Who's Better? John Morrison or The Miz?

Who's better

  • The Miz

  • John Morrison

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"The Awesome One" The Miz or "The Friday Night Delight John Morrison

They have a long history with each other being both WWE and World tag team champions at seperate points. These 2 have feuded with each other and have even been using the moniker "Micheals and Jannetty" so my question is who will be the Micheals(STAR) and who will be the Jannetty(Mediocre)?

For a long time I was way more interested in Morrison because of his high flying move set and look but he has become REALLY (miz joke) boring in recent times. He doesn't get much time on the mic but when he does it's terribly bad, and now I'm kinda starting to see why a lot of people call him a spot monkey. His matches seem the same every week and really seem to have no purpose

The MIz on the other hand has in the short period of around 2-3 months the hottest thing going on in the WWE. He has been AWESOME on the mic and has really made me interested in his character. His wrestling has greatly improved and though not yet on the level of Morrisons, when you actually care about the wrestler is more fun to watch

So Ima Say

cause he's AWESOME
they both suck. boring and have zero talent. neither one of them can ever be a headliner. guys like hhh hbk and undertaker wont even bother looking at them

^ ^

Sounds like this guy needs a little enlightenment at the Palace of Wisdom.

Honestly, I like both these guys, and I don't think we should be comparing them to Michaels and Jannetty. I think they may end up like The Hardys or Edge and Christian. The thing about Marty Jannetty is that he never had the personality, charisma, or the mere determination to be a main-event caliber performer. Miz and Morrison both have all those characteristics.

Right now though, I may have to give the edge to the Miz. He's just absolutely on fire right now, and easily the hottest up-and-comer on RAW. I see him as someone who could end up with a career similar to Chris Jericho, or Roddy Piper. It might be a little bold to proclaim, but should he happen to be around when the next wrestling "boom" comes around, he could even reach the level of The Rock. He is absolute gold on the mic. I'm not gonna lie, the "AWESOME" catchphrase, I wasn't a big fan of it at first. But it's really grown on me. It's just so annoying and heelish, it fits his character perfectly. And if there's one thing that can elevate a wrestler to superstardom, it's a catchphrase.

Morrison definitely has the athletic upside over Miz. That's not a knock on Miz's skills, he's perfectly adept in the ring, but Morrison seeming defies gravity. I know alot of people compare him to Shawn Michaels. I see him as more of a Jeff Hardy-RVD kind of guy, the kind who rises to the top despite lacking top-notch mic skills. He's not terrible, in fact he's quite funny in segments. But he's not a "promo" guy, which could potentially hold him back a little longer than expected, also like RVD and Jeff Hardy.

So while both these guys are talented, and both have the tools to lead long, successful careers, I honestly see The Miz as the one who's more likely to reach that "Megastar" status.
Right now? If so then I'm going Miz. Talk about a guy who destroyed all expectations. Nitro/Morrison has constantly been called the future while Mike Mizanin was constantly called a joke. He got kicked around in the locker room and blasted by the fans, but now? He should win some type of new category in awards for what he's done. But as far as actual talent?

Mic - Miz wins this hands down. Most people assumed that Morrison was teamed with him to get some mic skills and he has grown a bit but Miz is one of the best promo guys going right now.

Talent - I judge this based on how excited I get watching a match. Miz carries an attitude in to his matches and it shows through his moves. Morrison,on the other hand, is constantly flipping out and doing new things. I don't dig the Morrison character but the guy is a great talent, no doubt. Will Miz be a human highlight reel? No. His matches are adequate and exciting at the same time. So if Morrison started doing new things with his character then he would win this but as of now I've got to go a tie.

So basically I think Miz is the better one now. He seems to love this business and is constantly improving everywhere. I'm not taking anything away from Morrison but he's pretty much the same since his ECW stint. I know this is an odd comparison but I almost liken these two to Trish and Lita. Trish came in as eye candy and wanted to improve and did so. Lita was an innovator in what she did and she did it well. As long as these two stay healthy then I don't see a reason we can't get a kind of Wrestlemania XX moment out of them sometime in the future.
Oh papa shango i strongly disagree with you look at the their past accomplishments john morrison multiple time tag team champion, multiple time intercontinental champion, and former ecw champion. john morrison could improve his mic skills but they are better when he's a heel. morrison has also proved he can put on matches with the top guys such as jeff hardy in their world title match also against edge, mysterio, and jericho. seems as if he's ready for a main event push wouldn't surprise me if he wins money in the bank. while miz is amazing on the mic he's an average wrestler but he's soldifying himself as a great midcarder he will be in the main event by next year.
Miz: As much as i hate the guy, he does have some skill on the mic. He can actually cut a very convincing promo and has an overall attitude that screams im awesome, i know it im simply better than you. He ring skills are sub par at best. He has a lot of potential and is currently on a role right now tho i really dont see him becoming that big of a player in the future.Im sure he will be big, just not as big as guys like taker hbk or hhh.

John morrison: This guy in my opinion has the whole package. Hes got the look, the style the in ring ability, the only thing thats holding him back is is mic skills. As a face, he sucks. he works much better as a heel. Hes purely amazing in the ring, always fun to watch. But when it comes to the future of these two, i gotta say i think morrison has the bigger future. Hes got main eventer written all over him.

But right now i have to give the edge to The miz, Its obvious hes currently receiving the bigger push but in the end i say Morrison will be the bigger star. So im going to go with John Morrison.
they both suck. boring and have zero talent. neither one of them can ever be a headliner. guys like hhh hbk and undertaker wont even bother looking at them

Did you switch your wwe programming off before Last year or havent been watching either show.. What a lame remark to post on this thread.

Now onto topic. Who is better? Im going to go with The Miz. The guy has reached his niche within the wwe and his career,not only can he hold your attention when speaking he can deliver a promo just as good as The Rock ,HHH ,Jericho ,or Rowdy Piper can do.
He has had a mega overhaul since his Anti-Cena stint and its Awesome.

I referred to The Miz as the next Jericho in a previous thread a few months back ,and as much as he resembles Jericho.. he has developed his own character with his mouth and transition inside the ring.
Miz is on a great role with the Unified titles and US Championship and hes far ahead then Kofi Kingston,Ted Dibiase or any other "future" superstar ,mark me if im wrong with that statement but thats my opinion..
I'm sorry but at this point how could you choose Morrison over the Miz? On the mic the Miz is miles ahead of Morrison. I've have found that when Morrison gives a promo there is no naturalness to it. It seems too robotic. The Miz has the edge there. And I think the crowds see that as well because the Miz gets genuine reaction while Morrison....doesn't.

As far as in the ring goes that's a close one but I also find the Miz to be better. While Morrison has his high flying moves they seem to be the same matches. I find the Miz more entertaining in the ring because he has a swagg to him. I think he needs a lot work still but I still would rather watch a Miz match before I watch Morrison.

So for now it goes to the Miz. I personally like him and think he could be the next true superstar.
Oh papa shango i strongly disagree with you look at the their past accomplishments john morrison multiple time tag team champion, multiple time intercontinental champion, and former ecw champion. john morrison could improve his mic skills but they are better when he's a heel. morrison has also proved he can put on matches with the top guys such as jeff hardy in their world title match also against edge, mysterio, and jericho. seems as if he's ready for a main event push wouldn't surprise me if he wins money in the bank. while miz is amazing on the mic he's an average wrestler but he's soldifying himself as a great midcarder he will be in the main event by next year.

I feel like the fact that Morrison's won all those titles and still hasn't broken into the main event is just further proof that he's lacing in something. WWE rarely gives guys titles unless they plan on pushing them to the top. How many times has Shelton Benjamin been given a chance to run with the ball? He's been a tag champ, US champ, and a multiple time IC champion. But everytime, despite his in ring prowess, he's just too bland to be given substantial, prime main event stature. Now, Morrison isn't nearly as vanilla as Shelton (which is a very, very wrong instance of irony), but there's no doubt that's what has kept him back. And yes, while he's wrestled Jeff Hardy and Edge and Mysterio and Jericho, remember that SD! isn't nearly as stacked as Raw. If Miz were on SD! he would have wrestled all those guys by now as well. But even on Raw, Miz has gotten to wrestle with or against guys like Big Show, HHH, HBK, CM Punk, and even got to feud with JOHN CENA. I guarantee you Morrison wouldn't be anywhere near Cena were his and Miz's places be switched. Creative would not book someone to face Cena unless they saw that person as a big asset, someone to include on the show in a prime capacity. Even with the roster stacked, Miz is a more important part of RAW than Morrison is to Smackdown.
Can you really go wrong with either of these guys? To put it simple, no. Miz is the hot hand right now, but Morrison I think has the better future. I'll go with Morrison just to be different, but I enjoy both of their work and both are stars on the rise and will have a place in the WWE for years to come.
Theo "Hitman" Mays;1824931 said:
Can you really go wrong with either of these guys? To put it simple, no. Miz is the hot hand right now, but Morrison I think has the better future. I'll go with Morrison just to be different, but I enjoy both of their work and both are stars on the rise and will have a place in the WWE for years to come.

I agree with Theo to a T. Both men are golden boys in the WWE right now, Miz more so. However, John Morrison appears to have the brighter future and that takes nothing away from the Miz. The Miz has come into his own as of the last few months, he has improved on the mic, in the ring by leaps and bounds and has my favorite theme song in the WWE right now. However, I think JoMo has more of the top WWE look and charisma. Both men could and may be World champions in the future but I think Miz will go the route of Jericho where he has shorter title reigns where as JoMo has longer and more reigns.

Regardless, both men are fantastic right now.
I'm going to have to go with John Morrison, mainly because I'm a guy who values workrate over charisma. If you're good enough in the ring, that can be your charisma. I like both of these guys, have for awhile, but I've definitely found Morrison to be far more consistent int he ring than Miz is. In fact, I really don't think Miz is above average in the ring. He can be good, but nothing he does really pops out to me like Morrison does. It helps that Morrison has been paired with alot of really talented people to feud with, including Mysterio, Punk, Jeff Hardy, etc. Miz is definitely better on the mic, no doubt about that, but I've yet to really see a singles match that Miz has had where I just thought to myself "Wow, this guy IS awesome!", whereas I've thought that several times when watching Morrison work. His match with Rey in September of last year was an instant MOTYC.

I'm going with Morrison. He's just the better worker of the two.
I agree with Theo to a T. Both men are golden boys in the WWE right now, Miz more so. However, John Morrison appears to have the brighter future and that takes nothing away from the Miz. The Miz has come into his own as of the last few months, he has improved on the mic, in the ring by leaps and bounds and has my favorite theme song in the WWE right now. However, I think JoMo has more of the top WWE look and charisma. Both men could and may be World champions in the future but I think Miz will go the route of Jericho where he has shorter title reigns where as JoMo has longer and more reigns.

Regardless, both men are fantastic right now.

The Miz' theme song absolutely sucks. How on Earth can you find that trash enjoyable? I thought you had better tastes than that.

Morrison unquestionably has the brighter future. He is better in the ring than The Miz, and also has the better look to him.

Morrison is also someone who has proven that he can successfully pull off being either a Face or a Heel, and I go back and forth with whether Miz can pull off a successful Face. It's possible, but I need to see him do it first. His debut as a Host for Smackdown does not count as far as being a Face is concerned.

But it appears as of right now due to his in-ring ability and his success with playing both Face and Heel, that Morrison's future is a little bit brighter than The Miz right now.
The Miz is better in the mic skills, but I John Morrison puts on a better show in the ring IMO. I would rather see a promo from the Miz then watch his skull crushing finale. He is good none the less and I am sure he will reach main event status this year if he hasn't aleady reached it. John Morrison has been there for a long time and hasn't gotten anything better then Intercontinental Championship and I think this is his year as well.
But overall what counts more is the mic skills and charisma, John Cena being a good examle.
So I give Miz the edge on this one for now.
I go back and forth with whether Miz can pull off a successful Face. It's possible, but I need to see him do it first.

That's the thing though, The Miz is the type of guy where all they would have to do is put him up against a heel and he'd be a face. It's just like Piper, Jericho, The Rock... they were so entertaining that they just turned face, because the fans liked them so much. And all three of those guy could transition easily from heel to face. I could see the same thing happening with Miz. Whereas, Morrison gets only an above average reaction whether he's heel or face. I hate pulling this card, but I really think he'd need a manager to make the main event scene. It's like Davey Boy Smith; he could do his talking in the ring, but he still needed Jim Cornette and Owen Hart to do his talking for him on the mic.
Morrison is also someone who has proven that he can successfully pull off being either a Face or a Heel, and I go back and forth with whether Miz can pull off a successful Face. It's possible, but I need to see him do it first. His debut as a Host for Smackdown does not count as far as being a Face is concerned.

Great point Sid. Miz is over enough that pitted against a heel, like Shango said would ultimately turn him face. But I too am not sure Miz would be a successful face. He is a great heel and that is probably where he will stay, as it fits him to a T. Morrison, while not the best of faces is still solid and is a solid heel. Miz just has that attitude about him that I just can't see him ever going face.
Are we talking about in the ring, or in general? For ring work, I'm going to have to say John Morrison, and for Mic work, I will go with The Miz. He really knows how to piss people off.
It helps that Morrison has been paired with alot of really talented people to feud with, including Mysterio, Punk, Jeff Hardy, etc. Miz is definitely better on the mic, no doubt about that, but I've yet to really see a singles match that Miz has had where I just thought to myself "Wow, this guy IS awesome!", whereas I've thought that several times when watching Morrison work. His match with Rey in September of last year was an instant MOTYC.

I'm going with Morrison. He's just the better worker of the two.

I'm going to have to agree with Eko here. The match with Mysterio on Smackdown was an instant classic and Morrison's body of work in the ring speaks for itself. Whereas Miz has yet to really have a stand-alone great match. Keep in mind I was a huge mark for the Miz when they were teaming and I wanted him to be the break-out star. It's just that I can see a bright future for John Morrison, maybe even in the form of a future Royal Rumble winner, if not definitely Money in the Bank. I just don't see those kinds of things in the Miz's future.

I think JoMo has more of the top WWE look and charisma.

This also factors in huge. Morrison just has the look of a WWE "superstar". Period.

The Miz' theme song absolutely sucks. How on Earth can you find that trash enjoyable?

Lol gonna have to agree with you here Siddy Boy. I was actually a huge mark for Miz's old generic music.

His debut as a Host for Smackdown does not count as far as being a Face is concerned.

Lol thanks for bringing that up. I had successfully stored it away. HOO-RAH!!! That was a shitty run as a face tho, yes...

Oh and I forgot Siddy Boy, what did I ever do to gain bad rep? I'm new here, and I wanna fix that. I aim to improve and become one of your favourite posters. Gimme some rep.
Morrison by far, he's shown that he can hold his own as a singles competitor, as for miz he's spent his career on riging peoples coat tails Morrison, show, even Extreme Expose.
Morrison deserves to be a main eventer and for the Miz................
Im going to go with The Miz. Right now he is doing better than Morrison with being U.S/tag team champ. Plus he has surprise most people including myself.When he debuted i was like "Look what we got here a Real World reject trying to wrestle" but damn he has took his bumps in the road took his hazing from the other established superstars. Plus Miz is SOOO much better on the mic than Morrison. John Morrison is just too boring plus most of his moves he stole from either Christoper Dainels or AJ Styles.Also as a heel Miz knows how to push those buttons that make people really hate him.And the MIz is on the A show RAW.
I'm not sure one will necessarily out-succeed the other. I have to agree with most that while The Miz is superior on the mic and, even as a character, his matches have never really been "awesome" like Morrison matches...but, really, how much is a match worth? In my opinion Cena, HHH, and Batista have never had "awesome" matches either, but they're about as big name as you get.

Morrison has more potential to have an HBK type of career if he seriously works on his mic skills; The Miz has more potential to have a Y2J if he seriously improves his in-ring ability...okay, I'm way too much of a Jericho fan to take that line of thought too seriously. I really don't think either of them will be the same HOF caliber as HBK or Y2J, but we won't know for, what, another ten or fifteen years or so? Miz and Morrison (conveniently) are both about seven years into their careers; comparatively, HBK still hadn't barbershopped Jannetty and Chris Jericho had just jumped ship from ECW to WCW to wrestle in their Cruiserweight division. The point is that it's kind of hard to know for sure (especially at the rate wrestlers die nowadays) whose gonna have the better career. If I had to guess, I'd go Morrison though.
I'm gonna have to say The Miz. But they both have problems. Morrison is excellent in the ring, but horrible on the mic. The Miz is excellent in the mic, but average in the ring. But that's the thing. The Miz may be average in the ring, but he's NOT horrible in the ring. Morrison is horrible on the mic, not average on the mic. So The Miz overall is in a better position than Morrison. You don't need to be a high flyer to be considered good. Most main eventers wrestle in The Miz's style anyway. And if The Miz gets abs, bulks up (he's already tall, so that's not a problem), and continues to train in his move-set/wrestling style, he will be above and beyond Morrison for sure.

The Miz, as of right now, is better, and has the brighter future.
Im going to go with The Miz. Right now he is doing better than Morrison with being U.S/tag team champ. Plus he has surprise most people including myself.When he debuted i was like "Look what we got here a Real World reject trying to wrestle" but damn he has took his bumps in the road took his hazing from the other established superstars. Plus Miz is SOOO much better on the mic than Morrison. John Morrison is just too boring plus most of his moves he stole from either Christoper Dainels or AJ Styles.Also as a heel Miz knows how to push those buttons that make people really hate him.And the MIz is on the A show RAW.

Morrison's moveset has been around a LOT longer than Styles or Daniels. It's just not typical to see high flyers in WWE anymore.

Anywho...I'd have to say I'm torn. While Morrison may not be as good on the mic, the man pulled off a couple impressive promos during his initial run against McIntyre, namely the Braveheart promo. The issue with Morrison is, how do you portray a high-flying Jim Morrison without making it look too silly? Either way, the guy has an IMPRESSIVE moveset, and manages to mix up his ring work effectively.

Miz...I'd say is in a better place for now being on the flagship program, but Raw isnt about technical skill and ability, it's about being able to work the crowd, be it in a match or a promo. The Miz is handling his title run VERY well, being as cocky as he needs to be without managing to look too scripted. He doesnt seem to rely on the other person to drive the promo, which was apparent with Jon Heder, or any of the segments he had against Morrison.

I dont think we'll be having a Michaels/Janetty issue this time around. I think the fact that Miz's current character and push is separate from their tag team run, and that Morrison is already at DVD status will ensure both of them having a strong career. I WILL agree however, with the previous statement: Morrison may end up like Jericho, but it'll be a HELL of a run.
Miz will be the next Rock, but it'll take time, the same way it took time to make The Rock into the mic worker he was.
If someone had posted this a year, hell even 6 mos ago, it would have been a no brainer. It would have been Morrison hands down. Now, I'm not so sure. I fast forward thorugh alot of things when I watch wrestling, but 2 things I won't skip are a Miz promo or a Morrison match. So I guess the real question is what defines better, mic or mat? Obviously, the total package is optimal, but history shows that you can make up for ring skills with mc skills. Look at Stone Cold, Hogan, The Rock, Cena, etc. Not that great in the ring, but GOLD on the mic. Bottom line, if your mic work sucks, it's rare that you can be successful. There are exceptions (i.e. Jeff Hardy), but overall, wrestling is entertainment. And if you can't entertain...well. So on that note, I have to (slightly) begrudgingly go with the Miz.
I'm sure someone's already offered this opinion but I believe Morrison's better in the ring and Miz is better out of it. Put simply Miz has a level of charisma and promo ability that Morrison does not, while Jo-Mo can do things in the ring Miz could only dream of. That's not to say Miz is bad in the ring, but his abilities are more limited than Morrison.

If you'd asked me this a year ago I'd have said Morrison wins no contest but his push fizzled into nothingness and Miz has really come along leaps and bounds so perhaps in a year from now Miz will be the overall winner. The fact he's holding double gold right now does help his case.

If you put a gun to my head for an answer I'd go Morrison purely out of personal preference but I think they're two halves of a fantastic coin. It's what made them a great tag team, Miz was great at drawing them heat, Morrison gave them in-ring credibility.
You have got to be kidding!!! The Miz is about the worst thing in WWE since Sgt. Slaughter was a heel. Morrison has the look,chrisma,athletic abillity then the Miz. Yes mic skills are questionable but he can improve that. Miz is a total idiot, his look is worst the the Boogyman. I will predect that this time next year that Morrison will be in the Championship hunt and may hold the title for a while. The Miz is nothing more then a failed reality star who wasn't any good back when he 1st started in the WWE. He is not "awesome" he "sucks"

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