hardest working alumnus appreciation in some form or fashion. What greater way to show appreciation to an A student alum of the College of WWE then letting him/her headline wrestlemania?

And for those who take the college comparison a little too far, there's no way you can deny that The Rock was an A student.
The WWE is building this as huge star vs. huge star. If they wanted to turn Cena heel they could have with Rock's early promos, they didn't however and built Cena up even more with some very solid promos on the Rock. In order to counter rock's immense popularity the WWE has played off of Cena's being there very week against the Rock. To me, putting the title on Cena is another example of that. The IWC hates Cena, so what better way to counter this than by putting the belt on Cena. This automatically blurs the line and puts a lot of people in the IWC pulling for Cena again. This is obviously an attempt to help Cena out even more in his popularity battle with The Rock.

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