Who would you have added to the Attitude Era

My answer, no1.

If I had the power to change things, the only 2 things I would of changed (if I had healing hands) would be that Austin and The Undertaker weren't out as long as they were.

Undertaker would of needed to stay out for a month or two to change from the Deadman to the ABA, but I would of wanted him back for Mania 16 at the latest.

As for Austin, I would of wanted to see him take part in the greatest Triple Threat match ever at Survivor Series, then put Rocky over the next night on Raw in a number one contenders match (then Armageddon could of been The Rock winning the WWF title in Florida, then have Austin come back, win the Rumble and then WrestleMania 16 be Austin v Rock and Triple H v Taker).

But now I am waffling on about too much change.

To end, the attitude era didn't need any1 else.

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