Is Batista the problem?

What's your problem with Batista?

  • Dave Bautista sucks he only came back to hog spotlight

  • I like him but he didn't deserve to win the RR and automatically main event WM XXX

  • This is Daniel Bryan's time - NO ONE deserves that main event push besides him

  • All of Triple H's friends suck and bury deserving talent

  • There's nothing wrong - I'm glad he came back and I don't know why he's getting so much heat

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The fact you think your supposed experiences at a show or two reflect anything or carry weight is quite hilarious, as if you were sitting at some vantage point that allowed you to break down the percentages of who was doing what.

There's a front page on this site with crowd reports, LaBar from this site was at the Rumble and commented on how bad things were as regards the hate Batista is getting and it has been reported on by guys who cover the WWE and have done so for decades, WWE themselves are having their commentators bring up the boo's and having both Orton and Batista address it, but no, YOU were supposedly at shows with your all seeing, all hearing head where only a portion booed and the others just ignored him altogether which would actually be even worse, thank fuck you are here to let everyone else know that really only a small percentage are booing Batista, the rest just don't give a flying fuck about him at all. Seriously, you don't know what weird agenda is? It's you making these obvious bullshit claims as some ******ed attempt to claim it's only a section of Bryan marks or "IWC" ******s that are booing him.

why does everyone on here take the term IWC as an insult? I have like 400 post on this site and visit it almost everyday. I accept that I am a part of the IWC so in no way was I trying to bash people that talk wrestling on the internet. I was simply sharing my experience with you guys.

If you actually try to understand what I am saying than it probably would make sense to you. I'm saying that only a small portion boo Batista maybe a couple thousand people which results in it sounding louder because the other 80% of the crowd is completely silent. IMO, from what I've seen at recent events, Cena gets booed by a larger portion of the crowd than Batista BUT Cena gets a good amount of cheers that cover up most of the booing. You don't need a vantage point to see that the majority of a crowd is not doing a certain chant. Its pretty easy to tell, have u been to a live event before? U can see just about the entire crowd without even standing up. My point was that, at Mania, this same small portion won't be able to hijack the show because they aren't loud enough to fill that stadium with boos. There is NO agenda here, and you speak as though I am insulting the IWC. Labar said it was bad and I agree that it is BUT I bet even he would say that not even close to half of the crowd is booing Batista, the people that have no reaction is the problem because if the WWE could get that other 80% of the crowd to react than those chants would easily be drowned out. I don't know if its only the IWC booing Batista but most of them are probably part of the IWC and the IWC in general makes up a small portion of the WWE audience. I don't understand what is ridiculous about what I am saying.

Honestly the booing isnt a problem...just turn him heel and have him talk shit about DB..problem solved. The problem is that he is so out of shape and so bad in the ring that the 80% of the crowd that isn't booing his ass is taking bathroom breaks and ignoring his matches.
I think Triple H is the problem.

Triple H just abuse his power as always.

Now he wont to make up for it buy putting over Bryan at Wrestlemania.

But we all know Bryan should have a world title shoot at Wrestlemania.

Triple H stealing the spotlight once again.
Batista's not the problem. Had they brought him back, had him lose the rumble and go on to feud with a big star and face them at Mania he would probably be getting cheered right now. You could replace Batista with almost anybody and the crowd would tear them apart. On a somewhat related note I feel like WWE has been part timing us to death lately. In Batistas defense he's not really a part timer like Jericho, Rock, RVD, or Lesnar. It seems he's back for awhile, considering he's wrestled every PPV, appeared at every raw, and is even doing house shows since he returned. That said the place where WWE really screwed the pooch was their timing. They brought him back six days before The Rumble where he had a less than lackluster return and said he was going to WrestleMania and for everybody to "Deal with it!"Then they stick him in the Bryan-less Rumble, he wins and gets penciled in for the Main Event of WrestleMania. It was too sudden and too quick. The WWE Fans spent the entire year screaming for Daniel Bryan and watching him get screwed over again and again. So when the Rumble came they wanted to finally get what they had been screaming for and it was taken away from them. Fans were left going "what the hell? I tune in every week to show support for Daniel Bryan and out of the blue some guy shows up and just takes the biggest spot on the biggest show of the year?" Daniel busts his ass all year and then WWE just brought back a past guy who was only back for 6 days and got what someone else deserved. I stuck up for the Rock when he had his mania matches and took the title from punk at the rumble, but there is a Huge difference between the star level and drawing power of the Rock. If the Rock is a box of Pop Tarts, then Batista is a box of store brand toaster pastries. If they wanted him back at Rumble that's fine have him lose and Then AFTER Mania you can move him into the title picture and their wouldn't have been a problem. It's simple, when you want something bad enough there's no substitute. Especially when it's a good, but not great substitute that is old news. No Batista is not the problem. The people who planned his return are the problem. They pissed of their beloved "Universe". I'm just glad that for the first time in a while the fans displeasure was loud enough to get to the ears of the boys in the back.
Does anyone think Batistas winning the rumble would have been recieved better if he was the complete surprise entrant at no. 30? I mean if there were no promos, no raw appearance, just no. 30 and Batistas music hits. Maybe after people would complain about Bryan not winning, but on the night I think he would have got an awesome reaction.
Does anyone think Batistas winning the rumble would have been recieved better if he was the complete surprise entrant at no. 30? I mean if there were no promos, no raw appearance, just no. 30 and Batistas music hits. Maybe after people would complain about Bryan not winning, but on the night I think he would have got an awesome reaction.

Not really. Just about everyone knew Batista was coming and going to win the Rumble beforehand, so it really wouldn't have been that big of surprise. He MIGHT had gotten a better reaction than Rey, but considering all the boos he got during his short time during the rumble I seriously doubt it.
Not really. Just about everyone knew Batista was coming and going to win the Rumble beforehand, so it really wouldn't have been that big of surprise. He MIGHT had gotten a better reaction than Rey, but considering all the boos he got during his short time during the rumble I seriously doubt it.

Sorry, I mean if it was a complete surprise. As in no one expected it beforehand.
Here's the 'Batista Incident' from a storytelling standpoint:

So we have a former WWE Superstar (a genuine star on top of that) who is making his return to WWE after a four-year absence. He's part of a big movie coming out in Hollywood, which ups the celebrity angle.
-So far so good. In a vacuum, the return of Batista is a nice mark-out moment, even though the surprise was spoiled in advance. He'll probably command a good portion of the spotlight, as most part-timers will, but it's hard to foresee anything going wrong.

Then we get rumors and predictions saying he'll win the Royal Rumble. Meanwhile, he's making nice with most of the Authority and having his sights set on Randy Orton and the title.
-A little alarming, but not by much. It;s the standard bravado on Batista's part, and one likes to think Reports can be deliberately swerved to work the audience.

Royal Rumble comes, with Batista pretty much winning the whole thing as reported. The current wrestler people seem to be behind on, Daniel Bryan, is nowhere to be found in the Rumble itself.
-The crowd reaction was more pro-DB than anti-Batista, but consider the story; Traditionally, the Hero gets his big chance to slay the Evil Empire in the big moment, a la Wrestlemania. But in THIS narrative, the Hero is pushed aside almost at the last minute by a bigger, grander-looking hero, who steps right in to claim the glory as soon as he arrives. And this is the key thing; the ONLY time you ever saw that shit happen in Wrestlemania was 9, when HULK HOGAN shat on the Main Event. Every other freaking time, have you ever seen the established Good Guy shouldered out of the way for a returning former star as soon as said star comes back? (Don't say Rock/Cena II, because if you didn't see it coming a year in advance than you had CM Punk's tights pulled over your eyes.

Almost immediately Batista is being portrayed as the 'Babyface' against Orton in Wrestlemania.
-Same problem as the Royal Rumble. Say what you will about DB being Main Event material, but the Main Event story had him there ever since SummerSlam. Replacing him with Batista- who just arrived- is something WWE has only done ONCE, and the results of that were miserable. But at least THAT happened without much warning. It's been a month since the Rumble and another month to go and the aggravation is getting to be excruciating.

As if the rest wasn't an affront to everyone, Batista shows a massive lack of stamina, if not a large degree of ring rust.
-The ring rust makes sense after four years... it's probably why The Rock didn't have it so good during his return. And it's not as if Batista had major skills as a wrestler to begin with. But gassing out embarrasingly easy when booked to win? That's just a sign of weakness, and further incentive for the fans not to BUY what he's selling. He's booked like the Big Hero but performs like he should be a road bump for DB to run over on the road to WM.

Meanwhile, the original hero of the story(if you believe that's what the story was) has now shifted from persuing the Title to persuing HHH.
-Is a confrontation with the Leader of the Authority more important than fighting for the WWE Title? I say No. I say 'No' because it ultimately defeats the whole purpose of chasing that Title in the first place. I say 'No' because you should never believe there's something more important than that Title if you want to take the prize seriously. I say 'No' because I have no faith in HHH putting DB over properly (even when he put others over in the past, you always got the feeling that it wasn't as good a match as it ought to have been. This includes his matches with the likes of Batista and Sheamus). I say 'No' because it proves ultimately that DB will never get the title unless it's a B-Level PPV like Extreme Rules(which apparently gets all the discarded resolutions or the excruciating feuds like fucking Cole/Lawler in order to make it a better PPV). I say 'No', because I'm too invested in a concrete storyline that I thought I saw as far as Post-SummerSlam.

And now Batista, after several major moments where fans took a shit on him and his supposed 'role' in Wrestlemania, is 'turning heel'.
-Batista could turn once every minute of this Smackdown show and it wouldn't make a lick of difference. Not based on what he represents and what he's supposedly doing to blockade what was 'supposed' to occur.

This isn't to say things could still change before WM. The HHH/DB fight isn't confirmed by a long shot (confirmation being both wresters agreeing to it on a show in this case). And there are enough weeks between now and WM for the story to shift. Still, it's a ever-shrinking window. And I do have to admit, if they really did go through with this after all the shitting the fans do to it...

...well, it's been a fun year-plus, but I'll have no problems dropping Wrestling entirely.

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