I've got my bets on Sheamus.

King Sheamus would actually be a good gimmick to get him back into the spotlight. This rivalry with Morrison and lack of championship accolades as of late has really brought Sheamus down on Raw.

A gimmick similar to what King Booker had, but with King Sheamus might actually give Sheamus that extra boost he needs to get back up to the higher ranks of Raw, and I personally believe that Sheamus can execute it perfectly. His mic skills are brilliant, he's arrogant, cocky and he's great in the ring.

All Hail King Sheamus!
Yeah, Sheamus just seems like the one. It's way to predictable, which would also be a reason for them to pick somebody else. Sheamus is really the only one that fits it though. Hope it doesn't go to a waste like William Regal. I disregarded the Smackdown Superstars for a moment. Alberto Del Rio and Cody both fit it as well, all the others I'll be shocked to win. I'm not gonna make any bets though, because I also said I'd change my name to Ben Dover if Jack Swagger won MITB.

I still can't fucking believe that happened...what a waste two...did he keep the title for one month or two months?

Do they actually change their whole gimmick, like Booker did? I wasn't watching WWE at the time of Booker T's king role, In fact, I started watching it again right around the time he left. And I mean right after, It was the Raw after the Summer Slam that HHH returned. That would explain why they don't put main eventers in their often, you don't wanna change their gimmick to some King gimmick.

It's a shame Miz lost BOTH his contender matches, he would kinda fit that gimmick. Hell...Bryan could win it too, I mean...he doesn't seem like he can, but that guy can do EVERYTHING. It they needed him to be the Undertaker, he could do it, they wanted him to be Vito, he'd do it. I'd look kinda awkward...with all gimmicks, not just Vito, but Bryan could do it too. In fact, I'm changing my choices, I'm predicting Daniel Bryan to win.
I'm pulling for Big Zeke and see Cody Rhodes as the dark house. Sheamus and Morrison will most likely meet up at some point and have a no contest. Bryan has the US title so I don't see him winning. I predict Zeke vs Del Rio in the finals and Zeke wins after some interference from Mysterio.
Alright, so to do a quick rundown..

Big Zeke: He's the powerhouse favorite that's going to put on a good showing, but when you boil down most of the King of the Ring tournaments.. faces, especially 'powerhouse' versions, simply don't win it. Zeke will lose; but in a way that makes him look even more dominating, somehow.

I see him possibly being matched-up against someone like Del Rio in the first round, and similar to his Qualifying match against Big Show; Del Rio gets another fluke victory.

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes: How fucking amazing would it be to have a King that's "Dashing". :lmao: Seriously though, he's likely to be eliminated in the first round, against Daniel Bryan. Rhodes gimmick could work as a "king", but he doesn't need this victory.

Kofi Kingston: Kofi is the face equivalent to the heel (Rhodes/McIntyre) that's put in the Tournament, specifically to put someone else over. Kingston doesn't need this tournament to win the fans, nor does he need it to get anywhere. M.V.P would've served more purpose in this tourney, if for nothing else than to face Del Rio in their current feud.

John Morrison: Morrison has potential to be a darkhorse, with the recent victory over Sheamus. However, if he's matched-up against Sheamus; it'll end as everyone predicts - in a draw.

If he doesn't face Sheamus, or worse, he faces him in the Semi-Finals (which I can see), then Sheamus will tie their series up and advance. Another idea, that also works for each but not for winning - is to have both interfere in the other's match and help get each other eliminated from the first round.

Sheamus: See John Morrison for the most part. If he & Morrison have no connection, then Sheamus will be pushed to match-up against Zeke. Beyond that, he has no belonging in this Tournament.

Alberto Del Rio: The unliked favorite to win it all. Becoming KotR works with his snobbish gimmick, and it would only continue to shove him down everyone's throats as a potential Main Eventer. Personally, the guy is horrible.

His in-ring work sucks. He has nothing outstanding that makes him worth caring about. Wow, he's an elitist, well ain't that special. :rolleyes: I want so much for him to be dropped in the first round; but sadly I fear a Finals run and likely Tournament victory.

Daniel Bryan: Bryan is the one person I can't honestly predict. I don't SEE him winning it, but out of all the faces - he's got the most potential to do it. Bryan has been on a roll, and with Miz now being WWE Champion and Bryan being the guy he's feuded with the most, recently.. it'd set-up a perfect first title defense for the Miz.

Drew McIntyre: My wet-dream hopeful. I was fucking shocked, to put it bluntly, that he even won his Qualifying match. I want McIntyre to be the next Owen Hart/Billy Gunn of the KotR tournament. I want him to be the guy NO ONE expects to win it, and yet he keeps on winning and sneaks into the Finals, ultimately to cheap his way to a victory and re-establish himself as a potential Main Event contender.

McIntyre could face John Morrison in the first round, and with Sheamus interfering get a "fluke-like" victory. In the 2nd round, McIntyre could once again go over the likes of Cody Rhodes or Kofi and in the finals be the spoiler to a Bryan victory. Now, again, that's more than likely a pipe dream; especially since Del Rio, Zeke and Morrison are the big 3 that's been pushed lately. But it's a dream I'm keeping until he's eliminated.

First Round:

Sheamus v. Kingston: Interference helps Kingston advance, thanks to Morrison.

Morrison v. McIntyre: Sheamus helps McIntyre advance.

Bryan v. Del Rio: Best match Del Rio will ever have, while he watches Bryan go over him.

Rhodes v. Zeke: Don't ask me how, but somehow Rhodes advances.

Second Round:

Kofi Kingston v. Drew McIntyre: McIntyre wins a straight-up match, settling an old feud against Kingston.

Cody Rhodes v. Daniel Bryan: Bryan defeats Rhodes, but Del Rio attacks after the match - setting up an injury angle for Bryan's arm.


Drew McIntyre v. Daniel Bryan: McIntyre wins after Bryan's arm is too injured to stop him from working it over.
That red rep was unnecessary, asshole. :( </3

Del Rio is better than McIntyre. Because McIntyre fucking sucks.
DAMN I had hoped this was gonna be Zack Ryder launchpad to success. Guess I'll just have to go half on Del Rio and Morrison
Del Rio is better than McIntyre.

Except, uh, he isn't.

McIntyre doesn't have to use a foreign gimmick to get quick heat. Yes, he's from Scotland, and is even dubbed "The Sinister Scotsman" - but he doesn't fucking shove that down everyone's throats like Del Rio does his heritage.

Come to think of it, beyond the Chosen One/McMahon gimmick - I'm truly unsure what gimmick McIntyre has these days. I mean, they still call him the Chosen One - so I'd guess that's it, but without McMahon being used in his character, it's really useless.

Still.. actual gimmick > using your ethnic background.

McIntyre's music > Del Rio's.
Double-arm DDT > armbar.

Let's look at this in another way. McIntyre is still WITH the Company after a full year. Will Del Rio be able to say the same? I can't say he'll be canned, but I can say in my most confident belief I highly doubt he'll be anything relevant a year from now.

*sigh* All of that being said, even "I" still said I foresee Del Rio winning the KotR before McIntyre, because Del Rio is the current "flash in the pan", as opposed to McIntyre.


That red rep was unnecessary, asshole. :( </3

Because you edited and added in the heart broken thingy.. I'm sure I'll green rep you back, to make up for it.
Del Rio's gimmick is not "Mexican guy", it's "Snobbish rich asshole, descended from kings". He (kayfabe) has the power, the fame, everything money can buy, with the talent to back it up - and he knows it. He is royalty, he is the elite.

McIntyre...has no gimmick. He's an angry-looking Scottish guy with a cool entrance and no heat. The end.
I do like that side of him I guess, but I wouldn't want him to win.

Sheamus to win and HHH to come back in a KING vs. KING of KINGS match.... :lol: !!!

I agree...this is probably the MOST plausible of all the possibilities. What better way to bring The King of Kings back?? Either that, or Sheamus or someone from SD gets destroyed backstage and a new mystery opponent is brought in at last minute?? Maybe Sheamus takes on JoMo and takes him out backstage?? Then the anonymous GM makes an announcement and says he's bringing in a mystery person as a last minute replacement to fight Sheamus, someone who can probably beat the bully out of him in the king of the ring finals...and then ::cue up Motorhead:: out walks HHH.
DAMN I had hoped this was gonna be Zack Ryder launchpad to success. Guess I'll just have to go half on Del Rio and Morrison

Too bad it can't be an inter-promo king of the ring, WWE vs TNA king of the shore thing, Ryder vs Robby E. LOL. . Who is King of the Shore?
Del Rio's gimmick is not "Mexican guy", it's "Snobbish rich asshole, descended from kings". He (kayfabe) has the power, the fame, everything money can buy, with the talent to back it up - and he knows it. He is royalty, he is the elite.

Not withstanding I'm actually NOT going to argue your point(s) on McIntyre; because currently as much as I hate it - they're true, and I agree.

He (McIntyre) has not been relevant in anything since Spring, early Summer. His Tag title run w/ Rhodes was nothing more than a crapshoot. Neither him, nor Rhodes for that matter, deserved to be Champs and were nothing more than a way to make the straps still remembered.

HOWEVER.. let's break this Del Rio thing you have, down.

Del Rio's gimmick is not "Mexican guy",

But, the thing is, he is. He makes sure everyone knows it, each time he opens his mouth.

His debut - he rambled about being a better "mexican" than Mysterio.


You say he doesn't play off "a mexican character", I say he does; just through a different life-style. He plays a heel mexican, a drug cartel type almost. Still.. mexican character, when its boiled down.

it's "Snobbish rich asshole, descended from kings".

The "descended from kings" line is the only reason he likely even got put IN the Tournament, to begin with. Because it allows him an opening promo on why he's best suited to win the KotR.

He (kayfabe) has the power, the fame,

Pssh.. Cody Rhodes was voted most handsome Superstar by the Divas. Thats real fame. Not this fluff stuff that Del Rio has self-portrayed. And what power? What's he done? A bunch of running? Finding it incredibly hard to find anyone to be his partner, or trust him as a leader? That's not power.

everything money can buy,

What's he bought, that's come in handy in the WWE thus far? A flashy set of cars that he likely carjacked from Vicki & Eddie's personal collection? Until he BUYS himself a victory, namely one in this tourney, then his so-called "money" is useless.

with the talent to back it up - and he knows it.

Talent?! Where? He's average. :lmao: It's a fucking armbar, Doc. Jericho has multiple versions of the same thing, in his 1,004 moveset.

He is royalty, he is the elite.

Well, if he wins this Tournament (which I believe he could, in all fairness) he can finally say that and make it mean something. Until then, he's still holding (clutching) to a debut promo, and hasn't advanced his character since.

Also, he's not elite. Ted DiBiase is the American version of what Del Rio is apparently trying to potray.

Claims to have power & money. Check.
Can buy anything he wants, yet somehow doesn't buy important victories? Check.
Has a lackie? Check.

Not elite.
For people that are predicting matches, it'll most likely be raw guys in one bracket and SD in another, then the finals will be best from RAW vs best from SD
For people that are predicting matches, it'll most likely be raw guys in one bracket and SD in another, then the finals will be best from RAW vs best from SD

If thats the case..




Del Rio/Kingston

That doesn't match-up right, considering you'd have at least 2 guys advancing that probably shouldn't. (McIntyre/Rhodes, and Sheamus/Morrison)

Plus, if the tournament goes the way of Del Rio, and his first round opponent IS Kingston - his 2nd round opponent would be a heel, assuming it's a SD guy. Whereas on the Raw side, it could be mixed around, but ultimately still matching-up face v. face.

I have a big problem with Zeke being in this, for the simple fact they're building the guy up right now - but unless he wins everything, or is dropped out due to cheating (heavily, I might add) then any type of build they're giving him would be for not.

Zeke losing to ANYONE in this tournament, except for MAYBE Sheamus, is unacceptable in the attempt to make him look like something big. Everyone else in this thing is a mid-carder, which is why it builds up so amazing.

Anyone could truly win it, and be deserving. (Well, except Kingston - I still say MVP would likely of been better. Kingston is already well over enough to be considered a Main Eventer from his feud with Orton)
I assume the draw will be 'random' setting up some mixed matches and some brand exclusive matches (So we get Sheamus vs. Morrison but still get something like Bryan vs. McIntyre in round 1).

I'm of course pulling for my man Alberto. I see him doing a DiBiase and getting a bye to the final before subsequently losing to either Bryan or Zeke.
Here's who I don't think need it.

Doesn't need KITR because he's already a main eventer. Wouldn't do much for him.

A possible feud with Miz will get him some main event spotlight. He'll be what Hardy was in 2008

Alberto Del Rio
He's one of the top two midcard heels on Smackdown along with Ziggler and he has the best chance to move up to main event heel since Kane is the only one.

Daniel Bryan
He has history with Miz but I don't know if I would put him in the main event scene just yet. Lack of heels in the midcard hurts him a bit now that Miz is champion.

Ezekiel Jackson
With or without KITR, I don't think he's going to move up in the time being. Could push him up to the midcard but there's already enough faces and I just see him sqaushing lower card guys or maybe form a tag team.

Now on to the three who I see winning it...

Kofi Kingston
Kingston is pretty much over and has stayed over due to his feuds with Orton, McIntyre, and Ziggler but he doesn't have any direction. He just has random matches here and there. A win would help push him into some feud maybe with Kane whether or not he drops the title.

Cody Rhodes
He plays his gimmick real well but he's stuck in the same position for a while mostly due in my opinion to Ziggler being champion. A win and a IC title reign would develop his character more and who wouldn't want a dashing champion?

Drew McIntyre
Here's my winner. I guess you could say his gimmick is still that of "The Chosen One" and I thought they used it well with his feud with Kingston. Other than that, they haven't used it. If Vince McMahon wouldn't have gotten "taken out" by Nexus, I could see his influence or interference leading to a victory for Drew. I see something in him more as a face than a heel but to get to that, I think he needs this the most. I would love to see a Edge/McIntyre feud.
Had a funky idea....Pretty bad though, but it's a way to get Zeke to win...

Zeke is waiting for his match when NEXUS takes out his opponent backstage..Zeke get's a buy.. Round 2 the same, then he is fresh and wins the final in a short time...Nexus asks Zeke to join their forces, Zeke accepts...
The way I see it, Del Rio is already getting a push towards the main event, and if he actually comes off with a win in this Mysterio feud, then he'll pretty much be there. Same for Sheamus, who's already held the world title more than once. Jackson's cool and all, but I don't see him being main event level, at least not yet. McIntyre is wasted potential, and Morrison...just no. Kingston should've been in the main event at least a year ago, so maybe this'll finally give him that last boost, but I don't see it happening. So, I'll be pulling for either Bryan or Rhodes to win here, and if not them, then probably Kingston.

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