Who's the most skilled diva in WWE?

Who's the best diva currently in WWE?

  • Charlotte

  • Nikki Bella

  • Brie Bella

  • Naomi

  • Becky Lynch

  • Emma

  • Natalya

  • Paige

  • Alicia Fox

  • Other

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If you truly think Nikki is not talented in the ring then you really are stupid.. You're either a blind hater or you're just dumb.

You just made yourself look incredibly stupid with that post.

You're going to call someone a blind hater? Coming from a guy that doesn't think Sasha is talented and doesn't deserve to be on the main roster. You're the biggest blind hater of them all!

Before you start calling me a "blind hater", Nikki is in my top three divas at the moment.
I'm glad other people have voted for Nikki Bella too, because she has been incredible as of late. Though I am a little confused on if she's heel or face but a lot of her moments have been better.

I mean she has a group behind her, the only group that hasn't shown any signs of breaking up. Her promos are getting better, one that stands out to me is when Charlotte won the belt and Nikki congratulated her but pointed out that now is where it gets real hard! I liked the fact it wasn't a typical I'm taking my title back thing, this actually seems real. Not to mention the match between her and Charlotte at Hell In A Cell was surprisingly good, and it was mostly Nikki making it that way.

I've been saying for a while to coworkers and friends that Nikki has a great spot right now in the divas division, she is the "powerhouse." Yet recently she's shown some aerial moves, submission moves and anything you can think of!

But Brie is still a joke to me, she looks like she can't hang at all...kinda disappointing.

I love Paige, I do but her ring work has been boring to me recently. Just about all of the divas have been! Though I did enjoy Becky Lynch's interview on Raw last night, in a childish fun kind of way.
If you truly think Nikki is not talented in the ring then you really are stupid.. You're either a blind hater or you're just dumb.

You just made yourself look incredibly stupid with that post.
Says the guy who claims to not have included Sasha Banks in his public poll because he personally doesn't feel he's relevant, even though the board at large won't stop talking about her.

You're learning the Royal Rumble 2014 lesson here. You don't give people ten or thirty options, while excluding the one option everyone's excited about. FWIW, I did get an honest belly laugh when you said people must be talking about Asuka.
I'm glad other people have voted for Nikki Bella too, because she has been incredible as of late. Though I am a little confused on if she's heel or face but a lot of her moments have been better.
Not a specific accusation here at all, but it's been hilarious watching different people suddenly start to declare how great Nikki Bella's been since she dropped the title. Two months ago, saying that was a surefire way to bring on a chorus of shit posters.
I'm sorry but any answer other than "Asuka" is wrong. This isn't even up for debate, it's not an opinion, it's a fact. If you aren't familiar with her work, get familiar with it, because her in-ring work puts every single other active female wrestler on their roster to total shame, everyone's darling Sasha Banks included. Sasha Banks couldn't lace Asuka's boots, and that's not even a knock on Sasha because she's great, Asuka is just that much better than her and everyone else they have and probably the best female wrestler on the entire planet.

Just...not even debatable. Asuka. We might as well be comparing the in ring skills of Bret Hart versus El Gigante.
I'm sorry but any answer other than "Asuka" is wrong. This isn't even up for debate, it's not an opinion, it's a fact. If you aren't familiar with her work, get familiar with it, because her in-ring work puts every single other active female wrestler on their roster to total shame, everyone's darling Sasha Banks included. Sasha Banks couldn't lace Asuka's boots, and that's not even a knock on Sasha because she's great, Asuka is just that much better than her and everyone else they have and probably the best female wrestler on the entire planet.

Just...not even debatable. Asuka. We might as well be comparing the in ring skills of Bret Hart versus El Gigante.

Dude chill... it says most skilled not best wrestler. Sasha Banks has become the hottest act in the Divas division since... well Nikki Bella, but before that, not since AJ. She's got the look, the gimmick, the wrestling ability, phenomenal mic skills, and a history of stealing the show. Asuka may be the better wrestler, but Sasha outstrips her in just about every other aspect in my (humble) opinion.

I'm not trying to hate on Asuka. I too think she's friggin incredible, but she's not the only "right" pick. And I don't see the potential in her that I see in others like Sasha and Bailey to be honest. That's why I didn't choose her personally.
I'm sorry but any answer other than "Asuka" is wrong. This isn't even up for debate, it's not an opinion, it's a fact. If you aren't familiar with her work, get familiar with it, because her in-ring work puts every single other active female wrestler on their roster to total shame, everyone's darling Sasha Banks included. Sasha Banks couldn't lace Asuka's boots, and that's not even a knock on Sasha because she's great, Asuka is just that much better than her and everyone else they have and probably the best female wrestler on the entire planet.

Just...not even debatable. Asuka. We might as well be comparing the in ring skills of Bret Hart versus El Gigante.

Wrong. It says "most skilled", not "most technically proficient". Talking about overall skills, Asuka isn't even up for consideration yet. She JUST debuted a month ago. What she did in Japan is 100% irrelevant. The only thing that matters is what she does in WWE. For every CM Punk and Daniel Bryan who come from the little leagues and make it to the top, there's plenty more who don't, like Crappy Original Sin Cara and Colt Cobana.
no what she did in Japan isn't IRRELEVENT you f**king stupid troll. God, who do you think you are to completely take away her dominance in Japanese wrestling?
no what she did in Japan isn't IRRELEVENT you f**king stupid troll. God, who do you think you are to completely take away her dominance in Japanese wrestling?

I think you're missing their point. The question is most skilled in WWE. For one Asuka is in NXT which is WWE yes, but most WWE fans aren't aware of who she is. Also it's best, not best technical wrestler.

To be frank, technical wrestling barely matters. We're debating who the best is, that's overall. Del Rio is a great wrestler but he can't get over so he'll never be the "best." That's why I think you need a better overall diva. I'm not trying to be a smartass but can Asuka even speak English? Can she control an audience? Again, forgive me if I'm wrong but a lot of foreign superstars have this problem.

Also why would what she does in Japan matter? It's best in WWE, not best in the world
I'm not trying to be a smartass but can Asuka even speak English? Can she control an audience? Again, forgive me if I'm wrong but a lot of foreign superstars have this problem.

Also why would what she does in Japan matter? It's best in WWE, not best in the world

I believe she does speak English. This isn't her first time in the US, and I remember seeing somewhere someone saying she won't have the issues that Itami has learning the language.

I've seen her in NXT and she does control the audience. That mask is just a little on the creepy side and that's a good thing.
Wrong. It says "most skilled", not "most technically proficient". Talking about overall skills, Asuka isn't even up for consideration yet. She JUST debuted a month ago. What she did in Japan is 100% irrelevant. The only thing that matters is what she does in WWE. For every CM Punk and Daniel Bryan who come from the little leagues and make it to the top, there's plenty more who don't, like Crappy Original Sin Cara and Colt Cobana.
If that was the case, Trips would never have signed Kana/Asuka. You really need to learn something about Women's wrestling before making a statement like that. For Women's wrestling, Jaoan IS the "big leagues". It gets regular mainstream media coverage from the sports world. Their training camps have been likened to harsh labor camps that would make the treatment reportedly given by Bill Demott look like baby gloves. So, if you call companies like Stardom, Diana and Ice Ribbon the "Little Leagues", what then are the Divas? "T-Ball"?

For fans and supporters of Women's wrestling, the Divas division has long been considered filler at best, and pure garbage at worst. What the signing of Kana/Asuka brings to the Divas can be summed up in one word: Credibility. Like it or not, Kana/Asuka is probably the most significant Stamford has made since they signed a kid named Bret Hart in the mid-80's. That is how much the Divas have been boosted by her signing.

Her signing also opens the door for those in the upper echelon of Women's wrestling to take a shot at signing with WWE/NXT. You might get to see the likes of Christine von Eerie or The Beautiful People in an NXT ring. Hell, you could have Manami Toyota, Meiko Satomura, and Kaori Yoneyama doing one-offs without looking like the only adults in the room. Next, you can bring in some of Japan's rising stars like Tsukushi, Riho, and Momo "Peach" Watanabe, and really amp up NXT and the Divas division. It is said that Trips and Stephs eldest daughter wants to become a wrestler. Hooking her up with Riho (who had her first real match at the age of 8 in Ice Ribbon) would do wonders as she would know how to scale down the training.

So, once again, you are back at the cooler drinking up Vince's Kool-Aid. Just because someone comes from the Japanese feds does NOT make them "Little Leaguers". Especially when those "Little Leagues" have a far better track record than the Divas ever had. Stop paying attention to marketing and hype. Go to YouTube and the rest of the internet, and get yourself an education. There is far more great wrestling out there than what you see on Monday night.
I am actually not that high on Asuka/Kana, She has yet to leave an impression on Me. I think She is talented but I also think She is very sloppy and unpolished in the ring, has ltitle to no promo/speaking/English/general mic skills, dosen't come off nowhere near as badass as NXT is trying to make Us believe and IMO has a !CONSIDERABLE! amount of work to do before She can even be close to what I think The Woman known as The most talented Diva in the WWE should be.

If We are solely talking about in ring wrestling talent then Natalya is byfar the most polished female on the roster, there are not many Women that have ever competed that had the level of WRESTLING talent that She has. Unfortunately for Her She is also a charismatic vacuum, one of the most boring, bland, generic Diva's of all-time. If it wasn't for that very small fact She could have changed the game as "The Face of the Diva's Division" IMO.

But if we are talking overall talent the I think that Sasha "Very Underutilized" Banks is the frontrunner as The WWE's most talented Diva. She can seemingly drag a Five Star Women's match out of any and everybody. She has tons of charisma and is a natural "True" heel persona that few are able to obtain but much like a female version of Kevin Owens The " Smart Fans" love to cheer for Her. I think She above all other Diva's knows just who She is and because of that She was able to embrace Her character, make it believeble and elevate it to the next level. I think She could potentially become the biggest star The Diva's Division has ever seen and I just hope The WWE books Her correctly. I truly believe no matter what the scenario may be Sasha will have Her time to shine on The Main Roster She's just too talented to be contained.

The WWE has several great women's wrestlers at it's disposal right now. They have all the tools to help make and keep The Diva's Division relevant for years to come. Paige, Becky, Charlotte and NXT hopeful Bayley to name a few all have a considerable amount of talent and if booked properly should be able to take The Diva's Division to an elite level never experienced before in The WWE. I'm talking great WRESTLING matches, good characters and hopefully a competent storyline or two. IMO the future of The Diva's Division is brighter than it's ever been.

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