Who's the dullest?


Pre-Show Stalwart
ok simple question who do you think is the dullest wrestler in wwe right now and why? i dont mean who dont ya like i mean who bores the hell out of ya and makes you flick through the channels when they are on my choice would be mark henry his matchs usually seem so slow and boring he just hits a power move then trudges round the ring for a while at a snails pace it looks like he cant even be bothered and although i usually enjoy his matchs i also find randy orton to be a bit dull aswell he just doesnt seem to have any personality so who do you find boring?
Your choice is interesting since Mark Henry hasn't been on TV for this whole year. But I have three people that when they come on I automatically turn the channel and they are Tensai and Del Rio and Randy Orton as well those three bore the shit out of me in every way on the mic and in the ring the only entertaining things between the three of them are when ADR tries that move where the oponent is on the ropes and he runs and goes flying out of the ring that always cracks me up and I like how Orton can hit the RKO out of nowhere but I never get to see it cuz i've turned the channel
So dull persona.. Not gives boring matches?..

I'd put in a nomination for Kofi Kingston.. He is currently trying to pull off the
butter wouldn't melt in his mouth', 'John Cena', 'eat your vitamins and say your prayers' face.. It's boring and limited for a midcarder who needs to stand out if he wants to be big. Clapping your hands and going 'BOOM' is plain dumb. It's only the fact he has an excellent in ring ability which saves his career so far. They need to let him talk more and let his character become more intense.

But ultimately.. Jinder Mahal is the dullest human on the WWE roster.. He has zero 'it factor'.. Boring move set, no mic skills, no gimic, no look, no character. And now the 3MB... The only reason the WWE keeps him on the roster is $$ from India tours.
my choice would be mark henry his matchs usually seem so slow and boring he just hits a power move then trudges round the ring for a while at a snails pace it looks like he cant even be bothered
For 95% of Mark Henry's career this was true. His run in 2011/12 was the best work of his career though, and as he's not even been on the active roster for the better part of 2012, he really should be nowhere near this thread.

I have three people that when they come on I automatically turn the channel and they are Tensai and Del Rio and Randy Orton as well those three bore the shit out of me in every way on the mic and in the ring the only entertaining things between the three of them are when ADR tries that move where the oponent is on the ropes and he runs and goes flying out of the ring that always cracks me up and I like how Orton can hit the RKO out of nowhere but I never get to see it cuz i've turned the channel
There is not a single mark of punctuation in this post. Oh no, there's an apostrophe, my bad. I'll give you Tensai, without even so much as a fight. Del Rio, no matter what you think of his promo work, is always good enough in the ring to not be considered the dullest guy in WWE. I personally like him, now that he's nowhere near Raw's main event, the WWE Championship, or CM Punk. His feud with Sheamus was great, and while I wanted it to develop going into Hell in a Cell, still one of the better match-ups of the year.

I don't think I'll ever understand the hate a lot of people on this forum have for Randy Orton. Maybe you shouldn't turn the channel...

I'd put in a nomination for Kofi Kingston.. He is currently trying to pull off the butter wouldn't melt in his mouth', 'John Cena', 'eat your vitamins and say your prayers' face.. It's boring and limited for a midcarder who needs to stand out if he wants to be big. Clapping your hands and going 'BOOM' is plain dumb. It's only the fact he has an excellent in ring ability which saves his career so far. They need to let him talk more and let his character become more intense.
Kofi Kingston was the highlight of my week. Excellent promos on both Raw and Main Event, a great title victory against the Miz, and we continue to see him develop. At the very least, as you said, he's great in the ring and extremely fun to watch. So why is he anywhere near a thread about the dullest performers in the WWE?

But ultimately.. Jinder Mahal is the dullest human on the WWE roster.. He has zero 'it factor'.. Boring move set, no mic skills, no gimic, no look, no character. And now the 3MB... The only reason the WWE keeps him on the roster is $$ from India tours.
This might be true. I was starting to like Heath Slater, and his affinity for making me hate him week after week. It's a risky, short-term gimmick, but it was working for him. 3MB is the worst thing I've seen in wrestling since the gassy Natalya angle.

I've never turned off wrestling in anger or boredom. But the one guy I go out of my way not to see is Zack Ryder. His gimmick is over-played and annoying as hell. I can't get through a single episode of his YouTube show. His fans on Twitter are some of the more annoying people I've interacted with. He's received observed exposure from guys like John Cena, CM Punk and Kane. And he doesn't even have a redeemable in-ring quality in his bones. He's not terrible, but he's never been that good either. Since he got popular, all they let him do is go out there and hit his crowd-popping moves and call it a day anyways. I see Ryder, and I don't want to be watching the show anymore. It's that simple.
I find Randy Orton extremely dull at the moment..I am sure he`ll agree.
Same goes for Sheamus...very dull character, I skip quite some of his stuff now.
Del Rio is as boring as it gets. Too bad, there was so much potential here, WWE ruin this, the gimmick is actually pretty good.
Then you have Cena of course. I`m sorry, every time he speaks, he sounds phony to me..we get he loves wwe and all, but saying it over and over again is boring. Terribly dull individual but it`s not as if they have any alternatives.
And finally, the Big Show. His latest heel run is dull. Every time Show turns heel, we hear the same thing,we are hearing the same stuff than 10 years ago. The days of selling him as a monster are long gone. They don`t even book him well. I reach for the remote each time I hear his music.
I`m sure there are many more(Jinder Mahal?Tensai?), but these are the one with too much TV time.
It's difficult to pick. I'll just have to go through a few:

Alberto Del Rio - Easily near the top of the list. Exchangeable promos, incredibly limited range, no development. His work in the ring is good and sometimes very good, but because his ability in all other areas is so bad I can't invest in what he does in the ring. I don't care about whether he wins or not, and by association everything he does becomes instantly boring and will do until some major change is installed in the way in which WWE present him.

Brodus Clay - His act is as stale as the crust of bread I found down the side of my couch yesterday. His in ring work is very, very limited. I see no reason for anybody with a thinking mind to care what Brodus Clay happens to do any more. He's been led into stagnancy.

Randy Orton - It's the same thing as Del Rio. He can potentially be a tear-away in the ring, but because there has been no effort to move his character along in any way in the last two entire years, there's nothing for me to bother caring about. It's more of a shame because there have been times in the past where Orton used to be a versatile interesting character who was quite a good talker, but those days are long gone and WWE are content to let people give Orton the pavlov dog pop when he comes out.

Big Show - He's another one like Del Rio that never seems to say anything worth hearing. But to top it off he's usually not a hoot to watch in the ring. He's alright within his means, but his means are limited and that means so is his ring work. Big Show has got one thing that'll always work for him - he's really big. But he hasn't got much else.

Ziggler - This one might be a bit more personal, but maybe not. Absolutely nothing about this guy interests me in any way. He would have been on the list earlier but I actually forgot he even existed. The ironic part is that Dolph Ziggler would have himself be known as a 'show-stealer'. He's never stolen any show that I've watched. Whenever he gets a microphone it sounds like a load of over-rehearsed generic hogwash, and in the ring he's very animated I'll admit, but not exciting. I fully except that this man will flounder and fail if he is made world champion, in my eyes he'll never be ready and he may be the top dog of my most dull list.
Big Show : He's big. He delivers chops to the chest pretty well. End of Story. Won't even let Kane chokeslam him properly.

Tensai : Should've been brought back as a legit bodyguard. It suits his stature and would've drawn a lot of heat.

Santino Marella : No he doesn't crack me up. I may be 20, but I've seen funnier stuff that's worth the laughs. Black Adder ring a bell?

Brodus Clay : Uninteresting. Should've been heel. Although I did like him when he confronted Big Show.
There are a few WWE stars that are very dull and boring.
Some of those are actually a hell of a talent - such as The Miz. The Miz needs a new character change because he is the most dull at the moment and that is really unfortunate because he has all the tools to be a star.

I guess what I am saying is the dullest people in WWE are The McMahons who are the ones who rubber stamp everything - and make talents like the Miz and Dolph Ziggler look shit.
Randy Orton hands down. Boring on mic, sucks as a face, and boring ass move set (especially his DDT from the ropes sucks as much as the 619 does).
The kiddies would surely disagree with me, but I'm bored silly by Rey Mysterio. It's the same damn thing, week after week, year after year.

For me, this opinion is fortified by the notion that his small size makes all his offensive moves unlikely. Can you imagine him in a shoot fight against any normal sized wrestler? I'm talking about one where the other guy isn't scripted to stand in one place to allow Rey to deliver his flying maneuvers. For pro wrestling to capture one's attention, it at least has to look believable. With Rey, it doesn't......and the fact he hasn't changed his routine a bit all these years makes it boring as hell.

Sure, the 619 was interesting the first 6000 times we saw it. Now, it makes my skin crawl.
Del Rio - dull on the mic yes but good in the ring.

Sheamus - not the most entertaining and can be quite samey but nowhere near the dullest in my opinion.

Zack - more annoying than dull for me.

Miz - himself and Kofi have an interesting feud building. Yes, he's had a bad year but he can be good.

Orton - dull promos 8 out of 10 times and samey in the ring but not the dullest.

Rey - I'm kinda fed up with him too and find him a bit unbelievable (though there is an argument for that being his appeal, that appeal ended after his first World title run for me) but I am interested in his tag team and potential feud with Sin Cara.

For me the single most utterly dull and a must on the fast forward button is David Otunga. terrible in the ring and on the mic. Even when he's in an interesting storyline he still bores the crap out of me.
Vickie Guerrero. Does she count as a wrestler?

Just because she screams at the top of her lungs and acts like she's a good heal, doesn't mean she is, nor does it even me she interests me. It honestly seems like it's been the exact same stuff with Vickie, ever since she entered the WWE a long while ago.

She annoys me, and she bores me. Her promos are just so repetitive, and at the same time they're simply annoying. She doesn't get boo'd because she's a good heel, she gets boo'd because she's a horrible on screen character, and she can't act. Her character is so dull, and nothing has ever changed about it. Maybe if they gave her character a change, turned her face or whatever, but right now she's just a big old bore.
It is by far..nobody come close.The Great Khali.

1.Cant promo
2.Horible mouthpiece,only guy who might of been able to keep him in the main event is
Paul E. Heyman
3.Matches are def bathroom breaks
What I get from this is if you do 1,000 high spots and flips each match,is considered a spot monkey and have worked for any ex indy group/ROH before coming to WWE than you're great.

But if you actually are over,know how to work and know how to sell,use psychology and tell stories in matches like Orton or ADR do,than you suck and are boring. Sure.

And btw,the main guy imo is Ziggler. Hes all chinlocks and name one show hes yet to 'steal?" He couldnt do it w/ Punk,Sheamus or Jericho. And it wasnt any of those guys' faults either. The closest one arguably was NOC last month with guess who? Orton.
Your choice is interesting since Mark Henry hasn't been on TV for this whole year. But I have three people that when they come on I automatically turn the channel and they are Tensai and Del Rio and Randy Orton as well those three bore the shit out of me in every way on the mic and in the ring the only entertaining things between the three of them are when ADR tries that move where the oponent is on the ropes and he runs and goes flying out of the ring that always cracks me up and I like how Orton can hit the RKO out of nowhere but I never get to see it cuz i've turned the channel

I completely agree with Tensai and Del Rio. It pisses me off that he's in main events so often. I just don't see what's entertaining about this guy. Nothing he does entertains me. He slows down matches (not in a paced old school rhythmic type of way.... in a turtle type of way) and he has not evolved his character even a little since debuting. Same lines, same talk, same key words in every promo he does.

Tensai speaks for himself. I'm sure he's a talented guy... but he's still Albert to everyone and there's no getting around that. The white man being asian gimick doesn't work on any level either. So it's boring.

Santino is bland. There was a time he was a little entertaining. At elimination chamber is when I officially became sick of him. The fact that it went down to him in the final two pissed me off. Who would possibly believe he could win that thing and why was he in it in the first place. Makes a joke of all his opponents that night. Since then, I think most people would agree he's been overused and the result is his comedy not being funny at all any more. Without that, he's useless.

Zack Ryder does nothing for me either. Never liked him, but I always understood why fans loved him. He was an internet darling and his over the top persona was something needed in a wrestling world with so few characters. But since the Eve storyline ended, his pops have been nowhere near the same and I think everyone's starting to come to the point where they realize what I've known (and I'm sure many others as well) for a while... in reality he sucks. The character has played out and soon the merch will stop selling.

Big Show. McMahon said it right in a promo a while back: he hasn't been relevant since 1999. Nuff said. And yet he's still in the main even picture?

Brodus Clay. Hated the gimick from day one. Kids love him though, so I understand why they keep him on. Smart booking to make money from kids. But he does nothing for me. And he loses every big match he's in, so why should I invest in his character?

PTP. They wrestle well enough. But gosh do they need a manager to do the talking for them again. Their promos are TERRIBLE.

Usos. Again, they wrestle well. But the problem comes when they haven't done anything to warrant me being interested in them. So for now, they're bland.

R-Truth. His heel work when he introduced little Jimmy was great stuff. I loved it. But when they turned him face and turned the little Jimmy thing into a joke, I was done. It was clearly working. He was getting legit heat... something that hasn't happened in a while in WWE til Punk recently. So why the heck did they turn him? To turn him into a joke, apparently. Sure he can't wrestle very well, but at least he was entertaining on the mic.

Otunga: He sucks in the ring. He sucks on the mic. He's not intimidating even with how ridiculously in shape he is in. The lawyer persona means nothing to me. You know he's not going to win whatever match he's in. Complete waste of space.

Three Man Band: Heath Slater on his own fighting legends was hilarious. Classic stuff. Actually, what I looked forward to most each night. lol. But since forming that "faction" it's been awful. Who in their right mind thought it would be a good idea?

Teddy Long: Not a wrestler. But still regularly featured. He should be off screen by this point. Should've been off screen a LOONG time ago. Who honestly wants him on TV still?

Jack Swagger: He's been off tv for a while so hopefully they'll completely repackage him. But when he was on TV he did nothing for me. Didn't care to see him. His in ring skills are way overrated. And he just has a weird look. Top that off with horrible mic skills and you got yourself a dull wrestler. I want to hope that a repackage will work, but honestly I'm guessing he'll make a return where he owns jobbers for a good two months before entering a pointless rivalry with a lost midcarder who also used to have potential (Miz?)
I hate to say The Miz because I used to think he was amazing and he was one of the reasons I got back into watching this bullshit. But, I will. The Miz is terribly boring these days, just a monotone, blah.
Has to be Alberto Del Rio. I just don’t like watching him. I can’t get into his character. I just don’t get it. He's a heel but just come of whinny. Kind of like Christian's old gimmick. Every time Rio is wrestling I change it, no matter who it is.
Del rio- Has no personality or charisma everything he says is so vague and ether unenthusiastic or he looks like hes trying to get way to into it. Just awful. Jinder is basically the same.

Cena's in ring is god awful. Yes when paired with an exceptional opponent he can put on a reasonable good match but its rarely him who makes the match and when you compare his "Great matches" to the great matches of his opponents theirs a giant quality gap. His promos Ill give are dull because he has to keep this whole good guy shit to stay at the top and lets be honest much as I dislike him I have to admit its a smart way to make money, anyone would do it.

They dont get discussed much but I'll throw them in. Micheal Mguillcutty and Tyler Black Seth whats his face, I watched their promo together on NXT the other week it was so cringe worth I had to skip it.
My choice, and don't kill me, is Cody Rhodes. I don't think thats his fault but more the character that he has been dealt. He has grown stale over time and its pretty ridiculous. I think the Cody/Sandow team was more to benefit Cody. A shame because he is a magnificent performer but just has a broke dick gimmick.

On the real though I would have to nominate Khali or Mahal. Its not that they are foriegn, they are just boring and suck.
I'd agree with you @Kidmetal24, I thought rohdes did well with his Dashing and undashing gimmicks but now hes just a generic heel with no story or foreseeable reason to feud anyone.
Randy Orton, Tensai and Ryder. Orton has been boring since his face turn, Tensai is terrible in every way and Ryder is just a cartoon character who I don't find entertaining at all. Santino is also a joke character but at least he's hilarious.
The only problem with Randy Orton is he wins too frequently in the same fashion. It seems the WWE is keeping him on the top shelf as an untounchable because of the fear they may need to replace Cena one day. If the WWE resigned to the fact he is never going to be 'over' in the way of a Cena, Austin or Rock and let him get beat and let him actually feud. Orton could add great value to the upper mid card ranks. He has talent with an ok look.

Tensai has no gimic at all.. Which is a shame, because Tensai puts on some great matches for such a large body. He has timing and does pull off aggression which really should sell for somebody with his size (if he had the gimic). They would be better letting him turn into a monster without the Japanese gimic.

Zac Ryder is what he is.. Dull.. yes.. for the kids.. yes... Ryder doesn't really have the in ring talent or look to go places so I don't think anyone should expect much more from him.. I see better in ring skills and a brighter future from Santino.
The Big Show - The very essence of "dull" to me. Every match that Big Slow has been in that hasn't been a triple threat or hasn't involved CM Punk has been awful, boring, & obnoxious since roughly 2010. He should retire.....SOON.

Sheamus - His matches, especially PPV, are usually pretty good. But ANYTIME he picks up a mic or does something non-physical I want to scream! The poor acting, terrible babyface act, his accent, I don't know but it is all just so boring & repetative. Even him kicking people in the face after shouting "Brogue" has become annyoing & stale.

3MB - I almost had a glimmer of hope when they had the segment in the bar & it reminded me of a classic WWF/WCW 90's promo but it not only became stupid & boring very fast but the faction itself is so beyond terrible that it isn't even exciting to make fun of or entertain the idea of enjoying. The idea is bad & the performance & execution is ALOT worse. I wouldn't be suprised if McItyre is gone soon, Mahal should have never been hired for any other reason that to team with Khali, & Slater is no leader of any kind.
Triple H. I know a lot of people will disagree with me. I just never got his appeal. I thought he was boring in the ring and on the mic.
These are the top 3 current stars that makes me switch channels everytime they're on:

Alberto Del Rio - Mediocre wrestler, very very horrible talker. (Calling other wrestlers "little girls" is the best he could do... I mean seriously... lol)

Miz - This guy needs to turn face badly. His heel character have been overused to the point that every promo he throws is just too repetitive and not interesting.

Santino - I remember when he used to make me laugh. But now he's just mehh..

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