Who's the most skilled diva in WWE?

Who's the best diva currently in WWE?

  • Charlotte

  • Nikki Bella

  • Brie Bella

  • Naomi

  • Becky Lynch

  • Emma

  • Natalya

  • Paige

  • Alicia Fox

  • Other

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WWE Champion
Not in terms of relevancy.. Who's the most skilled diva they have. Mic work, in-ring ability, ring psychology. Take everything into account... I would say Paige, even though i can't stand her. Her mic work has been better lately as a heel. Her face promos are cringe-worthy.
Asuka, hands down. Sasha Banks then Bayley trail behind. If they unleashed Asuka on the Main Roster, it would bury the Divas. She is THAT damn good.
Nikki Bella. She's the quintessential Diva. She has the look, the character, the attitude, and her ring skills are far superior to what most of the trolls on the IWC want to believe. She should continue to be the face of the division for quite a while. She'll get that title back.
In my opinion, it's Sasha Banks. When it comes to an overall package, I haven't seen any woman on the main or NXT roster who can touch her. She can go in the ring, she has the charisma, the personality, the way she carries herself, the promo ability, the storytelling capability, the understanding of psychology and knows how to tie it all together in a way that no other Diva can touch.
Nikki Bella. She's the quintessential Diva. She has the look, the character, the attitude, and her ring skills are far superior to what most of the trolls on the IWC want to believe. She should continue to be the face of the division for quite a while. She'll get that title back.

I agree with that. Nikki has improved so much in the last couple year's it's unbelievable.. Some people may deny it but it's a fact.. Nikki and Paige are probably the two most skilled divas they have.
First of all why isn't Sasha Banks name on the list when someone like Emma is?

Anyway I picked Sasha Banks. She plays her role to perfection, is fantastic in the ring, and has a great look. I think she's the type that wherever they put her and whatever role she's playing, heel or face, it will be a seamless transition.

I also like Asuka, but I haven't seen much of her in NXT to really judge, and her style has changed somewhat. I guess to WWE standards. Watched some of her indy matches when she was known as Kana, and she is a firecracker. Probably one of the best women strikers in the world of professional wrestling today, kicks like a mule.

It will be interesting to see the fur fly when she moves up to the main roster.
It is complete blasphemy that Sasha Banks isn't even on this list. There's a reason why live crowds can't her name regardless if she's on the card or not. She is the total package: looks, charisma, technical wrestling ability, and pure athleticism all rolled into one. Her psychology was unparalleled in NXT and on the main roster I feel like it could only be matched by Nattie even though WWE Creative doesn't take her seriously.

The only other people who should be in the discussion are Bayley, Paige, and Natalya. Nattie is the best in the ring (even better than Sasha IMO) but her mic skills aren't the best. Bayley's gimmick might be the best I've ever seen a female wrestler portray and she can definitely go in the ring. Paige is wildly overrated but she has excellent psychology and is another good athlete who can put on an A+ match. I honestly don't think anyone else in the company is anywhere in their league, despite WWE Creative throwing random women in there. Brie is better than Nikki but they both suck, Naomi has a big ass that's it (worst finisher of all time), Tamina is actually pretty good but underutilized and no one gives a damn about Alicia Fox.

Becky Lynch and Charlotte are two awesome wrestlers and they're definitely charismatic as well. I'm not entirely sure why but I put them a step below Nattie Paige and Bayley when it comes to the complete package. But once again, Sasha Banks is "the man". She should be completely dominating the divison, she is truly the boss, and like I said a complete performer much like Shawn Michaels was in his prime.
Relax people.. Did i put every diva on the list?.. If you think Sasha is the most talented, click "Other".. That's why that option is there.
I pick Becky Lynch because IRA, U2, Rubberbandits, she's hot, goggles are hot, her hair looks like yarn, she taught me how to say "Fergal" properly, she looks like she actually belongs on camera, she plays the steadying force well, I actually believe her when she does something, The Departed was a really good movie, I've been not-completely-bored when I watch her wrestle, her accent is cute, and she doesn't look like a ghost OR Ric Flair.

Sasha Banks was on UpUpDownDown though, so the only reason I'm not voting for her is because I refuse to vote "other". Ever.
Sasha Banks.

Rather than just follow a set of scripted spots, she knows how to work a match better than any other diva, imo. Her moves flow into the next and she uses ring psychology with her facial expressions and the set of her body to greatest advantage.

Plus, she's great to look at and more skilled at working with partners and opponents than anyone else. She's terrific as a heel now but I'm sure she'll eventually transition into a terrific face, too.

She's got it all......and that match she had on NXT against Charlotte was probably the best women's match I've ever seen.
Sasha. She's the quintessential Diva in the way that The Rock is the quintessential "superstar", in my opinion. She's one of the best wrestlers on the roster, male or female, has a great look, and plays her character to perfection on the mic.

You may scoff when I say Sasha is one of the best wrestlers on the roster, but I guarantee, if you were to stick her with somebody like Cesaro the match would be amazing. Ridiculous, but amazing nonetheless. The only person more comfortable than Sasha on the mic in the whole division is Nikki Bella. Paige is getting there as well. She also has a great look. She may not be the prototypical pretty woman but she's in great shape, will appeal to a lot of men, and has a ton of swagger.

Out of all the Diva's, I think Sasha has all the pieces to put together a legendary career.
Sasha Banks easily but this set of Divas is probably the most talented set WWE has ever had since the days of Molly Holly, Jacqueline etc.
Nikki and then Sasha for me. Can't argue with how Nikki has stepped up. No doubt the Cena influence on her work ethic and commitment.
Sasha. She's the quintessential Diva in the way that The Rock is the quintessential "superstar", in my opinion. She's one of the best wrestlers on the roster, male or female, has a great look, and plays her character to perfection on the mic.

You may scoff when I say Sasha is one of the best wrestlers on the roster, but I guarantee, if you were to stick her with somebody like Cesaro the match would be amazing. Ridiculous, but amazing nonetheless. The only person more comfortable than Sasha on the mic in the whole division is Nikki Bella. Paige is getting there as well. She also has a great look. She may not be the prototypical pretty woman but she's in great shape, will appeal to a lot of men, and has a ton of swagger.

Out of all the Diva's, I think Sasha has all the pieces to put together a legendary career.

I haven't see much of her work to agree or disagree with you. I've seen maybe 1 match of her's and it was against Brie on Main-Event.. She barely makes RAW nowadays... And people wonder why i didn't put her on the list.
How did you not list Sasha Banks as an option?

She's easily the most talented woman (not diva) in WWE.

I haven't heard her much on the mic, but her character and wrestling ability is easily the best among female wrestlers ever.
I haven't see much of her work to agree or disagree with you. I've seen maybe 1 match of her's and it was against Brie on Main-Event.. She barely makes RAW nowadays... And people wonder why i didn't put her on the list.

In the last four months she's had 9 matches on RAW including two matches this month. Add to that another 5 Smackdown matches and I think you've had plenty of opportunity to see her.

However, if you really wanted proof you should have watched Takeover or Respect as they were both MotY contenders and a reason for Bayley to be on the list as well.
If we're including NXT then I'd say Asuka. She's the perfect package in my opinion. A great worker, tons of charisma, beautiful, and she's foreign. There haven't been many foreign women's wrestlers to grace the WWE in recent years, like Maryse and Aksana, and at least the former brought with her a unique flair and attraction to her character that Asuka brings to hers as well. And like those girls and unlike Japanese women like Bull Nakano and Akira Hokuto, Asuka seems to understand Western culture and speak English as well. Personally I cannot wait until WWE moves her to the main roster.

In second place I'll go with Nikki Bella. Nikki has improved leaps and bounds from the beginning of last year. But I knew she would after her great title run. She impressed me many times, and in her rematch against Charlotte, Nikki was the one that looked like a pro while Charlotte seemed sluggish and sloppy in comparison. With a bit more consistency and an opponent that can really bring out the best in her, Nikki will probably go down as an all time great for the division.

Third, I'd say Sasha Banks. She the other standout worker on the main roster that seems to have it all. She hasn't been as consistent as Nikki so I can't really rank her higher, but Sasha is the type of woman that if given the title could really carry it well. My eye is fixated on a future Nikki vs Sasha title feud as the best the division can offer right now.

Fourth, if I continued, would be Paige. Another good worker.
Sasha Banks no doubt about it, she is awesome in the ring. She is very good on the mic and the fans chant her name during divas matches, even if she is a heel. Sasha and Bailey had two of the best matches of the year I would have to say. I wonder if Vince is just letting us get a look at the other divas for now because when he gets Sasha into the storylines nobody else will have a chance. Sasha will be the future longest reigning divas champ in history.
In the last four months she's had 9 matches on RAW including two matches this month. Add to that another 5 Smackdown matches and I think you've had plenty of opportunity to see her.

However, if you really wanted proof you should have watched Takeover or Respect as they were both MotY contenders and a reason for Bayley to be on the list as well.

I've had opportunities to see her, I've chose not to.. In case you haven't realized, she's kinda irrelevant right now.. I don't want matches i have no interest in.
I've had opportunities to see her, I've chose not to.. In case you haven't realized, she's kinda irrelevant right now.. I don't want matches i have no interest in.

That's not really an excuse considering Naomi and Alicia Fox haven't been irrelevant for awhile now, they are on there. While you choose not to watch her matches the rest of us do. When asked to pick we will pick who we think is best. By the reactions to your poll it's obvious that you missed a couple of good people.

Sasha Banks is the former NXT champion, she also made history with Bayley in closing out a PPV with a 30 minute Ironman match. That alone should have her on the list. Fans chant her name even when she's not in the match or even the building, they want Banks.

If someone like Emma can make your list, then no reason why Sasha Banks can't.
Sasha Banks(LOL at the one who would get most of the votes not being on the poll), and Nikki Bella are a cut above the rest, in my opinion. I'd give the edge to Sasha, though she hasn't had the opportunity to fully display that in WWE so far so I'm basing it more on here NXT work.

Nikki is fantastic now. Excellent worker and a great character despite inconsistent booking.

Paige would be 3rd, though a clear step down from those 2. I think she has a big opportunity right now to really raise her game up and I think she may do it.
Relax people.. Did i put every diva on the list?.. If you think Sasha is the most talented, click "Other".. That's why that option is there.

If "other" is getting all the votes, then your poll sucks.

No need to get defensive. From your replies, it seems you omitted her on purpose even though you knew she get a lot of votes, but wanted to play innocent like you just didn't get around to her. That throw rocks and hide your hands type of stuff. SMH.
That's not really an excuse considering Naomi and Alicia Fox haven't been irrelevant for awhile now, they are on there. While you choose not to watch her matches the rest of us do. When asked to pick we will pick who we think is best. By the reactions to your poll it's obvious that you missed a couple of good people.

Sasha Banks is the former NXT champion, she also made history with Bayley in closing out a PPV with a 30 minute Ironman match. That alone should have her on the list. Fans chant her name even when she's not in the match or even the building, they want Banks.

If someone like Emma can make your list, then no reason why Sasha Banks can't.

Let me be really simple here.. I missed some good people, i didn't want to put every diva on the list... If you think someone is the best who's not on that list, click "Other", like most people did... I put that option simply because i didn't put every diva in the poll... This is a poll i created, If i don't watch her matches i'm not going to put her on the list. No need to cry about 1 person not being on the list.

I hope you got it now.

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