Who's going to turn heel? HHH or HBK?

I think if Shawn Michaels is going to behave like he did at Summerslam 2005, I don't want him to be a heel. I think HHH in DX mode is fine as a face, but as a serious heel like he was in 2002 and 2008, he's fucking boring. As a result, I think I probably want HHH to turn heel, because it plays into his hands. That being said, HHH vs HBK with Michaels as the heel hasn't ever been done, and it could breathe a bit of life into the old dog. As it is, I don't really know which I'd prefer, but it certainly looks like they're going down the Michaels road, and if that is the case, I think I'd much rather see HHH vs HBK than HBK vs Taker at WrestleMania.
Incase you forgot, DX was originally made to help establish Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, and X-Pac... as well as to give Triple H a bigger shine. And yet, they came back together countless of times.

Not to mention, even though WWE refuses to admit it, TNA is on their ass and bringing back a dominant heel stable would work perfectly. Granted, only one of them (probably HHH) could be world champion, but that's not the point in this case. The point is that if HHH goes heel we COULD see the reformation of Evolution.

And why not? After all that was a great storyline in SvR 09 :p

I was talking about the current DX :suspic:. The current DX doesn't bring up Shawn or Triple H , it's just a way of keeping them out the main event.

If any of them were to turn heel it would be Triple H,Triple H wants to be heel in fact last year , he gave a suggestion of turning heel and on top of that I think Shawn is to far in his career to have a heel turn , so basically Triple H would turn heel out of Shawn and himself , but I personally think they will both stay Face , until WrestleMania.

Also SVR 2009 is a game , they had zombies in it , it won't make for a good storyline in WWE.
I'm not gonna go into detail like I did before, but you cannot turn HHH heel. Who's your other ME heel? Orton, his most hated enemy, and the fact that there are lots of ME tags on RAW with heels working together..no no no. And don't say Orton face turn, that would be even worse.

HBK would be a better heel. So he's a christian. Big deal. This isn't the attitude era, you can be a heel without doing dastardly things, leave that to orton. It would be refreshing, and it wouldn't have to last long, you know he and HHH would make up eventually anyways.

And i thought i heard or read somewhere that HHH said he wanted to remain a face for the rest of his career?
Just announced for next week, Triple threat tag title match! SES vs Mizishow vs DX.!

this will set the stage for the Hell turn I bet, and after seeing HBK do his little trip out after the clean loss to Orton. It's pretty obvious now. Or then again, HHH could get totally pissed at HBK for costing them the belts.

So it could go either way.
I'd have to give the nod to Shawn here. Lets face it. We are going to see Shawn/Taker 2 at Mania. They can't not do it after this build up and I am looking forward to it. Somebody has to play heel here. Shawn has more to gain in reaction from being a heel in this situation in my opinion. If Undertaker is heel, noone cares for the streak and it's a waste of our time. The least memorable of the Undertakers Wrestlemania matches came as a heel... or against The Giant Gonzales.

If Shawn is heel... then he has the power to take away the streak and brag about it. He can dig his fingers in the wound and show us what he pulls out afterward. And he will be booed. I have said this for years. When the streak ends... don't play the winners music. Don't let the announcers speak. It will be silent! Imagine that!

Now realise that this is Shawn Michaels. One of the greatest ever. One of the few who can be beloved and despised by fans. And he can make the change overnight. He has 55 days until Wrestlemania. We can hate him passionately by then. Give a character that hated the power to crush our dreams? That's worth the price of a pay per view!
It's obvious that HBK will be the one turning heel since he's been playing this lunatic role as of late. HBK will be the one to cost DX the tag titles next week, after tonight, I have this strong feeling that he will screw the Undertaker out of the World title at EC (even made a thread about it, go check it out). The only problem is that since he's a born again Christian, it would be difficult to take michaels seriously as a heel..but I guess we'll just have to wait and see where they go from here.
I'm gonna go with Shawn playing heel this time around. Initially I thought he might stay face and I was still thinking it would be that after the Rumble, but after his elimination he started to get really rattled and go a little crazy. He's unraveling. He eliminated his tag team partner and best friend from the Rumble because of his desire and need to face the Undertaker at Mania. There is literally nothing more important to him right now and he will do anything to get to it- including betraying his allies. His EC qualifying loss is sure to add more fuel to the fire.

It will be interesting to see the lengths to which he'll go to get his spot. As some others have mentioned, I could definitely see him interfering with the Elimination Chamber match(es) to get to what he wants. He's always been resilient and strong-willed but this time it's more of his tragic flaw that takes him down the wrong path. He's so consumed by this that he'll do anything.
HBK's behavior tonight and at the rumble indicate a heel turn. Eliminating his BFF from the Royal Rumble? Check. Superkicking Refs? Check. Temper tantrums, complete with yanking off the super-face DX gear? Check and check. He's becoming obsessed and bitter about a WrestleMania match with Taker. I definitely see him interfering at Elimination Chamber, similar to what Edge did to participate in both EC Championship matches. Desperation will drive a man to do anything to achieve his goal.

HHH is playing the "no hard feelings" empathetic friend role; there are no signs of a heel turn for him right now. I personally would love for both HHH and HBK to turn heel. I miss the Cerebral Assassin.
They aren't going to break DX up....lose the titles maybe, but breakup no. Merchandise (on sale now at WWE.com) is selling way too well for them to break these guys up. I don't see these guys turning on each other, but I agree with the previous comment that HBK will continue to see all of his chances slip away and he'll snap by causing Taker to lose the title as a way to lure Taker into another Mania match. Wouldn't it be ironic if HBK did end up helping Jericho win the World title by screwing over Taker?!!! Thats much more plausible. Though it would mean more to the match if the title was up for grabs. Besides, it doesn't matter who faces Taker at Mania because he will never sacrifice the streak as its his legacy.
So many people speculating on whether it'll be HHH or Undertaker who faces Shawn at Mania.
Yeah...he's faced Undertaker a bunch of times before...but they've done the DX split before so much that it kind of lost it's flavor. This won't have the same excitement as an Undertaker/Michaels rematch with the streak on the line. It's what Shawn's been going after...and for it to finally happen at mania for Michaels' last match is the way it needs to go down.

HHH can do what he does best...be in title matches. Undertaker can drop it to Jericho at Elimination Chamber and HHH and Shameus can have their little feud.

Wrestlemania prediction (or at least the way I'd book it)

Edge vs. Jericho (title)
HHH vs SHameus (title)
Taker vs HBK
McMahon vs Hart
Orton vs DiBiase
Cena vs Batista

Those are 6 huge fucking matches for mania. Of course you'll have an undercard with the money in the bank, the tag titles and all that good stuff. But like I've said before....McMahon needs to go all out for this years Wrestlemania. Could be Taker and Michaels last one, Bret's coming back perfect opportunity to bring the audience back.

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