Why are you a fan?


Friendly Neighborhood
I have been a wrestling fan as long as I can remember. While I won't tell you my exact age, I will hint by saying that I do own a baby picture of myself smiling at a camera, while Hulk Hogan is bodyslamming some poor jobber on the TV screen behind me (and yes, this is pre-WCW Hogan I refer too. That may be my ego clarifying the above statement).

I feel bold enough to say wrestling has been with me for a substantial part of my life, while admitting to drifting in and out fandom. I've left this fandom because of lack of interest in the product. It has been due to more entertaining alternatives. Even simpler, it's been just because I didn't live with my cable-paying parents anymore. I could have given up at any time with the entire 'genre'. Ultimately, though, I always came back to a genre I cared about. So, yes, that lead to some questions. Why did I care so much? Why did I want to come back to the fold of wrestling? I always came back for the one aspect that was present in it's founding days, present in the Golden Era, the Monday Night Wars, Attitude Era, Ruthless Agression Era, PG Era and will be present the much anticipated Groucho Marx Revival Era;

Storytelling. It's an aspect that is never overlooked, but I feel it is one not given near enough credit. It is present when we are entertained by a fantastic standalone match, but often it is a well told feud that carries into a match.

Much of what I read on this forum bothers me, because it subscribes to recycled ideas. I'd like to read them, but inevitably I glance through many posts, because most posts regard to some rehash of an angle, a heel-or-face turn or return to form of a previous era, and those just piss me off. Before I continue my stream of thought, let my just drop my rant on the above, tired IWC-based ideas.

-The nWo is gone. DX is gone. The Nation of Domination is done. Strike Force is done. Those stable/stories were great, but now they're done. Don't bring them back. Make new, well thought out entertaining ones.
-The Attitude era is gone, but the Attitude era is only a context for stories. The Attitude era was a context for stories to live in, just as a Zombie Apocalypse is a context for the stories of Walking Dead to live in. The Attitude Era is one of many infinite contexts in which a story can inhabit, and despite the commonplace bitching and moaning, you can create a wonderful, compelling story in the PG era.
-OMG guyz, turn Cena heels. Yeah, I agree. That could make a great story, if told right. Do you know what else would be great? A babyface John Cena defending the honor of WWE against an antihero threatening to take the WWE championship hostage... oh wait. While I fully admit creative has done little in making John Cena an interesting character, turning him heel is not the only option to making him interesting! Fuck!

I do get angry when I come on these forums (which is more often then my post count would suggest) and see fans complain about things like ratings. Perhaps I'm being too defensive of the product, but fuck, do you people own stock in WWE or TNA? I understanding wanting a genre to survive, but fans complaining about ratings doesn't resemble anything close to entertainment

I may be arguing a point, but all I want to do is share why I love wrestling. I am a writer (of fiction, and not of stream of thought, as may have been demonstrated) and I believe I found my love of storytelling through professional wrestling. I believe that we die hard fans are expendable at times, but I don't think that the genre should appeal to a lowest common denominator of cheap laughs and celebrity cameos. I believe that wrestling, in WWE, TNA, ROH and every other incarnation is can tell stories that are Better Than That.

I love wrestling for it's storytelling. Why do you?
It seems as I have been a fan about as long as you. The only time I ever really drifted away from wrestling was in the year i turned 21. I still watched, but I taped it and was usually pretty drunk when I got around to watching it. Other than that I have been pretty loyal to the product. The reason I am a fan are for the moments. You know the ones I mean. Like when Miss Elizabeth and Randy Savage got back together at Wrestlemania 7. Like when Hogan and Warrior squared off at Wrestlemania 6. When Hogan slammed Andre. Sting coming out of the rafters to take on the NWO. HBK facing off against Taker in two of the best Wrestlemania matches ever. The list goes on and on. Every so often we get a moment that makes you sit back on your couch and smile thinking wow this is why I am a wrestling fan. That would be the reason for me.
I think this past Monday's Raw is a prime example of why I'm still a fan. I damn near flipped my keyboard over, when Lesnar's music hit, and the F5 on Punk is one of those rare mark out moments that don't come along too often. To add to that, I didn't think it would happen, but the face off between Lesnar and Punk gave me goosebumps. Henry's fake retirement speech is another prime example of memorable moments. He had me going all the way up to the World's Strongest Slam, and I laughed my ass off, because I couldn't believe how I let myself get caught up in Henry's tears and heartfelt swan song.

You never know when another special moment or match like Cena VS Punk from this year's Raw is going to come along. And I sensed it coming, but I still thoroughly enjoyed Bull Ray's heel turn at Lockdown. Yeah, it feels like I'm going through the motions sometimes, and I don't have the same tingly feelings of wonder I had as a child, because I know it's scripted now. But I still enjoy watching the stories unfold, the drama, and watching the rise (or rises) of a future superstar.

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