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So it seems that people on here either love TNA or out right despise it. I get the love/hate thing as everyone is entitled to their opinion. What I want to know is how many from both camps are actually watching the show?
More often then not I read people saying that I read the spoilers and it was(fill in the blank). I have never understood how anyone can get the full effect of a show if they read about it. This goes for any wrestling show not just TNA.
So again the question, of the lovers and haters who is watching and who is just reading?
Guess it goes without saying that most of the haters aren't watching but who knows.
I watch TNA Impact Wrestling and have watched it since 2003 and quite frankly TNA seems much more of a "Wrestling" Organisation than WWE. WWE was good till 2006 but from 2007 they started going downhill. From 2009 they started pandering to children. WWE stopped caring about their hardcore fans.

TNA is pretty good most of the times. Their product has improved along with their production value. TNA is growing but some brainwashed WWE marks will now bring the "Ratings" arguement about how WWE gets ratings in high 2s or low 3s while TNA gets ratings in 1s. Ratings doesn't matter for me all I want to watch is a good Wrestling product not a 1 and 1/2 hour talk fest and recaps like RAW and Smackdown.
I am watching TNA fairly regularly.

It often gets canceled on the DVR when there are a couple of other shows I need to record ... but as long as I can find it later I watch it via torrent or whatever.

The product by in large is pretty good right now. Their once strong tag team division is kind of weak, but the strong midcard, upper card and divas divisions make up for it. The fresh faces at the top are very nice to see and the regular work of Bobby Roode, Bully Ray and James Storm is amazingly good.

I kind of like the slight Sting reinvention even though many people don't and think that he has helped elevate Roode even more.

It is a good product. It definitely lacks in production value compared to both WWE shows and you really notice if you miss it for a couple of weeks and then tune in ... but in wrestling value it is top notch right now.
I watch TNA regularly and I'm one of a certain percentage that do read the spoilers. Yeah it does take away the surprise of what happens next and such, but I've always done this. It doesn't spoil much and sometimes the spoilers don't give away every detail of the program. Now mind you if a Laker or Clipper game happens to come on while TNA is on I'll switch over to watch that. But TNA has been entertaining me for the last two years now. I watched a little bit of RAW during the latter part of 2010 to about right before last year's WM. It doesn't appeal to me anymore, and I had given up on Smackdown around '05 or '06. Now someone just mentioned that WWE doesn't care about their hardcore fan base. I would like to agree being that I grew up as one of those fans, even during the dark days of the mid-90's. But the fact is that times have changed significantly since the days of Hogan and the Monday Night Wars. WCW and ECW are gone. Yet there's some form of wrestling that can be viewed on TV or the internet. I'm too lazy to search online but I'm thankful that TNA and ROH can be watched where I reside. But I digress, I read the spoilers and more often than not, depending on what happens, makes me want to watch Impact even more.
for an fan of the WWE it was difficult to watch TNA for some reason.
The first the product is good but not an pure picture.
The second is when you see an company since many years you have maybe an problem for to make a translation.
and for finish all theirs PPV have not the same level of interest at the difference of WWE.
I never read the spoilers of any shows. I'm either interested or not interested in a product and if i'm not interested I don't even bother reading the spoilers and if I'm interested I avoid the spoilers to get the full experience and i just watch the tv show. I've also been doing that for the last 5 years as far as movies. I try not even watching the commercial. With the first Iron Man movie I didn't even watch one trailer so when I watched the movie I was amazed by every moments of it.
I started watching TNA in 2004 when it aired on FSN and the matches had certain time limits.

Then, when it debuted on Spike in 2006, I was glued to the TV to watch it. TNA was something so new and innovative. They had the six-sided ring, weren't very story heavy and let their matches speak for themselves, and had some great things going on like AJ, Samoa Joe, Team Canada, the World X Cup, Abyss, Sting vs Jarrett, LAX, just to name a few.

It's really a shame to see what it is now. I really can't even watch it anymore. So much has changed and not in a good way.
i try to catch TNA on thursdays as its another form of wrestling and honestly i dont find it as bad as people make it out to be. I can see they're trying and all to put on a good show but i feel they need to push a little bit harder. the wrestling part is good with talents the likes of Aries, Joe, Roode, Storm, etc.
but when it comes to segments the could try harder.
So in conclusion, its not a bad product but its not great either.
I love TNA.

I always try to catch the Bischoff family when I can because Garrett is really underrated. He should form a tag team with Zema ION. Great potential there.

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