Who's the dullest?

I completely agree with Tensai and Del Rio. It pisses me off that he's in main events so often. I just don't see what's entertaining about this guy. Nothing he does entertains me. He slows down matches (not in a paced old school rhythmic type of way.... in a turtle type of way) and he has not evolved his character even a little since debuting. Same lines, same talk, same key words in every promo he does.

Tensai speaks for himself. I'm sure he's a talented guy... but he's still Albert to everyone and there's no getting around that. The white man being asian gimick doesn't work on any level either. So it's boring.

Santino is bland. There was a time he was a little entertaining. At elimination chamber is when I officially became sick of him. The fact that it went down to him in the final two pissed me off. Who would possibly believe he could win that thing and why was he in it in the first place. Makes a joke of all his opponents that night. Since then, I think most people would agree he's been overused and the result is his comedy not being funny at all any more. Without that, he's useless.

Zack Ryder does nothing for me either. Never liked him, but I always understood why fans loved him. He was an internet darling and his over the top persona was something needed in a wrestling world with so few characters. But since the Eve storyline ended, his pops have been nowhere near the same and I think everyone's starting to come to the point where they realize what I've known (and I'm sure many others as well) for a while... in reality he sucks. The character has played out and soon the merch will stop selling.

Big Show. McMahon said it right in a promo a while back: he hasn't been relevant since 1999. Nuff said. And yet he's still in the main even picture?

Brodus Clay. Hated the gimick from day one. Kids love him though, so I understand why they keep him on. Smart booking to make money from kids. But he does nothing for me. And he loses every big match he's in, so why should I invest in his character?

PTP. They wrestle well enough. But gosh do they need a manager to do the talking for them again. Their promos are TERRIBLE.

Usos. Again, they wrestle well. But the problem comes when they haven't done anything to warrant me being interested in them. So for now, they're bland.

R-Truth. His heel work when he introduced little Jimmy was great stuff. I loved it. But when they turned him face and turned the little Jimmy thing into a joke, I was done. It was clearly working. He was getting legit heat... something that hasn't happened in a while in WWE til Punk recently. So why the heck did they turn him? To turn him into a joke, apparently. Sure he can't wrestle very well, but at least he was entertaining on the mic.

Otunga: He sucks in the ring. He sucks on the mic. He's not intimidating even with how ridiculously in shape he is in. The lawyer persona means nothing to me. You know he's not going to win whatever match he's in. Complete waste of space.

Three Man Band: Heath Slater on his own fighting legends was hilarious. Classic stuff. Actually, what I looked forward to most each night. lol. But since forming that "faction" it's been awful. Who in their right mind thought it would be a good idea?

Teddy Long: Not a wrestler. But still regularly featured. He should be off screen by this point. Should've been off screen a LOONG time ago. Who honestly wants him on TV still?

Jack Swagger: He's been off tv for a while so hopefully they'll completely repackage him. But when he was on TV he did nothing for me. Didn't care to see him. His in ring skills are way overrated. And he just has a weird look. Top that off with horrible mic skills and you got yourself a dull wrestler. I want to hope that a repackage will work, but honestly I'm guessing he'll make a return where he owns jobbers for a good two months before entering a pointless rivalry with a lost midcarder who also used to have potential (Miz?)

This whole diatribe basically says that the entire midcard sucks. The midcard makes up the majority of the show. If most of the show sucks in your opinion, why would you even bother to watch it?
Del rio- Has no personality or charisma everything he says is so vague and ether unenthusiastic or he looks like hes trying to get way to into it. Just awful. Jinder is basically the same.

Cena's in ring is god awful. Yes when paired with an exceptional opponent he can put on a reasonable good match but its rarely him who makes the match and when you compare his "Great matches" to the great matches of his opponents theirs a giant quality gap. His promos Ill give are dull because he has to keep this whole good guy shit to stay at the top and lets be honest much as I dislike him I have to admit its a smart way to make money, anyone would do it.

They dont get discussed much but I'll throw them in. Micheal Mguillcutty and Tyler Black Seth whats his face, I watched their promo together on NXT the other week it was so cringe worth I had to skip it.

to be fair i didnt pick cena because i thought that goes without saying lol nah i think cenas stale rather then dull he has the potential to be entertaining but as you said he has to be a good guy hes the face of the wwe and they cant tarnish their child friendly squeaky clean image in any way its laughable really when i see cena head to the ring while the crowd boos the hell out of him he grabs the mic and says somthing like thats music to my ears or whatever basically he kisses their ass for booing him thats not the reaction fans want they want him to hate them back its how it works but yeah when i see him do fan ass kissing promos like this i change the channel but because they make me cringe rather then bore me
i say sheamus although he is my dp, he is the worst he comes out with his dumb tough irish gimmick its the same shit every weak even his entrance annoys me I just wanna change the channel when he comes out
WWE is boring right now. Almost everybody is dull. But maybe we should blame where it is due. At the top. CM Punk. As a leader, why is he allowing the product to be so dull. I dont think there is anything unique or interesting about Punk. Guys like Ausitn and HBK and Hogan helped book the product when they were on top. HBk got fined for some of the stuff he said and did. They put themselves into making the product and their characters feel real. The blame is always on the top. Punk.
Ryback. He's the most limited wrestler to set foot in WWE since Ultimate Warrior. The instant his music hits, I stop watching.
Ryback. He's the most limited wrestler to set foot in WWE since Ultimate Warrior. The instant his music hits, I stop watching.

I think you are an idiot. Good thing you don't book wrestling as a profession. Ryback is probably the only character garnishing interest and momentum at this point, just as Warrior was a huge draw in 1990. Let this Aquaman character book WWE and he will turn it into an Indy type promotion with Cody Rhodes and Kofi Kingston headlining with no one watching. Limited wrestling moves as no bearing on the interest of the product. Its entertainment and guys that look larger than life can do more than someone that looks like an average joe.
Alberto Del Rio, no doubt. When he speaks, it's cheesy as hell. Like on SmackDown this week, he grabs a mic and all he says is, "We'll do this on my terms, not yuurrs!!" And that's it! So cliche and takes interest away.
Del Rio's grasp of English kills it for me. He needs a mouth piece. His feud with Punk was almost unwatchable because he had no businesses being in there with him holding a microphone, and don't even get me started on the feud with Sheamus.

Why he is still shoved down our throats as a legit main event attraction is beyond me.
Why he is still shoved down our throats as a legit main event attraction is beyond me.

It's because the company has made a huge investment in him, hoping fans would take to a man who is a consummate ring worker, a guy who truly knows how to work a match. No pyrotechnics, no dazzling flying maneuvers, no glitz, no glamour (except his cars). His personality is that of an "exquisite bastard," a country gentleman who deigns to grace us with his presence. Remember the initial promos from his hacienda? Sort of a Hunter Hearst Helmsley from 1995; a Mexican blueblood.

Has it worked? Probably not. Many of the folks who come to arena don't have the patience to watch a technician work a match; if the contest goes over 5 minutes, they're looking anywhere but the ring (and those are the people in the front row seats we can see on out TV.....heaven knows what the fans in the cheap seats are doing). Watching Del Rio give and take isn't something that gets them excited. Too bad.

Perhaps WWE was foolish to think they could get fans to buy into a guy like Del Rio. I think he's terrific; I love the methodical way he works a match, but I fully understand that many folks find him boring.

Again, it's too bad......but given the time and money the company has spent on him, I doubt they'll give up anytime soon. Already, he's being depicted as more aggressive, given more to sneak attacks and trash talking. They'll keep trying things until his contract runs out.
I have to be honest, most of WWE's programming is boring right now. I'm still watching, hoping I'll see a change...but I'm not that confident.

They ruined CM Punk's character. WWE had a great chance to really do some great things with Punk last summer, and they crapped the bed on it.

They should have run with Punk rebelling against the status quo, and dropping pipe bombs that broke the "4th wall". And they should have turned Cena heel.

But most of all, they need to learn to stick with a storyline long enough to see where it goes. WWE thinks that no one is watching because a storyline is boring, and so they change gears. But the truth is, no one is watching because the WWE doesn't let a story marinate.

Had they done what I suggested last summer, and stuck with Punk as a rebel and turned Cena heel....and stuck with that for awhile, it would have paid off in the ratings. Instead, we're stuck with this Ryback garbage, CM Punk as a typical whiney heel, and more of the same kiddie crap from John Cena.

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