Why Batista haters suck!!


Championship Contender
I posted a thread, about a tweet by Batista on bryan after he won the world title in 2011, just before the 2014 rumble:

Batista seemed like a complete d!ck in that tweet.

When Batista won the Rumble, it made more pi$$ed because Daniel Bryan should've won it, PERIOD!

I'm not sure what WWE was thinking, they probably thought "We'll bring back Dave, have him win the Rumble, people will forget about Bryan " or something.

And I was mad because of two things:
1-Batista sucks
2-Daniel Bryan won't win the WWE title at WrestleMania

First of all, I was never a fan of Batista. I used to always support the guy who he was feuding with: King Booker, Taker, Edge, etc.

Batista was completely boring.

He was just like Lex Luger, a big bland boring babyface.

He had a pretty cool entrance, his theme song was great, and he used to wear cool suits.

His feuds with Hunter and Taker were legendary as well.

Despite not being the best wrestler or the best talker, he was booked in a great way and had one of the greatest WWE careers ever.

His first PPV match was against Shawn Michaels, his first WrestleMania was against The Rock and Mick Foley, his first Royal Rumble win was by eliminating John Cena, he won his first championship (the tag championship) with arguably the greatest pro wrestler of all time Ric Flair, his first World Title win was by beating Triple H, his first WWE title win was by beating Orton, he took part in one of the greatest stables in WWE history (Evolution), he faced Eddie Guerrero in his last PPV...

You can pretty much call Batista a legend.

Me, as well as many others didn't want to see Batista vs Orton as the main event of WrestleMania XXX.

We wanted Bryan to finally get his revenge on the Authority.

Basically the hate wasn't towards Batista the person, it was towards WWE and Batista was the guy in that position.

If it was a part timer like The Rock or Brock Lesnar winning the title from Orton, people wouldn't have hated it as much as Batista winning it.

The Rock belongs in a very elite class of WWE wrestlers in history, in that class all wrestlers have left WrestleMania with the WWE Championship except The Rock. Also, Rock vs Orton is a dream match we never got to see.

Brock Lesnar is a freak of nature. He is arguably the greatest athlete in WWE history. He's a once in a lifetime talent.
He had great matches with Cena and Punk since he came back and will most likely get one out of The Undertaker.
People wouldn't enjoy Bryan not winning the Rumble but they would've tolerated it more with Brock or Rock winning.

Also, Brock or Rock would've lost the title at the next PPV since they won't stick around much.

However Batista just signed a 2 year contract.

Nobody wanted to see Batista vs Orton for the title at WrestleMania let alone see Batista have at least a 3 month title reign.

So back to the point, I hated Batista because Bryan won't be winning the WWE title and because he's boring.

Batista turned heel and he's been cutting good promos lately. He was really entertaining as a heel in his feud against Cena in 2010. Heel Batista is way better than Face Batista.

Bryan is also obviously winning the title at WrestleMania.

This is what Batista had to say about Bryan in an interview yesterday:

"For some reason I think people thought that I didn't like Daniel Bryan or I had this personal thing. I said a comment, I had one comment about him when he first won the world heavyweight championship and I was like, I was in shock and I said, 'Okay.' Because I just didn't get it. The reason I didn't get it because it was too soon and that's my personal opinion. I felt it was way too soon and they did that constantly over and over. I thought they, they just slap the title on people like, way too fast. It's like, I think sometimes that they used the title, I might get a little grief for saying it, sometimes I think they use the title to get guys over. I thought it just, they did it, it was premature. I never had a problem with him being you know, World Heavyweight Champion, I just thought that they did it way too fast.

"Years ago, before everybody was you know on his jock, when they wanted me to job him out, and I was like, 'Hell no.' He's just too good. He had been coming around for years and I could never figure out why they didn't give him a job, but he had come out and they wanted me to work a match with him, and squash him and I was like, 'No, not gonna happen.' He's way too good man, we could have a good match, and we did. I mean we gave 'em a version of what they wanted, but we gave 'em a hell of a match. "

And I Agree!!!

WWE has been having guys like Curtis Axel and Big E Langston have long title runs thinking the title will make them superstars but those guys have no charisma, they're too boring.

The guy should make the title not vice versa.

Everything Batista said is true!!

And him refusing to squash Bryan is the best thing he can do!!

So why the hate?
Because he is full of crap! He got the Title Faster than DB Did.........He talks in circles. Not making enough managing his digusting daugters porn career, that's why he came back.
So you're saying you suck but you don't suck anymore?

Batista is fine. I don't think he is many people's favorites but it seemed like WWE was of the opinion that he was. I don't know if that is true or if WWE was just playing the fans as excitable marks but it doesn't really matter. Batista seems to be in a good place on the show playing a role that is probably around ninth. Even the ghost of CM Punk seems more important on Raw.

Batista doesn't suck and neither do his haters.
The problem with Batista, in my eyes anyway, is that WWE greatly overestimated just how big of a star he actually is. Batista was a big star from the mid to late 2000s, but he was never on the same level as guys like Triple H, Taker, HBK, The Rock Austin or even Brock Lesnar. Another thing that's hurt Batista is that a lot of people have moved onto other guys. If Batista brought in money like The Rock, then there'd be more of an argument for him to just be handed such a prime spot. Some fans still wouldn't like it, but at least there'd be a good reason for him being there,

On the mic, Batista is very limited but he's much better as a heel than a babyface. He's in a good place right now, in my opinion, as it just seems to fit him from a more realistic perspective. I don't know if Batista is a genuine asshole in real life or not, but he often presents himself as much if you've read some of the stuff he's put on Twitter, some of what he's said about other wrestlers over the years and the book that was published. So his current character feels more realistic than trying to portray him as a babyface.
Hmmmm I have no clue what your thread is about, do you hate batista or love him? Do you hate yourself? I guess all I'm getting out of your post is YOU LOVE DANIEL BRYAN!!! Not in a wrestling fan way but in a peek in his window late at night way. You seem to hate batista when he says something bad about your husband but when he says something nice, well now batista is handsome and a gentleman. Your post should have just said I love daniel bryan...that's all that was needed.
Hmmmm I have no clue what your thread is about, do you hate batista or love him? Do you hate yourself? I guess all I'm getting out of your post is YOU LOVE DANIEL BRYAN!!! Not in a wrestling fan way but in a peek in his window late at night way. You seem to hate batista when he says something bad about your husband but when he says something nice, well now batista is handsome and a gentleman. Your post should have just said I love daniel bryan...that's all that was needed.

What I meant is it's sad people are still hating on Batista after he turned heel and it's pretty obvious that he won't win the title at WrestleMania.

Some people are so dumb especially the one claiming that a world title win at WrestleMania was part of his contract.

I hated Batista when he came back but now there isn't any reasons for me to hate him.
What I meant is it's sad people are still hating on Batista after he turned heel and it's pretty obvious that he won't win the title at WrestleMania.

Some people are so dumb especially the one claiming that a world title win at WrestleMania was part of his contract.

I hated Batista when he came back but now there isn't any reasons for me to hate him.

When a parent has a favorite child, the other gets jealous and shows resentment, that resentment generally isn't directed towards the parent, but to the favored sibling.

Same thing with Batista. WWE management clearly showed us that Batista is the favored child over Bryan, and we resent Batista for it.

Go back to when Batista first returned before the rumble, he didn't get the biggest reaction, but he was welcome back. If Batista was feuding with Triple H or Brock Lesnar going into Wrestlemania, there's no way he would garner the heat he has.

WWE management told us that they view Batista as a star and not Daniel Bryan... The Universe has been unrelentingly shoving that up WWE management's ass ever since.
I don't hate Batista, I think my only major issues with him is his lousy in-ring shape (seriously he looked winded after like 5 minutes against Orton) and of course him being catapulted into the WM main event despite not being a huge star that would warrant such treatment. Otherwise his return has been pretty unremarkable and I probably wouldn't really notice or care if he left again after WM.
It's most CM Punk PG kids that hate Batista.

The ones who chants "CM Punk" that started the hate on Batista.

But 95% of the casual fans hate him as well.

They were fine with it because they never connected with Batista when he returned.
The problem with Batista, in my eyes anyway, is that WWE greatly overestimated just how big of a star he actually is. Batista was a big star from the mid to late 2000s, but he was never on the same level as guys like Triple H, Taker, HBK, The Rock Austin or even Brock Lesnar. Another thing that's hurt Batista is that a lot of people have moved onto other guys. If Batista brought in money like The Rock, then there'd be more of an argument for him to just be handed such a prime spot. Some fans still wouldn't like it, but at least there'd be a good reason for him being there,

On the mic, Batista is very limited but he's much better as a heel than a babyface. He's in a good place right now, in my opinion, as it just seems to fit him from a more realistic perspective. I don't know if Batista is a genuine asshole in real life or not, but he often presents himself as much if you've read some of the stuff he's put on Twitter, some of what he's said about other wrestlers over the years and the book that was published. So his current character feels more realistic than trying to portray him as a babyface.

You say that Batista's return was massively pushed, but he is not as over as the greats.

Then how come Brock Lesnar got a lot of cheers when he returned two years ago, even though he is one of the most over-rated performers in WWE history, who was given every accolade in his first two years, (quicker than Batista and Daniel Bryan), and then thanked the WWE by quitting on them, and then comes back and shows up when he can be bothered.

The difference is Daniel Bryan. It wouldn't matter who returned, they can't compete for the oxygen that all the marks are giving Daniel Bryan. If Brock had come back now, he would have got the DB treatment, whereas Batista would have been cheered if he returned two years ago. But today, if you're not Daniel Bryan, you don't matter.

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