Who's Going To Replace Ferbian?

Who's The Next Moderator Going To Be?

  • nickb03

  • JGlass (permanent position)

  • Dirty Jose

  • Numbers

  • Crock

  • Angel

  • Wrestling is mediocare

  • hatehabsforever

  • LSN80

  • Milenko

  • Mitch Hennessey

  • Becker

  • Xemnas


  • Coco The Monkey

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Without me, the TNA section would look like a special education seminar. With maybe 2 or 3 teachers.
As a moderator for the entire wrestling section (Cause I doubt there's truly any need for adding a 4th moderator to the WWE section to balance that again) I'd say The Brain. He's been great. (Sorry Dave!)

Much appreciated, but I don't think I'd want the TNA section. I just don't watch it and I never go in that section. No disrespect to the TNA fans. I'm not trying to bash your show. I just rarely watch it so I don't have much interest in reading about it. I'll pick up old school if asked but also wouldn't mind seeing a new mod come in. Sly and KB will know what to do.
WWE Section doesn't need any more mods. The LD section however needs someone who is a true master of the copy & paste technique, a lost art and you are reading the words of it's last master.
I would go with Nick B.
That guy takes no BS.
Second choice - hatehabsforever

PS- I cant go anywhere on the forums but here or else my computer keeps updating DST.
I'm dissapointedt that I'm not here.
I'd vote Nick, he hates Matt Hardy with a passion so he gets good in my books.
I voted JGlass, don't see any real reason dude should be taken off the position. Kindof sad to see Ferbian step down, guy gave me my first infraction.
There's never any hard feelings. I broke a rule. It's my fault, not yours. Doc and I are hardcore bros and he warned me once.

With the regulars, I generally like to give them a little bit of lee-way. Then again, if you break a rule, you break a rule and you should get punished for it. Nevertheless, just don't break any rules and you wont get hit.

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