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Who's your favorite Wrasslin Brother?


Dark Match Winner
Over the years we have saw many African-American superstars step into the squared circle for the WWE. Who are some of your favorites from the past or present? These are some guys I've been really into over the last 10 years.

R-Truth/Ron "The Truth" Killings/K-Kwik - I been enjoying this guy since the time I saw him with the Road Dogg Jesse James! Great mic skills, great wrestling everything in my eyesz.

Booker T/G.I.BRO/King Bookah - Same as the above, unreal unreal unreal. I started watchin this guy when he was with Stevie Ray as Harlem Heat..( HOGAN, I"M COMING FOR YOU N***** )

Papa Shango/Kama Mustafa/The Godfather/The Goodfather! ahh.. - In my eyes this man could get a crowd of 20,000 on there feet no problem.. I don't even have to look back at the old videos to remember his ho train coming out and the crowd yelling along his praises with him.. And ontop of that I though he had great moment for his size and he really was a great worker. What a pimp.

Those are just my top three right now, but I got about 50 I enjoy watching.. Da my boooys. who be yours
The Rock - Speaks for itself.

Ron Simmons - I never saw him in WCW when he teamed with Butch Reed as part of Doom and when he won the WCW World Title but in the WWF, all the groups he lead or was a part of, Nation Of Domination & APA, they were never iconic like a DX or NWO but he made them memorable & great in their own right and he turned a simple word like "Damn" into a hilarious, catchy catchphrase which everyone uses now.

Booker T - I've always thought of him as a black Shawn Michaels, not in style but for his accomplishments. Going from a tag team to stardom on his own. Yeah there are other tag team members like Scott Steiner who have done the same but this is different. Booker is African - American, not a lot of em become mega stars like The Rock and unlike Scott Steiner & co. Booker is a much bigger star and accomplished more like being a 6 time World Champion, King Of The Ring, IC Champion, TV Champion, US Champion, WWE & WCW Tag Champion, there's so much to name but not a lot of brothers' resume can compare to Booker's. He has a good set of moves like the Book End, Scissors Kick, Harlem Sidekick, Houston Hangover etc. and everyone marks out for the Spinarooni.

R-Truth - He's not in the same league as the above guys and at first I thought he was an idiot with his "Get Rowdy" song but with the right push he got from TNA, he grew on me with his skills in the ring and he got a better song. I think he could be the next Booker T with the right push from WWE, the first step would be to get rid of that awful Get Buck song he has right now, he needs to go back to the last one.

EDIT: Oh yeah, forgot to mention Ahmed Johnson, Shelton, Pope & D-Lo are my faves too.
Mabel/Viscera/Big Daddy V: Former tag champ as Mabel in Men on a Mission. Main Evented Summerslam 95 against Deisel. Member of the Undertaker's "Ministry of Darkness. Was engaged to Lilian Garcia in his persona as the "The Worlds largest Love Machine". He was a main eventer in the new ECW as "Big Daddy V".
The Rock - The man's a legend.

Booker T - He has such a unique fighting style. And also, he is a 6 time, 6 time, 6 time, 6 time, 6 time, 6 TIME WORLD CHAMPION SUKAH!!!

Bobby Lashley - Not great, but his amateur style intrigued me. No mic skills at all but His match with John Cena was very good. I hope he comes back to WWE. His run in TNA was horrrible.

Kofi Kingston - The guy can botch a few times, but he's been the most entertaining young wrestler in WWE. His matches with Drew McIntyre, Dolph Ziggler, and Jack Swagger has been fantastic.

MVP - Very skilled in both the mic and his wrestling ability, he's the hardest worker in WWE, yet he gets nothing.

Ron Simmons - The man revolutionized the way black North American wrestlers were being treated, after becoming the first African American to win a world champion in a major barand in North America.

David Otunga - JUST KIDDING!!!
I like the way Rammsteinerteen posted soo I'm gonna put my word in on some other bra's

Sheldon Benjamin.. - AIN'T NO STOPPIN MEEEE NOOOOOOOOW. Unreal wrestler. Donno how I left him off my first list. This guy is like a cat in the ring!

2 Cold Scorpio - Flaaash Fuuuunkkk one of my favorites growing up, his move set has me sold.

Virgil! - Look at all the shit this brother had to go through.. from being a slave to the Dollah man, then being squashed by Yoko! Eventually ending up in the n.W.o. as a bitch once again..

3 years down the road I'm gonna say my favorite African wrestler is Justin Gabriel though

Hey guys what do yeah think about these two? Seem like a 50 cent.soulja boy rip off.... they'd be better off wearing black ski masks and being called Doom 2 in my opinion. I hate when Vince does this.. almost as bad as if M.V.P. came out in a prison suit foo! I still like them as entertainers though.. gangsta look should stay out of the ring though and have some real gear in ring. Jay Lethels gansta as old hell and he doesn't have to roll up a pant leg or throw on a ballin jersey
R-Truth sucks its an insult to put him anywhere near the top 5 for black wrestlers, hes just a spot monkey with a scary sounding voice and way too many piercings.

for 100% black wrestlers (the rock is only half), it should be pretty undisputed that booker T is the best/most successful of all time... his mic skills were great and his in-ring work was just as good, he main evented wrestlemania 19 and was a 6time world champion

ron simmons was also a pioneer who paved the way for people like booker t so he should be shown respect, but what about tony atlas and rocky johnson? they came before simmons and won the tag titles when no one even expected it

Honorable Mention: Shelton Benjamin (was in every mitb match before 2010), Ahmed Johnson (former intercontinental champion), The Godfather (very charismatic star with several successful gimmicks), Viscera (another charismatic man with several successful gimmicks, also king of the ring winner), D'Lo Brown (would be a grand slam champion if he won a world title)
Gotta say booker T. I liked him in WCW although he probably didn't deserve that many title reigns but at least a couple. And he is one of the funniest guys personality wise in the WWE. the hulk hogan we comin for you thing. The bit where he does an impression of sexy biy by shawn michaels is favorited on youtube, backstage things he's done in TNA. To top it all off he is a very good athlete, probably the black rock. Although the rock wasn't the greatest technician he was a better athlete. That guy could go for long time. When him and booker T met in the ring for the first time. I just thought yin and yang, these guys do the same thing in their respective companies cept one company isn't here no more. Booker T to me started to get burried by his king book gimmick in WWE but before that he was always watchable in and outside of the ring.
Gotta say booker T. I liked him in WCW although he probably didn't deserve that many title reigns but at least a couple. And he is one of the funniest guys personality wise in the WWE. the hulk hogan we comin for you thing. The bit where he does an impression of sexy biy by shawn michaels is favorited on youtube, backstage things he's done in TNA. To top it all off he is a very good athlete, probably the black rock. Although the rock wasn't the greatest technician he was a better athlete. That guy could go for long time. When him and booker T met in the ring for the first time. I just thought yin and yang, these guys do the same thing in their respective companies cept one company isn't here no more. Booker T to me started to get burried by his king book gimmick in WWE but before that he was always watchable in and outside of the ring.

I totally agree with yea bro, Booka was ruined with the " All hail King Bookah!".. I really liked when they gave him the last ball to roll with in WCW.. He was the face of the company in my eyes in the last year alone and when he came over to WWE everyone was loving it. From his theme "Don't hate the playah.. Hate the Game" too his moveset with a "Book-end". Man memories..

Think Booker T will ever make a WWE return?
JYD.. Not the greatest technician but was a very charismatic star. Made big impacts in WWF and WCW, he should have won a major title.. R.I.P
As I read thru this thread I had 2 names in mind: Knowing others that would be talked about...I was thinking of guys that maybe people forgot about.

Im very glad to see at the very end: "eljay7i" finally mentioning The Junk Yard Dog!! I loved that guy when I was a kid! The dog chain, the "on all fours" headbutts, the best powerslam ever, the knee wobbeling dance & most of all : Grab Them Cakes!! HAHAHA!!

My other guy hasnt been mentioned & maybe thats because he was a heel for most of his time. But there was something about Butch Reed that I just enjoyed. Someone mentioned Doom up above, but didnt mention Butch Reed. From Hacksaw to The Natural or visa-versa... I dont know what it was- but I always liked Reed over Simmons

EDIT-present time: I love me some Elijah Burke/DeAngelo Dinero!! Can you tell Dusty Rhodes taught him how to promo??
My favourite black wrestlers of all time would have to be:

Ron Simmons, 2 Cold Scorpio and Tony Atlas. Ron was legendary. Except for his NoD angle, I never really thought of him as a "black" wrestler. He really did a lot as far as the colour barrier goes. 2 Cold was one cracked out motherfucker, but look at the gems of spot-fests he gave us. And Tony Atlas was in one of my favourite tag teams of all time.

I know in a few years, I'm going to be adding The Pope to that list, because Pope is great.
I know he's only half black, but I'm gonna have to say The Rock. He was the epitome of a superstar, and he knew how to work the crowd into a frenzy. Great on the mic, great in the ring, he just knew what he was doing and never was one to complain about the color of his skin. Except for when he was in the awesome Nation of Domination.

Ron Simmons is also a good choice too, the guy really broke new ground for African-Americans in professional wrestling.
DOOM!!!! I love power teams and they were one of the best, not to mention Ron paved the way for so many others (both did imo) and Kamala dude was a force of nature or maybe I jus remember him that way... either way, everyone else I'd put has already been mentioned so I'll leave it there
What about Bad News Brown/Allen? He was pretty bad ass with that ghetto blaster kick.


Wasn't that just a struggle fuck for Bad News opponent? In Bret Harts book he talks about this guy being a legit bad mother fucka.

Some WCW guys.. Ernest the Cat Miller or Norman Big Wiggle Smiley!
I have to give a shout out to one of the greatest african american ring performers of all time, and probably one of the first of the great african american heels in the wrestling biz, the "Big Cat" Ernie Ladd. This man was able to make the transition from a legitimate all pro in the NFL into a bona fide sports entertainer when he was nearly 30 years old after a very sucsessful NFL career. Mr. Ladd was one of the best heels in the business for nearly 30 years, modeling himself after one of the greatest heels of all time in Killer Kowalski. His athletic ability and skill on the mic made him a great star, and one of my all time favorite ring villains.
Booker T baby all day!

The Bookerman was such a great entertainer, always loved watching his stuff in WCW when he waspart of one of the most successful tag-teams of all time- Harlem Heat with his brother Stevie Ray. It was a pleasure to see T climb through the ranks of company and eventually end up a 5-tim 5-time 5-time 5-time 5-time WCW World Champion!!

In the Alliance he was great too, I loved how he debuted and the scissors kick was a great finisher, as was the Book End. I think he was underutilised in WWE, mainly due to Triple H's dominance, but he eventually got the World Title run he deserved. I wasnt too keen on the King Bookaaahhhhh persona, but at least he was getting the main event, and the less said about the TNA run the better! lol

Booker T is a legend, and as accomplished so much in the business. I would love to see him on commentary or as a GM character after he retires, he is so entertaining and charismatic. Imagine...the GM making a title match then celebrating with a spinnaroonie! hahahaha!
My two choices are Ron Simmons and Ahmad Johnson.

Simmons as a member of Doom was just cool to watch. He and Butch really worked through the NWA/WCW tag team division. I enjoyed his singles run in WCW, but feel like he never really got the run he deserved. He won the WCW WHC, and had some great matches with Vader, Luger, Cactus Jack, but he could have been so much more. The guy was athletic, big, and could work.

Ahmad Johnson seemed unbeatable when I was 12 years old. He was ridiculously huge, and I loved his version of the powerbomb. I'd love to know his story and why it never really happened.
Ahmed was radical.

But, my choice is Awesome Kong, a wrasslin sista, if you will. I love her in-ring style, and I love her attitude. In Japan, she was amazing, you should watch her vs. Hamada sometime, it is stuff of beauty.

I was always a huge Tony Atlas fan as a kid. Loved watching him on Georgia Championship wrestling when I was a kid and marked out like crazy when I first saw him walking to the ring on WWF T.V. back in the early 1980's.

Butch Reed was another favorite. Loved his team with Buddy Landel in Mid-South wrestling back in 1984. He had some great title matches with Flair over the NWA title in 1985 that were great and I still enjoy watching today !

Honorable mentions: Abdullah the Butcher, Ernie Ladd, and Bad News Brown !
I was just wondering about Abdullah, and wondered how the hell I could forget him. Probably because he's so crazy, sometimes I forget he's a human mortal.

I also wanna throw a shout-out to Kamala. He was soooo dedicated to that character, man, he never threw many technical moves at all, but MAN did I love his matches. Very, very convincing acting, the man was brilliant.
I totally agree with yea bro, Booka was ruined with the " All hail King Bookah!".. I really liked when they gave him the last ball to roll with in WCW.. He was the face of the company in my eyes in the last year alone and when he came over to WWE everyone was loving it. From his theme "Don't hate the playah.. Hate the Game" too his moveset with a "Book-end". Man memories..

Think Booker T will ever make a WWE return?

I disagree, Booker wasn't ruined with the King booker era, It was just another version of him. It was entertaining and he still put on great matches.

Him and sharmell admitted to having alot of fun during that time, And honestly, I did to watching it.

Booker in WCW was used better in ways compared to his Wwe initial stint. His time under Harlem heat made them one of Wcw's best teams. The new ''Doom'' as I always seen them, but they surpassed Doom by putting on superior matches.

When he broke out and went solo, his matches with Benoit and Finlay were great. The best of 7 series was some of the best in Wcw during the time.

His time in Wwe is NOT as bad as people make it seem, the only blemish I saw, wasnt even his fault, it was, of course, Trips not jobbing to him at WM19.

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