Why Are You Expecting a Cena Heel Turn?

The Best At What I Do

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I'm going through the Team Cena vs Team NNNNNNN thread for SummerSlam and to my surprise I see the majority of people expecting a heel turn from the face of the company himself. Please someone, anyone give me a logical reason why John Cena would be behind Nexus. They've beaten him within "an inch of his life" and cost him the biggest prize in all the WWE on multiple occassions.

What in the blue hell is his bigger plan here as leader? He wants an early end to his career? Make sure he never surpasses HHH's title count?

Just because there's an article on the main page claiming that the writing staff is considering making Cena the secret leader of Nexus does not make it true. All this "insider info" needs to be taken with a grain of salt because it's 50/50 at best. Now don't get me wrong, I would enjoy a heel turn just as much as the rest of you Smucks (smart fucks) but not when it comes at the expense of any shred of logic whatsoever. So here's the question:

How could you possibly and logically explain John Cena being the leader of Nexus all along?
I have never thought in a million years that an idiotic idea like that could work. Most of the people you see that from are the Cena haters who only enjoyed his work as the "rapper" Cena and wish for him to come back. They find Cena stale, and wish he could turn heel to "freshen" him up. WWE will not be turning John Cena heel anytime soon, he is the biggest draw they have and appeals the most to the target market the WWE is catering too these day in the children who watch the product.

Also having Cena be revealed as the mastermind behind Nexus is fucking retarted. Cena was the one who they beat down to the point where he had to be sent to the hospital in storyline, they cost him the WWE title on two occasions and have just overall been a constant thorn in the man's side. So he staged his own beatings, and lost his title matches on purpose as well as "played" along with the Nexus in their encounters just because he wanted to be the leader and shock everyone in the world. That idea may be the worst idea ever.

Triple H doesn't even makes sense as the mastermind because well he has ZERO connection to anything that is relevant going on in the WWE right now since he has been on the sidelines since April, but I will go on record saying him being the one behind it all is a better idea to go with than Cena. Besides these "reports" could be as hokey as ever, I usually just take dirt sheets with a grain of salt.
I say it could work here,cena had not been heel since I beleve 2004 and also it is time for him to turn heel and also align him self with the nexus and be leader all along or all this time I see him turn on bret hart on Summerslam and on raw the very next night he explane why he hired Nexus and after he said that the e-mail for the raw gm the IFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF YOU SMELLLLLLLLLLLLL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING!!!!! as it been revlied that the rock is the gm and orders 3 months from now is war games team cena vs team edge.
I don't think we will see a Cena heel turn anytime soon. I could be wrong and we have seen crazier things happen, but the Cena is the face of the company. I would enjoy to see a heel turn to see how Cena and the fans will react, but it does nothing for the company at the end of the day. Nexus would be overshadowed by Cena, and WWE would be seriously lacking on main event faces. Orton would be the only strong face in the company. It also doesn't make sense. Why would Cena turn heel and join a group that has repeatedly attacked him and cost him world title matches?
I say it could work here,cena had not been heel since I beleve 2004 and also it is time for him to turn heel and also align him self with the nexus and be leader all along or all this time I see him turn on bret hart on Summerslam and on raw the very next night he explane why he hired Nexus and after he said that the e-mail for the raw gm the IFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF YOU SMELLLLLLLLLLLLL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING!!!!! as it been revlied that the rock is the gm and orders 3 months from now is war games team cena vs team edge.

... While that's all well and good, you never explained his reasoning for being the leader all along. The mere fact that they have yet to tease The Great One being GM gives me reason to believe there's a possibility he might be the secret GM. And while I would mark the eff out, I still need you to answer the question or at least tell me what Cena is gaining from this turn besides "it being time for him to turn heel."
I never thought an idea like this would ever occur. Yes most of the people you are hearing this idea are definite Cena haters and only liked him as "rapper" Cena and would wan't to see him as a heel again. To the Cena haters Cena is a boring face and wan't his character to be re-done. I don't think that WWE will be turning Cena heel any time soon, he is the biggest star in WWE and as a face is selling the most merchandise which is making money Vince's favorite thing. So he will continue having Cena as a face until he isn't doing any thing for the buisness but for now the children viewing love Cena and his character is not about to change.

Revealing Cena as the leader of the group would make no sense to me. They have cost him everything so why would you make him the leader of the group who cost him everything he had. Having him stage his own beatings and loosing his title matches on purpose is a terrible idea and one i hate.

Triple H doesn't make sense to me either as the leader because he has been injured for the longest time and has had no contact with the company in the longest time. he hasn't been in connection with the business since April, and yes i agree he is a more suitable guess than Cena. No matter who is the leader of the Nexus we can't change it so in my mind whatever happens happens.
Why is the sky blue? Why is the earth round? Why is the Universe never-ending? And finally, why do we expect Cena is turning heel? Well I don't know, cause he's stale, boring and needs to let someone else be the face of the company. :icon_neutral:

The WWE creative team is smart, but they are just lazy at times. They could come up with a reason to why John Cena would turn heel and become the leader.

Maybe Cena isn't on the Nexus side yet.
Maybe he never will.

But, to be honest, I'm not expecting a Cena heel turn. If he was turning heel, then they would need a new face. And since Orton's gimmick just doesn't fit the role of the face, I think it will be The Miz, but they can't just give him a MAJOR push, so Cena can't be behind the Nexus.

I do agree with you that the article is just a "rumor". And this probably isn't true, but again, I feel that WWE can make this work, I have no clue how, but I know they can. They've done some pretty awesome stuff in the past.
I'll take a stab at why/how it could work. I by no means endorse a heel turn right now, but I can play along.

Cena turns on his "team", citing all the double crosses and personal attacks he's had to deal with all these years as Champion. How he's the face of the company, bringing fans, money, etc to the company. And he's tired of it being a one-way street. He gives and gives and they're always happy to take, but not once does anyone have his back, bail him out or show any respect. So now it's time for the Champ to exact his revenge.

Nexxus was employed by Cena to bring instability to the very company that did nothing but leech off of his popularity, blood, sweat and tears. The very company who's Chairman basically blew Cena off and admitted in front of the world, the only reason he's there is because he makes money and that Mcmahon doesn't like him. (I think this was part of the original Bret Hart storyline.)

Anyhow, enough's enough and he wanted a band of men who could back up their words. They beat Cena down to prove to CENA that they could be a force to be reckoned with. It was a test of them, and they passed.

Again, I don't like it much, but it could work.
I'm only expecting it because that is the damn NORM from the creative staff. Every time a team is put together for a big feud like this, someone turns on their teammates and sides with the other team. Look at SCSA and Kurt Angle in the InVasion storyline years ago. It was the first case that I knew of for this and sets the precedent for Cena, Edge, or Jericho to do the same, though Cena seems to be the most likely in the eyes of creative.
The only time I see even a potential Cena heal turn would be at WM27, but ONLY because it's the 10 year aniversary of one of the most infamous heal turns ever, with Steve Austin joining McMahon. If Cena don't turn heal that night, I doubt he ever will as long as his charecter stays as strong as he is.

As far as Nexus goes, there is not going to be a leader revealed, they're all on their own. IMO.
Expecting? Because most major invasion angles in wrestling (NWO, Alliance, MEM as prime examples) feature people turning on their own. And usually it's a major player. John Cena would be the biggest swerve, however, in my personal opinion it'd be the wrong one. I hope they never reveal a higher power. Even Rock, returning as a heel, would be a bad higher power...
It makes absolutely no sense for Cena to be behind Nexus. Really it's just a dumb idea. Look Cena has been facing Nexus for the last month. Going against them and getting the hell beat out of him. Yet he keeps saying that he will take them all down. Why would he suddenly turn around and be the leader of the group. Unless Cena actually took the offer Monday night. Huh? Actually haven't thought about it, but that would be the only way to do it.

It's more likely that the Nexus is working for Triple h. Many say he has no connection to the group. Look at their actions though. They've been running rough shot over raw for the past couple of months. Doing what they want when they want. Sounds like something Trips would do (Evolution, and DX). Also notice who became champ right after they started attacking everyone. Sheamus. Who did the Nexus help win the title? Sheamus. Who took Trips out? Sheamus. It make sense for the Nexus to cut a deal with Sheamus. In order to keep the belt on him until Trips comes back. That way they can turn on him and Trips can come out and take the belt. That makes sense to me.
Paradox what you just said makes very sense but, I don't know if I can see Sheamus hold the title till October because Triple H is expected to be coming back around then. It does make sense but Triple H would probably get a bigger pop than Sheamus when those two collide and cheering for a leader from the heel group Nexus doesn't really make sense. We'll have to see how it plays out. After some time thinking I don't see Cena joining Nexus at all. Maybe a heel turn in 2-3 years making some other superstar rise to be the face of the company but till then I don't see it happen. Cena's gimmick is stale, but Cena being more aggressive kind of freshens his old superman gimmick and gives him reason to be fighting for instead of out of nowhere coming back in matches. In my opinion, the creative staff wants us to think this and is going to write something up we won't expect, well I hope they don't let us down.
People asking why Cena would turn heel when the Nexus has been beating him down for months? Two words, one name:Eric Bischoff...Back in 1996, Bischoff was at war with Hall and Nash..He wanted them OUT of WCW...Kevin Nash even Powerbombed Bischoff OFF the stage and through a table..So what did Bischoff do? Joined the nWo...They already have a built in storyline for a Cena heel turn if you listened to him on RAW.

Look at all the Nexus attacks on John Cena...The first night, they DESTROYED Cena and noone helped..They screwed him out of the WWE Championship twice and noone helped...John Cena is fighting a losing battle..Cena said on RAW "If you can't beat them....." Just like Bischoff with the nWo..He KNEW he couldn't get rid of them, so he joined the cause to protect himself..NOBODY on Raw helped John Cena when The Nexus were attacking him so he got sick of always being the one to stand up and fight and having noone to stand up and fight with him.

As for who can replace him as top face? First, they don't NEED a top face to replace him...Randy Orton is already in line for the Top Face role so all they need is a good secondary face to back him up...Once Triple H returns, he'll be there so really the void left by Cena can easily be filled by turning either Edge or Jericho face or even the Miz or Sheamus...The Miz WILL turn face during his MITB run, mark my words(either before or right after his cash in) and Sheamus could easily turn face with Cena calling off the truce and using Nexus to get his WWE Championship back.

This could all lead to Survivor Series with The Nexus led by Cena face Team WWE led by a returning Triple H, ASSUMING he is not facing Sheamus for the WWE Title...If so, then Team WWE led by Randy Orton...The Nexus may be a watered down nWo but look back in 2001....The WCW/ECW InVasion...Stone Cold Steve Austin was Team WWF's Saviour..The one Vince counted on to KILL WCW/ECW..Booker T's first night in the WWF, he put Austin through the announcer's table...The Alliance had made Stone Cold the focal point of most of their attacks...Then came Invasion...The Alliance vs Team WWF...Kurt Angle has that Ankle Lock locked in and BAM! Stone Cold kicks him in the gut and delivers a Stunner, turning on Team WWF and aligning with The Alliance. Now you don't think John Cena could do the same thing? Imagine...Bret Hart has a Nexus member locked in the Sharpshooter..Things have broken down..Cena comes in and knocks a Nexus member to the floor..Cena stands guard as Bret locks in that Sharpshooter and BAM! Cena kicks Hart in the gut, lifts him up, and drops him with an Attitude Adjustment.. It would be the biggest heel turn since Hulk Hogan joined the nWo... And with the way things are going, I wouldn't be surprised to see it..Either Triple H OR John Cena are going to be revealed as the Nexus leader...And by the time Triple H returns, it'll be too late...So who does that leave? John Cena...I think Vince is finally starting to get comfortable with the idea of turning his mega machine heel.
I see it all the time on streams, and forums. "John Cena turns heel tonight" or "How is John Cena going to turn heel? I think...". John Cena will not turn heel anytime soon. Cena is the powerhouse of Vince's cash flow, and draws the current demographic more than anyone right now. He is the only young superstar, that can stay face a long time, and still draw. It's "cool" to hate him. It's fun to love him. He is the face of WWE right now and nobody can argue with it. If he turned heel, who would WWE turn to as the true face of WWE? Rey Mysterio? Hardly has a few years left in him, and can't even hold onto a belt, let alone cut promos like John Cena does. Randy Orton? The guy has been everything possible so don't expect WWE to build him as a super face. Triple H? How many times have they tried that, and just reverted back to Cena? He probably only has a few more years too.

Point being, they have nowhere to go if John Cena turns heel. He won't turn heel until they can build a ratings powerhouse like him.
People asking why Cena would turn heel when the Nexus has been beating him down for months? Two words, one name:Eric Bischoff...Back in 1996, Bischoff was at war with Hall and Nash..He wanted them OUT of WCW...Kevin Nash even Powerbombed Bischoff OFF the stage and through a table..So what did Bischoff do? Joined the nWo...They already have a built in storyline for a Cena heel turn if you listened to him on RAW.

And look what happened to WCW, it was around this point that everyone went "WTF!" and changed the channel to WWF. Also, why would they do the exact same thing that helped to end a company from the inside out.

I'm going to point this out. When did Nexus or any other WWE employee for that matter say there was a hidden leader of Nexus? Yes, we don't know what Nexus' agenda is. But that's not the same as having a hidden leader.

Plain a simple, Nexus has a hidden agenda not a hidden leader. And to think its the biggest face in the company or a person that has no connection at all to the current storyline is an idiot...
It's going to happen eventually and right now seems to be the opportune time to do it. He's gonna turn on his team at SummerSlam and Nexus will win, that is a very likely scenario. Cena seems to be getting booed by the crowd more and more, so a heel turn will keep him fresh. Imagine the reaction he'll get when he goes to a heel gimmick, the crowd will hate him. Cena needs this.
Thanks for playing along billm75. While there are still some major holes in that theory, your scenario is still the most sensible of a nonsensible situation. Cena has been helped by many superstars, both heel and face, in the locker room in fighting off Nexus. That makes it a little hard to believe he turned because no one had his back. At least it's better than he's turning heel because it's long overdue or this is the opportune time argument.

To those arguing that precedent is the reason: just because something has been done before doesn't mean it should be done again. And that goes double especially if it was nonsensical the first time around. Yes Eric Bischoff joined nWo after they beat him down. I got two words too: stupid booking. The fans shat on the idiocy of this angle and I think it led to the downfall of WCW. Stone Cold turning on the Alliance was equally as dumb and just look how loathed the Invasion storyline is now when it had unlimited potential back then.

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