Your Favorite Feel Good Moment

One of my favorite moments is Taker and HBK hugging after their epic matches at WM26..
Also Eddie & Benoit at WM20..
and not to forget Rock's return...
I have a couple...

The Rock and Austin finally beating the McMahon-Helmsley faction at Backlash 2000. They just kept screwing everybody over, least of all, Mick Foley and The Rock...and then for The Rock, after one of my favorite spots where he double rock bottoms Shane and HHH through the Spanish table, wins the WWE Title after Austin delivers some awesome chair shots to the stooges and Vince. The crowd were sooo into this match which is what made it all the better.

My second one was at Wrestlemania XIX after The Rock beat Austin...for those who have seen 'The Mania of Wrestlemania' you'll know what i'm talking about. At the end of the match, The Rock leans over Austin and starts talking to him and thanking him for the awesome match they had put on and tells him that he loves him...a truly emotional ending to the greatest rivalry in professional wrestling.

And lastly, when Christian becomes world champion (hopefully!).
3 - Kurt Angle spraying Austin and the Alliance with his milk cannon. Austin had been doing the beer version for a while, and I think it was one of the first times that the then WWF crowd really embraced Angle as a face.

2 - The 2 Chris' beating the 2 Man Power Trip for the tag titles. Benoit and Jericho were just past feuding with each other and are two of my favourite performers, so to see them succeed where the Brothers of Destruction had failed was awesome. One of the many moments where JR's commentary really enhanced the moment.

1 - Sting's first solo match in TNA where the crowd emphatically chanted "You've Still Got It" *clap, clap, clapclapclap*.
It has to be the return of Bret Hart.

There are many moments as a wrestling fan that have made me "feel good", but this one is probably the biggest and most memorable.

Knowing the circumstances behind his exit from the WWE, which I am not going to get into here, it was a great moment to see Bret Hart return to the WWE in early 2010.

He never got the chance to say goodbye to his loyal WWE fans before the Montreal screwjob, and also never got a chance to say goodbye to the wrestling world as a whole, as his career was ended cruelly in WCW by the Goldberg kick.

He suffered huge personal tragedies, with the death of Owen in the ring, the death of his brother in-law Davey Boy Smith and then his own stroke.

For everything Bret Hart had accomplished in the business, it was nice to see him finally get heathly enough and mend the bridges with Vince McMahon to the degree that he was able to make an appearance on Raw again. I never thought it would happen and when he came out it was a real feel-good moment and Bret was able to get the adoration from the crowd that he deserved. It was nice to see Shawn Michaels and Bret embrace and apologise after what had happened.

It was 13 years too late, but to see Bret Hart on WWE TV again is definitely my favourite feel good moment. Bret is WWE, he belongs in the company and I am glad to see he and Vince are on working terms again, he deserves the respect he received from the crowd.
Ok this one is really, really lame. And it's not my number 1, but for some reason it made me feel good. It was when Sheamus came out with a chair to HELP Cena fend off Nexus. Cena had been getting owned by Nexus for awhile and to see a heel Sheamus, his opponent, come out with a chair to help him was just kind of shocking and a good feeling.

My favorites have to be...

-HBK saying his farewells and hugging Undertaker
-Kane saving Undertaker in '98
-Jim Ross going to the hall of fame
-Austin coming out to save The King from a devastating fate of having JBL as his special guest ref
-Cena's first World Title reign beating JBL
Another one for me would be Shawn Michaels winning the World Heavyweight Title in the 1st ever Elimination Chamber match. Shawn himself was not even expecting this, as he had come back for the One Off Street Fight with HHH and had cut all his hair off

It hadnt even grown back fully for this match, and his tights hadnt even been finished but it didnt matter. After so long away from full time wrestling, Shawn was able to roll back the years and pull off the victory. No-one really expected him to be given the title, and it was a fantastic moment to see HBK as the champion one more time.
I cant believe no one has mentioned The Rocks return after 7 long years...i had shivers down my spine when his music hit, seeing him in the ring again brought a tear to my eye. Im not one of the people who got angry with him for leaving as he had done EVERYTHING there was to do at the time, he went onto things that he felt would challenge him and now he is back...that was great.

Also the Miz cashing in MITB, yes its a cheap way to win the title, but then it just epitomised his hard work, his improvement, his dedication to the company and the emotion on his face was as genuine as it gets. It was a feel good story on the basis that someone who had been treated so badly finally managed to step above it all and get what he truly deserved
Kurt Angle vs. Steve Austin - Unforgiven 2001

Back in the summer of 2001 Kurt Angle and Steve Austin were feuding over the WWF Championship. The feud had begun as merely who could get the most affection from Vince McMahon, but because of Austin's betrayal of the WWF, the feud started to become more personal, culminating in both men wanting to rip each other apart before SummerSlam. The two engaged in a war of a match at SummerSlam, which saw Angle moments away from winning before Nick Patrick disqualified Austin for repeatedly hitting referees. Angle was pissed and rightfully so.

This lead to Angle pouring Austin with milk, mirroring Austin's own antics from before WrestleMania 15. Austin then stole Angle's medals, throwing them into a river. Angle stepped things up, kidnapping Austin and threatening to do the same thing to Austin that he had done to Angle's medals. That was unless Angle got his rematch at Unforgiven in Angle's hometown of Pittsburgh. Sure enough, Austin accepted the challenge.

Angle proceeded to beat Austin in a tag match before Austin attempted to re-injure Angle's neck that he broke during the Olympics 5 years earlier. Austin delivered a piledriver to Angle, re-injuring his neck. Angle wasn't 100% cleared to wrestle, but he returned before the night was out, declaring that he would become the champion in a passionate promo.


The match itself wasn't as good as the SummerSlam encounter, but the moment after Angle won was great. His family and friends invaded the ring as did various WWF wrestlers in a great moment. Angle winning was a great moment, especially when you pair it with the events of 9/11 just recently occurring and Angle of course being the all American hero. Wonderful moment.
Mick Foley winning the WWF Title for the first time. Everybody loves the guy, you just want to hug him, how can you not be happy for him winning the title plus he had worked his ass off for years even though I wasn't a spectator of his stints back in ECW & in Japan but I know that he so deserved to win a World Title. His post match celebration probably had to be one of the best celebrations ever, just thinking about it now makes me wanna cry. His remixed music was a good touch to the celebration, really helped with bringing in the emotions.

Whenever Austin is on top. I can't think of just one specific moment with Austin because there have been so many moments involving him which made me happy. He is my #1 favourite wrestler.

The Rock's recent return promos with the exception of the one where he makes fun of Cena by having a kid dress up as him. Rock is my #2 favourite wrestler and to see him come back for the first time in ages was just great alone but he brought the fire back with him too in his promos as he brought the passion, the comedy, the ever so hilarious punchlines and the emotions with him. I also have to include in his speech at the Hall Of Fame 2008 for the same reason, he just stole the show as always.
"Silly me, I almost forgot the fourth member of the Horsemen.


(might not be word for word)

Ric Flair coming back to WCW that night and reforming the Horsemen was epic.

but, biggest one ever:

Goldberg pinning Hollywood Hogan for the title on Nitro in Atlanta. Truly a special moment.
One of my favorite feel good moments was when bitter rivals, The Rock and Stone Cold, were singing together on RAW. "Some people claim that there's a Rocky to blame, but I know it's old Stone Cold's fault" . Two people putting aside their differences, and have a good time. It always brings a smile to my face.

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